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individual assignment subject digital marketing 2 topic digital media audit tocotoco

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Not only that, but the promotion information is notconsistent between Facebook, Instagram, and Website The website has a promotion program"SUPER FULL TEA PARTY with the full menu only 28

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INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT Subject: Digital Marketing 2

Lecturers : Nguyễn Minh Quang

Topic: Digital media audit

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1 Introduction of brand……… 2 2 Do their social sites link to websites? 10 3 How many “likes” does ToCoToCo have per site? 11 4 What type of content has been posted since your last visit? Is it appropriate? 14 II CONCLUSION……… 18 III REFERENCES……… 19


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1 Introduction of brand

● Brand name: ToCoToCo

● Slogan: “A taste of nature - a cup of happiness”

ToCoToCo opened its first store in 2013 Always beenpassionate about exploiting Vietnamese agriculturalproducts to create fresh, safe, and nutritious drinks, withpassion and aspiration building a pure Vietnamese milktea brand, bearing the flavor of the homeland ToCoToCobelieves that enjoying a cup of milk tea made from MocChau tea, pearls from Nghe An tapioca, or mulberry jamfrom Da Lat will be a completely different and wonderfulexperience for its customers

Also from that difference, ToCoToCo brand has made rapid development steps and graduallydominated the milk tea market with more than 200 stores spread across the country Themilestone in 2018 marks the brand's dream of reaching out to the ocean when ToCoToCoofficially set foot in the US and continues its success in Australia, Japan, Korea, andSingapore,

fruit, are not bad suggestions for cooling drinks at TocoToco.

1 ToCoToCo - Đậm vị thiên nhiên, trọn vị hạnh phúc (n.d.) Lịch sử và sứ mệnh [online] Available at:

https://www.google.com/url?q=https://tocotocotea.com/history/&sa=D&source=docs&ust=1676541444614497&usg=AOvVaw318DuN34iP-kYMWafxn5PG [Accessed 16 Feb 2023]

2 NamT 10 V (2020) Trà Sữa TocoToco - Chuỗi Cửa Hàng Tocotoco Trên Toàn Quốc 2022 [online] TOP 10 VIỆT NAM Available at:

https://top10vietnam.vn/chuoi-cua-hang-tocotoco/#4_Tam_nhin_va_su_menh_cua_cua_hang_tra_sua_Tocotoco [Accessed 16 Feb 2023].

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● Macchiato: TocoToco cream cheese consistently achieves a smooth, creamy, andaromatic consistency Cream cheese and green tea below blend together, sure to bringcustomers a lot of surprises.

● Xueshan tea: A bowl of tea is usually combined with 6-7 types of topping (pear pearl,yellow sweet potato, dew flute, willow, )

● Special drink● Iced Drinks

With delicious milk tea, rich toppings, TocoToco's drinks are loved by many people Inparticular, 3 milk tea lines that are always on the top of the company's list are Panda milk tea,Okinawa black diamond milk tea, and royal pearl milk tea.

Vision and mission

With the mission of bringing joy and happiness, ToCoToCo hopes to create a culture of enjoyingmilk tea and delicious, clean, fresh drinks Tocotoco aims to be the leading milk tea retail brandin Vietnam Tocotoco will grow with more than 1000 stores and go global with 300 storesaround the world.

Currently, ToCoToCo store has become the most popular milk tea brand Tocotoco owns thelargest store chain in Vietnam with more than 300 operating stores; the percentage of franchisedstores accounts for 70%, and this number is constantly growing This passionate and enthusiasticjourney will continue to replicate to spread the pure tea cups of Vietnamese agricultural productsto all parts of Vietnam and the world.

Media channel

● Websites: https://tocotocotea.com/

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Tocotoco's homepage is beautifully designed, easy to use, and provides all the necessaryinformation for users.

At the top of the page is the introduction of brand ambassadors and promotions, with beautifuland vivid images to create a friendly and fresh feeling for users It also introduces the company'sproducts and also provides information on prices and promotions The site also provides userswith some information about the company and its development history.

In addition, the website has a news and events section to keep users updated on the latest newsand upcoming events of the company.

