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skkn cấp tỉnh some solutions help students of quan son secondary and high school in grade 9 do reading exercises effectively in the 10th grade entrance exam

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1.1 The reason for choosing the topic 2

1.2 The purpose of the research 2

1.3 The objects of the research 3

1.4 The method of the research 3


2.1 The rationale of the experienced initiave 3

2.2 The real situation before applying the experienced initiave 3

2.3.The solutions of implementation……… 4

2.3.1 Equipping the reading method……… 4 Skimming ……… 4 Scanning ……… 6

2.3.2 Improving the reading skill……… 8 Broadening the vocabulary and knowledge 8 Improving the ability of reasoning……… 9

2.3.3 Providing the skills to do some types of reading exercises… 10 Filling in the gap with one suitable word……… 10 Answering the questions by choosing the best choice…… 12 Reading the passage and answering the questions……… 14

2.4.The effect of the experienced initiative 15


3.1 Conclusion 16

3.2 Suggestion 1

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1.1 The reason for choosing the topic

English plays a vital role in the development of society by facilitatingglobal communication, enabling access to information and education, enhancingemployability, promoting cultural exchange, driving innovation and research,and fostering social mobility As the world becomes increasingly interconnected,the importance of English proficiency is likely to continue growing It is theeffective implement to integrate into the region and the world, the mean toapproach the information technology and science, the good way to understandthe culture of the countries in the world as well as the important events… Withall above reasons, Vietnam’s education and training has given the vital target forthe foreign subject: the syllabus of English is to form and develop students’knowledge and basic skills about English, especially build the necessary virtue tohelp them study further specialized level of education or apply to their lifeflexibly.

Learning English well is not easy so the teachers who are assigned a taskto cultivate good students of English meet lots of difficulties in finding the mosteffective methods to impart knowledge for students well and help them get highresults in the examinations In the process of cultivating good students inEnglish, I recognize that Reading exercises are still quite difficult for studentsand they always make mistakes and go wrong when they do those readingexercises such as: Filling in the gaps, choose the best answer, read and answerthe questions… While all types of reading exercises are often in theexaminations and occupy high mark in the exam paper With my experience inthe process of revising and drilling students and reference from my colleagues, Ihave observed, studied and recognized some reasons which students often meetwhen they do the exam as well as found out some solutions to help themovercome those mistakes above.

With all above reasons, I choose the topic “Some solutions help studentsof Quan Son secondary and high school in grade 9 do Reading exerciseseffectively in the 10th grade entrance exam” to research It is hoped that both

students and other teachers will find some useful reference for their learning andteaching.

1.2 The purpose of research

When I write the experienced initiative, I really wish my students will notonly have more useful knowledge to do reading exercises well but also givethem the most effective methods to do the exam with high result Moreoverovercoming the mistakes, difficulties which students meet in doing Readingexercises mentioned in the topic will help them reduce difficulties and be more

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confident in doing tests Besides it is a useful document for English teachers torefer in the process of teaching good students in English.

1.3 The objects of research

- Students in grade 9 take part in revising for English’s exam at secondaryschool.

- Reading texts in the English tests for students - The method of research.

- Studying reasoning: reading newspaper, books, documents, lesson plan - Investing the real situation.

- Counting figures and result of studying.

- Observing the reality: observing students when they do tests - Experimenting the teaching methods.

- Summarizing the results, learning from the colleagues’ experiences.

The research is carried out with 42 students of class 9A who have beenlearning English for 7 years (3 years at primary school with English 3, 4, 5).These students are studying at Quan Son secondary and high school in Quan Sondistrict, Thanh Hoa province They are mainly from ethnic minority.

1.4 The method of research

In order to achieve the above aim, the teacher supplies or teaches thenecessary knowledge about process approach and an overview of reading skillsto the students After that, the teacher ask the students to do exercises, thestudents will have time to practise them and get feedback as well as correctionfrom their friends and teachers.

In this research, theory study, observation, data collection and analysis,discussion as well as evaluation are mainly used to achieve the aims of theresearch

2 THE CONTENT OF THE EXPERIENCED INITIATIVE2.1 The rationale of the experienced initiave

English at secondary school improves students a basic, useful knowledgeand it is also the first step for them to study at advanced level at universities orcolleges, even for their jobs in the future According to some experts, teachers ofEnglish should pay attention to the factors which effect on the quality ofstudent’s task in doing reading exercises such as: the ability of concentration,reading the instruction, reasoning and judgment… However, students are usuallyget used to reading word by word and do not notice in reading generally thewhole task.

