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A Research Into The Reality Of Online Studyingof National Economics University Students Incovid – 19 Pandemic.pdf

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lOMoARcPSD|38592384 NATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY International School of Management and Economics International Bachelor Degree Program A RESEARCH INTO THE REALITY OF ONLINE STUDYING OF NATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN COVID – 19 PANDEMIC Name: Duong Thanh Nga Class: I17S3 Student code: 10200042 Instructor: Pham Phuong Lan, MA, MSc Ha Noi, 12/12/2021 Downloaded by Huyen DO (tailieuso.16@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|38592384 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to my mentor, Ms Phuong Lan, for her encouragement, support, and enthusiasm for providing me with an excellent opportunity to complete the wonderful project "The Reality of Online Learning for National Economic University Students" in Covid- 19 Outbreak" In addition, I would also like to thank those very supportive friends who helped me complete this project within a limited time This project is not only for scores, but also for broadening my knowledge Therefore, we will express our gratitude to those who helped us throughout the research process ABSTRACT The COVID-19 pandemic has forced sudden changes in many sectors of the international community and turned the world upside down Everything has been affected, and the education sector is not excluded It has undergone some unforeseen changes in many parts of the world Due to COVID-19, the sudden transition to online teaching methods has exposed some challenges as well as welfare challenges Virtual or online education is one of the common methods in different countries/regions of the world, which can be used more in different and special situations or conditions, such as the Covid-19 pandemic we are facing today Today, it faces different challenges, mainly in the education of higher education students I investigated the reality of online studying for National Economics University students during the covid-19 pandemic 2 Downloaded by Huyen DO (tailieuso.16@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|38592384 Table of Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 2 ABSTRACT 2 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 4 1 Background 4 2 Rationale .4 3 Research question .4 4 Research Methodology .4 CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW 5 1 Online platform 5 2 The reality of online studying 5 3 The streangth of online studying .6 4 Online learning’s drawback .6 5 Challenge .7 CHAPTER III Major Finding 8 1 The current situation of online learning of NEU students .8 2 The complication and conveniences of online learning 11 3 The methods that NEU students devised to improve the quality of online classes .14 CHAPTER IV: Conclusion 14 1 Recommendation 14 2 Conclusion 15 CHAPTER VI: Appendix 15 References 18 3 Downloaded by Huyen DO (tailieuso.16@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|38592384 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 Background The World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic on January 30, 2020, and the outbreak has had a significant impact on a variety of global industries and organizations (2020,Impey) COVID-19's impact on education has not been overlooked, it has touched all levels of the universal academic system, and has caused academic conferences to be canceled The entire shutdown of schools and educational facilities, impacting roughly 900 million kids globally, is one of the actions or policies agreed upon by nations throughout the world to prevent the spread of the sickness (UNESCO, 2020) Similarly, when COVID-19 arrived in Vietnam, traditional offline classes were suspended, university facilities were shut, and efforts were made to transfer lessons online Because of COVID-19, National Economics University, and other colleges, mandatory lecturers swiftly adopt and decide the use of technology to live in this tough period Online education is a popular measure in many nations throughout the world, something that may be more utilized in distinct and unique scenarios or conditions, such as the Covid-19 epidemic that we are currently facing Today, it confronts significant problems, particularly in higher education Therefore, I surveyed the reality of NEU students in the covid-19 pandemic 2 Rationale The results of the research will quickly assess the benefits of virtual school education and the challenges posed by incentives to use this technology The study also aims to make recommendations for improving the quality of education through the use of the Internet and digital media during Covid-19 and uncertain times, namely by improving facilities, familiarity, reducing costs, and speeding and accessing the Internet Since the method is young, the only thought-provoking part is the performance of the students and their views, which must be studied and followed up for better development and transformation Although it provides significant advantages for effectively completing work in a specific field, some students hold a negative attitude towards this in general education 3 Research question • What is the reality of online studying of NEU students in the Covid – 19 pandemics? • What are the online studying problems that NEU students confront during the Covid – 19 pandemics? • What methods are being taken to improve the quality of online studying for NEU students during the Covid - 19 pandemics? 