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Discussion Topic Tips For Making Small Talk On The Phone.pdf

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School: Thuong Mai UniversitySubject: Business English 2.1

Topic: Tips for making small talk on the phone

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1 Small talk

1.1 Definition of small talk

1.2 Importance of small talk on the phone

2 Tips for making small talk

2.1 Open vs closed questions

2.2 Find common interest

2.3 Be respectively of the other person’s time

2.4 Practice active listening

2.5 Maintain a friendly tone



Small talk on the phone can sometimes feel challenging, as we don't have the advantage of visual cues or body language to guide the conversation However, mastering the art of small talk on the phone can greatly enhance our communication skills and help us build stronger connections with others In this guide, we will explore

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some valuable tips and strategies for making engaging and meaningful small talk on the phone Whether it's a professional call or a casual conversation with a friend, these tips will help you navigate through conversations with ease and leave a positive impression So, let's dive in and discover how to make small talk on the phone a breeze!


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1 Small talk

1.1 Definition of small talk

A common definition of small talk in the Cambridge dictionary is, “Polite conversation about things that are not important, often between people who are meeting for the first time.”

So, looking at this definition we could infer that small talk has a bad reputation I personally beg to differ, I feel that small talk has a role to play in business and social gatherings, however you need to use your emotional intelligence to do it well

In fact, small talk can lead to new relationships and some very interesting discussion Some people even have an arsenal of “deep”, yet socially safe questions that they ask people at parties or events These questions can in some cases lead to some amazing and inspirational discussions.

1.2 Importance of small talk on the phone

Small talk on the phone is important because it helps establish and maintain relationships, whether they are personal or professional It helps to create a friendly atmosphere, build rapport, and can lead to more meaningful conversations in the future

Small talk also serves as an icebreaker, especially in situations where you may not be familiar with the person on the other end of the line It can help ease any tension or awkwardness and make both parties feel more comfortable engaging in conversation

Overall, small talk on the phone is important as it sets the stage for a positive and enjoyable interaction, and can ultimately contribute to building stronger connections with others.

There are some reasons that small talk is very necessary:

It shows you want to talk to them When you make some seemingly meaningless conversation, what you’re really saying is, “Hey, you look interesting Wanna figure out if we can be friends?” Ice broken Mildly flattering Clearly, you don’t think they’re an ogre.

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It shows you’re friendly or at least, you probably won’t hurt them, physically or otherwise.

It’s a low-risk way of saying you’re interested in getting to know them for a short time at first Most people are good with this low level of commitment.

It helps you find out if you have things in common It’s when we find those things that we might realize that we want to be friends.

It covers our social needs Most people prefer to have some interaction with other people, rather than none at all.

Self-confidence makes you more attractive Talking to someone first says I’m confident enough to think you’ll probably like me.

Taking the initiative makes it easier for the other person You took all the risk You’ve taken all the fear out of talking to a stranger for the other person As a result, you have more power to create your social life

2 Tips for making small talk2.1 Open vs closed questions

Closed questions are those which can be answered in a few words or less They fish for facts, and are akin to multiple choice questions on a test.

On the other hand, an open-ended question is a type of question that can't be answered with a simple yes or no These types of questions encourage the person being asked to give more detail about their thoughts and feelings Open-ended questions are great for having conversations with people you don't know, as it encourages them to share more about themselves:

Keep the Conversation Flowing: Open-ended questions allow you to keep the conversation going and prevent awkward silences They also help you move from one topic to another, which can be helpful if you are talking to someone you don't know very well.

Show Interest: Asking open-ended questions is a great way to show that you are interested in what the other person has to say It also encourages them to open up and share more information.

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Understanding: Asking open-ended questions allows you to listen and understand what the other person is saying This can help you form better relationships and build trust.

Make Small Talk: Open-ended questions are great for making small talk

because they are less intimidating than yes or no questions and make it easier for people to talk

Using open-ended questions can be a great way to make conversation and build relationships with others Not only do they help keep conversations flowing, but they also show interest in the other person and allow you to really listen and understand It’s not that you should never ask closed questions They’re sometimes necessary for soliciting specific information And they’re typically how you begin a conversation in the first place: Where are you from? What do you do?

It’s once the other person responds to your initial closed questions that you begin to ask more open ones that seek to clarify and expand on the things they tell you.

Now that we understand the purpose of open-ended questions, let’s look at some practical tips for asking them effectively.

1 Use clear and concise language

When asking open-ended questions, it’s vital to use language that is easy to understand Refrain from using technical terms or jargons the person you’re speaking to may need to be familiar with This will help ensure they fully understand and engage with your question.

2 Ask questions that encourage elaboration

The key to asking effective open-ended questions is encouraging the person you speak with to elaborate on the answers Avoid questions that you can answer with a simple yes or no Instead, try asking questions that require the person to provide more detail or explanation.

3 Avoid leading questions

Leading questions can influence the response of the person you’re speaking with These types of questions typically provide the answer within the question itself

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or suggest a particular response Avoid asking questions that offer an explanation or give too much information.

Most people like to talk about themselves and topics they’re familiar with Encourage more in-depth responses to your questions by asking open-ended questions One approach is to start a conversation with a closed question and then follow it up with open-ended ones.

2.2 Find common interest

When you're making small talk on the phone, it can be helpful to find common interests with the person you're speaking with This can help you establish a connection and keep the conversation flowing.There are a few ways to find common interests for small talk on the phone:

Start with open-ended questions: Begin by asking open-ended questions that prompt the other person to share their hobbies, interests, or experiences For example:

Look for clues: If you know the person well, you may already have an idea of what they like For example, if they post a lot about hiking on social media, you could ask them about their favorite trails.

