BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠOTRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC MỞ THÀNH PHỐ HỒ CHÍ MINH BÁO CÁO TỔNG KẾT ĐỀ TÀI NGHIÊN CỨU KHOA HỌC SINH VIÊN Attitudes towards the use of technology in learning English autonomy
Attitudes towards the use of technology in learning English autonomy of English
majors at Ho Chi Minh City Open University.
Thái độ trong việc sử dụng công nghệ hỗ trợ để tự học tiếng Anh của sinh viên
chuyên ngành tiếng Anh tại Đại học Mở Tp.HCM.
Hồ Chí Minh, 3/2023
Attitudes towards the use of technology in learning English autonomy of English
majors at Ho Chi Minh City Open University.
Thái độ trong việc sử dụng công nghệ hỗ trợ để tự học tiếng Anh của sinh viên
chuyên ngành tiếng Anh tại Đại học Mở Tp.HCM.
Chủ nhiệm đề tài: Đào Thị Kim Dung
Khoa: Đào Tạo Đặc Biệt Các thành viên:
Người hướng dẫn: Võ Ngọc Hồi
Lê Nguyễn Ngọc Vy
Lê Thị Thùy Trang
Võ Thị Mỹ Huyền Phùng Gia Hân
1 Thông tin chung:
- Tên đề tài: Nhận thức của sinh viên chuyên ngữ về tính tự chủ trong việc học tiếng Anh có sử dụng công nghệ hỗ trợ - Nghiên cứu tại Trường Đại học Mở -
- Mã số đề tài: 159
- Sinh viên chủ nhiệm đề tài: Đào Thị Kim Dung
- Khoa: Đào Tạo Đặc Biệt - Mã số sinh viên: 2057012029
- Giảng viên hướng dẫn: Võ Ngọc Hồi
2 Mục tiêu đề tài:
Mục tiêu nghiên cứu của đề tài là tìm hiểu về việc tự học Tiếng Anh có sự hỗ trợcủa công nghệ của sinh viên ngành ngôn ngữ Anh tại Đại học Mở TPHCM và tìm hiểu về những hạn chế khi sử dụng công nghệ để tự học ngôn ngữ
- Tìm hiểu về nhận thức tầm quan trọng của việc tự học đối với sinh viên ngày nay
- Khảo sát về thái độ nhận thức, thái độ tình cảm, thái độ hành động của các sinhviên trong việc sử dụng công nghệ để tự học Tiếng Anh
- Tìm hiểu về sự quan trọng của công nghệ trong việc tự học Tiếng Anh của sinhviên nói chung và sinh viên chuyên ngành Ngôn ngữ Anh tại Đại học Mở
Trang 4với cách tiếp cận mới, sử dụng phương pháp thu thập dữ liệu thông qua bảng biểu câu hỏi trực tuyến và sử dụng công cụ phân tích dữ liệu hiện đại, đảm bảo
độ linh hoạt và tính chính xác cao Bên cạnh đó số liệu mới sẽ giúp kết quả của
đề tài có tính cập nhật và khả năng áp dụng vào thực tiễn cao hơn Sau quá trình nghiên cứu, nhóm nghiên cứu phát hiện ra tính tự chủ của người học đã được phát triển dựa trên sự phát triển của công nghệ hỗ trợ Từ đó đưa ra các kết luận đóng góp cho sinh viên trong việc nâng cao tinh thần tự học và đóng góp cho giáo viên trong việc linh hoạt phương pháp giảng dạy
4 Kết quả nghiên cứu:
Kết quả của nghiên cứu này đã làm sáng tỏ thái độ của sinh viên đối với việc sử dụng công nghệ trong việc tự học tiếng Anh Một trong những phát hiện quan trọng từ nghiên cứu này là sinh viên có thái độ tích cực về việc nhận thức được tầm quan trọng của việc học tiếng Anh một cách tự chủ Phát hiện chính thứ hai
là về nhận thức tình cảm và thái độ hành vi của sinh viên về việc tự học tiếng Anh với sự hỗ trợ của công nghệ Về thái độ nhận thức, sinh viên đồng ý rằng thông qua công nghệ, họ có thể tìm được nhiều nguồn thông tin cung cấp kiến thức khác nhau và họ có thể học ở mọi nơi, mọi lúc Liên quan đến thái độ tình cảm, sinh viên tin rằng công nghệ giúp họ cảm thấy có động lực để tham gia vàoviệc học tiếng Anh một cách tự chủ Họ cảm thấy hứng thú với việc cải thiện vốn từ vựng của mình cùng với công nghệ Về thái độ hành vi, công nghệ giúp sinh viên hình thành thói quen học tập tích cực như xem video tiếng Anh trên Youtube và ghi chú những từ thú vị, khiến họ năng động hơn trong học tập Như
đã nêu trước đó, nghiên cứu hiện tại chỉ được thực hiện trên một số lượng nhỏ người tham gia Do đó, nếu bất kỳ nghiên cứu nào trong tương lai có cùng trọng tâm, nó nên được tiến hành trên nhiều người tham gia hơn Qua đó, kết quả và phát hiện của các nghiên cứu sẽ thuyết phục hơn và có khả năng khái quát hóa trên diện rộng
5 Đóng góp về mặt kinh tế - xã hội, giáo dục và đào tạo, an ninh, quốc phòng
và khả năng áp dụng của đề tài:
Việc tự học tiếng Anh với sự hỗ trợ của công nghệ sẽ giúp sinh viên chuyên ngữ nâng cao trách nhiệm, tự chủ hơn trong việc luyện các kĩ năng Tiếng Anh của mình Bên cạnh đó, tự học tiếng Anh cùng với công nghệ giúp phát triển kiến thức,nhận thức và tư duy Khả năng áp dụng của đề tài:
- Thứ nhất, sự hỗ trợ công nghệ trong việc tự học tiếng Anh có vai trò thúc đẩy sự phát triển giáo dục nói chung và của sinh viên nói riêng, giúp sinh viên tiếp cận được nhiều nguồn thông tin đa chiều trên mọi quốc gia Sinh viên dễ dàng hơn trong việc tìm tòi thêm những kiến thức mới cũng như xem lại những kiến thức chưa nắm kỹ
Trang 5chọn những chương trình học tiếng Anh và những kênh học tiếng Anh phù hợp với cách học của mỗi người Chính điều đó
sẽ thúc đẩy tối đa sự phát triển tư duy của các sinh viên
- Thứ ba, tự học tiếng Anh cùng với công nghệ mang lại sự tiệnlợi bởi không gian và thời gian học tập linh động Sinh viên cóthể tự chủ trong việc sắp xếp thời gian học, thoải mái chọn nơi để học tập Từ đó sinh viên sẽ có trách nhiệm hơn và nâng cao tinh thần học tập chủ động