4 Research Methodology In my examination, I employed two methods: 4 Downloaded by Huyen DO (tailieuso.16@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|38592384 • Primary data: The data collection approach began with an assessment of questionnaires submitted by students at National Economics University To make it easier for people to participate in the survey, questionnaires have been created and submitted using Google Forms All responses have been collated, and the results will be shown in the charts that accompany this article • Secondary data: This issue's information was gathered from the Internet, books and past study This type of information aided the research's trustworthiness and completeness CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW 1 Online platform For decades, researchers have been studying online education, including online teaching and learning Numerous research papers, ideas, models, standards, and assessment criteria are devoted to improving online learning, teaching, and course design According to my study, effective online learning results from careful instructional design and planning and the use of a systematic design The design process, as well as the thorough deliberation of numerous design decisions, have an influence on educational quality (Routledge, 2014) As a result, within days of the directives, a slew of academics at the university began researching all available video- conferencing tools and platforms In addition to the Moodle platform at the institution, GoToMeeting, Skype, emails, and Zoom were used Based on the positive experiences of a number of students with the Zoom platform, the college acquired a version of Moodle for use by teachers, which was incorporated into the university’s learning platform Almost all of the programmers for the second term have finished their job, and they are certain that the online solutions has been designated as a lifeline for finishing the term under difficult conditions 2 The reality of online studying The rapid alteration to online studying has become a strategy of organizational agility with certain scholastic organizations focusing on the digitalization of academic themes, notably on online education and way measurements However, there was a scarcity of sources in educational institutions, as well as intellectual marginalization, where there was insufficient access to available internet and technology The most recent has altered organizational receptivity to engage in online studying (Zhong, 2020) Another major issue with digital learning is a lack of adequate engagement with 5 Downloaded by Huyen DO (tailieuso.16@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|38592384 lecturers Furthermore, comments about any aspect of the online class are frequently discussed with the appropriate course teacher via email, necessitating feedback time Another major disadvantage of online learning is the lack of regular classroom interaction Scholars exclusively contact with their online postgraduates and never see other scholars in person; therefore, there is no real-time sharing of ideas, knowledge, and information in the online learning environment (Britt, 2006) The current circumstances are exceptional; it is more crisis learning than standard online learning settings (Pace, Pettit, & Barker, 2020) 3 The streangth of online studying Despite this abrupt change, students and faculty at the National Economics University were able to convert to an online format Here are some of the benefits of this change: • General advantages: Among other sources, the usage of the internet has increased substantially, as many professors and researchers may acquire knowledge and resources by researching online blogs and other linked sources Another benefit of the shift to online education is the ability to hold live meetings; record meeting, and connect with others • Advantage for personal growth and development: making use of available resources Moodle and other formerly unutilized systems have been popular and widely used throughout this period Importantly, online resources that were existing on campus in the college but were hardly used by both staff and undergraduates before to COVID-19 proved to be incredibly useful tools during the conversion • Scholastic shifts: faculty, scholars might explore various learning options by utilizing gadgets and other virtual tools for educating and learning The ability to get education from a distance, allowing both students and staff to continue engaging outside of the constraints of a traditional institution in a classroom 4 Online learning’s drawback The document also discusses certain shortcomings connected to virtual learning One of the reported flaws was the delay in receiving feedback In Petride's (2002) coursework, some participants expressed feelings of inadequacy and responded instantly in the online background, as opposed to what would ordinarily occur in an organized in-person class session (L Song et al.) Participants in Hara and Kling's (1999) showed school likewise expressed dissatisfaction with the lecturer's slow response Recent research has yielded similar results For example, one identified flaw of an online course, according to Vonderwell (2003), was the deferral of immediate response from the teacher Another disadvantage of online learning research is the lack of understanding of competence Participants in Petride's (2002) course expressed distrust about their classmates' alleged knowledge Despite this, the participants stated that they felt safe because of the teacher's skill Another issue that online learners experienced was a 6 Downloaded by Huyen DO (tailieuso.16@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|38592384 sense of loneliness