A brief overview of ecotourism concepts1.1.Concept and characteristics of eco-tourism1.1.1.ConceptEcotourism is a form of tourism focused on experiencing nature and indigenouscultures wh
Course instructor: Nguyen Thi Kieu Tam
Group: 6
HANOI, 2024
1 A brief overview of ecotourism concepts
1.1.Concept and characteristics of eco-tourism
1.1.2 Characteristics
1.2 Types of ecotourism:
1.3 Factors influencing the organization of implementation of Eco tourism
1.3 1 Natural resources
1.3.2 Society's awareness of ecotourism activities
1.3.3 Mechanisms and policies
1.3.4 Propaganda and promotional activities
1.4 Conditions for developing Ecotourism
1.5 The rational for choosing the specific ecotourism location in Vietnam
1 Eco-tourism in Vietnam
1.1 Eco-tourism potentials of countries
1.1.1 Bhutan
1.1.2 Chile
1.2 Ecotourism potentials of territories worldwide
1.3 Current status of ecotourism in VietNam
1.3.1 Natural resources potential
1.3.2 Coastal ecosystems
1.3.3 Limestone ecosystems
1.3.4 Special use forest system
1.3.5 Fruit gardens
1.3.6 Cultural integrity potential
1.3.7 The reality of ecotourism in Vietnam today
1.4 Development directions of ecotourism in Vietnam
1.4.1 Some specific solutions to implement the above directions include
1 Description of the research design
Trang 42 Sampling strategy and sample size determination
3 Ethical considerations
1 Eco-tourism program planning
1.1.The process of designing a travel program
1.1.1 Tourist market research
1.1.2 Supply market research
1.1.3 Develop the purpose and ideas of the travel program
1.1.4 Build tour schedule
1.1.5 Building prices for tours
1.1.6 Complete tour
2 Requirements of an eco-tourism worker
2.1 Required knowledge of an ecotourism guide
2.1.1 Knowledge about ecotourism
2.1.2 Knowledge about the natural environment
2.1.3 Cultural knowledge
2.1.4 Other professional knowledge
2.2 Skills required for an ecotourism tour guide
2.2.1 Personal Qualities
2.2.2 Knowledge
2.2.3 Practical Skills
2.2.4 Additional Tips
2.3 Attitudes required for an ecotourism tour leader
1 Tram Chim National Park - a prominent tourist destination in Dong Thap
2 The reasons why Tram Chim National Park attracts tourists
3 Developing ecotourism in Tram Chim National Park
Trang 51 A brief overview of ecotourism concepts
1.1.Concept and characteristics of eco-tourism
1.1.2 Characteristics
- Environmental conservation: Ecotourism prioritizes minimizing tourism's
footprint and preserving natural habitats
- Minimized impact: It strives for responsible infrastructure using local
materials, renewable energy, recycling, and safe waste disposal
- Funding conservation: Through park fees, tour operator contributions, and
other mechanisms, ecotourism helps fund environmental protection, research, andeducation
- Community involvement: Local communities participate in planning and
managing ecotourism activities, ensuring their needs are considered
- Education: Ecotourism fosters environmental and cultural awareness through
learning opportunities for tourists
- Economic benefits: Ecotourism generates income for local communities,
promoting sustainable development and poverty reduction
1.2 Types of ecotourism:
- Mass tourism: The more conventional type of tourist development, known as
mass tourism, is characterized by short-term, free-market principles that prioritizeincome maximization
- Alternative tourism: The phrase "alternative tourism" refers to a broad category of tourist practices, five subdivisions:
- Cultural: Cultural tourism is a type of tourism where people explore certain
places to learn the cultural production and attraction
- Educational: Learning the different aspects for acquiring knowledge and
collecting evidence for any research project./
- Scientific: Scientific tourism means visiting a place for any scientific
knowledge acquisition
Trang 6- Adventure: Adventure tourism is a kind of tourism where you explore and
experience different adventures or risk full activities
- Agri-tourism: Agri-tourism is another great way to explore and experience
- Emphasis on education and awareness:
The typical ecosystem in Tram Chim National Park is the inland wetlandecosystem characterized by the evergreen broadleaf evergreen closed forest type onacidic soils
- Slower pace and authentic experiences:
The diversity and abundance of the plant mentioned above and animal species is
an essential basis for the National Park
1.3 Factors influencing the organization of implementation of Eco tourism 1.3 1 Natural resources
-In 2000, Le Huy Ba also introduced the concept of ecotourism: "Ecotourism is aform of nature-based tourism, associated with local cultural identity with communityparticipation for development." stable”
-According to Vietnam Tourism Law 2017: "Eco-tourism is a type of tourismbased on nature, associated with local cultural identity, with the participation of thecommunity, combined with education on environmental protection." school"
-Natural resources expressed in specific ecosystems are the decisive factor inecotourism products The value of an ecotourism resource is assessed by its ability toattract tourists, meet the needs of tourists, its uniqueness, accessibility to tourists andthe exploitable time of that resource The level of exploitation of ecotourism resourcesdepends on the following factors: the ability to research, discover and evaluatepotentials that are still hidden, the ability to access them, the ability to developproducts and processes level of organization for exploiting ecotourism resources,especially in places with sensitive ecosystems Natural resources are extremely diverseand rich in terrain, climate, water sources, flora and fauna From there, creatingdiversity in ecotourism activities