Therefore teachers need to form the basic skills to do the types of readingexercises that will help them develop the ability of awareness and capacity ofaction.

2.2 The real situation before applying the experienced initiave

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In fact, students at rural areas like Quan Son secondary and high schoolare still learning in the difficult studying conditions so it is not easy for them toget access to reference books or modern technology equipment Furthermore, thestudents’ ability of analysis, mentality and summarizing are limited; the skills ofdoing tests are confused While students need to have good basic knowledge,various awareness about every field combining with summarizing thought andflexible judgment that will help them get high mark in the exams.

Before applying the experienced initiative, I asked the students to do lotsof Reading exercises and checks their results The result of cultivating goodstudents in English I was assigned in was low.

Students’ results based on the first survey:

The result made me worried too much and I always tried my best to findout the solution Because students do grammar exercises and writing quite wellbut reading exercises which account for one third in the paper exam, they madetoo many mistakes After observing students do these exercises I realized thatthey didn’t know the method of reading, the shortage of knowledge (bothvocabulary and other field), the limited reasoning and do not have the skills to doeach type of reading exercises.

2.3 The solutions of implementation2.3.1 Equipping the reading method Skimming

What does skimming mean?

Skimming means reading quickly the entire main contents of the reading textbut do not read the small parts of the text deeply Students can read quickly byreading the title, topic sentences and concluding sentences to get the content ofthe reading text Because the reading text in English is written in two ways:deductive and inductive method Students can skim when the passage is too longor time is limited Skimming helps get the main content as well as the writer’sopinion in each part of passage When students understand the importantinformation, they will decide to continue reading deeply or not.

The steps to skim:

- Read the title first then read the topic sentences to get the main content of thepassage

- Read the topic sentence of each part of the passage It is usually at thebeginning of the text or at the end.

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- When students read the passage, they should pay attention to the wh-questionssuch as: who, what, which, where, when, why….and the important words whichare noun, figure, bold words or capital letters

- They need to understand the logic of the reading text basing on the markingwords such as: because, firstly, secondly, finally, but, the, includes, etc… Thosewords will help them read quickly and recognize how the reading text is written:listing, comparison-contrast, time-order and cause-effect Skimming is veryimportant to catch the content of each paragraph.

not a short cut for this But there are many effective ways First of all, you

should read a lot You can read short stories, comics, newspapers, magazines,etc depending on your English level As you read, you can try to guess themeanings of unknown words from the context of the sentence If you cannot,then look up the definition in a dictionary English to English dictionary shouldbe your first choice and keep the translator as last Another way of buildingvocabulary is to watch movies in English which will also help withpronunciation Try to be involved with the language as much as you can Keep avocabulary notebook and write down a few Words each day Keep in mind thatyou have to revise them regularly In my opinion, to communicate with peopleall you need is words Even if you just say the words one after another, peoplemost likely will understand what you mean regardless of the order of the wordsand grammar.

1.What is the main idea of this passage?A What we can do to improve our English B The difficulties in learning EnglishC Problems of learning a second languageD.The best way of communicating in English

2.The word "effective" in the passage is closest in meaning to.A expensive B careful C useful D funny

3.Which of the following is NOT true, according to the passage?

A We should use a translator for all unknown words B We should read a lot and see movies in English.C We should take notes when we learn new words.D We should practice speaking as much as we can.4.The writer's advice for English learners is.

A finding a short cut to practice English

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B using a dictionary for translation

C avoiding English to English dictionaryD writing down some words every day

5.What is the most important thing to communicate with people according to the writer?

What does scanning mean?

In reading, scanning refers to a specific reading technique where the readerquickly glances over a text to locate specific information or keywords withoutnecessarily reading every word or sentence thoroughly This method is oftenemployed when the reader is searching for particular details, facts, or answers tospecific questions within a text.

Scanning involves moving the eyes rapidly across the text, looking forvisual cues such as headings, keywords, or phrases that are relevant to thereader's purpose It's different from careful, in-depth reading, as the focus is onfinding specific information rather than comprehensively understanding theentire text.