and lack of communicate According to Vonderwell (2003), virtual learning participants noted a lack of connection with the trainer, specifically a "one-on- one" interaction with the teacher "I don't know anything about her personality." (For further information, see page 83.) Similar findings have been seen in other investigations According to Woods (2002), online students felt disconnected from professors and other students in the virtual courses they studied As a result, we cannot expect it to be perfect or challenging 5 Challenge The COVID-19 pandemic struck several nations unexpectedly, with little or no planning in place COVID-19 has had a significant impact on many industries, including education In Vietnam, virtual learning, which has become the normal because of the pandemic, is currently confronted with a variety of obstacles, some of which are listed below: National infrastructure is in poor condition Unstable power and Internet supply: When compared to other countries, Vietnam does not have a consistent energy supply since there have been power outages in the past, hurting both instructors and pupils Issues with course delivery Reduce teacher-student interaction: When thinking about some of my classroom learning experiences, I see that some scholars spend less time in classroom conversations than normal offline courses, and they often seldom answer questions when they ask Therefore, online courses are sometimes very difficult Long and very uncomfortable (Lavy and Naama-Ghanayim, 2020, Orkibi and Tuaf, 2017) Long working hours: Scholars cannot submit tasks on time, and teachers cannot maintain their schedules due to the Internet and power outages Arrange deadlines: Many faculty and students may use technical tools to complete their work quickly, but due to another limitation; they have to compromise on deadlines and even their approach standards Misconduct: Because of the virtual testing system and due to technical limitations, many scholars cannot use video equipment in some face-to-face classroom assignments and examinations, and students can get guidance and help that the teacher does not know Students' difficulties Students' obstinacy: some undergraduates who had previously attended traditional offline classes found the online method to be difficult, with some becoming ill- mannered to professors as a result of the stress they were subjected to, thereby restricting virtual teaching and learning 7 Downloaded by Huyen DO (tailieuso.16@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|38592384 Concerns with family: because of online delivery, some academics study at home, where they are easily distracted; and the majority of scholars found it difficult to focus during virtual learning (Sutton, 2020) Cerebellar health problems: Some scholars feel worried and nervous due to unexpected changes As some scholars are unable to deal with the combination of their academic needs and family problems, depression, brain problems and gloomy thoughts are some of the discussions that took place during this period The challenge of cyber security Threats to information security: With laptops and other mobile high-tech equipment becoming more prevalent in our daily learning and teaching lives as traditional learning shifts to a virtual format, there are several forms of vulnerabilities, virus contact and other cybersecurity risks (Nam, 2019) CHAPTER III Major Finding 1 The current situation of online learning of NEU students female male 40.00% 60.00% Figure 1: gender Participants in this poll are 30 NEU students from a variety of classes at National Economics University In this survey, 60% of female students and 40% of male students were chosen from a group of 30 NEU students to obtain qualitative data on their attitudes regarding the online teaching-learning process 8 Downloaded by Huyen DO (tailieuso.16@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|38592384 Other 30.00% Google Meet 40.30% Zoom 53.30% Microsoft Team 73.30% 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% Figure 2: Online Education Platform The figure illustrate the percentage of students using kind of online platform for learning Most of students taking part in the survey attend their online classes by Microsoft Team, at 73,3% While there are 40,3% of NEU students use the Google Meet platform to participate in their online classes By contrast, the figure for the Zoom and other platform accounts for 53,3% and 30% of the total NEU students asked for the survey respectively 33.33% 43.34% 23.32% three times a week three to five times a week more five times a week Figure 3: The frequency of learning on online platform The pie chart depicts the frequency of NEU students learning on an online education platform during the COVID-19 epidemic Overall, 44 percent of students study on an online education platform more than five times each week At the same time, students planned to study three times a week account for 33% of the total NEU students polled, while those scheduled to study fewer than three to five times a week account for 23% of the total NEU students polled 9 Downloaded by Huyen DO (tailieuso.16@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|38592384 0% In the evening (19.00 to 21.00) 37% In the afternoon (12.00 to 17.00) 50% In the morning (7.00 to 10.00) 73% 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% Figure 4: Time to begin an online period of students I inquired about the best time for them to begin an online period Surprisingly, the pie charts reveal that the proportion of students who wish to start an online time in the morning (7.00 to 10.00) is the greatest at 73,3 percent Meanwhile, the