MEETING MINUTES 1 GROUP: Group 3 Time: 22:00 – 22:45, 19-02-2024Place: Google Meetings Participants: All group members Contents for discussing: Culture: Cultural Differences, Cultural A
Trang 22023 – 2024 TABLE OF CONTENTS
1 What is Culture? 6
2 Why does it matter? 7
1 Definition 8
2 Cross Cultural Differences 8
3 Different Cultures Around the World 9
1 Definition 12
2 How to develop Cultural Awareness? 15
1 What is Culture Shock? 17
2 How to avoid culture shock? 19
Trang 3MEETING MINUTES 1 GROUP: Group 3 Time: 22:00 – 22:45, 19-02-2024
Place: Google Meetings
Participants: All group members
Contents for discussing: Culture: Cultural Differences, Cultural
Awareness and How to avoid Culture Shock?
Duties for participants:
Introduction, Conclusion,
Check content + Word (1)
Nguyen Thuy Giang 25/2
What is Culture? (P2) (1) Ly Van Hieu 23/2Cultural differences (P3) (1) Lai Thi Thu Ha 23/2How to Foster Cultural
Awareness? (P4) (1)
Nguyen Thi Minh Hanh 23/2
Culture Shock (P5) (1) Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh 23/2Pptx + Check content (1) Le Thi Hao 28/2
Present@ All group members
Trang 4- Check and fix word version
- Division of work for eachmember
- Summary of topic content
- Take on the presentation of:
Lại Thị Thu Hà Member
- Completed the deadline ontime
- Take on the presentation of:
- Take on the presentation of:
Lê Thị Hảo Member
- Completed the deadline ontime
- Make powerpoint and wordversion
- Take on the presentation of:
Trang 5Lý Văn Hiếu Member
- Completed the deadline ontime
- Take on the presentation of:
Culture is the intricate web of beliefs, customs, traditions,and values that shape the identity of a society or a group ofpeople It is the lens through which individuals perceive theworld around them and interpret their experiences However,within this tapestry of human existence, lie profounddifferences that distinguish one culture from another Thesedisparities, while enriching the human experience, can alsogive rise to a phenomenon known as culture shock Whether
it manifests in the form of confusion, frustration, or evenanxiety, culture shock is a testament to the power of culturaldiversity and the complexities of human interaction
In exploring culture and its differences, it becomes evidentthat no two societies are alike From the customs and ritualsthat govern daily life to the language and communicationstyles used, each culture possesses its own unique set ofnorms and practices These differences not only shapeindividual identities but also influence broader socialstructures, institutions, and ideologies Understanding andnavigating these cultural disparities is essential in today'sinterconnected world, where globalization has made cross-cultural interactions more prevalent than ever before.Whether in the realms of business, diplomacy, or personalrelationships, the ability to appreciate and respect culturaldiversity is paramount in fostering mutual understanding andcooperation
Trang 6In this essay, we will provide an understanding ofculturaldifferences and their accompanying consequencesthrough threemain topics, namely cultural differences,cultural awareness, and how to cope withculture shock Wehope to gain a deeper appreciation for the rich tapestry ofhuman cultures that shape our world.
Trang 7Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particulargroup of people, encompassing language, religion, cuisine,social habits, music and arts.
"Culture encompasses religion, food, what we wear, how wewear it, our language, marriage, music, what we believe isright or wrong, how we sit at the table, how we greet visitors,how we behave with loved ones and a million other things,"
Trang 82 Why does it matter?