6 Công bố khoa học của sinh viên từ kết quả nghiên cứu của đề tài (ghi rõ tên
tạp chí nếu có) hoặc nhận xét, đánh giá của cơ sở đã áp dụng các kết quả nghiên cứu (nếu có):
Trang 6This study looks into language major students' perceptions of autonomy in learningEnglish using assistive technology at the Open University of Ho Chi Minh City Theelectronic survey included 100 undergraduate students To format and summarizeresearch findings, the study employed quantitative method The data were analyzed byusing the specialized software SPSS, ensuring high accuracy and closely examiningthe obtained data The analysis demonstrated that students who majored in Englishlanguage were particularly inclined to train themselves today Their sense of autonomywas considered to be quite high when compared to times when technology was notdeveloped At the same time, the data showed that technology significantly increasedlearner autonomy The findings also indicated that technology played an important role
in their English learning Basing upon the findings, some implications were made tocontribute to the viewpoints of using technology in learning English language andincreasing the autonomy of English majors
Keywords: attitudes, English majors, learning English autonomy, the use of
1.1 Background to the study 1
1.2 Statement of the problem 1
1.3 Aims and objectives of the study 2
1.4 Research questions 2
1.5 Scope of the study 2
1.6 Significance of the study 3
2.1 Introduction 3
2.2 Learner autonomy: 4
2.2.1 Definition of learner autonomy: 4
2.2.3 The importance of learner autonomy: 4
2.3 Technology and learning English autonomy 6
2.3.1 Definition of technology 6
2.3.2 The importance of technology in learning English 6
2.4 Attitude 7
2.4.2 The components of attitudes 7
2.5 Previous research of attitudes toward learning English autonomy with the support of technology: 9
3.1 Introduction 13
3.2 Research design 13
3.3 Research site 13
3.4 Sample and sampling procedures 13
3.5 Research instruments 15
3.6 Data collection procedures 16
3.7 Data analysis procedures 16
4.1 Introduction 17
4.2 Results 17
4.2.1 Awareness 17
4.2.3 Limitations 29
4.3 Discussion: 31
4.3.1 Students’ attitudes towards the awareness of learner autonomy: 31
4.3.2 Students’ attitudes towards the use of technology in learning English autonomy will be discussed in terms of cognitive, affective and behavioral attitudes 32
Trang 84.4 Summary 35
2.7 Summary 36
2.8 Limitations 37
References 40
Trang 9Table 4.1: Number and gender of survey participants 8
Table 4.2: Total time spent studying English by students 9
Table 4.3: Sources for students to learn English 10
Table 4.4: Time of day students spend self-studying English 11
Table 4.5: The general perception of students about self-studying English 12
Table 4.6: Language learners of all ages can develop learner autonomy 13
Table 4.7: I need basic language skills to be an independent learner 13
Table 4.8: Learner autonomy has a positive effect on success as an English language learner 14
Table 4.9: I spend at least 3 hours per day learning English by myself 14
Table 4.10: I list my weaknesses and strengths in learning English 15
Table 4.11: Learner autonomy is considered to be both an important skill and attitide of learners 16
Table 4.12: Cognitive attitutes 17
Table 4.13: Affective attitudes 18
Chart 4.1: I always take notes of interesting words and phrases when watching an English video on Youtube 19
Chart 4.2: I often use technology to learn English because it has made me more active 20
Chart 4.3: I only need a piece of technology to learn English 21
Table 4.14: Awareness of self- study 21
Table 4.15: Without proper guidance and control from teachers, technology will not be able to make students more responsible for their own learning 22
Table 4.16: Difficulties in using assistive technology that students often face 23
Table 4.17: You find self-study too boring because no one interacts with you 24
Table 4.18: Using technology to study for too long is bad for health 25
Trang 10CMC: Computer-mediated communication
EFL: English as a foreign language
LA: Learner autonomy
SRL: Self-regulated Learning
Trang 11CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the study
English is the most popular language in the world and is spoken by over 1.5billion people (Breene, 2019) Besides that the use of technology for learningforeign/second languages has become essentially universal as a result of the rapidgrowth of technologies in recent years, which has provided benefits and opportunitiesfor education This results in many studies that investigate English majors' perceptiontowards English learning autonomy, especially English learning autonomy with thesupport of technology The idea of learner autonomy (LA), which Holec (1981)described as “a capacity to take charge of one's learning” has emerged as an importantidea in the study of language education over the past few decades Thanks totechnology advancements, the idea of learning autonomy has become one of the mostpopular educational concepts Therefore, this study investigated English majors'perception towards English learning autonomy with the support of technology Wefocused on empirical studies that showed perception and effect of English learningautonomy using technology's assistance
This study was conducted at Ho Chi Minh University of Open in Ho Chi MinhCity,Vietnam The main campus is located at 97 Vo Van Tan Street, Ward Vo ThiSau, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City The participants of the study were English-majoredstudents Mainly focuses on investigating English majors’ attitude towards theirautonomy in English language learning with the aid of technology [grammar??] Inparticular, this paper will address how students understand their responsibilities inautonomous English learning, how technology influences learners' self-study, and thevital roles of learner autonomy in English learning In addition, this study will alsopropose a variety of solutions to assist students to develop their autonomous learningability, which includes the role of teachers and technology The results of this researchwill hopefully raise students’ awareness of the value of learner autonomy in Englishlanguage learning and motivate them to practice autonomy so as to boost up theirconfidence and learning aptitude
1.2 Statement of the problem
Trang 12With the required to achieve the C1 level of English, as well as the languagerequirements for future work To be able to utilize English in everydaycommunication, [grammar??] students must have abilities as well as effectivetechniques of self-studying English Unfortunately, this approach experiencednumerous problems in terms of resource selection, scheduling study time, and self-discipline This has necessitated students actively experiencing and learning more.Furthermore, students have numerous challenges while creating their own learningroute due to their incapacity to determine their current level Most students concentrate
on just one skill, such as listening or reading This has resulted in an imbalance in thepupils' self-study process This is one of the factors that have a detrimental impact onstudents' self-study process
Also, learners will be more motivated if they can observe their own developmentthrough the self-study method But, (ko dùng kiểu này trong academic) the reality isthat most students struggle to see their own improvement Despite their constantefforts to improve their language skills, they are unable to define precisely where theyhave improved and what skills require development Furthermore, the use oftechnology is one of the reasons why students get perplexed during their languagelearning process The reason for this is due to the wide range of available assistancetools This is why the research team chose to conduct this study to evaluate Englishlearners' perceptions and attitudes toward assistive technology
1.3 Aims and objectives of the study
Based on the practice, this study was carried out with the goal of learning about theperceptions of language major students self-studying English utilizing assistivetechnology - research at Ho Chi Minh City Open University The following are thestudy's particular objectives:
- To find out the students' awareness toward self-study English using assistivetechnology in general
- To find out do English major using assistive technology to help them learn English
on their own
Trang 131.5 Scope of the study
The research was conducted at Ho Chi Minh City's Open University The studyfocuses on students' perceptions of utilizing assistive technology to self-study English.Due to the vast number of students at the Open University of Ho Chi Minh City, thestudy primarily concentrated on the group of language-specializing students and didnot explore every individual due to financial and time constraints The maximumnumber of participants in the study is 100 The research was conducted fromNovember 2022 to the end of March 2023 The research team employed quantitativemethodology to acquire the results A questionnaire is the data collection instrument
1.6 Significance of the study
This study aims to give students a more objective perspective on English self-studyutilizing assistive technologies It also assists pupils in altering their perception of theirself-study process
Furthermore, research serves as a foundation for students' self-study activities withassistive technology Assisting students in identifying issues that develop throughouttheir self-study Setting up more detailed development plans from there to boost theeffectiveness of their self-study [grammar??]
