Despite the negative effects of overthinking, it is not receiving enough attention from young IBD students.. Literature ReviewNowadays, mental health has numerous attention from people,
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Instructor Dr Tuong Thi Phuong Lien
Trang 2We would like to express our gratitude to our instructor, Dr Tuong Thi PhuongLien, who always been willing to give thoughtful recommendations We also allIBD@NEU students who provided information for us to complete our research We want
to give our best regard and best wishes to Dr Tuong Thi Phuong Lien and all students
Thanks for your help!
Trang 3Chapter I Introduction 5
1.1 Background 5
1.2 Rationale 5
1.3 Research questions 6
1.4 Research method and Scope 6
Collecting the primary data method 6
Collecting the secondary data method 6
Chapter II Literature Review 7
2.1 Definition of overthinking 7
2.2 Kinds of overthinking 7
2.3 The effects of overthinking 8
2.4 The causes of overthinking 9
Chapter III Analysis and Major Findings 10
3.1 The reality of overthinking on IBD students 11
3.2 The effects of overthinking on IBD students 14
Trang 43.3 The reasons of overthinking on IBD students 15
3.4 The solutions to remove overthinking on IBD students 17
Chapter IV: Recommendation 19
Chapter V: Conclusion 19
References 19
Table of chart 21
Appendix 22
Trang 5Topic: A research on effects of overthinking on IBD students
Chapter I Introduction
Positive energy brings impressive achievement, which is able to help people
be more productive and creative However, the number of IBD students who have too much negative thinking, and this tendency significantly affects their lives Overthinking is a common problem that affects many people and can be defined as
a process of constantly analyzing and scrutinizing a situation beyond what is necessary or productive While some degree of reflection and analysis is healthy, overthinking can lead to a range of negative outcomes, including increased stress, anxiety, and indecision In this research, we will explore the causes and effects of overthinking, as well as some strategies for coping with and reducing it.
Modern life has become increasingly busy, with people working more and facing more challenges in their daily lives As a result, mental health issues are becoming more common, particularly among young people aged 18-24 One common issue is overthinking, which is on the rise in the IBD student community This is an important topic for IBD students to understand.
Dr Truong Hong Son, Director of the Institute of Applied Medicine of Vietnam, explains that overthinking is not a mental illness, but it can be a symptom
of an underlying mental health problem Over time, it can also weaken the immune system When someone is worried or stressed, the body's stress response is triggered, which can create substances like cortisol that weaken the immune system [ CITATION Min231 \l 1033 ]
Trang 6Despite the negative effects of overthinking, it is not receiving enough attention from young IBD students Additionally, research on the mental health and overthinking of IBD students is limited This study aims to address these limitations by evaluating the level of anxiety and identifying the reasons behind excessive negative thinking in IBD students The results will provide a more comprehensive understanding of the factors affecting individual psychology and offer suggestions to help IBD students reduce overthinking.
The research aims in answering three main questions:
Collecting the primary data method
Information is collected from survey handouts distributed to students of IBD@National Economic University All of these students have several things in common: They all have their own decision.
Collecting the secondary data method
Secondary sources of information that the researcher will use from websites, newspapers, available online information, research subject, and articles help me to find factors of this issue These questionnaires have 15 questions with more than one choice or own opinion The answerer does not need to fill in the information about them
Finally, we will collect the result after the answerer does a survey in 5 minutes After that data will be shown in chart form which clearly ways to have an overall.
Trang 7Chapter II Literature Review
Nowadays, mental health has numerous attention from people, especially, students want to know problems around overthinking Having too much negative thinking also has been mentioned by students, parents, and teachers because it has numerous disadvantages The research on effects of overthinking on students has been carried out by the researchers to know the reality status, and various cause behind this tendency.
