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mkt318m digital marketing 2 group assignment nerman vietnam

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Tiêu đề Digital Marketing Campaign for Nerman Vietnam
Tác giả Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao, Nguyen Thi Hoa, Khuat Thi Nga, Nguyen Thi Ngoc, Nguyen Duy Hieu, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Huyen
Người hướng dẫn Bui Thi Hanh Thao
Chuyên ngành Marketing
Thể loại Group Assignment
Năm xuất bản 2022
Định dạng
Số trang 40
Dung lượng 4,07 MB

Nội dung

The product is distributed on various e-commerce platforms such as Lazada,Shopee, Tiki, Tik Tok Shop, and Zalo Shop.Recently, Nerman has "expanded" into the offline market selling direct

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Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao - HS160473 Lecture: Bui Thi Hanh Thao

Khuat Thi Nga - HS160154

Nguyen Thi Ngoc - HS160744

Nguyen Duy Hieu - HS160583

Nguyen Thi Ngoc Huyen - HA 163045

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Campaign objectives and KPIs

II Campaign strategy and analysis

A Channel Strategy

B Content Strategy

C Evaluation and Control

III Recommendations and Conclusions

IV References and Appendices

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Executive Summary

Nerman is a beauty and skin care company founded in 2019 with a focus on developing aunique ecosystem for men's health and beauty The main goal of the company is to producehigh quality products using advanced Korean technology With the message "Intoxicatingscent, Nerman and you shine with your charm" Taking advantage of the development of thedigital technology platform Nerman has done very well in social, media and onlinemarketing But we realize that for comprehensive development, besides activities on socialplatforms, it is necessary to integrate actual community interaction activities to bring excitingand positive effects We decided to launch a campaign to connect people and continue togrow, spreading the power of the community from online to offline with competitions related

to physical activity and social networking effects Besides, the combination of olfactorystimulation brings a feeling of love, closeness and comfort with the desire to gradually gointo the subconscious to become a part of the customer's life We created a machine that canspread scent instantly called "Scent Door" The message throughout the entire campaign is:

"Mùi hương quyến rũ, Nerman cùng bạn tỏa sáng với sức hút của mình"

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A.Client/Brand Analysis

Nerman is a men's health and beauty brand that provides a full range of products from bath,skincare, to makeup for men The company is headed by CEO Đặng Thanh Định, COONguyễn Văn Nhật, and Director of Operations Hồ Xuân Hải Currently, Nerman sells itsproducts through both B2C and O2O channels and is focusing on the Vietnamese, Thai, andIndonesian markets

With the orientation of B2C and O2O, the majority of Nerman develops on retail channelssuch as Website, Tiktokshop, Lazada, Shopee, Tiki and even on the Zalo Shop platform.Nerman had 150,000 customers and sold over 330,000 products by the end of Q1/2022, withrevenue of 848,000 USD and a pre-tax profit of 10% due to the impact of COVID-19 in

2021 The company is expected to generate revenue of 10.2 million USD in 2022 and growbetween 50% and 100% in the following years

Nerman is confidently leading in Vietnam in the field of men's health and beauty care.Nerman plans to enter the Thai market by the end of 2022, and it has already tested themarket for a month, generating revenue of around 30,000 USD The company currently usesinfluencer marketing, with around 300 video reviews and unboxings every month, garneringover 10 million views per month with a conversion rate of around 7% The conversion rate ishigher on e-commerce platforms, at around 11% Nerman has around 10 SKUs and manyproduct combos

Nerman's actual capital contribution is 2 billion VND, and the company received a 1 billionVND investment with a 5% stake in June 2021, with a valuation of 1 million USD Thecompany currently has 8 billion VND in assets, including 4 billion VND in cash, 4 billionVND in raw materials, and inventory

Notably, Nerman has no debt, and the company's production costs are around 25% but can beoptimized to 20% with larger production volumes Labour and office costs account foraround 11%, while operating and marketing costs are around 15-16%, and sales costs arearound 4-5% The company plans to raise 1 million USD in this round, with a previousinvestor committing to investing 500,000 USD