At the top of the website, there is a menu bar that includes the items “Home”, “About Us”,“Products”, “News”, etc to help users easily access the subpages of the website

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The bottom of the website also has important information with copyright elements and links toother social media sites However, it is still not really good when there is a link error (the link toTwitter opens the TikTok channel, G+ opens Zalo), and the brand needs to fix it immediately toavoid confusion and lack of professionalism.

● Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tocotocobubbletea

● Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tocotoco_bubble_tea/

● Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ToCoToCoBubbleTea/featured

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● Interact with customers: Through posts, Tocotoco provides users with multiple ways tointeract with the company, including commenting, sharing, and rating In addition, it cansupport customers, and respond quickly and fully to help users have the best experience.● Photos and videos: There are many beautiful and vivid images of products and

promotions Although the videos are still not clear, these images and videos help usersget a better insight into the product and easily digest the brand's promotions.

Regarding "user friendly", it can be said that ToCoToCo has been successfully applied becauseof its simple interface, easy-to-navigate, easy-to-understand and use features and functions, nottoo complicated, to meet the needs of users and can be accessed on a variety of devices andoperating systems without the need for special support or training This helps increase “userexperience” and when good user experience can help improve user satisfaction with products,increase accessibility, increase revenue, and improve brand image.

Regarding the brand image, ToCoToCo used the same logo, but the logo color and representativeimage on all channels were not the same Not only that, but the promotion information is notconsistent between Facebook, Instagram, and Website (The website has a promotion program"SUPER FULL TEA PARTY with the full menu only 28k" while Facebook and Instagram havepromotions completely different from "GOLDEN WEEK - BRAND OFFER 0 VND").

This can cause a number of problems and negative effects as follows:

● Confusing customers: If the information on different social media channels of thebusiness is not the same, customers will be confused, and not know which information is

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correct, this can cause confusion and loss of trust trust and dissatisfaction with thebusiness.

● Impact on the image of the business: If the information between the different socialmedia channels of the business is not the same, this can affect the image of the businessand cause unprofessional and unreliable

● Impact on the effectiveness of the business's communication strategy: If the informationbetween the business's social media channels is not uniform, this can affect theeffectiveness of the business communication strategy and cause problems loss to thebusiness.

● Causes confusion about products and services: If the information between your socialmedia channels is not the same, this can cause confusion about your products andservices, leading to customers don't trust or don't want to buy a business's product orservice.

● Difficulty in managing images: If the information between social media channels is notconsistent, businesses may have difficulty managing their images on these platforms.This can lead to inconsistencies in the message and image of the business, causingconfusion and a lack of professionalism in the eyes of customers.

● Impact on customer trust: If the information between social media channels is notconsistent, customers may not know which information is correct and may lose trust inthe business This can lead to a decrease in sales and affect the image of the business.● Affect the relationship between business and customers: If the information between social

media channels is not consistent, customers may feel distrust and dissatisfaction with thebusiness This can lead to a decrease in customer engagement on these platforms andaffect the business-customer relationship.

Therefore, keeping information consistent across social media channels is very important tocreate trust and confidence in customers, as well as avoid unnecessary confusion and conflict ofinformation.

In order for a brand to build a strong website and social networking sites, it is necessary to payattention to a few essential factors:

● Quality Content: Content is the most important factor to attract and retain users on awebsite or social network Websites and social networking sites need engaging and

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quality content to attract and retain users In addition, the content on the channels musthave consistency to create trust and trust from customers Content can be photos, videos,text, stories, or anything that makes users feel interested and worth sharing.

● Design beautiful and user-friendly interfaces: Websites and social networking sites needa beautiful and easy-to-use interface to attract and retain users This includes optimizingthe website for mobile devices and different screens.

● Data Analytics: Using analytics tools, brands can track website or social media traffic,topics of interest, and user behavior From there, brands can adjust their communicationstrategies accordingly.

● Search engine optimization (SEO): Search engine optimization is a process that helpsimprove the position of a website or social networking page on Google's search resultspages.

2 Do their social sites link to websites?

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Tocotoco's website and social networking sites (except Tiktok) are linked together, which willhelp enhance customer interaction on online channels, increase accessibility to audiences,increase followers, and help develop Tocotoco's channels For example, customers can search forinformation about Tocotoco's products or services on the company's website and then switch tosocial networking sites to follow and update the latest articles on brands and products productsor promotions This can also help create strong brand recognition and increase customer trust inthe company.