Share your own interests: Sometimes, sharing your own interests can spark a conversation If you mention that you enjoy cooking, for example, the other person may share their favorite recipes or restaurants.

Talk about current events: Discussing current events can be a good way to find common ground Just be sure to avoid controversial topics that could lead to arguments.

Keep exploring: Even if you haven't discovered a direct common interest yet, don't give up Continue asking questions and showing curiosity about their interests People often have hidden passions or unexpected connections that can emerge during the conversation.

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Remember, building common ground takes time and effort Be patient, empathetic, and genuinely interested in the other person Small talk is an opportunity to explore shared interests and potentially develop a deeper connection over time.

2.3 Be respectively of the other person’s time

Respecting the other person’s time refers to valuing and acknowledging the importance of the time they invest in interactions with you It involves being punctual, concise, and considerate of their schedule and commitments, ensuring that you don’t waste their time and that interactions are efficient, purposeful, and respectful Example:

Imagine you have a scheduled phone call with a colleague at 3:00 PM Respecting their time means calling precisely at 3:00 PM, not keeping them waiting During the conversation, you get straight to the point, addressing the main topics without unnecessary small talk or off-topic discussions If you had agreed on a 15-minute conversation, you conclude the call within the agreed-upon time frame, ensuring that you do not overrun and respect their time constraint Additionally, if they ask to reschedule due to unexpected circumstances, you accommodate their request understanding that their time is valuable too By demonstrating these behaviors, you show respect for their time and enhance the quality of your professional relationship Absolutely, being punctual is a fundamental aspect of respecting the other person's time, especially during phone conversations Here are some additional tips to further emphasize the importance of respecting their time:

Be Punctual: Start on time If you have a scheduled phone call, make sure to start the conversation promptly And end on time, be mindful of the duration of the conversation If you initially agreed on a short chat, stick to the agreed-upon time frame.

Be Mindful of Their Schedule: Ask if it’s a good time Before diving into the conversation, ask if the other person is available to talk at that moment Respect their schedule, if they are busy or in a rush, offer to call back at a more convenient time Express Gratitude: Show appreciation, Thank the person for their time and input Expressing gratitude reinforces the value you place on their time and expertise

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2.4 Practice active listening

In a conversation, we not only talk to each other but also learn to listen to each other In here, listening is not just normal listening, but to really pay attention to the conversation, to making and maintaining small talks, we need more than that That is why we need to learn and practice active listening

Active listening is a valuable skill that involves fully focusing on and understanding what someone is saying without interrupting or planning responses It helps build better relationships, improves communication, and shows respect and empathy towards the speaker

Here are some techniques and strategies to practice active listening that will be helpful for us in making small talk

Face the speaker and have eye contact: Position yourself in a way that shows you are fully engaged in the conversation Maintain eye contact with the speaker to demonstrate your attentiveness

Listen to non-verbal cues: Pay attention to the speaker's body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice These non-verbal cues can provide additional information and help you understand the speaker's emotions and intentions

Don't interrupt: Avoid interrupting the speaker while they are talking Let them finish their thoughts before responding or asking questions Interrupting can disrupt the flow of the conversation and make the speaker feel unheard

Listen without judging: Practice suspending judgment and refrain from forming opinions or making assumptions while listening Be open-minded and try to understand the speaker's perspective without imposing your own biases

Paraphrase and summarize: After the speaker has finished talking, paraphrase or summarize what you heard to ensure your understanding This shows the speaker that you were actively listening and gives them an opportunity to clarify any misunderstandings

Demonstrate patience: Be patient and avoid rushing the conversation Give the speaker time to express themselves fully without feeling rushed or interrupted

By practicing these techniques, you can improve your active listening skills and create more meaningful and engaged conversations.

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2.5 Maintain a friendly tone

Maintaining a friendly tone during small talk on the phone is essential for building rapport and creating a positive atmosphere Here are some tips to help you maintain a friendly tone during phone conversations:

Use a warm and welcoming greeting: Start the conversation with a friendly greeting, such as "Hello" or "Hi." Use the person's name if you know it, as it adds a personal touch and shows that you value the individual.

Smile while speaking: Even though the other person can't see you, smiling while

speaking can make your voice sound more friendly and welcoming It adds warmth and positivity to the conversation.

Speak clearly and at a moderate pace: Ensure that your words are clear and easy

to understand Avoid speaking too fast or too slow, as it can affect the flow of the conversation Maintain a moderate pace to allow the other person to follow along comfortably.

Show genuine interest: Demonstrate interest in the other person's thoughts and

opinions by actively listening and asking follow-up questions Engage in the conversation by showing curiosity and empathy This helps create a friendly and engaging dialogue.

Use positive language: Choose words and phrases that convey positivity and friendliness Avoid negative or confrontational language, as it can create tension or discomfort Instead, focus on using words that uplift the conversation and create a pleasant atmosphere.

Mirror the other person's tone: Pay attention to the tone and energy level of the other person's voice Try to match their tone to create a sense of connection and understanding If they are more formal, maintain a professional tone If they are more relaxed, adjust your tone accordingly.

Be mindful of your body language: Even though the other person can't see you,

your body language can still affect your tone of voice Sit up straight, relax your shoulders, and maintain an open posture This can help you sound more confident and friendly.

Ngày đăng: 09/04/2024, 21:57