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Teaching and learning activities are vividly designed including storytelling, videos, and discussion, which engage students’ interest and motivation toward learning, communication, langu

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(An assignment on the British and American culture subject)

By: Dương Tuệ MẫnSupervisor:

HANOI, 2023

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Table of Contents

1 Introduction 2

1.1 Rationale 2

1.2 Aims of the study 4

1.3 Limitations of the study 6

1.4 Methods of the study 8

1.5 Design of the study 10

2 The UK Social Life 11

2.1 Etiquette and Customs 11

2.2 Food and Drinks 14

2.3 Sports and Arts 16

2.4 Transport and Accommodation 19

2.5 Holidays and Occasions 23

3 The US Social Life 29

3.1 Etiquette and Customs 30

3.2 Food and Drinks 31

3.3 Sports and Arts 34

3.4 Transport and Accommodation 39

3.5 Holidays and Occasions 41

4 Comparison between the UK Social Life and US Social Life 44

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1 Introduction

In the context of integration, cultural understanding is one of the keys to success British and American Culture course helps students be aware of the importance of cultural understanding in the current social-economic situation and obtain the basic knowledge of the people and country of the United Kingdom and the United State through presentations, discussions about geography, history, politics, and education, etc develop reading, analyzing, evaluating skills, and studying social-cultural issues in comparison with Vietnamese culture Thereby, students not only know the process of formation and development of the two countries but also understand the unique features of their populations and daily behaviors Teaching and learning activities are vividly designed including storytelling, videos, and discussion, which engage students’ interest and motivation toward learning, communication, language skills, and research.

The study of British and American culture is undertaken for several reasons, rooted in both historical and contemporary contexts:

Historical and Cultural Significance: Both British and American

cultures have played a significant role in shaping world history and have had a profound impact on global politics, economics, literature, art, music, and popular culture Studying these cultures provides insights into the historical development of Western societies and their influence on other parts of the world.

Linguistic Dominance: The English language, which is

predominantly spoken in both Britain and the United States, has become the most widely used language for international communication Understanding the cultural context of

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English-speaking societies is crucial for effective cross-cultural

communication and for grasping the nuances of the English language.

Cultural Exchange and Globalization: British and American

cultures have been influential in shaping the processes of

globalization Through media, technology, and the spread of popular culture, both societies have had a significant impact on global trends and values Studying British and American cultures helps to understand the dynamics of cultural exchange and how cultural ideas and practices spread across borders.

Literary and Artistic Heritage: The literature, art, and film

produced in Britain and the United States have had a profound impact on world culture From the works of William Shakespeare and Charles Dickens to the novels of Mark Twain and Toni Morrison, British and American literature is rich and diverse Studying these cultural expressions provides insights into the human experience, social issues, and artistic achievements.

Socio-Political Systems and Institutions: British and American

societies have distinct political, legal, and social systems that have evolved over centuries Comparative cultural studies allow for a deeper understanding of the similarities and differences in governance, legal frameworks, education systems, social structures, and societal values between the two countries.

Popular Culture and Global Media: British and American popular

culture, including music, cinema, television, fashion, and sports, has a global reach The study of British and American culture helps in understanding the impact of mass media, consumerism, and celebrity culture on society, as well as how cultural products reflect and shape social values and identities.

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Academic Disciplines and Interdisciplinary Approaches: The

study of British and American cultures is relevant to various academic disciplines, including history, literature, sociology, anthropology, linguistics, media studies, and cultural studies Interdisciplinary approaches allow scholars to explore the multifaceted aspects of culture and society in these countries.

Overall, the study of British and American culture helps in understanding the complex interplay between history, politics, language, literature, art, and popular culture It provides valuable insights into the development of Western societies, the impact of globalization, and how cultural ideas and practices are disseminated and interpreted worldwide.

1.2.Aims of the study

Studying British and American culture can have a variety of aims, and the specific objectives may vary depending on the context, academic discipline, and individual interests:

Cultural Understanding: Cross-Cultural Competence: Developing an

understanding of the cultural nuances, traditions, and customs of both British and American societies helps individuals become more culturally competent This is valuable in an increasingly globalized world where intercultural communication is essential.

Historical Perspective: Historical Context: Exploring the cultural history

of Britain and the United States provides insights into the development of their societies, institutions, and values This historical perspective helps in understanding the roots of contemporary cultural practices.

Literature and Arts: Literary and Artistic Heritage: Studying the

literature, art, and cultural productions of these nations allows for a

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deeper appreciation of their creative expressions This can include analyzing works of literature, visual arts, music, and film.

Social and Political Systems: Political and Social Structures:

Understanding the political and social systems of the UK and the USA is crucial for comprehending the cultural influences on governance, policy-making, and societal norms.

Language and Communication: Language Study: Examining the

language, dialects, and linguistic variations in British and American English is often a part of cultural studies This includes exploring how language reflects and shapes cultural identity.

Popular Culture: Media and Pop Culture: Investigating popular culture

elements such as television, music, film, and digital media provides insights into the values, trends, and societal norms of these cultures.

Identity and Diversity: Cultural Identity: Understanding the diverse

identities within British and American societies, including factors like ethnicity, race, religion, and gender, contributes to a more nuanced comprehension of their cultures.

Global Impact: Cultural Influence: Examining how British and

American culture has influenced and been influenced by other cultures globally This includes exploring the impact of imperialism,

globalization, and cultural exchange.

Comparative Analysis: Comparative Cultural Studies: Comparing and

contrasting British and American cultures can highlight similarities and differences, providing a richer understanding of cultural dynamics.

Education and Research: Academic and Applied Research:

Contributing to academic knowledge through research on specific aspects of British and American culture can be a primary aim This research can have practical applications in fields such as education, business, and international relations.

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Overall, studying British and American culture is a multidimensional endeavor that can lead to a more comprehensive understanding of the societies, histories, and identities that shape these cultures.

1.3.Limitations of the study

While the study of British and American culture is valuable, there are certain limitations and challenges associated with this field of study:

Simplification and Generalization: Diverse Societies: Both Britain and

the United States are culturally diverse nations with regional variations, ethnic diversity, and subcultures Generalizing about their cultures may oversimplify the complexity and richness of the societies.

Changing Dynamics: Dynamic Nature: Cultures are not static; they

evolve Studying British and American culture at a particular point may not capture the ongoing changes and shifts in societal norms, values, and cultural expressions.

Colonial and Imperial Legacy: Limited Perspectives: Focusing solely

on British and American culture may overlook the impact of their colonial and imperial histories on other regions This can result in a Eurocentric or Anglocentric bias in the study.

Cultural Hegemony: Dominance of Global Media: The dominance of

British and American media globally can lead to the imposition of certain cultural values and norms on other societies, potentially overshadowing local cultures This phenomenon is sometimes referred to as cultural imperialism.

Subjectivity and Bias: Researcher Bias: Researchers and scholars may

bring their own biases and perspectives to the study, influencing the interpretation of cultural phenomena This subjectivity can affect the objectivity of cultural analysis.

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Interdisciplinary Challenges: Fragmentation of Disciplines: The study

of culture often involves interdisciplinary approaches, which can be challenging due to the fragmentation of disciplines Connecting cultural studies with fields like history, sociology, literature, and anthropology requires a holistic perspective.

Temporal and Spatial Constraints: Temporal and Spatial Boundaries:

Cultural studies often focus on specific periods or geographic locations This limitation may result in an incomplete understanding of cultural dynamics that extend beyond temporal or spatial boundaries.

Ethnocentrism: Ethnocentric Perspectives: Approaching the study from

an ethnocentric viewpoint, where one culture is implicitly considered the standard against which others are measured, can lead to

misunderstandings and biases.

Language Limitations: Language Barriers: Language plays a crucial

role in understanding culture, and studying British and American culture may pose language challenges for non-native English speakers Nuances and cultural expressions can be lost in translation.