Another benefit of the research is that it allows students to have new ideas andapproaches to the language by using supporting programs, which makes self-studyeasier and more flexible Furthermore, given there aren't many studies concentrating
on this topic right now, the research team expects this will be a useful reference forfuture studies
Trang 14CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction
This chapter will examine several reviews of related literature so that theresearcher can provide pertinent evidence to back up the subject of the study The keysterms mentioned in this study, including the learner autonomy, the importance of self-study, the importance of using technology in learning autonomy, and attitudes towardslearning English autonomy using technology
2.2 Learner autonomy
2.2.1 Definition of learner autonomy
phần này cần lấy 1 số định nghĩa của các tác giả nổi tiếng rồi có tên (year)
và paraphrase lại khỏi đạo văn
Value to be expected of any university student because it improves their learning Many researchers, in particular, have conducted autonomy in language learning with the aid of technology to evaluate learners' autonomous learning behavior in the most obvious way
The concept of learner autonomy has gained traction in Vietnam Several studies on teachers' beliefs and practices regarding learner autonomy have been conducted over the last decade (Tuan, 2021) The purpose of this research is to present the findings of
an investigation into the perception and practice of autonomous learning among
English as a foreign language (EFL) students in Vietnam
The authors of the VNU Publishing House paper titled "The role of learner autonomy
in English language education" stated that learner autonomy has recently been
interested and applied in English education in the context of international integration, with the desire to enhance the responsibility of EFL learners and their ownership of learning so that they can promote their learning outcomes However, in the context of EFL in Vietnam, this critical issue appears to be overlooked by both teachers and students As a result, the purpose of this paper is to discuss the importance of learner autonomy in English language teaching and learning, as well as autonomous learning strategies, before making some pedagogical recommendations
2.2.3 The importance of learner autonomy
Learner autonomy is most evident in their ability to self-regulate Self-regulation is not
a new concept; it emerged in educational psychology in the 1980s Pintrich (1995) wasone of the first scholars to define "Self-regulated Learning (SRL)" as a proactive and goal-directed process in which learners generate their own learning objectives and then
Trang 15manage, organize, control, monitor, and supervise their actions to achieve those
objectives Self-regulation of learning has recently resurfaced as a focus of educationalresearch, with numerous new refinements and improvements in theorization and modeldevelopment Schunk and Greene (2018) summarized the concept from historical and contemporary perspectives, concluding that self-regulation refers to "the ways in which learners systematically activate and sustain their cognitions, motivations,
behaviors, and affects toward the achievement of their goals" This definition is
consistent with new interpretations of the concept, implying that self-regulation
includes cognitive, metacognitive, motivational, behavioral, and affective components.When students work on a task, they use a variety of cognitive operations to make sense
of the information
Furthermore, the most important feature of SRL is setting a goal, which directs
learners’ activities towards achieving it In an educational setting, goals can be an improvement or acquisition of new competencies or skills Another important
characteristic is that self-regulation can be regarded as a dynamic and cyclical flow of actions to achieve a desired result; this flow of actions involves feedback loops,
through which students can monitor the effectiveness of their learning process
(Zimmerman and Schunk, 2011; Schunk and Greene, 2018)
Learner autonomy is defined differently in language education, and various terms are used to refer to it Learner independence, self-directed learning or autonomous
learning, self-instruction, self-access learning, independent learning, and autonomous learning are some of the terms However, Benson (2011) distinguishes between learnerautonomy and autonomous learning He defines autonomy as the ability to direct one's own learning, which is a natural byproduct of self-directed learning practice In
addition, learners determine learning objectives, monitor progress, and evaluate their own learning Thus, autonomy is a learner characteristic, whereas autonomous
learning is a learning mode According to Benson (1997, p 25), three basic definitions
of autonomy in language learning are as follows:
1 Autonomy is defined as the act of learning on one's own and the technical ability to
Trang 16activity performance As a result, the latter has less autonomy than the former
(Littlewood, 1996)
Autonomous learning is more effective than non-autonomous learning In other words,the development of autonomy implies better language learning (Deng Dafei,2007) Self-study, particularly language learning, allows learners to be autonomous in their learning process, supplementing gaps in information or abilities and making it easier touse the language itself more adaptable According to Sara Cotterall (2008), learners arenot always able to understand the tasks as well as the assigned duties in English
lessons, giving them complete confidence and a solid foundation for self-study They have developed their own self-study method that connects the source of language knowledge learned in class with self-study exercises to develop and use it in practice Dam (1995) did research on the value of language self-study and discovered that teachers, students, and the self-learning process all contribute to the attainment of learning goals The above points demonstrate the significance of self-studying English
