applications LO2 Outline a plan for an appropriate IoT application using common architecture,frameworks, tools, hardware and APIs LO3 Develop an IoT application using any combination of
Trang 1Higher Nationals in Computing
Internet of Things
ASSIGNMENT No.2 Project name:
IOT Project: Smart Lighting System
Trang 3ASSIGNMENT 2 FRONT SHEETQualification TEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing
Unit number and
Unit 43: Internet of Things
submission Re-submission
Date Received 2nd submission
Student Name Nghiem Cuong Thinh Student ID GCS190098
Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand theconsequences of plagiarism I understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice
Student’s signature
Grading grid
Trang 4Summative Feedback: Resubmission Feedback:
Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:
Internal Verifier’s Comments:
Signature & Date:
ASSIGNMENT 2 BRIEF Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing
Trang 5Assignment front sheet 1.
Submission Students are compulsory to submit the assignment in due date and in a way
requested by the Tutors The form of submission will be a soft copy posted on
Note: The Assignment must be your own work, and not copied by or from anotherstudent or from books etc If you use ideas, quotes or data (such as diagrams) from books,journals or other sources, you must reference your sources, using the Harvard style Makesure that you know how to reference properly, and that understand the guidelines onplagiarism If you do not, you definitely get fail
Unit Learning Outcomes:
Trang 6applications
LO2 Outline a plan for an appropriate IoT application using common architecture,
frameworks, tools, hardware and APIs
LO3 Develop an IoT application using any combination of hardware, software, data,
platforms and services
LO4 Evaluate your IoT application and detail the problem your IoT application solves, the
potential impact on people, business, society and the end user and the problems it might
encounter when integrating into the wider IoT ecosystem
Assignment Brief and Guidance:
You currently work as a product developer for a new startup where you design IoTproducts for the consumer, corporate, government and defense clients As part of yourrole your manager has tasked you to plan and develop a new IoT product, service orapplication for a potential client You are required to identify a target user and conducttests with this user and include this feedback into multiple iterative versions of yourproduct
Part 1 (Assignment 1): For the first part, you must:
• Plan an IoT application for a specific target end user and the tests you intend toconduct with this user This plan will be in the form of a document and will includesupporting evidence and material, such as user personas and customer journeymaps
• Create multiple iterations of your application and modify each iteration withenhancements gathered from user feedback and experimentation This will followthe pathway outlined in your plan (log book,)
Part 2 (Assignment 2): For the first part, you must:
• Show evidence about Developed IoT application using any combination ofhardware, software, data, platforms and services (video or images of your IoTsystem with code snippet)
• Evaluate your IoT application and detail the problem your IoT application solves, thepotential impact on people, business, society and the end user and the problems itmight encounter when integrating into the wider IoT ecosystem
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
Trang 7LO3 Develop an IoT application using any combination of hardware, software, data, platforms and services
P5 Employ an appropriate set
of tools to develop your plan
into an IoT application
P6 Run end user experiments
and examines feedback
M5 Reconcile and evaluate end user
feedback and determine advantages and disadvantages of your chosen IoT techniques
LO4 Evaluate your IoT application and detail the problem your IoT application solves, the potential impact on
people, business, society and the end user and the problems it might encounter when integrating into the wider IoT ecosystem
P7 Evaluate end user feedback
from your IoT application
M6 Undertake a critical review and
compare your final application with the original plan
D3 Critique the overall success of
your application Did it solve your problem? What is the potential impact on people, business, society and the end user? What problems might it encounter when integrating into the wider IoT ecosystem?
1 Develop my plan into an IoT application (P5) 6
1.1 My project design 6
1.2 Hardware 7
1.2.1 Arduino Uno R3 7
1.2.2 Distance sensor 8
Trang 81.2.4 Leds 10
1.3 Assembly 11
1.3.1 Ultrasonic(Hc-sr04) sensor and led with Arduino UNO 11
1.3.2 LCD and Arduinos UNO: 11
1.3.3 Coding for Ariduno 12
2 Videos and Photos of the project 13
3 Feedback (P6, P7, M5) 16
3.1 List of survey questions and summary about the survey 16
3.2 Evaluation about survey 17
4 Conclusion 18
5 References 19
1 Develop my plan into an IoT application (P5)
1.1 My project design
Trang 9My project design by group
Recommended Input Voltage 7-12V
Input Voltage Limits 6-20V
Analog Input Pins 6 (A0 – A5)
Digital I/O Pins 14 (Out of which 6 provide PWM output)
DC Current on I/O Pins 40 mA
DC Current on 3.3V Pin 50 mA
Flash Memory 32 KB (0.5 KB is used for Bootloader)
Trang 10Frequency (Clock Speed)
Echo Output Signal Input TTL lever signal and the range in
Trang 111.2.3 LCD-i2c
Technical Specifications:
Communication Mode I2C(100Kbit/s and 400Kbit/s)
Trang 12Leds RED LED
Trang 141.3.3 Coding for Ariduno
Some code Adruino for project
Trang 15Some code Adruino for project
2. Videos and Photos of the project
Some photos of the project
Trang 17Videos in the projects
You can access by URL:
Trang 183.1 List of survey questions and summary about the survey
List survey question about their smart device at home
Trang 19The participans include 6 people and overall people tend to have at least one smart device attheir home The results about our products was really good and mostly was given some highrecord
Trang 20future idea and improvement
We need to strive more in more projects in the future And in the end we would like toexpress our thankful for the 6 participants for help us with the survey
Trang 211 Session 4 – Internet of Things 2019, Sensors and Actuators - Introduce, University ofGreenwich (Alliance with Vietnam FPT Education), United Kingdom [Accessed 19December 2020]
2 2020 [online] Available at: - rfid - sensor - mfrc522 - tutorial
5 Tin tuck ViettelStore - Tin tic conga night cap neat 24/24 2020 Conga nigh RFID Lay Go? Nguni Lee Hoot Gong Và Ung Dụng CA RFID [online] Available at: - nghe - rfid - la - gi - nguyen - ly - hoat - dong - va - ung - dung cua - rfid.html [Accessed 19 December 2020]
6 2020 Google Forms: Sign-In [online] Available at: _D 9NFtJ2gTDN7gEQ/viewform [Accessed 19 December 2020]
7 Shinas Locks 2020 What Is An RFID Lock And How Does RFID Lock Work Exactly?.[online] Available at: - is - rfid - lock - how - hotel - door - locks - work/ [Accessed 19 December 2020]
8 2020 Cảm Biến Siêu Âm Ultrasonic HC-SR04 [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 20 December 2020]
2020] Available from: