Edge mesh Vertex mesh Model 4... Body mesh Face mesh Model 5... - For the body mesh, we see that the connection of the mesh cells is almost even between locations.. - For face mesh, ins
GVHD: Phạm Sơn Minh SVTH: Huỳnh Trọng Đạt
MSSV: 21144333
Tp.HCM, 05 tháng 10 năm 2023
Trang 2Mục lục
Model 1 3
Model 2 5
Model 3 7
Model 4 9
Model 5 11
Discussion 14
Trang 3Model 1
Trang 4
Body mesh Face mesh
Trang 5Model 2
Trang 6Body mesh Face mesh
Trang 7Model 3
Trang 8Body mesh Face mesh
Trang 9Edge mesh Vertex mesh
Model 4
Trang 11Body mesh Face mesh
Model 5
Trang 13Body mesh Face mesh
Trang 14
- The areas that are arced are the places with the lowest stress => that's why people often want to reduce the stress concentration in dangerous places - For the body mesh, we see that the connection of the mesh cells is almost even between locations Such division will help to better understand where the block is affected and what it will be like when it is applied Distributed links or concentrated in any department - For face mesh, instead of focusing more on the whole
In the detailed set, it only focuses on analyzing the specified plane, which is suspected to be the most dangerous plane susceptible to corrosion Looking at the image, we will see that the selected area will be meshed smaller than the
unselected areas (if you pay attention to the edge of the detail, you will see that it is divided into layers) - For edge mesh, the detail is divided by lines, it analyzes and subdivides all elements almost equally and the surfaces that are not analyzed will
be divided by mesh automatically
- Locations with dense mesh density and small mesh sizes are locations that are heavily influenced by external forces as well as outside working conditions and are easily damaged or destroyed, so it is necessary to accurately calculate the
parameters Techniques appropriate to working conditions, especially in sparsely populated locations of medium or large size, are locations that are less susceptible
to destructive impacts during work When reducing the grid size, the results will be more accurate However, the density makes the mesh size small
The problem becomes more complex and the calculation process becomes more difficult and time-consuming Therefore, we need to balance the accuracy of details and appropriate calculation time for the most optimal results How to balance to achieve the optimal and most effective results depends on the
experience of the designer and other factors affecting the working conditions of the detail