2.1 Definition of overthinking
Overthinking is defined as that involves excessive thinking about a particular issue
or a specific situation for extended periods of time It can lead to difficulty in keepingconcentration on other things, as the mind becomes consumed by one thing being thoughtabout [ CITATION Arm23 \l 1033 ] While numerous individuals hold the belief thatoverthinking is beneficial since it involves examining an issue from various perspectivesand anticipating future outcomes, researchers suggest that overthinking is associated withnegative moods such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder[ CITATION Bon15 \l 1033 ]
In general, "overthinking" refers to a pattern of unproductive, repetitive thinking.Regardless of the terminology used, the concept pertains to constant thought loops thatlack resolution Sarah Sperber explained that overthinking involves persistent thoughtpatterns that do not seem to lead to a conclusion [ CITATION Sar23 \l 1033 ]
2.2 Kinds of overthinking
There are two main types of overthinking including ruminating and worrying
Firstly, ruminating is a popular type of overthinking where people engage in involuntary
and compulsive thinking, causing them to become stuck in negative thought patterns anduncomfortable emotions Moreover, it involves repetitive thoughts about negative pastevents, problems, or concerns that have already happened, and those thoughts can
Trang 8become so overwhelming and excessive that people are unable to control or stop them.
Secondly, worrying can be described as feelings of fear and anxiety, and due to
anticipating harmful events Individuals may become fixated on minor details and loseperspective on the larger picture, such as the low probability of a negative scenariooccurring and the high probability of being able to handle it effectively if it does occur[ CITATION Gre23 \l 1033 ]
2.3 The effects of overthinking
Overthinking would bring several impacts analyzed in the study includingpsychological and mental health problems
Overthinking can have various negative effects on mental health, includingstress and anxiety We found that overthinking one's faults, mistakes, and problemsincreases the risk of developing mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and borderline personality disorder [ CITATION Lou \l 1033 ].Furthermore, negative thoughts, which cause emotions of despair and hopelessness, canalso contribute to depression Results show that rumination and worry were thesignificant exposures for making changes in mental health [ CITATION Qas22 \l 1033 ]
In fact, overthinking can also result in mental exhaustion and burnout, impairingcognitive functions such as memory, information processing, and creativity [ CITATIONJon20 \l 1033 ]
There are a lot of detrimental drawbacks of overthinking to physical health.These include tension headaches, which are brought on by tight muscles in the scalp andneck Overthinking brought on by stress and anxiety can also lead to digestive problemsincluding irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), acid reflux, and stomach ulcers Theseconditions can disrupt the digestive tract and produce inflammation The immune systemcan get weakened by overthinking, leaving it more vulnerable to ailments and diseases Inaddition, stress and muscular strain from overthinking can lead to persistent discomfort inthe back, neck, and shoulders [ CITATION Met20 \l 1033 ] In addition, Anxiousthoughts take your body out of its resting state, making you more alert and awake This
Trang 9leads to tossing and turning while trying to sleep only to get poor quality sleep Peoplewho died at a younger age had significantly lower levels of a protein that quiets brainactivity [ CITATION STE \l 1033 ] Extra thinking causes excess brain activity, whichdepletes the protein Finally, overthinking affects your social skills When people spendmore time negatively speculating what others think of them, it often creates fear andavoidance of social situations.
2.4 The causes of overthinking
There are several reasons why IBD students become overthinkers This researchwill analyze two primary factors, both external and internal
We want to start by mapping out the external factors that contribute to the negative
thought chain Firstly, overthinking is the result of a traumatic event People who have
experienced trauma are more likely to show signs of overthinking For example, if aperson was abused or neglected as a child, their brain could be permanently stuck in astate of high alert This implies that when we are in dangerous situations that could causeharm, our fight-or-flight response is prepared and ready to go Therefore, people whohave experienced trauma can become obsessive thinking in such circumstances
Secondly, social networks develop like a storm, but content censorship still has many
holes, leading to rampant malicious content that affects users too much It is a fact thatlong-term exposure to harmful information can lead to depression, anxiety, and even loss
of confidence in life From these feelings, social media users start thinking more aboutthe bad things that could happen to them Furthermore, the negative impact ofcyberbullying on victims' mental health has been demonstrated Victims feel cherishedand anxious due to their pervasive nature, pervasiveness, and long-term network
interactions [ CITATION Reb20 \l 1033 ] The third factor to mention is the family
environment, where physical and emotional activities greatly affect people's personalitydevelopment, especially young people In fact, in families with people who havecommunication and psychological problems, even being abused, their children often haveeccentric actions or unstable thoughts, and excessive anxiety Next, negative feedback
Trang 10from parents is also a premise for the timidity and anxiety of young people becauseinstead of receiving sympathy, they are always afraid of their parents' reprimands.