as well as self-study skills in pupils According to Bullough and Pinnegar (2004), study is not required, but it is a strategy for discovering yourself and recognizing your unique learning style This has improved learners' initiative in their self-study process
Self-2.3 Technology and learning English autonomy
an organized manner in order to attain significant for individuals and society Eve Shapiro (2013) said that many different products, including laptops, phones, and tablets, come to mind when you hear the phrase "technology." You ??? might also associate technology with data, the internet, or advances in engineering According to Heeyong Noh, Sungjoo Lee (2020), technology is a broad term that refers both to artifacts created by humans, such as machines, and the methods used to create those artifacts
2.3.2 The importance of technology in learning English
Trang 17Some studies have been done on the benefits of using technology in English language learning Computer-based communication is a beneficial tool for language learning (Eaton,2010) According to Rodinadze and Zarbazoia (2012), technology supports students in learning the course materials since it provides quick access Baytak,
Tarman, and Ayas (2011) conducted research on the use of technology in language learning Learners stated that the usage of technology enhances learning and makes it more enjoyable Arifah (2014) maintained that the use of the internet increases
learners’ motivation According to Hennessy (2005), ICT utilization serves as a
catalyst for motivating pupils to study in novel ways The study realized that as
students become more autonomous Peregoy and Boyle (2012) explored the use of technology to raise students' reading and writing proficiency Technology tools
improve students' reading and writing abilities and correct the problem in the student's essay since they are user-friendly and enable more rapid and efficient learning
According to Lam and Lawrence (2002); Pourhosein Gilakjani (2017), technology helps students modify their own learning processes and gives them access to a wealth
of knowledge that their lecturers are unable to impart According to Rianti Fatmala Sari (2018,p.40), the Influence of Social Media Sites Toward Students‟ English
Language Skills, YouTube is one of the social media platforms that can have an
impact on English language proficiency, particularly speaking and listening ability Besides that YouTube contains many videos that will help learners in the learning process Based on Balcikanli (2011) pointed out in his research, due to the variety of language sources it offers, YouTube is an endless resource for language study such as songs, videos and movies Kelsen‟s (2009); Aronin and Singleton (2012) reports that
in the university English language course, the materials used from YouTube were found to be interesting, relevant, and beneficial
2.4 Attitude
2.4.1 Definitions of attitude
The word "attitude" is a combination of the Italian "attitudine" and the Late Roman
"aptitüd" and "aptitüdin-" (American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 2000) It is a psychological construct that describes a person's thought and behavior patterns One's attitude affects their behavior and how they react to various stimuli.Jung (1971) defined attitude as the psyche's readiness to behave or respond in a
particular way According to Gal and Ginsburg (1994), attitude is the culmination of the emotions and feelings a person experiences when learning According to Walley et
al (2009), attitudes can be either positive, negative, or neutral
In reality, attitudes should have a direct impact on behavior According to Hewstone and Stroebe's (2004) research, a person believes he can solve difficulties more when hehas a favorable attitude toward his degree of intelligence Moreover, Conner and
Trang 18Armitage (1998) stated that an individual's obvious behavioral beliefs—which serve asresults of the behavior—are considered to be the components of attitudes.
2.4.2 The components of attitudes
In the context of attitudes, three main components, including cognitive, affective andbehavioral ones are mentioned
Affective component
The affective component is the response towards an attitude object In terms oflearning autonomy, it includes how individuals think and feel about self-study English,how motivated they are to focus on self-study English and how much they areinterested in learning autonomy Affective factors are described by Eagly and Chaiken(1998) as "feelings, moods, emotions, and sympathetic nervous system activity thatpeople have experienced in regard to an attitude object and later link with it" (p.272).According to these scholars, emotional experiences and preferences serve as theprimary foundation of the affective component An individual can express whetherthey like or detest an activity Because emotion and cognition interact continuously,the affective element should not be assessed solely in terms of beliefs As an integratedmodel of attitude and choice, the combination of affect, encompassing feelings andemotions, and attitude, including the evaluative judgment on beliefs, is presented(Agarwal & Malhotra, 2005)
Technology will be effective if learners know what information they are interested in
In addition, affective component will govern learners’ like or dislike to use technology
in learning autonomy As a result, it will help learners become more interested in study
self-Cognitive component
The beliefs, thoughts, and traits that individuals focus on make up the cognitivecomponent of attitudes It implies that a person's general knowledge is related tocertain of their attitudes Whether they are awake or asleep, individuals constantlyprocess noises (Antony et al., 2012) Some of these sounds draw conscious andunconscious attention Receptive, constructive, and interpretive spoken language areall parts of the cognitive process of hearing (Rost, 2005) Some people think that what
Trang 19they hear must be seen by sight or appear on a screen The information displayed onthe screen makes it easier for them to interpret and absorb.