Ephemeral Nature of Culture: Ephemeral Trends: Cultural trends and

phenomena can be ephemeral, making it challenging to capture and analyze them before they change or fade away This is particularly relevant in the context of rapidly changing digital and popular cultures Despite these limitations, studying British and American culture remains a valuable pursuit Scholars need to be aware of these challenges and employ critical and reflexive approaches to enhance the depth and accuracy of cultural analysis Additionally, incorporating a global and comparative perspective can help overcome some of these limitations by placing British and American culture in a broader context.

1.4.Methods of the study

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Studying British and American Culture involves a multidisciplinary approach, drawing on methods from fields such as anthropology, sociology, history, literature, linguistics, and media studies:

Literary Analysis: Close Reading: Analyzing literary works, including

novels, poems, and plays, through close reading helps uncover cultural themes, values, and historical perspectives embedded in the literature.

Historical Research: Archival Research: Examining historical

documents, archives, and primary sources provides insights into the cultural development of Britain and the United States over time.

Sociological Approaches: Field Studies: Conducting field studies and

ethnographic research allows scholars to observe and interact with communities, exploring cultural practices, rituals, and everyday life.

Cultural Anthropology: Participant Observation: Immersing oneself in

the culture being studied through participant observation helps researchers gain firsthand experience and a deeper understanding of cultural dynamics.

Linguistic Analysis: Discourse Analysis: Examining language use,

discourse patterns, and linguistic variations provides insights into cultural norms, power dynamics, and identity construction.

Media and Communication Studies: Content Analysis: Analyzing

media content, including newspapers, television shows, films, and online platforms, helps identify cultural representations, stereotypes, and trends.

Comparative Studies: Cross-Cultural Comparison: Comparing cultural

practices, values, and societal norms between Britain and the United States, or with other cultures, enhances understanding by highlighting similarities and differences.

Digital Humanities: Digital Analysis: Using digital tools and

technologies to analyze cultural data, social media trends, and online discourse provides insights into contemporary cultural phenomena.

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Interdisciplinary Approaches: Collaboration Across Disciplines:

Integrating insights from various disciplines, such as history, sociology, and literature, contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of British and American culture.

Critical Cultural Studies: Critical Theory: Applying critical theories,

such as postcolonial theory, feminist theory, and critical race theory, helps deconstruct power structures, challenge stereotypes, and analyze cultural hegemony.

Interviews and Oral History: Qualitative Interviews: Conducting

interviews and oral history research allows scholars to gather personal narratives and experiences, providing a human perspective on cultural practices and changes.

Visual and Performing Arts Analysis: Visual Analysis: Studying visual

arts, photography, and performing arts helps uncover cultural expressions, aesthetics, and representations in different historical and contemporary contexts.

Global Perspectives: Transnational and Global Contexts: Considering

the global impact and interconnectedness of British and American culture provides a broader perspective on cultural exchanges, influences, and adaptations.

Educational Research: Curriculum Analysis: Examining educational

materials, curriculum content, and pedagogical approaches helps understand how culture is transmitted through formal education.

Quantitative Research: Surveys and Statistical Analysis: Using surveys

and statistical methods to collect and analyze quantitative data can provide insights into cultural trends, attitudes, and behaviors.

Critical Reflexivity: Self-Reflection: Practicing critical reflexivity

involves acknowledging and addressing the researcher's biases,

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assumptions, and perspectives to enhance the rigor and objectivity of the study.

Combining multiple methods and approaches allows researchers to create a more holistic and nuanced understanding of British and American culture It's important to adapt methodologies to the specific research questions and cultural contexts under investigation.

1.5.Design of the study

Define Objectives: Clearly state research questions or objectives.Literature Review: Review existing research and identify gaps.Theoretical Framework: Establish a guiding theoretical perspective.Methodology: Choose qualitative or quantitative methods.