2.1 Effective communication
If you are living abroad, it is natural to learn about theculture of that country However, Vietnamese people living inVietnam also need to have knowledge about culturaldifferences
Vietnam is integrating rapidly with the world, which meansthere will be more people from different countries coming tovisit or live here Additionally, with the help of technology,
we communicate with people from various culturalbackgrounds on social media every day Therefore,understanding the culture of their countries will be veryhelpful in the communication process
Knowledge about cultural differences also helps us fullycomprehend various sources of information (books,newspapers, etc.) in different languages Language is notjust a means of communication but also carries the culturalessence of the language-speaking region
Trang 92.2 Building positive relationships
Enhancing awareness of cultural disparities facilitates deeperempathy and comprehension By grasping the nuances ofdiverse cultural norms, beliefs, and behaviors, we cancultivate a stronger sense of empathy towards others Thisunderstanding enables us to sidestep snap judgments,prevent misunderstandings, and forge connections grounded
in mutual regard
Moreover, cultural sensitivity nurtures trust and encouragescooperation among individuals hailing from varied culturalmilieus When individuals perceive their cultural identities asrespected and appreciated, they are inclined to trust andengage in collaborative endeavors, fostering harmonious andfruitful relationships
2.3 Avoiding misunderstandings and conflicts
Nowadays, cultural conflicts occur more frequently, partlybecause travel between countries has become easier thanbefore The convenience of online communication has alsocontributed to the inevitability of cultural clashes To avoidthese undesirable conflicts, we need to understand culturaldifferences
The most recent example is when a group of Korean touristsdisplayed a negative attitude when they were placed underquarantine in Vietnam due to COVID-19 They did not have aclear understanding of Vietnam, nor did they understand thesignificance of traditional Vietnamese bread Languagebarriers may also have played a role If they had researchedand been aware of the cultural differences between the twocountries, perhaps the situation would have been different
II Cultural differences
Trang 101 Definition
Cultural differences are the various beliefs, behaviors,languages, practices and expressions considered unique tomembers of a specific ethnicity, race or national origin
Some examples of cultural differences as they pertain to theworkplace include employees who are younger or older thantheir co-workers, employees who hold higher degrees thanothers in the workplace and individuals who grew up ineither metropolitan areas or small towns It is said thatemployees often have more similarities than they dodifferences, but those differences can sometimes outweighthe similarities While these various differences can create amore vibrant office, they can also lead to more than a fewproblems resulting from culture clash
2 Cross Cultural Differences
One of the most apparent differences is a linguistic one.People from different countries might face language barriers.Insufficient language competence might lead to conflicts.Translators and interpreters can help the parties understandeach other These experts need specialized culture-specificknowledge to succeed
Trang 11There are many culture-specific linguistic elements Someare metaphors, proverbs, and references to nationalliterature and folklore These things are difficult to translatewithout specific knowledge One should be aware of thecultural implications behind such words There is such aphenomenon as culture-bound lacunae These words denotesome concepts that do not exist in the other party’s culture.There is no adequate analog in the other language Problemsmay arise even if both speakers use one language There aremany differences in the use of it For instance, both speakersmay be from the US, the UK, and Australia They will seemany variations in the vocabulary of each other All partiescan speak English and have trouble understanding eachother.
Insufficient cultural awareness leads to conflicts One mayoffend a person of a different culture without a purpose Ithappens because of stereotypes, prejudices, and inadequateperceptions False expectations based on stereotypes andprejudices lead to false assumptions People hear what theyexpect to hear rather than what others mean This leads toincorrect conclusions. Cultural differences are apparent whencomparing the norms of conduct The rules of socialinteraction vary in different countries Sometimes they differeven in the regions of the same country The rules ofetiquette include:
Business cards exchange;
Non-verbal signals and their meaning;
Appropriate topics for small talk and more
3 Different Cultures Around the World
Globalization and global expansion is the latest trend to haveaffected the world landscape of today Not surprisingly, theone thing that makes this globalization possible is cross-border communication and correspondence Along with
Trang 12language, a country’s culture, norms, and values play asignificant role in making this communication possible.
A country’s culture is more than just the way its peoplepractice their traditions—it’s a complete way of life,communication, norms, and values that shape how society isformed
China is known for coming up with some of the most unusualtraditions like a uniform code of conduct Moreover, thefactor of giving respect to the elders is a big must Oneunexpected fact about Chinese culture is that the red coloursignifies happiness in the country
We all should thank China for bringing Chow Mein andManchurian to other plates China is also extremelyparticular about its work culture In other words, Chineseculture highlights the outstanding structure of differentcultures around the world
Trang 13Main Languages: Fuzhou, Hokkien-Taiwanese, Xiang, andGan.
