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Lesson 6

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Trang 1

I Vocabulary

16 sodium chloride np /ˈsəʊdɪəm ˈklɔːraɪd/ muối ăn

Trang 2

năng suất, màu mỡ

3 be committed to st/doing st sẵn lòng, cam kết

III Practice exercise 6

Question 1: Bone and ivory needles founded at archaeological sites i ndicate that clothes h ave been sewn f or some 17,000 years.

Question 2: Almost the electricity for industrial use comes from large generators driven by steam turbines.

A Almost B for industrial use C large generators D driven by

Question 3: Lack of finances is one of the main barrier to many people's lifelong learning process.

Question 4: Having treated irresponsibly by human beings, the environment has been deteriorating A Having treated B irresponsibly C beings D deteriorating

Question 5: Junk food is one of the r easons why so many American are overweigh or obese.

Question 6: A pprentice is a period of time in which a person works in a certain amount of time to get

h ands-on experience in a professional environment.

Question 7: A caterpillar is a small, w orm-like animal that eventually turns a butterfly or moth.

Question 8: Wise man speak because they have something to say, fools speak because they have to say

Question 9: John w as angry and scolded his secretary for not having finished the report.

Question 10: A dolphin locates underwater objects in its path by doing a series of clicking and whistling


Trang 3

Question 11: Bears sleep during the winter, but they are not factual hibernators They wake up when they

hear loud noises.

Question 12: Some animals estivate, or go into a deep sleep as an adaptation with the hot, dry months of

Question 13: Undergraduates at Oxford and Cambridge study for a BA d iploma, but after a period of

time graduates can convert their BA to an MA without doing any further study.

Question 14: In recent years, China h as put the lead in global warming pollution, producing about 28

percent of all CO2 emissions

Question 15: We are committed to p rovide fun and engaging classes that keep you learning n ew skills

as well as providing o pportunities for social interaction.

Question 16: Environmental campaigners argue that cheap short-haul flights have caused a massive i

ncrease at carbon emissions over the past few years.

A campaigners argue B short-haul C increase at D emissions

Question 17: However type of raw materials is used in making paper, the process is essentially the same.

Question 18: In early days, hydrochloric acid was done by heating a mixture of sodium chloride with

iron sulfate.

Question 19: Whenever I'm in a social situation with my boss, we seem to run out of conservation after two minutes!

Question 20: R egardless of your teaching method, the o bjective of any conversation class s hould be for

the students to practice speaking words.

A objective of any B speaking words C should be D Regardless of

Question 21: Foreign students who are d oing a decision about which school to attend may not know

exactly where t he choices are located.

Question 22: I t is a good idea t o be careful in buying o r purchasing magazines from salespersons who may come to your door.

Question 23: In that age of computers, it is difficult to imagine how tedious work of accountants and clerks

must have been in the past.

Question 24: Exhausting testing is a testing or quality assurance approach in which all possible c ombinations of scenarios and test cases are used for testing

Question 25: It's a g reat complement to b e asked to d o the job that we always dreamed of when we

were at university.

Question 26: I am so glad that he spoke with my behalf because I felt so awful that I could not make it to the


Trang 4

A with my behalf B felt so awful C make it D the event

Question 27: Most of the production like fruit and vegetables that you find in this supermarket has been

Question 28: T he warm weather of the last week has given way to colder conditions in the last two

days putting the weekend prospects on the balance.

Question 29: This will lead to l oss of trade to the shop keepers who a re all having a hard enough time to p ut ends meet as it is.

A loss of trade B are all having C put ends meet D as it is

Question 30: Tulips were originally wild flowers first cultivated in Turkey in the 11th century when they

were high valued for their beauty.

Ngày đăng: 07/04/2024, 09:18