Nerman Joint Stock Company

Head office: Lot 43, lane 37, lane 100 Dich Vong Hau, Cau Giay District,

Hanoi City, Vietnam

Email: hotro@nerman.asia

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Hotline: 1900 4628

A product can have multiple functions, such as being able to shower, wash your face, andshampoo your hair all in one Nerman's marketing strategy is simple: send the product to KeyOpinion Leaders (KOLs) and Key Opinion Consumers (KOCs) for review The number ofvideos on platforms such as TikTok per month reaches thousands, with over 1 millionfollowers The product is distributed on various e-commerce platforms such as Lazada,Shopee, Tiki, Tik Tok Shop, and Zalo Shop

Recently, Nerman has "expanded" into the offline market (selling directly in stores).Currently, the products have been linked and placed on shelves in the 30 Shine system.Nerman aims to become the leading health and beauty brand for men in Southeast Asiawithin the next five years



According to Ubersuggest's data analysis, there are a total of 250 useful organic keywordsand the website attracts 2,761 monthly visits from natural search results on search engines.This shows that the website has a fairly stable amount of traffic from those keywords

In addition, the website has a domain authority of 15 points, indicating that it needs toimprove to be recognized and evaluated higher by search engines

The website has a total of 301 backlinks, of which 94 are no follow links However, thisnumber does not guarantee that the website has a quality link network, especially when we donot know the quality of these links

Overall, the website needs to improve and strengthen SEO operations to increase credibilityand attract more useful traffic It also needs to consider strengthening the link network withreputable websites in the same field to enhance its online presence

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Nerman has demonstrated an impressive level of proficiency in implementing acomprehensive SEO strategy that has resulted in the creation of a website that is expertlyoptimized for search engines This has enabled the attainment of numerous top-rankingkeywords on Google, with many other relevant keywords also appearing in the top 10 or 20search results.

By leveraging a diverse range of techniques and tools, Nerman has been able to identify andtarget a wide variety of valuable keywords that are relevant to the website's content andofferings This has allowed for the creation of a comprehensive and cohesive online presencethat is capable of drawing in high levels of organic search traffic from a broad range ofsources

As a result of Nerman's success in capturing a significant number of strong keywords, thewebsite has been able to attract a relatively high daily traffic volume, ranging from 100 to

350 users per day for each respective keyword This is a testament to the effectiveness of theSEO strategy that Nerman has implemented, which has enabled the website to achieve astrong online presence and a significant level of visibility within the relevant search engineresults pages

Overall, Nerman's expertise in the realm of SEO has enabled the creation of a powerfulonline presence that is well-optimised for search engines and capable of attracting high levels

of traffic on a daily basis By continuing to refine and enhance their SEO strategy over time,Nerman is poised to continue achieving high levels of success in the increasingly competitivedigital landscape


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Tiktok is currently the most popular and potential platform, with a pocketed follow count of

up to 1.3 million followers and 15.7 million likes This platform is considered potentialbecause it plays a major and important role in Nerman's marketing strategy, which is to useKOL and KOC reviews, unbox the product with an average of over 10 million views permonth, demonstrating the platform's ability to spread information and the effectiveness ofNerman's marketing strategy As of March 11, 2023, the revenue generated from sales,including combos, SKUs, and individual products,is171.4K

FACEBOOK - Fanpage

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The Facebook platform still maintains a stable following for Nerman with 25K likes and 25kfollowers on the original platform to announce and update information about the website,TikTok, e-commerce platforms such as Shopee Mall, LazMall, Tiki Mall, TikTok Shop andZalo Shop as well as promotions, discounts, and knowledge about health care, along withspiritual life targeting potential customers.

In general, the fanpage achieved 26k likes

The weekly increase in followers and likes is about 11%, the daily ad value is $99/day Postengagement increased by 0.043%

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Nerman is considered to be an e-commerce platform with a huge sales volume, ranging from1.2K to 63K depending on each combo or SKU among a total of 41 products It can be saidthat the quality of Nerman's products and services is highly appreciated by customers Thesocial media platforms are synchronised to optimise search for users, such as Nerman - All infor Men, which is sold on Shopee Mall The number of followers has reached 509.3K within

32 months Nerman is rated 4.9 stars out of a total of 116K reviews Achieving a 100%response rate shows that their customer support team is very dedicated and enthusiastic Thiscan help build trust and positive evaluation from customers, while enhancing Nerman'scredibility and reputation in the market