When ToCoToCo's TikTok channel is not linked to other social networking sites such asFacebook and Instagram or a website, it may have limited ability to develop the channel, and itwill be difficult to increase the number of followers and reach potential audiences This mayreduce Tocotoco's ability to grow its channel on Tiktok, and limit its ability to generate revenueor attract customers.

Linking between websites and social networking sites is an effective way to increase the brand'sability to reach and engage with customers across a variety of channels However, if this linkingis not done properly, it can cause certain problems and inadequacies, including:

● Reliability: If websites and social networking sites are not closely linked, the informationon the websites may not be synchronized, leading to confusion and loss of reliability.● Lack of consistency: If websites and social media do not share the same brand message

and values, this can cause confusion and loss of brand consistency.

● Bad for user experience: If websites and social networking sites do not link correctly andlead to errors or difficulties for customers in finding and using the company's products orservices, This can affect the user experience and reduce customer satisfaction.● Management: When a brand manages many different websites and social media sites, it

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can become more complicated and difficult to track and manage them.

To avoid these problems, the company needs to have a linking strategy between websites andsocial networking sites to ensure synchronization and compatibility between channels, as well asprovide customers with the best experience

3 How many “likes” does Tocotoco have per site?

"Like" is used to express someone's liking or preference for something On social media, it is used to show a positive response and interact with another audience.

● Facebook3

The page was created in 2015.

As of February 17, 2023, the page has 473,056 likes and 488,211 followers.

The content on the page is regularly updated such as articles, images, videos, promotions.

On January 2, 2023, ToCoToCo posted a post and received 3,800 likes, 27 comments, and 11shares Since then, after more than 2 months, the number of posts is a lot, but only 3 posts havemore than 3,000 likes, the rest have less than 1,000 likes In addition, the number of commentsand shares is also relatively low.

3 www.facebook.com (n.d.) ToCoToCo Bubble Tea [online] Available at:

https://www.facebook.com/tocotocobubbletea/?ref=page_internal [Accessed 17 Feb 2023].

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● Youtube6

4 www.instagram.com (n.d.) ToCoToCo Bubble Tea (@tocotoco_bubble_tea) • Instagram photos and videos [online] Available at: https://www.instagram.com/tocotoco_bubble_tea/ [Accessed 17 Feb 2023].

5 TikTok (n.d.) ToCoToCo Bubble Tea (@tocotocobubbletea) [online] Available at:

https://www.tiktok.com/@tocotocobubbletea/ [Accessed 17 Feb 2023].

6 www.youtube.com (n.d.) ToCoToCo Bubble Tea - YouTube [online] Available at:

https://www.youtube.com/@ToCoToCoBubbleTea/videos [Accessed 17 Feb 2023].

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There are 1,460 channel subscriptions Compared to the above channels, this channel is actuallymuch weaker.

While ToCoToCo's social networking sites have hundreds of thousands and thousands offollowers, the posts receive very little interaction (only about 1% of the follower salary) Thismay indicate that very few of the page followers actually engage and like the posts posted on thepage resulting in a high number of followers but low engagement.

The reason may be that the amount of articles is too much and the content revolves aroundpromotions, which over time will make the audience no longer attractive and boring, leading to astate of no longer wanting to interact with more posts In addition, the page may not promote itsarticle enough, not using other advertising tools or promotion channels to help the content reachthe right audience of the page.

To overcome this situation, ToCoToCo needs to have an attractive content strategy and useadvertising tools to bring articles to the right audience and actively interact with users Inaddition, the brand may be using too many social media that forget to develop communicationchannels as well as manage and monitor the effectiveness of each channel closely Instead,brands should focus on strongly developing a certain communication channel, then expanding toother channels By focusing on a certain communication channel, brands can create efficiencyand focus on advertising and customer outreach efforts And before deciding whichcommunication channel to focus on, ToCoToCo should use some measurement tools to carefullyresearch its target audience Then, find out what communication channels this customer usuallyuses to find information and interact with the brand to choose the channel and develop it.

4 What type of content has been posted since your last visit? Is it appropriate?● Website

Ngày đăng: 14/05/2024, 15:39