Scanning is particularly useful when:

- Looking for specific information in a large body of text - Reviewing a document for key points or details.

- Searching for answers to questions in textbooks, manuals, or reference materials.

- Locating relevant sections in a lengthy document or article.

The steps to scan:

- Identify students’ purpose: Determine why students are scanning the text Arethey looking for specific information, keywords, or answers to particularquestions?

- Preview the text: Quickly glance over the entire text to get a sense of itsstructure, organization, and main ideas Pay attention to headings, subheadings,bolded or italicized text, bullet points, and any other formatting features that mayindicate important information.

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- Formulate search criteria: Based on students’ purpose for scanning, decide onthe specific keywords, phrases, or types of information they're searching forwithin the text.

- Focus students’ attention: Direct students’ eyes to scan the text systematically,looking for their predetermined search criteria Move their eyes quickly acrossthe text, pausing briefly when they encounter relevant keywords or phrases - Use visual cues: Pay attention to visual cues such as headings, subheadings,keywords in bold or italicized font, bullet points, and numbered lists Theseelements can help guide students’ scanning process and identify keyinformation.

- Skip irrelevant sections: If students come across sections of the text that arenot relevant to their purpose, skip over them and continue scanning for theinformation they need.

- Adjust students’ speed: Vary their scanning speed depending on the density ofthe text and the importance of the information they're searching for Speed upwhen scanning through less relevant sections and slow down when theyencounter potentially important details.

- Review and verify: Once they've located the information they were searchingfor, review it to ensure it meets their needs and verify its accuracy if necessary - Take notes or mark the text: If students find relevant information during thescanning process, consider taking notes or marking the text for future reference - Reflect on comprehension: After completing the scanning process, reflect onwhether they've achieved their purpose and if they have a sufficientunderstanding of the text's content.

Scanning is a valuable skill for quickly finding information in textbooks,articles, or other written materials With practice, students can become moreefficient at locating specific details without having to read through entire texts.

shacks were built to be shelters of the impoverished working families migrating

to this city to earn their living Household wastes were directly dumped into thecanal, resulting in the very contaminated environment It was said that the veryunpleasant smell releasing from the canal Trang 3 was unable to be eliminated,and the living condition there would not be better However, thanks to theadvanced technology and methods as well as the city authority’s effort,

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everything has been changing There is no longer the disgusting smell or shabbyhouses along both sides of the canal Instead, the road running parallel to thecanal is now full of shade of greenery and the water now is so clean that it is afriendly habitat for a variety of fish

The residents now can walk or do morning exercise on the sidewalks alongthe banks to enjoy the fresh atmosphere Former inhabitants are also relocated innew apartments with much better living conditions than before The canal createsnot only a beautiful urban landscape, but also brings a lot of economic benefits

to local dwellers Because of its reformation, the city is changing fast too

1 What is the main topic of the passage ? A the bad condition of the city canal B the modern look of the city

C the change of the city because of the canal renovation D the reason why the local authority renovates the canal

2 The word ‘impoverished’ in is closest in meaning to _

A wealthy B prosperous C poor D homeless

3 The word “its” in paragraph 2 refers to

A city’s B canal’s C resident’s D bank’s

4 Which of the following is NOT true about the residents? A They have better living conditions than before

B The advanced technology contributes to the better changing of their lives C They can go for a walk along the canal without suffering from the unpleasantsmell.

D Many of them still live in shanty houses 5 What benef its can the canal bring to the city? A The stunning view of the city

B The chances to boost local businesses C The better view and economic advantages D.The development of tourism


1 C the change of the city because of the canal renovation

2 C poor (impoverished = poor : làm cho nghèo khổ, làm bần cùng hoá ) 3 B canal’s (its = canal’s : của con kênh)

4 D Many of them still live in shanty houses 5 C The better view and economic advantages.

2.3.2 Improving the reading skill Broadening the vocabulary and knowledge

Broadening students’ vocabulary and knowledge is a continuous processthat involves various strategies and activities Here are some steps students cantake:

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- Read widely: Make reading a regular habit and explore a diverse range ofmaterials such as books, newspapers, magazines, blogs, and academic articles.Choose topics that interest you but also challenge students to learn new wordsand concepts.