Currently with 8,112 followers, different from other platforms, Nerman's instagram focuses

on customer psychology, daily life skills, living habits to easily get into the hearts ofcustomers, so that the audience can can interact, share and better understand the body as well

as how to care for, protect and develop the knowledge itself as well as the interaction betweenNerman and them

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Keeping up with the trend, Nerman has also strengthened its presence on other majore-commerce platforms such as Lazada, which is sold at Lazada Mall and has garnered 24222followers with positive reviews of about 98%

In addition, on Tiki, Nerman has also garnered around 2.2K followers with slightly lessinteraction and a lower rating of 4.6 stars compared to other platforms

Other platforms

Recently, Zalo Shop has also been developed to approach a wider range of customers withdiverse ages, demographics, and lifestyles

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Income Nerman's customers belong to the segment with

income from 5 million to -100 million VNDFamily Life Cycle Focus on men interested in quality beauty

products, perfumes, oils in VietnamEducation College, University, Post-graduate

To be able to take care of people, you have to take care of yourself, that's why Nerman wasborn to provide periodic health and beauty product packages for modern and busy men.Nerman helps take care of you while you can focus on your career and family Towards theconvenience of recurring packages, all-in-one products, Nerman always accompaniescustomers to all goals

B Marketing research and Customer insights

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1 Secondary research

Overview of Gen Z (18-24 years old)

Social media, YouTube advertising, and internet search are the top ways for Gen Z todiscover new products

Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok are the top social media apps for Gen Z33% of Gen Z havepurchased a product based on an influencer's recommendation in the past three months and28% have purchased through an in-app store1 in 2 Gen Z want companies to take a stand onsocial issues, specifically racial justice, LGBTQ+ rights, gender inequality, and climatechange When companies advocate these issues, it has a powerful impact on Gen Z'spurchasing decisions

Ads on streaming services beat cable to reach Gen Z Retail discovery still relevant but lessoften than digital channels

Overview of Millennials (25-35 years old)

Social media, internet search, and YouTube advertising are also top ways Millennialsdiscover new products

Facebook, YouTube and Instagram are the top social media apps in Millennials

28% of Millennials have purchased a product through an in-app store in the last three months,and 26% have purchased based on an influencer recommendation 41% of Millennials wantcompanies to take a stand on social issues, specifically could be racial equity, incomeinequality, climate change, affordable health care, and LGBTQ+ rights When companiesadvocate these issues, it has a powerful impact on Millennial purchasing decisions

Cable TV ads beat streaming services to reach Millennials by a small distance Retaildiscovery is still relevant but less frequently than digital channels

Where do consumers discover products?

Social media, internet search and Youtube advertising are key to reaching Gen Z andMillennials, while TV, search and retail are favored by Gen X and Boomers

As for social media, Boomers, Millennials, and Gen X all use Facebook more than any otherapp

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Meanwhile, Gen Z is all about YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok Gen Z not only socializeswith friends and entertains, but also discovers (and buys) products on social media more thanany other generation.

Where do consumers like to buy products?

All generations prefer to buy products in-store more than any other channel, but thispreference declines significantly with age Buying through online retailers like Amazon anddirectly from the company's website is also popular Gen Z, Millennials, and Gen X are mostinterested in buying through social media and from the company's mobile app

2 Primary Research

Primary research is any type of research that you collect yourself Examples include surveys,interviews, observations, and ethnographic research A good researcher knows how to useboth primary and secondary sources in their writing and to integrate them in a cohesivefashion.(Purdue University2021)

Nerman Viet Nam obtained 93 responses after conducting an online survey

1 Giới tính

93 response

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The first question concerns gender; based on the survey results, we can observe that 76.3percent of males are interested in programming, while 23.7percent of women are.Thisaccurately reflects the proportion of men today who are more concerned with body careissues than women.

2 Bạn đang trong độ tuổi nào?

84 response

According to the survey results, the majority of people interested in body care issues areyoung people between the ages of 18 and 25 and 25 to 35 56 percent between the ages of 18and 25 and 28.6 percent between the ages of 25 and 35

3 Nghề nghiệp hiện tại của bạn là gì?

93 response:

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The survey results show that students are interested in body care issues (55.9%), then officeworkers (32.3%) This is the main market segment where the brand has been targeted.

