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Trang 1Scope
Wei& ht
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Serial Designation: D 159-27 These spt!cifications are issued under the fixed designation D 159; the final m\mbcr indicates the year of original adoption as standard or, in the case ol revision, the year of last rt."Vision
Issmm AS TnNTATIVH, 1923; Aoonau IN A•tuNDE.D Fmnr, 1927
1 These specifications cover t to t-in., li to ~-in., and 2! to 1~-in or 3! to 2l-in size slag to be used in the construction of a
specified for the wearing course is on the basis of a course 2~ to 3! in
in thic.kness after consolidation TJ1e Ii to ~-in size should be used t.o fill the surface voids after the:: first application of bituminous material, aud the ~ to ~-in size after the application of the seal coat
2 The broken slag shall be air-cooled blast-furnace slag and shall
quality, and reasonably free from thin, elongaled or glassy pieces,
dirt or other objectionable matter
3 The weight per cubic foot o r each s i:.~c specified shall not he less than 70 lb
4 The 1to i-in size is that portion of the product of the crusher, which, when tested by means of laboratory screens, shall meet the following req1.1ireme~ts:
Passing l-in screen not less than 95 per cent Passing i·in screen , 25 to 75 "
Passing t-in screen not more than 1.5 1} to 5 The It to i-in size is that portion of the pro<luct of the crusher, l-in Size which, when tested by means of laboratory screens, shall meet the
following req1.1irements
Pnssing li·in screen not less than 95 per cent Passing 1-io s c reen .• 25 to 75 "
J>assing f-in screen ~ not more than 15 ''
1 Under the: s t.anda t•tti t a l on proeedurc: o f th e Soci et 1· t h~se ~ ~ ci li c:nttons Ate under the jurisd i c
-tion ol the A s:r.M Cnmn t ittce D-1 on Rood a nd l' a •int~ Matcrin ls
Trang 2SERIAL DESIGNATION: D 159-27 459
screens, shall conform to one of the following requirements:
Passing 2!-in screen _ not less than 95 per cent
Passing 3i-in screen _ _ not less than 95 per cent
NoTE.-One of the above alternate sizes for coarse slag should be specified to
best suit the local and service conditions
Unit Weight of Aggregate for Concrete (Serial Designation: C 29)
of the American Society for Testing Materials.l
Methods of Sampling Stone, Slag, Gravel, Sand and Stone Block for
Use as Highway Materials, Including Some Material Survey Methods
(Serial Designation: D 7 5) of the American Society for Testing
1 Seep 120
2 Seep 473