- According to Pham Trung Luong (2002), the basic characteristics of naturalresources that affect ecotourism activities are:
Trang 7(i) Natural resources are often very sensitive to human impacts and stronglyaffected by environmental incidents
(ii) Natural resources have different exploitation periods, so ecotourism activitiesare seasonal
(iii) Natural resources are often located in areas with few people and are oftenexploited locally to create products and services
(iv) Natural resources can be renewed and used many times if ecotourismactivities are properly exploited
(v) Natural resources themselves may not necessarily be intended to attracttourists
In short, natural resources have a decisive influence on the formation ofecotourism landscapes, are the conditions to attract tourists, determine the type ofecotourism, and form ecotourism Seasonality of ecotourism activities It is necessary
to grasp natural laws, predict the level of human impact on nature and naturalresources, propose plans to develop, use and protect, protect and regenerate naturalresources in a reasonable, effective and sustainable way
1.3.2 Society's awareness of ecotourism activities
- In all activities, including ecotourism activities, people are always the mostimportant factor In ecotourism activities, there are many participants such as statetourism management agencies, tourism operators, policy activists, international natureand environment organizations, tour guides, service staff at service establishments,local communities and tourists participating in ecotourism activities
- Specifically, for tourism managers and operators, policy activists, andinternational natural and environmental organizations, they are those who directly setpolicies, orientations, and guidelines for tourism development ecotourism, in addition
to having qualifications, experience and expertise in the field of ecotourism, it is alsonecessary to have the right perspective and awareness about ecotourism development.Tour guides and service staff at service establishments are considered a bridgebetween tourists and tourism Therefore, they have a decisive influence on improvingenvironmental education for the community
- If the tour guide has a high professional level, good foreign language, extensiveenvironmental knowledge, and understanding of natural ecological sites and localcommunity culture, he or she will be able to introduce properly authenticate the value
of ecotourism destinations, help visitors understand the nature of ecotourism, andincrease the attractiveness and persuasion of ecotourism destinations At the sametime, the educational role of ecotourism is also fully implemented, making theeffectiveness of ecotourism activities improved
- For tourists participating in ecotourism activities, if tourists have a correctawareness of ecotourism, are proactive in participating in ecotourism activities, are
Trang 8self-aware and wish to contribute for conservation and sustainable developmentactivities, it will contribute to promoting ecotourism activities to develop according tothe right goals and vice versa
1.3.3 Mechanisms and policies
- State management mechanisms and policies on ecotourism are important in thedevelopment of sustainable ecotourism That is reflected in the management roles andtasks of local ecotourism management levels at all levels
- According to Pham Trung Luong (2002), the impacts of mechanisms andpolicies on ecotourism are specifically as follows:
- Firstly, organize the implementation of general policies and laws of the Staterelated to tourism activities and promulgate legal documents and specific tourismdevelopment policies of the locality under its jurisdiction permission
- Second, establish mechanisms and policies in the area to help units operating inthe tourism sector orient their development
- Third, arrange and equitize state-owned enterprises operating in the tourismsector under local management
- Fourth, create inter-industry, inter-regional, and inter-national linkages intourism activities; between local and central government in state management oftourism
- Fifth, organize training, fostering and support training and fostering humanresources for tourism activities
- Sixth, carry out the work of checking and inspecting tourism activities andhandling violations in the field of tourism
1.3.4 Propaganda and promotional activities
- In the trend of international economic integration, there are many opportunitiesbut also many challenges for every economy, competition is more fierce, everyindustry, organization and individual understands the meaning and role of theeconomy The important role of promotion, including propaganda and advertisingactivities, is to achieve its goals
- Propaganda and promotion play a role in providing tourism information, whilecreating an image and contributing to the branding of the destination Propagate andpromote to raise awareness about tourism in society
- In reality, there are many forms of tourism propaganda and promotion.According to Phan Thi Thai Ha (2012), based on the way propaganda and promotionactivities are organized, they can be divided into 2 types:
Trang 9(i) Regular form: establishing domestic and international tourism informationcenters to provide tourism information to tourists and interested parties; Participate inperiodic tourism fairs held in a certain city.