Fourthly, we think that a part of freshmen when changing living and studying
environments leads to thinking a lot They take a long time to balance finances,accommodation, and relationships and a lot of problems arise, especially for studentsaway from home, studying stressful majors like Medicine [ CITATION Reb20 \l 1033 ]
The last impact we want to mention is the advice of friends A good example shows that,
when people introduce their lover to their close friends, there will immediately be manyopinions that they should break up with their love for many reasons that are considereddangerous It can be seen that under the pressure of negative advice, people willconstantly generate many doubts and fears, leading to overthinking
As the demonstration continues, the study will be able to discuss some internalcauses The inability to manage negative emotions is a major cause of overthinking When encountering unsatisfactory things in life, many young people tend to think somuch about that problem that they lose sleep and eat, however, those thoughts do not helpsolve the problem [ CITATION NiM22 \l 1033 ] Problems are facing, even becomingmore and more confusing, and difficult to solve Because these people tend to think a lotabout things that happened in the past or worry about things that have not happened in thefuture Not only with big problems, even a small change can cause people with thissyndrome to get stuck in their thoughts Moreover, people are becoming overthinkersbecause they do not have enough confidence in themselves
Trang 11Chapter III Analysis and Major Findings
With answers we collected from students of IBD intake 19, all the acceptablequestionnaires help us factor in our topic and give some recommendations for IBDstudents to protect the campus environment
3.1 The reality of overthinking on IBD students
The percentage of IBD students who have ever overthought
Yes No
Chart 1 The percentage of IBD students who have ever overthought
This bar chart shows the proportion of IBD students who have ever overthought.The percentage up to approximately 90% of the total number of students taking thesurvey It can be seen that almost all IBD students engage in overthinking, with only asmall portion reporting never experiencing it
Trang 1266.70%
The distribution of sex in IBD students overthinking
Male Female
Chart 2 The distribution of sex in IBD students overthinking
Moreover, overthinking is also shown based on gender, and this pie chart detailsthe division in gender among overthinking The number of female IBD studentsoverthinking is indeed more than twice of male IBD students This is evidence that thegirls in IBD students usually overthink more than others
The frequency of overthinking on IBD students
Always 100% Usually 90% Generally 80% Often 70% Sometimes 50%
Occasionally 30% Hardly 10% Rarely 5% Never 0%
Chart 3 The frequency of overthinking on IBD students
Next, the pie chart illustrates the frequency of overthinking among IBD students.The number of IBD students who occasionally overthink accounts for 1/3 of the total,
Trang 13followed by 1/5 of IBD students who generally overthink Additionally, the percentages
of IBD students who often, occasionally, and always overthink are approximately 13%,9.3%, and 7.4% respectively Notably, only a small number of students engage infrequent overthinking, with percentages of usually, hardly, rarely, and never amounting to3.75%
Time of day with many overthinkers in IBD
Chart 4 Time of day with many overthinkers in IBD
There is a phenomenon of overthinking in IBD students that the study mentions,which is the time of day to overthink The bar graph above shows the instances when IBDstudents overthink The highest figure is at midnight at 83.3%, which is almost twice asmuch as the period in the evening The third highest position belongs to students whooverthink in the afternoon, comprising almost 17%, which is higher than the morningnearly 6% Notably, in the afternoon, they seem to have the least negative thoughts, asless than 10% of IBD students selected that option
First-year student
Junior Senior
63 41
The level of academic which has many IBD students overthinking