4 Thu Nhập trung bình 1 tháng của bạn là bao nhiêu ?

86 response:

Because they are students and office workers, their income is not high Regarding salary, itshows that 38.4% of income is under 5 million, 30.2% of income is from 5 million to 10million and 23.3% of income is from 10 million to 20 million

5 Bạn có quan tâm đến mùi hương cơ thể mình không ?

93 response

According to the actual survey, 91.4 percent of people are interested in body scent and theremaining 8.6 percent are not interested

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6 Bạn thường dùng mỹ phẩm nào khi tắm ?

93 response:

Nowadays, people, especially men, know how to use body care products such as:

up to 68.8%( 64 people) use shower gel;

75.3%( 70 people) of people use cleanser;

88.2% (82 people) shampoo users

51.6% ( 48 people) of people use cleaning solutions

and 25.8% ( 24 people) use bath soap

The above figures show that men have gradually begun to pay more attention to scent issuesand take care of their bodies

7 Bạn đã biết đến hay đã sử dụng thương hiệu nào dành cho nam giới

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According to a survey of 93 respondents, 69.9 respondents know about Nerman and 30.1% ofrespondents do not know this brand.

9 Bạn đã dùng thử Nerman bao giờ chưa?

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Most people agree that the Nerman brand packaging is eye-catching, easy to see,recognizable, beautiful, and has clear instructions From the above survey, it shows that theNerman brand is easily noticed and cared for by people.

3 Customer Insight

Nerman is a body care brand for men, so Nerman's main customers are men aged 18 to 35years old Based on the survey in the (primary research) section, up to 91.4% of people areinterested in body scent It shows that today men have begun to pay more attention to bodycare products With Nerman here we provide a full range of products that men need to have aclean and fragrant scent Men will love the convenience, quickness and ability to carry it fortravel This helps you better understand the characteristics of your customers, therebyoffering products and strategies suitable for each customer group With the needs of findingproducts that are fast, convenient and easy to use According to the above survey, there are(64 people) use shower gel; 75.3% (70 people) of people use cleanser; 88.2% (82 people)shampoo users; 51.6% ( 48 people) of people use cleaning solutions and 25.8% (24 people)use bath soap It shows that men are more interested in body care products and are suitablefor income that is not too expensive to buy for daily use With the above criteria, NermanVietnam is one of the favorite brands with eye-catching, easy-to-see, easy-to-recognize andinstructions for use

C Campaign objectives and KPIs

Objective: Increase brand awareness by 30% in the Vietnam market within 3 months.Target audience: Age between 18 and 35, both male and female

Message: "Mùi hương quyến rũ, Nerman cùng bạn tỏa sáng với sức hút của mình"

1 Qualitative Goals

Build brand awareness , grow loyalty

2 Quantitative Goals


Total reaches: 3.005.000 reaches

Social Media: 1.500.000 reaches

OOH: 300.000 reaches

Gamification: 5.000 reaches

Interactive marketing: 200.000 reaches

Influencer MKT: 700.000 reaches

Email MKT: 200.000 reaches, open rate 10%

Ecommerce (each platform): visisters ~ 500.000, followers increase 20.000, conversion rate5%

Actualization - TikTok: reach 7.000, increase 300 followers

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A Channel strategy

1 Social Media

In the past few years, social media has become integrated into the daily life of mostVietnamese alongside Vietnam’s increasing smartphone and internet penetration rates(statista.com) According to DataReportal (2023), there were 77.93 million internet users inVietnam at the start of 2023, when internet penetration stood at 79.1 percent, internet users inVietnam increased by 5.3 million (+7.3 percent) between 2022 and 2023 Vietnam was home

to 70.00 million social media users in January 2023, equating to 71.0 percent of the totalpopulation (Image 1)

Moreover, Vietnamese are more active on the social media, they spend an average 2 hoursand 32 minutes each day on social media each day At that time, 50.6 percent of Vietnam’ssocial media users were female, while 49.4 percent were male (Image 2)

Image 1: Essential Digital Headlines ( DataReportal, 2023)

Ngày đăng: 13/05/2024, 15:31