Liên hệ 037.667.9506 hoặc email để nhờ đặt mua tất cả các tiêu chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc tế với giá rẻ. Tài liệu sẽ được gửi cho bạn trong 24 giờ kể từ ngày nhận thanh toán. Tiêu chuẩn ASTM là bộ tiêu chuẩn kĩ thuật cho các vật liệu và sản phẩm trên Thế giới được ban hành bởi tổ chức Quốc tế ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) – Hiệp Hội Vật Liệu Và Thử Nghiệm Hoa Kỳ. Những tiêu chuẩn mà tổ chức này đưa ra là sự đồng thuận và được cộng đồng quốc tế chấp nhận.
GROUND LEVELl Serial Designation: D 200 - 25
't'hcs1· s pecification s a re iss u ed u ncl1:r Lllc fixed desi,nalion D 20Q; the final number i ndtcates t he y ear o f o rigi nal a rloption ns stnnda l or, in the cnse or rcviston,
lhc ycnr o r l~sl revi si on
Issu a o AS Tt ~ NTA T t VI!, 1921; Ano Pl' JtD, 1925
scope I These specifications cover high-bitmne.n coal-tar pitch suitable
£or use as a mopping-coat in damp-proofmg or as a plying-cement in the construction of a membrane system of waterproofing below ground level, tmder uniionnly moderate temperature conditions both during the process of installation and during service
2 The grade of high-bitumen coal-tar pitch covered by these specitications is sui able for dau1p-proofing and waterproofing founda -tions, tunnels, subways, etc ·
Standard Methods of Srunpling :Bituminous Materials (Serial Desig-nation: D 140) of the American Society for Testing Materials.:!
Pro1•orllea 4 The coal-tar pitch shall be homogeneous and shall conform to
the following requirements:
(a) Water 0.0 per cent
(b) Specific gravity at 25° C (77° F.) 1.21 to 1.30
(c) Softening Point (Cube-in-Water
Method) 110 to 140° F (43.3 to 60° C.)
(d) Distillation Test:
Total distillate, hy weight, 0.0 to JOO" C
(32 to 572" Jl'.) not m o r e than 15 0 p~ cent Residue, by weight not les s than 85.0 per cent • Un<ler the st.andnrdization Jll'DCe<lure of the Sueiety, lhC"r specifie tions n1o under the jurilldic lion of the A Cornm•l~e LI·S O il U i tuu•in o> U> w ~ t ~l)\ · oofin v ~u d Ruolinl:' MRterials
•See fl· Stl
(7 r ·I )
Trang 2SERIAL DESIGNATION: D 200 - 2.5 715 (e) Specific gravity at 38°/25° C (100° /77° F.) of total
distillate to 300° C (572° F.) not less than 1.03
(j) Ductility at 25° C (77° F.) not less than 50 em
(g) Total Bitumen (Soluble in Carbon
Disulfide) 75 to 90 per cent
5 The properties enumerated in these specifications shall be Method~ determined in accordance with the following methods of test of the of Testing
American Society for Testing Materials:
(a,) Percentage of Water: Standard Method of Test for Water
in Petroleum Products and Other Bituminous Materials (Serial
Designation: D 95).1
(b) Specific Gravity: Standard Method of Test for Specific
Gravity of Road Oils, Road Tars, Asphalt Cements and Soft Tar
Pitches (Serial Designation: D 70).2
(c) Softening Point: Standard Method of Test for Softening
Point of Tar Products (Cube-in-Water Method) (Serial Designation:
D 61) 3
(d) Distillation: Tentative Method of Test for Distillation of
Bituminous Materials Suitable for Road Treatment (Serial
Designa-tion: D 20 27 T).4
(e) Ductility: Tentative Method of Test for Ductility of
Bitu-minous Materials (Serial Designation: D 113-26 T).5
(f) Total Bitumen (Soluble in Carbon Disulfide): Standard
l\!Iethod of Test for the Determination of Bitumen (Serial
Designa-tion: D 4).6
tative Standards, p 505
'Proceedings, Am Soc Testing lllats., Vol 26, Part I, p 886 (1926); also 192'1 Book of A.S.T.i'vl
Tentative Standards, p 510
'Seep 484