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skkn cấp tỉnh some methods of studying effectively for the 9th grade students to prepare for 10th grade entrance exam at dien lu secondary school

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1 INTRODUCTION1.1 Rationale

Vietnam is on its way to integrate deeper with friends around the world.

Learning English, therefore, has become urgent need than ever The Ministry ofEducation and Training implemented the project "Teaching and learning foreignlanguages in the national education system", in the new period 2020 – 2025 is achange for teachers and learners to approach English in the future to meet theauthentic demand in the era of integration

Stemming from that purpose, the teaching and learning of foreignlanguages in secondary schools has changed markedly Foreign languages havebecome one of the three compulsory subjects in the high school graduationexam English has been covered in schools everywhere Along with therenovation of textbooks and teaching methods, the innovation of testing andassessment is a very important step in the teaching and learning process.Innovation in teaching methods and innovation in assessment are two closelyrelated activities.

The renovation of assessment includes many stages, many contents.Knowing how to prepare for 10th Grade entrance exam can be stressful -especially when you are 9th grade students facing 10th Grade entrance exam,which can

have a big impact on your final grade While it is normal to feel a little anxious,there really is nothing to worry about By knowing how to study effectively, youcan prepare for your 10th Grade entrance exam like an expert Thus, I think thatimproving the quality for 9th grade students taking 10th entrance exam so

learning, accumulate knowledge and skills, and create a lively atmosphere inclass.

1.2 The aim of research

I always define myself as a teacher who has the role of guiding,motivating and encouraging students to promote their positivity and initiative,helping them to acquire knowledge and use language fluently Besidesimproving the efficiency of class time and promoting creative dynamism, I amalways dedicated to look for creativity in teaching hours, but first of all, I haveto understand the focus of each lesson, convey it properly and sufficiently, butalways determine that the ultimate goal of language teaching English is to helpstudents master language skills to apply in real life Therefore, with newmethods that have been learned, teachers must have the task of guiding studentsto study effectively, creating every favorable opportunity for students todemonstrate their understanding of English as much as possible.

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1.3 The object of the study

To research the ways of studying strategies and methods of improving the

quality for 9th grade students taking 10th grade entrance exam that will help grade9 students at Dien Lu secondary school to help them overcome difficulties andbe excited and interested in studying effectively before the exam and when it istime to take the test.

1.4 The methods of the study :

During the study, I used the following methods:

- Survey and investigation are applied to investigate the quality of students whendo tasks through class activities.

- Observation is applied to observe how excited the students are during the timethey join in activities.

- The suggestive and communicative approach is applied to help students if theyhave difficulties.

- Analysis,statistics, synthesis, comparation and assessment are applied to assessthe progress of students when they approach with new methods.


2.1 Theoretical background :

Teaching and Learning activities always need feedback to make timelyadjustments, in order to create the highest efficiency, reflected in the quality ofstudent learning Regular testing helps teachers to adjust and supplement theknowledge, skills and attitudes that the subject sets out, and at the same time, itwill help students form the right learning motivation and attitude from which toaccumulate acquire the necessary knowledge and skills The innovation ofwritten examination in the classroom not only helps to create a lively learningatmosphere but also helps students avoid rote learning, passive learning, andperverse learning, there by promoting the activeness and initiative of students.and bring high efficiency in teaching and learning.

Most of the students at my school are ethnic minority students in thecountryside, some of them speak Vietnamese influently, and their subjectknowledge is much lacking, so many of them do not really like this subject Thisleads to a low self-awareness of many students To deal with teachers, they oftenuse the book "Learn English well" without bothering to learn vocabulary orpractice skills.

Although the semester exams focus on checking grammar, readingcomprehension skills, writing sentences, moreover, there is a part of them inmultiple-choice format, so many students have neglected to study the old lessonsand practice skills that rely solely on luck in taking the test The traditional testof old lessons is usually to call 1 or 2 students to the board to write new wordsor answer questions This is both time consuming and psychologically stressfulfor students, moreover, it is impossible to test many children at the same time.Therefore, it is not possible to assess the student's ability In addition, it is a factthat students who already have oral marks often neglect to study their oldlessons because they think that the teacher will not call them anymore, and the

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remaining weak subjects, no matter how many times they call to the blackboard,they will never call them again, lesson time.

All of the above factors make students lazy and passive in learning, andthe quality of teaching and learning is not high On that basis, I appliedinnovations in English teaching classes.

2.2 Problems emerged before the study was acted

Currently, in high schools, like other subjects, English teaching andlearning is taking place along with the renovation of educational methods, therenewal of textbooks, and the reduction of the curriculum content to suit theneeds of students with students' awareness, making students have access tomodern content and knowledge However, as the school is located in aparticularly difficult area, the facilities are still lacking, the students' ability toacquire knowledge is slow, so teaching and learning English is also difficult,especially the exam students'

- Most of the students are from ethnic minorities, they often lack confidence andthey even have little time to study as they have to help their parents at home.They think that English is a difficult subject, especially when asked in a newlanguage due to their limited vocabulary and poor grammar.

- Many students live far away from their parents, they do not have someone toremind them to study, they lack of interest in studying and often do notmemorize old lessons.

- They react slowly when being asked

-To have accurate basis for determining innovative solutions, find out the way tosolve the problem, from the beginning of school year 2021 – 2022, I conducted asurvey for gifted students in grade 9 and obtained the following results:

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By the statistical results showed that the percentage of weak students arestill quite high This shows that students are not interested in studying oldlessons, so the essential problem is how to make students excited about doingtheir homework and revising the lessons before taking the exam carefully I haveproposed solutions and used following methods to perform.