Indian Culture
The glorious history of Indian culture speaks a lot about itsvividness Also, Indian culture is the second most populatedculture that wraps up an endless variety of lifestyles Thecoexistence of various religions in India strengthens its stand
in front of the other cultures
Besides, Indian architecture personifies the implausibletouch of royalness That’s why most famous monuments likethe Taj Mahal, Red Fort, Qutub Minar are from India only Thestrong faith of Indians in the cycle of karma makes it animpactful culture that offers endless good lessons to learnfrom
Main Languages: Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Kanada, Malayali,Tamil, Telugu, Assami and Orissi
Trang 14African Culture
African culture has attained a separate identity for its variedtraditions, lifestyle, and languages The essence of thisculture is that most of the tribes belong to Africa Hence, theculture follows a separate path of morals, aesthetics, andvalues Living on the rays of music, folk art, plus sculpture,African culture is more artistic and less political Thecourtship dance of the Wodaabe, the bull-jumping of theHamar, the lip plates of the Mursi are the prosperous sidesthat empower the vibrance of African culture
Abrahamic, Islam, and Christianity are the prominentreligions that streamline the diversified perspective of theculture Here you can observe the remarkable variety of
Trang 15vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes Also, the exploration
of African culture seems like heaven for all those who love toexplore the uniqueness of the Nigerian lifestyle
Main Languages: Berber, Yoruba, Arabic, Igbo, Swahili, Hausaand Amharic
III How to Foster Cultural Awareness?
1 Definition
What is Cultural Awareness?
Cultural awareness means being sensitive to the differencesand similarities between two cultures when communicating
or interacting with members of other cultural groups.Cultural sensitivity involves inculcating values, attitudes, andknowledge that display openness and respect for differentcultures, religions, languages, manner of dress, andcommunication styles
Trang 16Being mindful of this diversity allows us to be morerespectful of the way others operate based on their culturalbackgrounds While you may not be intimately familiar withother cultures, if you at least understand your own cultureand how it affects you, you can take the first step indeveloping a sense of cultural awareness when it comes tointeracting with people who may have a differentbackground than yourself.
Cultural awareness helps you understand yourself better,your weaknesses, your psychology, and how to become abetter person It also helps with cognitive flexibility, problem-solving, decision–making, and improved communicationskills
In the professional world, many people, including medicalstaff, diplomats, teachers, and business professionals, findthat being culturally aware has a positive influence on theirability to perform their duties
In today’s increasingly global world, being culturally awaregoes beyond speaking multiple languages and traveling todifferent countries across the globe Knowing what to do andwhat not to do in a foreign country, having interculturalcommunication skills, and being open to learning about newcultures are what makes someone more culturally aware
Benefits of Cultural Awareness
Essentially, any person with some form of culturalunderstanding will benefit because cultural awareness is allabout helping people get along without misunderstandings,confusion, or poor decisions getting in the way So, why iscultural awareness important?
It makes you more employable
You might have heard that study abroad experiences andinternships abroad are good resume boosters They sure
Trang 17catch employers’ eyes but not only as academicaccomplishments The fact that you’ve studied abroadmeans that you managed to leave your comfort zone andgain experience living in another country It also shows thatyou’ve studied or worked with people from differentbackgrounds, which is a great way of gaining culturalawareness.
You improve your communication skills
Different cultures communicate differently A culturallyaware person can navigate cultural differences in differentcontexts, both verbally and nonverbally For example, insome cultures, workplaces are more hierarchical than others
In these countries, employees dress formally at work andcommunicate in the order of seniority Other cultures may bemore relaxed, with more casual outfits and a more relaxedapproach at work
Your time abroad will be smoother
We often talk about the exciting parts of going abroad butthere are also some challenges involved, and culture shock isone of them Luckily, improving your cultural awarenessskills before going abroad is a way of minimizing cultureshock
Especially if you’re going to a country with distinct lifestylecustoms such as Japan, you might want to learn about itsculture in advance This helps you set expectations and knowwhat to do depending on the circumstance
Travel will be more meaningful
Culture is a big part of travel And cultural awarenessenhances the travel experience! When you embrace localcustoms and traditions, you’re in for a more meaningfultravel experience