Learning with technology, as a result, is really valuable to learners who want toimprove their English skills at home They need to technology in order that they caneasily receive the information wherever they are
Behavioral component
The listeners' reactions or input during the learning process is referred to as thebehavioral component It involves a person's response or reaction to do anything, claimDefleur and Westie (1963) The behavioral method to enables learners to quicklyidentify what they should improve when self-study
In case of using technology such as Youtube, behavioral component of attitude reflectsEnglish learners’ interests on favorite topics Learners often express their beliefs andpositive attitudes towards some interesting words when watching videos Selecting agood videos on Youtube will help learners become interested in learning Englishautonomy
All things considered, the following diagram summarizes the three aspects of attitude.Several metrics are used to evaluate each component Understanding varied mindsetstherefore enables learners to select the most appropriate learning strategies Also, itimproves students' enjoyment and academic results when learning English autonomy(Maniruzzaman & Aktar, 2010)
Table 2.1: Depiction of three attitude components
2.5 Previous research of attitudes toward learning English autonomy with
the support of technology
Trang 20khi trình bày các previous research có nghĩa là
Students in schools and the workplace require technology as one of the basic skills of the twenty-first century (Suherdi, 2017) They are capable of incorporating technologyinto their daily lives Students can use information communications technology (ICT)
in the learning process to investigate any information related to their lesson and to gainaccess to learning materials via the Internet (Kee & Samsudin, 2014) According to Lam and Lawrence (2002), using technology allows the learner to control their
learning process and provides learners with ready-access information Saomya Saxena (2013) asserted that with the help of technology, students can access a variety of online materials and learn at their own pace, the use of new technologies in English teaching and learning promises the emergence of autonomous language learning It gives students easy access to a variety of resources, tools, and learning environments outside of the classroom (Benson, 2001; Motteram, 1997) Moreover, Ben McNeely (2021) demonstrated that self-study with technology enables students to arrange their study schedules that suit their needs and they can learn wherever and whenever they are They can also study at their own pace As a result, technology has empowered everyone to become life-long learners Besides, when technology is used to learn English outside of the classroom, aspects such as motivation, metacognition, self-confidence, and social skills may emerge (Warni et al, 2018) Staley, D J (2020) stated that the use of technology as a learning media can boost students’ learning motivation Kurzweil Blog Team (2018) expressed that when given the opportunity to engage in hands-on learning activities, which many types of educational technology provide, many students are more motivated and stimulated to learn Students benefit from greater learning, motivation, and self-directed work when 1:1 laptop programs are integrated into their learning (Keengwe, Schnellert, and Mills, 2012) Stipek, D J (2017) said that technology fosters student confidence because it doesn’t expose individual knowledge, enables fun learning, creates happy moments that boost
motivation and enhance learning A digital video project (Hafner & Miller, 2011), 3D virtual learning (Yeh & Lan, 2018), learning English from YouTubers (Wang & Chen,2020) support the idea of promoting learner autonomy in some way
Another advantageous aspect of using technology to study English is assisting learners
to improve their English vocabulary From the views of Kang and Dennis (2008), in order to understand new vocabulary, students need to acquire it in context and with visual cues This enriched context can be delivered by technology According to Lewis(2003), utilizing a computer to study vocabulary is considerably more engaging for students than writing with a pencil Groot, P (2005) expressed that technology
provides students with many simple tools such as a dictionary and a thesaurus, which
Trang 21help writers expand their vocabulary Med Kharbach (2022) confirmed that many dictionary websites aid you in searching for definitions of words, synonyms and antonyms, examples of word usage, and many more Vocab Gal (2019) showed that students also can improve their vocabulary through games and fun learning activities
on the Internet
In a previous study, online portfolios were implemented to improve students' writing skills In order to assist students organize, monitor, and assess their learning process and develop their English essay writing skills, this media has been shown to be
beneficial (Warni, 2018) When using computers, students can exert the most control over their learning processes and can grow very independent of their teachers For instance, students create their assignments autonomously without teachers providing comprehensive instructions (Toyoda, 2001), and they frequently use computer-
mediated communication (CMC) to reflect on their own and other people's responses (Shield, Weininger & Davies, 1999) According to Kohonen (2001), making decisions regarding learning materials and methods, reflecting on their learning process, being aware of their accomplishments, and identifying new requirements are crucial
components of growing learner autonomy To put it another way, it's critical that learners have the chance to reflect on their actions and the ways in which they achieve their own learning objectives if they are to develop learner autonomy (Hyun-Ju Kim, Dankook University,2014) Drayton, Falk, Stroud, Hobbs, and Hammerman (2010) argued that using computer technology suggests a genuine educational experience that heightens learners' accountability Technology supports independent learning,
independent use of technology allows students to take control of their learning
Ashley Coolman (2016) stated that learners can be more active with the support of technology because students can be free to choose their own learning path This booststheir motivation to learn because each choice is based on personal preferences Alec Olson (2017) expressed that with the use of technology, students have the freedom to study whenever they want and can select any subject to learn Pham Mai Khanh and
Do Thanh Loan (2021) believed that students can use technology to learn new
knowledge in advance or to examine previously learned material that they do not comprehend or remember Moreover, English learning apps are becoming more and more popular and growing exponentially since their release According to a survey conducted by Steel (2012), students frequently use their familiar apps to complement what they have learned in class Emily Mindog (2016) claimed that the most popular apps that students use are dictionaries, translators, flashcards, and vocabulary games According to a study by Watanabe (2012), 45% of those taking an English course at a university used their mobile devices to access dictionary websites and some familiar apps which they often used to study
Most researchers are interested in the relationship between learning autonomy and technological support However, the issue is still relatively new to domestic
