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Bài giảng Ô NHIỄM NƯỚC

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Nội dung

Vòng tuần hoàn của nước Tổng nước dự trữ ở đất liền : 250 geog Tổng dự trữ trên biển 13.800 geog 2 cực 187geog 1geogramm = 1020g Từ đại dương lên 3,8geog Trở về đại dương 3,4geog Từ đất liền lên 0,6geog Xuống đất liền 1geog Tổng dòng chảy 0,2goeg Hao hụt Nước ngọt Nước liên kết trong sản phẩm công nghiệp

Trang 1




Trang 4

II.Thành phần của nước

1 Thành phần nước biển

nguyên tố trên trái đât

thích nước biển giữ trạng thái ổn định chứ không phải trạng thái cân

Trang 6

2.Thành phần nước ngọt

Trang 7

- Tham gia vào quá trình quang hóa của hệ thực vật

- Tham gia vào quá trình lắng đọng các trầm tích

 Độ hòa tan thay đổi theo

- Vùng

- Theo nhiệt độ

Trang 8

III Nguyên nhân ô nhiễm nước

trong sản xuất

Trang 9

-III Nguyên nhân ô nhiễm nước

3. Nguyên nhân gây ô nhiễm khác

- Ô nhiễm nước do nước mưa

- Ô nhiễm do chất phóng xạ

Trang 12

5 Đánh giá ô nhiễm nước

- Chỉ danh ô nhiễm hữu cơ

- Chỉdanh ô nhiễm vi sinh

Trang 13

IV.Xử lý nước và phân phối nước

nguyên chung của con

Trang 14

IV.Xử lý nước phân phối nước

3. Xử lý nước qui mô gia đình

Trang 15

Cơ chế lọc bể lọc cát

 Cản cơ học

 Tạo bể lắng nhỏ

 Tạo màng sinh học

Trang 16

IV.Xử lý nước phân phối nước

4. Xử lý và phân phối nước qui mô công nghiệp

Trang 17

V.Tổng quan về nước

Trang 18

sử dụng nước

Trang 20

Tổng quan về nước

widespread violation of the basic human right

to water That violation results in nearly 2millions avoidable child deaths, huge gender inequalities and losses in wealth creation Unclean water is trapping millions of the world’s poorest people in cycles of deprivation

Trang 21


poses a huge threat to human development That threat is visible in the collapse of ecological systems, intensifying competition

for water, and cross-border tensions.

Trang 22

Chiến tranh vì nước

 Over the past 50 years there has been 37 cases of

reported violence among countries because of water All but 7 of those cases took place in the Middle East.


Trang 23


 Some 1.8 million children die each year as a

result of diarrhoea—which is 4,900 deaths a day This is equivalent to the under-five

population in London and New York


 Deaths for diarrhoea in 2004 were about six

times greater than the average annual deaths

in armed conflict for the 1990s

Trang 24


 443 million school days each year are lost to

water-related illnesses

 Millions of women spend up to four hours a

day collecting water

 Almost 50 percent of all people in developing

countries are suffering at any given time from

a health problem caused by water and

sanitation deficits

Trang 25


such as diarrhoea, dysentery and typhoid fever, were rampant

 Child mortality rates in those cities were as high as

they are today in parts of Sub-Saharan Africa.

revolution, child mortality and life expectancy barely changed.

the water and sanitation sector

Trang 26


 On current trends, we will miss the MDG of

halving the number of people without access

to water by 235 million people

 800 million people in total will still lack


 The sanitation target will be missed by 431

million people, with 2.1 billion in total still without decent sanitation

Trang 27

Water and sanitation: the costs of under-


 The economic benefits of meeting the MDG targets would

amount to $38 billion, $15 billion of that in sub-Saharan


 The economic rate of return for each $1 invested in achieving

the water and sanitation target is $8.

 Water and sanitation suffer from chronic under-funding

Public spending is typically less than 0.5% of GDP.

 In Ethiopia the military budget is 10 times the water and

sanitation budget—in Pakistan, 47 times

Trang 29

Why does sanitation

lag so far behind?

political agenda.


amenity with private benefits rather than a public responsibility.

$2 a day.

facilities but have weaker voice.

priorities and delivered through unaccountable government agencies have low

Trang 30

Định nghĩa quyền con người về nước

The human right to water

entitles everyone to

sufficient, safe, acceptable,

physically accessible and

affordable water for

personal and domestic use’

General Comment 15 on the right to water

Trang 34

Managing Transboundary Waters for

Human development

‘Anyone who can solve the problems

of water will be worthy of two Nobel prizes –one for peace and one for science’

John F Kennedy

‘Whisky is for drinking, water is for fighting over’

Mark Twain 1884

Ngày đăng: 27/03/2024, 08:36