Sampling: Define the target population and select diverse samples.Data Collection: Implement systematic and ethical data collection.Data Analysis: Analyze data using appropriate methods.Interpretation: Discuss findings, implications, and connections to

Critical Reflexivity: Reflect on personal biases and study limitations.Dissemination: Share findings through academic channels.Feedback and Revision: Seek and incorporate feedback for

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The United Kingdom’s cultural traditions are reflective of the country’s heterogeneity and its central importance in world affairs over the past several centuries Each constituent part of the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) maintains its unique customs, traditions, cuisine, and festivals Moreover, as Britain’s empire spanned the globe, it became a focal point of immigration, especially after the independence of its colonies, from its colonial possessions As a result, immigrants from all corners of the world have entered the United Kingdom and settled throughout the country, leaving indelible imprints on British culture Thus, at the beginning of the 21st century, age-old English, Irish, Scottish, and Welsh customs stood alongside the rich traditions of Afro-Caribbean, Asian, and Muslim immigrants, placing the United Kingdom among the world’s most cosmopolitan and diverse countries.

2.1.Etiquette and Customs

Greetings: Although British people have a reputation for acting cold

towards others, surprisingly, they like kisses on the cheek as a form of greeting When greeting a good friend or family member in the UK, you do not simply shake their hand If you are not a close friend or family member, the physical touch is perceived as odd, and a handshake or a smile can go a long way

Social Distance: The distant personality of the British stands out

when they are conversing with someone, regardless of the relationship, as they like to keep a socially acceptable distance between them and those they are speaking to While in the UK, you can be rude if you do not respect a person’s personal space when talking to them in any social situation

Punctuality: Brits are very strict when it comes to being punctual If

you are late once in the UK, you will likely not be late again The

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British consider being late disrespectful and rude, especially at private dinner parties or someone’s home If you cannot arrive on time at some place or event, make sure you let the host know beforehand

Respect the Queue: British people love to follow the rules, especially

when it comes to waiting in a queue, whether at the supermarket or the cinema Those who dare and jump the queue will most likely be called out If you do jump the queue for whatever reason, be prepared to get yelled at or even kicked out of the queue altogether

Good Manners: Do you think Canadians are polite? Think again!

Despite the reputation of the British people, they love to say sorry, thank you, and please Regardless of who you are talking to, being polite is always appreciated among the Brits

Cups of Tea Daily: It is no secret that British people love to drink

tea, and they usually admit that it is their favorite part of the day You can find Brits drinking tea at any social gathering, whether at a birthday or coffee shop What makes English Tea special is the milk According to research done on this matter, English people drink around 36 billion cups of tea per year

Avoid Extended Eye Contact: British people find it uncomfortable

to stare into someone’s eyes for a long period Most of them feel intimidated by extended eye contact and would rather avoid it altogether

Love Drinking: Brits are known to spend most of their pastimes in

pubs and drinking with friends or colleagues It is hard for them to say no to a drink or two (or ten), and they take turns buying a round of drinks You cannot leave the pub without buying drinks for people you go out with However, if you are one to cry when drunk, avoid binge drinking since Brits do not like emotional drinkers

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Sarcasm Dominates British Humor: British humor is full of irony

and sarcasm, so if you are sensitive and easily offended, be prepared when you hang out with a Brit Their sarcasm is of high quality, so foreigners and visitors are usually confused about whether they are joking or not British humor also involves making fun of celebrities or public figures.

Respect the Elderly and Disabled People: English people are very

serious about respecting older people and love helping the disabled Public transportation rules include giving up your seat for the elderly and the disabled Chivalry is also a must among British people, setting an example for the rest of the world where men hold a door open for a lady or stand up when a lady walks into a room

Gifts for Every Occasion: Giving and receiving gifts is a tradition

for British people, especially when someone invites you to their homes A symbolic gift such as chocolate, flowers, or a bottle of wine is more than enough if you do not go empty-handed.

Love to Complain: Complaints about bad weather or a bad day are

part of any conversation between British people However, they choose to complain mostly to their friends or family and not actual service workers in a restaurant or any other customer service workers simply because they do not want to be rude to them If they do complain about poor service, they usually do it politely without causing any disruption

Gracious Losers: Brits can be a controversy when it comes to

everyday life behavior They love to complain, yet they are good losers, meaning they choose to lose with dignity When losing a competition or a game in the UK, they usually choose to congratulate the winner and do not argue since it is considered rude and poor manners.

Ngày đăng: 22/04/2024, 16:12

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