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skkn cấp tỉnh some active group activities to help students develop english skills in teaching the project section of the english 10 textbook

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Author: Mai Thị Thùy HươngOccupation: Teacher

Experiential initiative on: English


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2.3 Some solutions used to resolve the problem 5

2.4 The results reached after the application: 8

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1 INTRODUCTION1.1 Reasons to choose the topic:

The goal of English is to form and develop students' basic skills in English and theintellectual qualities needed to continue studying or entering working life Therefore,new high school English textbooks from grade 10 to grade 12 are compiled according tothe same programmatic perspective, which is the thematic approach and promote theactive learning methods of students.

These foreign language teaching and learning needs require a comprehensivechange in all educational levels, majors, materials, facilities, methods, attitudes andmotivations of all subjects subjects participating in the process of teaching and learningforeign languages, specifically English Facing those requirements, the Ministry ofEducation and Training has implemented the national foreign language project 2020according to Decision No 1400/QDTTg dated September 30, 2008 The project has setthe general goal of "comprehensively innovating foreign language teaching and learningin the national education system" "aims that by 2020, the majority of Vietnamese youngpeople will be able to use foreign languages independently." independent, confident incommunication, learning and working in an integrated, multilingual, multiculturalenvironment; Turn foreign languages into the strength of Vietnamese people, serving thecause of industrialization and modernization of the country."

At the High School level, teaching English not only helps students develop communication skills based on the English program at the Primary and Middle School levels but also equips students to Lifelong learning skills to continuously learn and develop future working capacity The requirements have initially been realized in the English textbook 10 Global Success of Vietnam Education Publishing House

English 10 Global Success is built on a communication approach, helping studentsform and develop communication skills through practicing the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing and language knowledge including phonetics , vocabulary, grammar according to the program framework After finishing the English 10 program, students can achieve Level 3-1 according to the 6-level Foreign Language Competency Framework for Vietnam.

To learn more about this part as well as maximize the effectiveness it brings, we have



With successful research of this topic, this experience initiative helps teachers getthe following experience:

- Find out students' attitudes towards learning through large exercises based learning) to develop English skills in small groups.

(Project Find out to what extent the application of large exercises to develop English skills for10th grade students at Ly Nhan High School is effective.

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- On that basis, draw notes when applying teaching and learning guidelines through largeexercises for teachers as well as students.

1.3 Object of the study

The topic revolves around study of teaching and learning English at high schooland teachers and students in grades 10 in Thach Thanh I high schoolI But the object oftypical research that I have boldly applied this topic is 10C1, 10C2,10C3 grade students.

3 Experimental method: Teachers conduct teaching according to each purpose,specifically require some teaching lessons.

4 Methods of investigation: Teachers ask questions to check and assess thecontent of students' content.

2 CONTENT 2.1 Theoretical basis:

2.1.1 Learning method through large projects/exercises (Project-basedlearning- PBL)

There are many definitions of teaching methods through largeprojects/assignments Each definition addresses an aspect that the author wants toaddress.

Many people believe that learning through large projects/assignments requiresthree conditions:

+ There is a problem to be solved (venue),

+ There is self-control and adjustment among members (inter-disciplined characteristic)+ Learners' autonomy (students' autonomy)

According to the above scholars, to ensure the three conditions above, each majorassignment must have the following characteristics:

- Takes place outside the classroom.

- Topics of major projects/assignments must be in the course curriculum.

- Learners must set their own plans and goals to achieve after completing theproject.

The method of learning through large exercises is a highly instructive approach.Teachers must create situations for learners by stating the problem that students need tosolve or providing a model of the product that students need to make after completing theproject Therefore, the most important point of this direction is to clearly see, measure, aspecific product or an optimal solution for a specific problem.

Learning through projects has the most general characteristics of being based onspecific tasks, specific activities, within a certain period of time and after the end of theproject, a specific result will be achieved can To be more specific, projects are complex

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tasks, based on difficult tasks or difficult problems that need to be solved In eachproject, the implementer must have plans, have many ways to solve the problem, chooseand decide on appropriate solutions, and specific activities to solve that problem Onething to note is that the project coach must give the implementers the opportunity to workautonomously, a reasonable amount of time and help them visualize what the productthey need to achieve is.

Each scholar has a different definition of Project-based Learning, but they all drawout the common characteristics of this direction as follows:

1 Project-based Learning must be part of the curriculum.

2 Project-based Learning must be focused and the questions and problems raisedneed to be resolved within the knowledge and skills standards of the subject.

3 Project-based Learning helps students see their own progress during the processof implementing and completing projects.

4 Project-based Learning must be done by students themselves.

5 Project-based Learning must be practical, not just empty theories in books.Through the teaching process at Thach Thanh 1 High School since applying thenew textbook program for the 2021-2022 school year with the English 10 Global successbook series, I have applied the method of using a number of activities Small groups arevery effective in teaching the "Project" part Depending on each major topic in thelessons corresponding to each Unit, I organize appropriate group activities for thestudents in my class You can have advantages when studying the "Project" section as Iorganize it as follows:

The first reason is that their time is very limited The second reason is that aroundchildren there are many sources of information in books and newspapers, in libraries,individuals as well as in other media Another very important reason is that this type ofproject saves travel costs to find out the problem and above all ensures safety for studentswhen performing tasks without direct supervision of teachers pellets.

Children's information sources are mainly from books, newspapers, magazines inthe library or from individuals, and mass media A typical feature of this type of projectis that students will have to choose a specific topic, find all relevant documents, read andsynthesize to find a solution in presentation or written form.