percentage during the evening (19.00 to 21.00) is substantially lower, at only 36.7 percent The afternoon (12.00 to 17.00) is also the time of day selected by 50 percent of 31 NEU students to begin an online course Because it is my spare time 47% Because this is the perfect moment for me to memorize a great deal of information 33% Because I was in the correct frame of mind at the moment to study online 60% Because I can learn online while also doing other things (such as taking care of your younger siblings, cooking meals, cleaning up home, etc.) 37% 0.00% 20.00% 40.00% 60.00% 80.00% Figure 5: The reason why student want to start online class at that time The bar chart illustrate the reason students want to start online classes at time, which they chose The majority of students believe that they were in the correct frame of mind at that moment to study at 60% while the figure for the reason learning online while doing other thing was lower at only 36,7% Meanwhile, the percentage of students claim it is their spare time and this is the perfect moment for their to memorize a great deal of information are 46,7% and 33,3% respectively 10 Downloaded by Huyen DO (tailieuso.16@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|38592384 Satisfactory 33.30% Joyful 20.00% Tired (becaused I am on a screen all day) 40.00% Stressfull 33.30% Interesting 23.30% Bored 36.70% 0.00% 5.00% 10.00%15.00%20.00%25.00%30.00%35.00%40.00%45.00% Figure 6: the sense of students about online classes The bar chart illustrate information about the sense of NEU students about online classes, the results show that the ration of students finding online classes joyful and interesting was the lowest, account at 23,3% and 20% respectively Meanwhile the percentage of students feeling online classes satisfactory and stressful are the same figure at 33,3% By contrast, the figure of students who find online classes bored stand at 36,7% while the percentage of students sensing online classes tiring (because they are on a screen all day) was the highest at 40% 2 The complication and conveniences of online learning Some of our courses are hands-on, requiring in-person instruction, practice, and field research These topics are not covered in an online course 33.30% When studying online, communication with professors and cooperation with students is not as good as when learning in offline classrooms 46.70% The online learning platform is very complex, making it difficult to utilize when learning 50.00% The lack of a large number of devices on an online learning platform makes communicating with teachers difficult 26.70% A shaky connection from you or your teacher 33.30% 0.00% 20.00% 40.00% 60.00% Figure 7: The complication students facing when studying online The bar charts illustrate the information about complications students face when they learn online According to the chart, the percentage of students choose communication 11 Downloaded by Huyen DO (tailieuso.16@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|38592384 with professors and cooperation with students when studying is not as good as when learning in offline classrooms is higher at 46,7% While there are only very few students choose the lack of a large number of devices on an online learning platform makes communicating with teachers difficult with the percentage at 26,7% At the same time, the majority of students face complications about the online platform is very complex making it difficult to utilize when learning, at 50% meanwhile, there are 25% of students face some problem about a shaky connection from them or their teacher and some of their courses are hands-on, requiring in-person instruction, practice, and field research These topics are not covered in an online course I could divide the day and time I complete my work, I can sleep in a little longer, and overall just be comfortable 46.70% It is simple to use the online platform 23.30% It is perfectly easy to save the teaching files for the rest of our lives and refer to them anytime we have time without a teacher and want to listen or watch them while lying down, alone, and in quiet 60.00% I have the freedom to studyanywhere I choose 33.30% Enrolling in the class takes verylittle time 26.70% 0.00% 20.00% 40.00% 60.00% 80.00% Figure 8: The convenience of online studying The bar chart illustrates information about the conveniences that students find when studying online As can be seen, the proportion of students who claim that it is perfectly easy to save the teaching files for the rest of our lives and refer to them anytime they have time without a teacher and want to listen or watch them while lying down, alone, and in quiet is the highest at 60% While the figure for it is simple to use the online platform was lower at only 23,3% Meanwhile, the proportion of students taking very little time to enroll in the class and students have the freedom to study anywhere them choose make up 26,7% and 33,3% respectively of the total NEU students asked for survey There were 46,7% of students could divided the day and time they complete my work, they can sleep in a little longer, and overall just be comfortable 12 Downloaded by Huyen DO (tailieuso.16@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|38592384 online classes offline classes either of the two classes 33.33% 43.34% 23.32% Figure 9: The class students prefer to study more When asked whether they prefer to learn online classes or offline classes, the majority of students choose online lessons, accounted for 44%, while the figure for students prefer offline sessions made up 23% However, just 33% of NEU students choose either of the two classes