Trang 22researchers As a result, the authors chose this topic to learn more deeply and to
propose specific measures to improve the learning autonomy of students at the Ho Chi Minh City Open University
2.6 Limitations of using technology when learning English autonomy:
While students are aware of the advantages of studying English autonomy and with theaid of technology, they also demonstrate a desire for instructor support and friend's interaction Also, students have some challenges when using technology for self-learning such as expenses on technology, connection, health NHỮNG KIỂU PHÁT NGÔN NÀY CẦN ĐƯỢC TRÍCH DẪN ĐỂ CLEAR
Not all learners have an autonomous attitude towards learning a new language Some students believe that tutoring from teachers is preferable to using technology for self-study when learning English Benson (2001) emphasizes the role of reflective learning
in autonomy and suggests that the “autonomous learner is essentially one who is capable of reflection at appropriate moments in the learning process and of acting upon the results ” This can be an extremely challenging process for some learners Thus, the teacher’s role in the effective management of this process is crucial Some students believe that tutoring from teachers is preferable to using technology for self-study when learning English (Tham Duong, 2014) In addition, teachers have been considered as managers of resources of lifelong learning (Longworth, 2003) More specifically, three teacher roles—a facilitator, a counselor, and a resource—are
identified as supporting learner autonomy (Voller, 1997; Little, 2004)
In addition, when we use technology, there are some drawbacks that disrupt our
learning Firstly, in the opinion of Benitez (2002), ads appearing when students are learning, prevents them from paying attention Secondly, students who could get Internet access on their cell phone struggled to utilize the resources available on the Internet, due to slow connectivity (Laleah Fernandez,2020) Thirdly, according to a study conducted by Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz (2020), students struggle
to critically assess information from the Internet and are often influenced by unreliablesources Fourthly, Susan K Ferencz (2018) revealed that there are some websites that could be helpful to students but they are private so that students cannot access them
As a result, students feel uninspired and bored with their studies
Moreover, using technology in learning English has revealed that there are many factors that influence learner autonomy such as interaction with peers and instructors (Yukselturk, 2010; Zaili, Moi, Yusof, Hanfi & Suhaimi, 2019) According to Brown (2001) the laming experience can be enhanced when there is collaboration among learners Interaction in learning is one such method that can have positive implications
on the students According to Minkler (2002), as cited by Wilmer (2008), one of the reasons is that it encourages students to take on a more active and responsible role
Trang 23Furthermore, the amount of screen time students are experiencing per day has a direct correlation to their mental health and physical health Colleen Halupa (2016) have noted that overuse of technology can result in mental overload and disconnect people from nature, play and people From the views of Amanda Strom (2021), computers, tablets, or cell phones, all screened devices emit blue light radiation If students spend too much time studying with technology, they expose themselves to more blue light, which is bad for their health Screen time is negatively associated with social behavior,psychological well-being, and positively associated with depression (Saunders & Vallance, 2017) According to the Canadian Sedentary Behavior Guidelines, children are recommended to spend less than 2 hours per day watching a screened device (Faught, Ekwaru, Gleddie, Storey, Asbridge & Veugelers, 2017) Unfortunately, students usually spend over 2 hours per day staring at a device, and that is just to complete their school work (Scarpellini, et al., 2021).
CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction
This chapter provides an outline of the methods of research used to fulfill theobjectives outlined in Chapter one, as well as answers to the study's researchquestions
1 How do English majors’ attitudes towards self-studying English using assistive technology in general?
2 How do English major use assistive technology to help them learn English on their own?
This chapter starts with a description of the research design and provides general information about the methodology and participants It then gets into greater depth on the research site, samples and sampling techniques, research instruments, and data collection procedures This chapter concludes with a discussion of the data analysis procedures
3.2 Research design
In order to examine attitudes towards the use of technology in learning English
autonomy of English majors at Ho Chi Minh City Open University, the method design was used to collect and assess quantitative data This form of research involved the use
of a questionnaire to collect data from 100 English-major students
Trang 24The research for this type of study was conducted independently of the researcher Quantitative research, according to Creswell (2003), “employ strategies of inquiry such as experimental and surveys, and collect data in predetermined instruments that yield statistical data” (p.18) In reality, the results of this type of study could be
utilized to forecast, explain, and confirm the supplied conceptual framework
3.3 Research site
This study was conducted at Ho Chi Minh University of Open in Ho Chi MinhCity,Vietnam The main campus is located at 97 Vo Van Tan Street, Ward Vo ThiSau, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City The participants of the study were English-majoring students
3.4 Sample and sampling procedures
This study was carried out to investigate HCMOU English majors because theresearcher personally thought that students of this major need to improve their self-study English
The participants’ general information in Table 3.1 and some resources in Table3.2 shows 4 main items, including gender, time for learning English, daily learningEnglish time and some resources students often use to learn English This generalinformation is discussed in details below:
Gender: The questionnaire was distributed to 100 students The number of male
students was 37, the number of female students was 60, and the other genderaccounted for 3 out of 100 students The percentages were calculated as 37.0%, 60.0%,and 3.0%, respectively The difference between the gender numbers was not much;however, it was clear that the number of female students was higher than that of malestudents
Learning time: Students' English learning time was diverse as follows: The
number of students who had studied for one year was four (4%) The number ofstudents with more than 2 years of learning English was 75.0% Less than 5 schoolyears had 11 students (11.0%), and there were other periods with 10 students (10.0%)
Daily learning time: The time for learning activity was divided into five major
categories The first group, which accounted for 58.0% of the total, consisted of 58students and lasted less than two hours The second group, which accounted for
Trang 2525.0%, spent 3 hours per day with 25 students The third group was from 3-5 hourswith a total of 9 students, accounting for 9.0% The fourth group spent more than 5hours with 7 students, accounting for 7.0% of the total time spent The last group with