(ii) Irregular form: organizing tourism years, organizing cultural and tourismevents and festivals; promotional programs based on certain topics
-Propaganda and promotional media are everything that can bring propagandamessages to the public In the field of tourism, information, destination images, andtourism products and services are conveyed to the public through many means andforms
- Along with the development of science and technology, more and more newforms and means of propaganda and promotion are appearing Each form or means ofpropaganda and promotion of tourism has its own characteristics and properties,targets its own audience and requires different levels of investment (Phan Thi Thai Ha,2012)
- Some popular forms and means of propaganda and promotion are: mass media(websites); organize tourism fairs, exhibitions, events, conferences, seminars, surveys;produce and distribute publications and articles; build a title - a general symbol for thepromotion campaign; Electronic tourist information kiosk (Phan Thi Thai Ha, 2012)
1.4 Conditions for developing Ecotourism
- The first requirement to be able to organize ecotourism is the existence ofnatural ecosystems
+ With high ecological diversity, natural ecology is understood as the symbiosis
of geographical, climatic and flora and fauna conditions including: natural ecology,animal ecology, plant ecology, agricultural ecology, climate ecology, human ecology+ Ecotourism is a type of nature-based tourism (referred to as nature tourism) and
it can only exist and develop in places with typical ecosystems with high ecologicaldiversity in particular and biodiversity in general
=> Therefore, ecotourism often only develops in nature reserves, especially innational parks, and forests with high biodiversity and wild life
- Second request:
+ To ensure education and improve understanding for domestic and foreigntourists, the tour guide must not only be good at foreign languages but also have adeep understanding of natural ecological features and community culture Local
=> Very important and has a great impact on the effectiveness of ecotourismactivities
=> In ecotourism, tourists can learn about it themselves or do not require thisunderstanding from the tour guide
Trang 10+ Ecotourism requires a principled operator Traditional tourism operators oftenonly care about profits without any commitment when operating.
- Third requirement: minimize the impacts of ecotourism activities on nature andthe environment Ecotourism needs to be organized with strict compliance withregulations on "carrying capacity" understood from four aspects: physics, biology,psychology and sociology from a physical perspective Capacity here is understood asthe maximum number of visitors that the area can receive
+ From a physical perspective, capacity here is understood as the maximumnumber of visitors that the area can receive
+ From a social perspective: carrying capacity is the limit on the number oftourists at which negative impacts of tourism activities begin to appear on the socio-cultural, economic and social life of the region
+ From a biological perspective: carrying capacity is understood as the maximumnumber of visitors which, if larger, will exceed the receiving capacity of theenvironment, causing ecological impacts due to tourist activities and the facilities theyuse caused by use
+ From a psychological perspective: capacity is understood as a limit on thenumber of visitors, which, if exceeded, visitors themselves will begin to feeluncomfortable about crowding and their activities will be affected by the presence oftourists other guests
- Fourth requirement: Satisfy the need to improve knowledge of tourists.Ecotourists gaining new experiences and understanding of nature and local culture isoften very difficult, but it is a necessary requirement for the long-term existence ofecotourism So services to satisfy tourists have an important position, second only tothe conservation of what they participate in
1.5 The rational for choosing the specific ecotourism location in Vietnam.
Vietnam has a lot of potential for the growth of ecotourism, particularly in itsnational parks One of the several national parks is Tram Chim Because Tram Chimstill has this kind of tourism, there is possibility for it to grow Nearly whole is thewetland habitat found in Dong Thap Muoi's closed flood zone Red-crowned Cranesand several other uncommon bird species are also present in Tram Chim and arebeneficial for tourist research and viewing
The 29th of December, 1998 saw the establishment of Tram Chim National Park.The Mekong Delta's first national park is this one The national park has been designed
to grow ecotourism over time Still, there are still several issues with the Park's touristgrowth, including: tourism products Staff members providing tourist services haveinadequate credentials and overlap between routes Absence of professionalism andexperience, inadequate technology to support tourism, etc As a result, it's critical toaccurately assess the potential and state of tourist growth Based on this assessment,
Trang 11suggestions for direction and solutions that would aid in development growingecotourism in the National Park is a significant and realistic challenge for the future.