online classes offline classes either of the two classes 26.70% 30.00% 43.30% Figure 10: The class students believe is more effective Similar to question 9, I would like to know whether students believe that learning online or in-person is more productive According to the findings, 43 percent of students believe offline lessons are more effective than online programs, while 27 percent believe online sessions are more successful Simultaneously, 30 percent of students select either of the two classes 13 Downloaded by Huyen DO (tailieuso.16@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|38592384 3 The methods that NEU students devised to improve the quality of online classes The break time between periods longer 33.30% Making scheduling manageable 60.00% Simplifying the educational topic 46.70% Providing technical support to individuals in need 40.00% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Figure 11: the method students suggested improving online classes’ quality Since online studying still has many flaws for students, I was curious about the measures that students suggested to improve the quality of online classrooms and make them more exciting The majority of students, 60 percent, recommend making scheduling more doable Meanwhile, the statistic for the amount of time between lengthier intervals is just 33,3% 40 percent and 46,7 percent of students, respectively, believe that giving technical assistance to persons in need and simplifying the educational topic are viable solutions CHAPTER IV: Conclusion 1 Recommendation I make the following suggestions based on the survey study's findings and interpretation To begin, individuals in need of technical assistance: Government and college regulators should identify individuals in need and endow free or subsidized equipment for a simple and effective adjustment to the online come within reach of studying Furthermore, the government should provide internet access points in strategic and secure public areas throughout communities so that impoverished students may access crucial academic and educational resources Second, transition gradually: Due to other family interactions, the household setting may be unfavorable for learning with the Covid-19 raging everywhere and everyone being obliged to self- isolate at home As a result, in order to reduce strain and stress, it is vital to gradually transition to online education Third, logically arrange the lecturing subject: lecture subjects and volume should be made easy and varied in order to prevent becoming onerous, tedious, and unappealing, resulting in thwarted learning Furthermore, everyone's study gets easier and more enjoyable during difficult times Strict adherence to calendar schedules, a slew of examinations, and homework may make a worse situation, which can diminish the need and excitement for virtual studying 14 Downloaded by Huyen DO (tailieuso.16@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|38592384 Instructors should divide curriculum for simpler virtual delivery and management so that students can focus Online platforms should also be upgraded in order that students may completely utilize them for their study and like using them every time 2 Conclusion The COVID-19 has had an impact on the traditional learning methods used by educational institutions all over the world University administrators have chosen online classes as an alternative method of continuing to teach and learn Despite the fact that virtual education has been shown to be effective in saving the health of students and faculty members during the COVID-19 pandemic, various observations and research documents have revealed that there are benefits and drawbacks to online learning and education Some advantages include higher quality education based on technology used, a large amount of information available, fast speed, the ability to interact with others, access to a good cyberspace and web environment easily, and suitability for mostscholars to work with it in some fields This scenario, however, has certain challenges such as technical issues, lack of face-to-face and close physical contact between professors and students, poor familiarity of some teachers and slower speed in some cases (Ghorbankhani, 2017) Aside from technological and financial issues, students reported a number of other issues, such as a lack of contact with the teacher, response time Due to a lack of socializing at the institution, scholars found it difficult to collaborate on group projects in the form of distant learning Following WHO announcements, students must now correct their daily activities with COVID-19 for at least some time, and academic institutions must design relevant and effective subjects, establish a useful delivery system, and endow staff and students with digital skill teaching in order to achieve better studying results Scholars found it difficult to collaborate on group projects through distance learning due to a lack of socialization at the institution Dear NEU students, CHAPTER VI: Appendix I am students from the IBD Program at National Economics University I am currently doing a project by conducting a small survey about the reality of online studying of National Economics University students in COVID-19 pandemic Thanks for spending time filling out this survey; I look forward to receiving your thoughts in order that I can finish this study subject It should take about 10 minutes to complete this survey 15 Downloaded by Huyen DO (tailieuso.16@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|38592384 This poll comprises several remarks concerning NEU students' online learning during the COVID-19 