2.2 The reality of teaching listening English at Thach Thanh I high 2.2.1 Advantages:

a About teachers:

- The first step is to approach relatively good use of specific teaching techniques - - Being used and active with the way of organizing a lesson.

- Flexible coordination of teaching techniques.

- Create a variety of teaching aids suitable to the content of lessons, so manyteaching lessons become lively, charismatic and highly effective.

- Using modern teaching equipment to serve the process well teach: cassette tapes,phototherapy

b About students:

Project-based Learning has the following advantages:

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- Increase motivation for learners- Four language skills are integrated

- Helps learners be self-aware and responsible for their own learning- There are results after project implementation

- Helps students gain exposure to real-life situations

- Supportive relationships between group members are established

- Content and methods are discussed by teachers and students, thereby enhancingstudent-centered learning.

- Create conditions for students to receive support from their families in theirstudies Therefore, parents will understand more about their children's learning at school

- Create opportunities for students to break old learning habits and learn in a morecreative way

- Practical situations will help students gain experience and knowledge to presentaccurately and fluently.

2.2.2 The existence

However, when implementing the Project-based Learning teaching method, thereare also disadvantages, especially in English classes where the mother tongue is mainlyused This teaching and learning approach also faces many obstacles in classrooms withdifferent levels of students:

- Some students are not able to work in groups.

- Some students do not have the skills to conduct scientific research such asformulating research questions, solving difficulties during project implementation,analyzing data and providing criticism to defend your opinion.


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- The purpose of this stage is to help students clearly define the project topic anddevelop an implementation plan During this stage, teachers need to help students askspecific questions such as:

1 What problem needs to be solved in the project, and how many parts areincluded?

2 In what form will the project be carried out?3 Who will take on what responsibilities?4 How much time does each part take?5 What resources will need to be used?

2.3.2 Good implementation: Communicate results

This activity takes place once the students have completed the project Sharing the results of your research can take place in the form of presentations between group

members or between groups Mutual evaluation (in addition to teacher evaluation) between members, within groups or between groups can be based on criteria such as content, layout, language of expression or presentation This evaluation process can be for the purpose of getting points or to exchange knowledge and evaluate the effectivenessof the project.

These are the topics of all units in Class book 10.Unit 1: Family life

Project: Doing research on Family Day in Viet Nam or other countriesUnit 2: Humans and the environment

Project: Planning activities for a Go Green Weekend EventUnit 3: Music

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Project: Doing research on a form of traditional music in Vietnam or on other countries.

Unit 4: For a better community

Project: Doing research on a volunteer project in your community.Unit 5: Inventions

Project: Collecting information about an existing invention for the classroom or creating a new one.

Unit 6: Gender Equality

Project: Doing a survey on students’ future jobUnit 7: VietNam and International Organisations

Project: Doing research on an international organisation.Unit 8: New ways to learn

Project: Doing a survey to find out how students use electronic devices to learnUnit 9: Protecting the environment

Project: Doing research on a local or an international environmental organisationUnit 10: Ecotourism

Project: Designing an ecotour to a local attraction.

2.3.3: A detailed lesson:

Unit 2: Humans and the environment

Project: Planning activities for a Go Green Weekend Event• Teacher guides students through the following steps:

- The teacher divides the students in the class into 5 groups.

- Groups meet and draw topics corresponding to the organizing themes of "a green weekend activity".

- Each meeting group agrees on the outline and content according to the selected topic- According to assignment, each group searches for information about related topics in books, newspapers, magazines, the Internet, to solve a specific problem related to the topic they choose Each group writes an article of about 300 words about the assigned content in English, including a summary of the information collected and the group's opinions on that information.

- Each group writes down their impressions of what they learned about English through the process of doing this exercise (with specific examples) In this section, students must clearly state the difficulties (if any) and how to overcome them All must be written in English.

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• Teachers guide students on how to conduct a project, steps, and assignments of group members At the same time, teachers guide students on how to write reports and present their reports.

• The product you need to submit is a report on the results of the project that your group has carried out in Words format, a Power point slide summarizing the project

implementation process, and a recorded video clip presentation in English by the whole group Before submitting to teachers, groups will be assigned cross-assessment between groups in the form of review and scoring.

Teachers evaluate based on the way of working, the layout of each project and themethod of solving problems of each project without paying much attention to spelling and grammatical errors in the writing In presentations, teachers pay a lot of attention to the persuasiveness of the project through whether the presentation is confident and fluentor not, whether the accent and intonation are reasonable, and how to communicate with the listener through gestures and gestures.

After the groups complete their group activities within two weeks The teacher will organize students representing 5 groups to present to the class using Power Point andhave one student present in English After the 5-group presentation, the teacher will review the groups' products along with the evaluation and comments and give the most general notes to each group to learn from the next exercises Groups consult to learn from experience, find what has been done and what hasn't been done, and continue to prepare for the next tasks.

For instance: Below are some pictures from group activity videos of 10th grade C1students, Thach Thanh 1 High School They did group activities effectively, under the guidance of teachers Each group made a slide on the group's topic Build green activitiesfor your group on weekends The slide has vivid and useful illustrations suitable for children's age When preparing the slides, the students in the group cooperated and

consulted many documents and online, then a student representing the group will present to the class and their peers You will receive a rating slip from the teacher to score your presentation and the group score The teacher will give specific points to each group based on your assessment and her own.

Group 1:

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Group 2:

Group 3:

Ngày đăng: 13/06/2024, 20:21