- Use context clues: When students encounter unfamiliar words while reading,try to infer their meanings from the context of the sentence or paragraph Payattention to surrounding words, phrases, and the overall tone of the text.

- Keep a vocabulary journal: Keep a notebook or digital document wherestudents write down new words they come across along with their definitions,example sentences, and any related notes Review and revisit their vocabularyjournal regularly to reinforce their learning.

- Use vocabulary apps and tools: Explore vocabulary-building apps, flashcardprograms, and online resources that offer exercises, quizzes, and games to helpstudents learn and retain new words.

- Engage in conversations and ciscussions: Participate in conversations,discussions, and debates with friends, family, classmates, or colleagues on awide range of topics This not only exposes you to different perspectives but alsoallows you to practice using new vocabulary in context.

-Watch and listen: Watch documentaries, TED talks, educational videos, andpodcasts on various subjects to expand your knowledge and vocabulary Payattention to how words are used in different contexts and take note of anyunfamiliar terms.

- Use a thesaurus: When writing or speaking, challenge yourself to findsynonyms for common words or phrases using a thesaurus This helps youdiscover alternative ways to express yourself and enrich your vocabulary.

- Play word games: Play word games such as Scrabble, crossword puzzles, wordsearches, or online word challenges to have fun while actively engaging withlanguage and expanding your vocabulary.

- Learn root words, prefixes, and suffixes: Familiarize themselves with commonprefixes (e.g., pre-, re-, un-) and suffixes (e.g., -tion, -ment, -able) as well as rootwords from Latin and Greek origins Understanding these word parts can helpstudents decipher the meanings of unfamiliar words.

- Review and practice regularly: Consistently review and practice using newwords to reinforce students’ learning and retention Set aside time each day orweek to engage in vocabulary-building activities and track students’ progressover time.

To incorporate these steps into students’ daily routine, they can graduallyexpand their vocabulary and deepen their knowledge across a wide range ofsubjects. Improving the ability of reasoning

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Improving students’ ability to reason is indeed crucial for enhancing theirreading skills Here are some strategies to help they do just that:

- Develop critical thinking skills: Critical thinking involves analyzing andevaluating information in a systematic and logical manner Practice questioningthe text as they read: What is the author's main argument? What evidence isprovided to support it? Are there any logical fallacies or biases present?

- Recognize author's purpose and perspective: Consider why the author wrotethe text and what biases or perspectives they might have Understanding theauthor's purpose and point of view helps students approach the text with acritical eye and evaluate its credibility and reliability.

- Make connections: Connect the ideas presented in the text to students’ ownexperiences, knowledge, and observations Look for patterns, similarities, anddifferences between the text and other sources of information This helps deepenstudents’ understanding and retention of the material.

- Evaluate arguments and evidence: Assess the strength of the argumentspresented in the text by examining the evidence provided Look for logicalreasoning, relevant examples, and credible sources Practice distinguishingbetween opinions and factual information.

- Engage in reflective reading: Take time to reflect on what they've read andconsider its implications, significance, and potential applications Reflectivereading encourages deeper understanding and helps they internalize the keyconcepts and ideas presented in the text.

- Practice logical reasoning: Strengthen students’ ability to reason by solvingpuzzles, riddles, or logic problems These activities help develop their analyticalskills and train their mind to think critically and logically.

- Seek multiple perspectives: Expose themselves to diverse viewpoints andopinions on various topics Engage with texts and discussions that challengestudents’ beliefs and assumptions, fostering a more open-minded and nuancedapproach to reading and reasoning.

- Use socratic questioning: Ask themselves and others thought-provokingquestions that encourage deeper analysis and reflection Socratic questioningprompts they to clarify, evaluate, and justify their thoughts and opinions,enhancing their ability to reason effectively.

By incorporating these strategies into their reading practice, students cansharpen their reasoning skills and become a more discerning and analyticalreader This, in turn, will improve their comprehension, interpretation, andevaluation of texts across different subjects and genres.

2.3.3 Providing the skills to do some types of reading exercises2.3.3.1 Filling in the gap with one suitable word

Providing the skills to do some types of reading exercises

Ngày đăng: 16/06/2024, 06:25