epidemic Since there are many various points of view, there are no right or wrong solutions Please read each sentence and then use suggestions to demonstrate your answer concerning (1), the reality of your online learning in COVID-19 pandemic, and (2) your thoughts on the benefits and drawbacks of online learning in COVID-19 pandemic 1 What is your gender? A Male B Female C other 2 Which online education platform do you use to study in Covid – 19 pandemic? A Microsoft team B Zoom C Google meet D Other 3 How often do you study on online education platform in Covid – 19 pandemic? A three times a week B three to five times a week C more five times a week D other 4 What time of day do you like to begin an online period? A In the morning (7.00 to 10.00) B In the afternoon (12.00 to 17.00) C In the evening (19.00 to 21.00) D Other 5 Why do you like to study online at that time? A Because I can learn online while also doing other things (such as taking care of your younger siblings, cooking meals, cleaning up home, etc.) B Because I was in the correct frame of mind at the moment to study online 16 Downloaded by Huyen DO (tailieuso.16@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|38592384 C Because this is the perfect moment for me to memorize a great deal of information D Because it is my spare time E Other 6 How do you feel about online classes? A Bored B Interesting C Stressful D Tired (because I am on a screen all day) E Joyful F Satisfactory G Other 7 What complication do you face when you learn online? A A shaky connection from you or your teacher B The lack of a large number of devices on an online learning platform makes communicating with teachers difficult C The online learning platform is very complex, making it difficult to utilize when learning D When studying online, communication with professors and cooperation with students is not as good as when learning in offline classrooms E Some of our courses are hands-on, requiring in-person instruction, practice, and field research These topics are not covered in an online course F Other 8 What are the conveniences that you find when learning online? A Enrolling in the class takes very little time B I have the freedom to study anywhere I choose C It is perfectly easy to save the teaching files for the rest of our lives and refer to them anytime we have time without a teacher and want to listen or watch them while lying down, alone, and in quiet D It is simple to use the online platform E I could divide the day and time I complete my work, I can sleep in a little longer, and overall just be comfortable F other 17 Downloaded by Huyen DO (tailieuso.16@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|38592384 9 Do you prefer studying in online classes to studying in offline classes? A Online classes B Offline classes C Either of the two classes D Other 10 Do you think online classes or offline classes are more effective? A Online classes B Offline classes C Either of the two classes D Other 11 What measures would you take to make online classes more effective? A Providing technical support to individuals in need B Simplifying the educational topic C Making scheduling manageable D The break time between periods longer E Other References 1 UNESCO (2020) COVID-19 Educational Disruption and Response https://en.unesco.org/covid19/educationresponse/ Google Scholar 2 Panesar, K., Dodson, T., Lynch, J., Bryson-Cahn, C., Chew, L., & Dillon, J., (2020) Evolution of COVID-19 guidelines for University of Washington oral andmaxillofacialsurgerypatientcare https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joms.2020.04.034 Google Scholar 3 C Impey Coronavirus: Social distancing is delaying vital scientific research The Conversation (2020) http://theconversation.com/coronavirus-social-distancingis- delaying-vital-scientificresearch-133689 Google Scholar 18 Downloaded by Huyen DO (tailieuso.16@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|38592384 4 Sutton, 2020 H Sutton Keep your mission student-centered, even in the face of crisis Dean & Provost, 21 (10) (2020), p 12 CrossRef 5 T Nam Understanding the gap between perceived threats to and preparedness for cybersecurity Technology in Society, 58 (2019), Article 101122 6 Tuncay, 2016 N Tuncay Smartphones as tools for distance education Journal of Education & Instructional Studies in the World, 6 (2) (2016), pp 20-30 7 Ali, 2020 W Ali Online and remote learning in higher education institutes: A necessity in light of COVID-19 pandemic Higher Education Studies, 10 (3) (2020), pp 16-25 CrossRefView Record in Scopus 8 Lokanath Mishra, Tushar Gupta, Abha Shree Online teaching learning in higher education during lockdown period of COVID-19 pandemic International Journal ofEducationalResearchOpen.2020;1,100012:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijedro.202 0.100012 9 Atarodi, Alireza, "The Challenges of New Educations for University Students in Covid-19 Outbreak" (2021) Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) 5313 https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/libphilprac/5313 10 Volume 2, “Sudden change of pedagogy in education driven by COVID-19: Perspectives and evaluation from a developing country” (12/2020) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2590051X20300186 11 Volume 1, “Online teaching-learning in higher education during lockdown period of COVID-19 pandemic” (2020) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666374020300121?via%3Dihub 19 Downloaded by Huyen DO (tailieuso.16@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|38592384 20 Downloaded by Huyen DO (tailieuso.16@gmail.com)

Ngày đăng: 12/03/2024, 16:34