1 student spent other hours on learning activities, accounting for 1%
Table 3.1: Participants’ general information
** N= 269 because some students have multiple options.
Resources: Based on the data in the table, we divided students' English learning
resources into 5 categories More than a half of the students chose Internet with 92 times out of a total of 269 times, accounting for 34,2% of the total 100% The second choice was book with 62 times, accounting for 23% Movie was the third choice with
59 votes, accounting for 21,9% The next choice was apps with 54 times, accounting for 20,1% The choice of other had 2 times, accounting for 0,7%
Trang 263.5 Research instruments
As the nature of the study is the quantitative method design The data was gathered using a questionnaire Before being distributed to students for data collection,the questionnaires were reviewed by an expert in the field of English language studies
to improve their validity and reliability
The researcher developed a questionnaire of 27 questions based on a review of the related literature, and the research objectives to collect quantitative data on
students' awareness of learner autonomy in English learning using assistive
technology This questionnaire was created in English first, then translated into
Vietnamese for delivery to Vietnamese students for data collection
The questionnaire was divided into four sections: general information about the participants, students' awareness of learner autonomy, the impact of technology on English self-study, and limitations of self-study English with assistive technology
There was an introduction section in the questionnaire that stated the goals of the study and presented a thank-you message to motivate participants The
questionnaire was divided into four sections:
+ In part one, students were asked to provide demographic information
including their gender, experience learning English, and preference
+ In parts two, three, and four, CHỈ ĐI NGHIÊN CỨU 2 CÂU HỎI TẠI SAO
CÓ PHẦN 4 students were asked to answer the question, and their responses were collected using a Likert Scale Part two was used to survey students' awareness of learner autonomy, with responses ranging from '5' to '4' for
Strongly Agree, '3' for Neutral, '2' for Disagree, and '1' for Strongly Disagree Part three focused on determining the impact of technology on English self-study; the responses include ‘5’ for Strongly Agree, ‘4’ for Agree, ‘3’ for Neutral, ‘2’ for Disagree and ‘1’ for Strongly Disagree Part four discussed the limitations of self-study English with assistive technology, with responses tailored to each question and various options for responding, such as selecting one answer or multiple answers at once According to Ary, Jacobs, and
Razavieh (2002), these scales are the most popular and widely used for
measuring attitudes
3.6 Data collection procedures
The data collection was conducted in January to the end of February in the academic school year 2022 – 2023 (MÂU THUẪN VỚI THỜI GIAN ĐÃ TRÌNH BÀY CHƯƠNG 1) This is the period of the first semesters and students finished the general English course in different level at college Students become accustomed to the intensity of the study and devote time to independent practice The online
questionnaire was distributed to over 100 English majors from the Faculty of Special Education at Ho Chi Minh City Open University for collecting the data
The questionnaire contained approximately 27 statements designed to
investigate four major aspects It took students 10 - 15 minutes in total The researcher
Trang 27translated the questionnaire into Vietnamese so that students could understand the meanings of the statements The quantitative value of the questionnaire was
determined SPSS software was used to calculate the data collected from the
3.7 Data analysis procedures
The researcher used the questionnaire instruments and SPSS, which “can
handle quantitative questionnaire date in an integrated manner” (Dörnyei, 2003)
(p.118) to analyze the quantitative data to explore the results The purpose of this quantitative research is to determine the relationship between learner autonomy
awareness and the impact of technology at HCM City Open University Quantitative research designs are either descriptive subjects that are typically measured only once and have the potential to change over time A descriptive study establishes only
associations between variables, whereas an experimental study establishes causality
The value of quantitative data from questionnaires was determined using SPSS 22.0 The data was summarized using descriptive statistics Furthermore, it allows researchers to have a clear understanding of the data set (Mackey, & Gass, 2005)
SPSS software was used to analyze the quantitative data (mean, standard
deviation, and frequency) The following is the interpretation of the mean scores for students' awareness of learner autonomy in English learning using assistive
4.1 Introduction
This chapter proposes the results which were analyzed by quantitative method.Firstly, the result from students’ attitudes towards the awareness of learner autonomy