In 2004, the pilot public-private partnership approach project, the first of its kind,was implemented in Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park (JSWNP) in the centralpart of Bhutan The project covered 209 households with 1595 people from sixvillages, and accumulated USD 149,240 as revenue for the government and USD21,357 for the communities The model was subsequently replicated in Merak-Sakteng
in 2011 Deemed as an exclusive destination then, followed by adequate investmentsand rigorous marketing, the Merak-Sakteng Trek received less than four percent of thetotal trekkers in the country in its first few years of operations
In 2011, the Royal Society for Protection of Nature initiated an ecotourismproject in Phobjikha, the largest wetland in the country The ecotourism activities inthe valley are planned for livelihood development of communities, towards supportingwetland conservation for protecting the habitat of the Black-necked cranes However,other commercial hotels are now sprawling in the valley, adding pressure to the valley
1.1.2 Chile
Chile, stretching like a long, slender spine along the western edge of SouthAmerica, boasts a staggering diversity of ecotourism potential From the windsweptAtacama Desert in the north to the glacial fjords and temperate rainforests ofPatagonia in the south, Chile offers a kaleidoscope of landscapes and ecosystems ripefor exploration
Trang 12Chile is one of the top countries in the world for ethical travel, and is consistentlyranked by various sources amongst the top 10 when it comes to environmentalprotection, social welfare, human rights, and sustainable (tourism) development In
2020, Chile was named the World’s Leading Nature Destination It’s not a surprise, as
it is home to 41 National Parks, 45 Reserves and 17 Natural Monuments
A large part of Chile's conservation efforts is down to the founder of the clothingbrand North Face and his wife They purchased land and then donated it back, whichhas led to the creation/expansion of 15 national parks, 2 marine national parks, andover 44 million acres of land and sea being protected During the 1990s, the number ofvisitors to Chile's 31 National Parks and 15 national monuments increased by 32%,topping a million visitors in 2000 The need to promote expanded capacity forecotourism in Chile led in 1996 to the establishment of a National System of ProtectedWildland Areas or SNAPSE (Systema Nacional de Áreas Silvestres Protegidas delEstado Chileno)
Responsible ecotourism in Chile is about choosing responsible tour operators,minimizing waste, respecting local customs, and staying on designated trails arecrucial for preserving Chile's natural beauty and cultural heritage By following theseprinciples, ecotourists can ensure their visit benefits both the environment and thelocal communities
Chile's diverse ecosystems and commitment to sustainable tourism make it aprime destination for the eco-conscious traveler
1.2 Ecotourism potentials of territories worldwide
Ecotourism focuses on preserving natural and cultural values while enjoyingthem sustainably Its potential varies globally based on:
- Terrain: Diverse landscapes like mountains, forests, and islands offer high
ecotourism potential
- Climate: Pleasant climates attract tourists to eco-activities.
- Water Resources: Rivers, lakes, and seas enable various water-based
ecotourism experiences
- Flora & Fauna: Rich and diverse plant and animal life attracts tourists for
wildlife viewing, forest exploration, etc
- Indigenous Culture: Unique indigenous cultures offer cultural experiences for
Based on the above factors, the ecotourism potential of territories around theworld can be analyzed as follows:
- South America boasts the world's largest rainforest, diverse ecosystems, and
unique wildlife, making it a prime destination for ecotourism This region offers
Trang 13various activities like exploring rainforests, mountains, and diverse marineenvironments.
Ex: Amazon: The world's largest tropical rain forest, home to thousands of rareplant and animal species
- North America, with its diverse landscapes like coniferous forests, deserts, and
historical relics alongside rich indigenous cultures, presents a multitude of ecotourismoptions: forest, sea, mountain, and cultural immersion experiences
Ex: Alaska Wilderness: Vast wilderness with rich flora and fauna, includingpolar bears, reindeer, salmon,
- Europe's diverse tapestry, encompassing temperate forests, mountains, and
historical remnants of ancient civilizations, offers immense ecotourism potential Thisregion boasts various activities like forest exploration, mountain adventures, andcultural immersion experiences
Ex: Alpes: The majestic Alps, home to many ecotourism activities such asclimbing, skiing, hiking,
- Asia, boasting the world's second-largest rainforest and diverse ecosystems,
presents significant ecotourism potential This region offers a variety of activities,from exploring rainforests and mountains to experiencing diverse marineenvironments
Ex: Lake Baikal: The world's largest freshwater lake, home to many rare plantand animal species
- Africa, home to the world's largest deserts, diverse wildlife, and a rich tapestry
of forests, marine ecosystems, and historical sites, offers unparalleled ecotourismpotential This region boasts activities like desert exploration, forest adventures,marine exploration, and cultural immersion
Ex: Serengeti National Park: The national park is famous for its millions ofmigratory antelopes
- Oceania's pristine islands and diverse marine ecosystems make it an ecotourism
paradise This region offers captivating experiences like island hopping and exploringvibrant marine life
Ex: Great Barrier Reef: The world's largest coral reef system, home to thousands
of marine plant and animal species
1.3 Current status of ecotourism in VietNam
1.3.1 Natural resources potential
Vietnam is both a “cradle” of native species and a transitional area of organismsfrom the biota of the north (Himalaya-south China), the south (Malaysia-Indonesia)and the west (India-Myanmar) (Khanh 1999) Moreover, due to its diversity of