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Designation: D 82- 44 Amoncan Nlllional Standard K47 1-1973 (R - 19451 (Reapproved 1974) AppC of revision, 1he yeur of l;~st revi~ion 1\ number m pnrcnthcsc~ ind 1c,atcs the yc~r or last rco~ppruval 2.3 The color a nd color strength, when 1 Scope spccilied, sha ll be equal to that of a reference 1.1 This speci fication covers the pigment sample mutually ag reed upon by the pur- commercially known as basic sulfute white chaser and the seller lead The pig ment may be purchased in the dry fo rm or as a paste in oil 3 Number of Tests 2 Composition and Properties 3.1 Two samples shall be taken at rando m from d1ffcrent packages from each lot, batch 2 1 Dry Pigment-The pigment shall con· day's pack, or other unit of production in a form to the following requirements: shipment When no mark ings disting uish ing between units of production appear, samples Lead oxide, percent 15 IU 211 shall be taken from different packages in the Zancc o~idc:, max , percent ratio of two samples for each 10,000 lb (4540 Tota l impuriticJ, including moisture und s.o kg), except that for shipments of less than 10,000 lb two samples shall be taken At the ocher volatile muller mux, percent 1.0 option of the purchaser, the samples may be Lead sulrate tested separately or after blending in equal Coarse particles (totul n:siduc retained on rc:maindc:r quantities the samples from the same produc- 1.0 tio n unit to form a com;>osite sample a No 325 (45-,.un) sieve), max , percent 4 Methods of Test 2.2 Paste in Oil-The paste shall be made by thoroughly grinding the specified pigment 4.1 Tests shall be conducted in accordance with linseed oil The paste as received shall with the appropriate methods of the Amer- not be caked in the container and shall break ica n Society for Testing and Materials, where up readily in oil to form a smooth paint of applicable Test procedurt:s not covered by brushing consistency It shall mix readily in ASTM methods shall be mutually agreed all proportions, without curdling, with linseed upon by the purchaser a nd the seller oil, turpentine, or volatile petroleum spirits, or any mixture of these substances The paste 1 T his spccilicatiun is under the: jurisdiction of ASTM shall conform to the following requirements: Commillec: D-1 on Pa int, Varnish, Lacquer, and Rela ted P rod ucts Pigment, min, percent 84 Current edition approved Sept 15, 1944 Originally is- Linseed oil, mux, percent 16 sued 1921 Rt placc:s D 82 42 T Moisture and other volatile ma tter ma x, per- 0.7 cent Coarse particles and skins (total residue rc- 1.5 tainc:d on a No 325 (45-~m) sieve), mdll, percent of the dry pigment By publicalion of Ihis slandard no position IS taken with re~pect to lhl' validit,l' of any patelll Til(ht.f in t'lmntction thtrl'· with and the American S ociel,v for TestinJ( and M oterial.f doe.r not undertakl' to insure anyone utilizinR the standard al(ainst liability for infringtml'nl of any Letters Patc>nt 11or assum e any such liability 33