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Teachers must redesign the requirements, exercises in the textbook orcreate similar exercises to avoid students using the keys in the "Good StudyGuide" to deal with the teacher.

2.3.2 Pedagogical requirements of studying effectively for the 9th gradestudents to prepare for 10th grade entrance exam

Create favorable conditions for students to respond naturally and fully totheir understanding Based on the students' oral responses and hands-onactivities, the true state of their knowledge and skills is discovered.Teachers'attitude and treatment of students also have great significance during oralexamination Teachers need to know how to listen to the answers, know howto monitor students' activities and on that basis draw conclusions about students'knowledge.

In the process of students answering a question with many errors ormistakes, if there is no necessary reason, the teacher should not interrupt thestudent The same mistake, but the teacher must know which mistakes should becorrected immediately and which should be left to students to answer.

It is advisable to combine the methods of testing and to be able to testmany students at the same time, while calling some students to the board, theteacher assigns other questions to the students below the class and then collectstheir notebooks some children to dot Thanks to those additional questions,teachers can visualize the quality of students' knowledge.

2.3.3 Some methods of studying effectively for the 9th grade students toprepare for 10th grade entrance exam

As we all know, taking the 10th entrance exam is a compulsory andimportant with the 9th grade students Therefore, this activity must be diverse toavoid boredom, monotony, create a lively atmosphere in the classroom and helpstudents learn more effectively Every student has different ways of studying, sothere is no foolproof method that works for everyone But teachers can apply thefollowing methods: Self - study to enrich your knowledge

Self-study has always been the most effective exam preparation method,especially for 9th grade teens preparing for the 10th grade entrance exam Self-study allows individuals to explore, research, and solve difficult questions ontheir own It helps grasp the essence of the lesson and enhances memorization.Independent thinking is enhanced through self-study, quickly filling knowledgegaps Allocate time for self-study and arrange a conducive study environment toachieve the highest review efficiency.

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Self-study has always been the most effective exam preparation method Encouraging students to create a study outline

If you've ensured to closely follow the basic knowledge in textbooks,create your own study outline A study outline is the systematization of essentialknowledge, necessary to be memorized as notes or tables Creating a studyoutline helps students have the most comprehensive view of the amount ofknowledge to be learned as well as the logical aspect for each lesson This willlead to an appropriate review plan It's one of the most effective exampreparation methods for 9th grade teens.

Creating a study outline gives students the most comprehensive view of theamount of knowledge to be learned

Trang 8 Rational exam preparation time allocation

The 10th grade entrance exam doesn't just stop at one subject, but at leasttwo, even four subjects Therefore, it's crucial to allocate exam preparation timereasonably for each subject You can't study all subjects at once, as it will causeboredom and stress Thus, it's essential to allocate time for each subject as wellas study, rest, and leisure time appropriately…

The advice for you is to study in the morning, not study for too long, 45 to 60minutes per subject is the most reasonable time, take a 10-minute break beforecontinuing to study.

Reasonably allocating study time for each subject is crucial Solidify knowledge as you go

Solidifying knowledge as you go is one of the most effective methods for9th-grade teens preparing for the 10th-grade entrance exam Many studentsfocus only on the logical quantity of problems However, cramming leads toforgetting what's learned earlier, not understanding the essence of the problem,resulting in reduced application skills To prepare effectively for the exam, 9th-grade teens should remember to study diligently and thoroughly Only then canthey easily apply the knowledge during the exam.

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Studying thoroughly ensures effective preparation for the 10th-grade entranceexam Stick to the basics in textbooks

Many people believe that studying advanced and expanded knowledge isbetter than focusing on the basic knowledge provided in textbooks This isincorrect Most exam questions closely follow the basic knowledge taught intextbooks Therefore, when preparing for the exam, stick to the fundamentalconcepts in textbooks to avoid scattered learning and lack of focus Bymastering the fundamental concepts in textbooks, you can then easily expand tomore advanced knowledge.

Stick to the fundamental concepts in textbooks to avoid scattered learning andlack of focus

Trang 10 Challenge yourself with past exam papers

Whether you're preparing for any exam, challenging yourself with pastexam papers is always essential Past exam papers are a treasure trove ofcomprehensive knowledge that allows learning to go hand in hand with practicalapplication, maximizing the use of the revised knowledge Attempting pastexam papers for the 10th-grade entrance exam helps students identify theirstrengths and weaknesses, thereby gaining additional experience and skills,ensuring high scores in the actual exam.

Picture 1:Challenging yourself with past exam papers is always essential

Picture 2: Students are challenging themselves with past exam papers

Trang 11 Study in groups

Studying in groups is one of the most effective methods for preparing forthe 10th-grade entrance exam that 9th-grade teens should not overlook if theywant to achieve high scores in the test Besides self-study, group study is alsocrucial Many people bring different opinions, exchange various problem-solving methods, share experiences, provide correct and incorrect feedback, andcreate motivation to strive together All of these contribute significantly toachieving high results in the exam.

Besides self-study, group study is also crucial Memory techniques

The most common justification and complaint among weak students istheir poor memory Whereas good students know that there is no such thing as agood or bad memory, but rather whether that memory has been trained or not.

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By practicing memory techniques, students can fully encode and subsequentlyrecall all the events and figures in their notes effortlessly.

Memory Techniques Maintain Positive Beliefs

The first commonality among all outstanding students is that they have a verypositive belief system They believe they CAN and DESERVE to achieveabsolute excellence This positive belief inspires them strongly in their studies.If, for instance, they make a mistake or fail to achieve what's set out, they don'tgive up but instead learn from their mistakes and keep trying until they succeed.

Maintain a positive mindset

Ngày đăng: 17/06/2024, 08:49
