Ordering Information 3 .1 Orders for fire hose under this specifi-cation should include the following informa-tion: 3.1.1 ASTM designation, 3.1.2 Different jacket fibers, if required see
ENGINEERING DOCUMENTS With The Permlsalon Of ASTM Under Royalty Agreement
1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa 19103 Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM
If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition
Standard Specification for
This Stand3!d is issued under the fixed design~~on D 296; the num~r_i~mediately foll~wing the designation indicates the year of ong1Dal adoption or, ID the case of reV1s1on, the year of last rev1S1on A number ID parentheses indicates the year of
1 Scope
1.1 This specification applies to the trade
sizes of 38-mm (l'h-in.), 51-mm (2-in.), and
64-mm (2112-in.) single-jacket and 38-mm
(11/2-in.), 51-mm (2-in.), 64-mm (2½-in.),
76-mm (3-in.), and 89-mm (31/2-in.)
multiple-jacket, rubber-lined fire hose suitable for use
in public or private fire departments
Single-jacket hose may be provided with a protective
cover Hoses will be hydrostatically
pressure-tested with couplings attached but the
cou-plings or method of attachment are not
cov-ered by this standard
2 Applicable Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:
D 412 Tests for Rubber Properties in
D 572 Test for Rubber Deterim:ation by
Heat and Oxygen Pressure3 ·
D 3183 Rubber-Preparation of Pieces for
Test from Other Than Standard
Vulcan-ized Sheets2
3 Ordering Information
3 1 Orders for fire hose under this
specifi-cation should include the following
3.1.1 ASTM designation,
3.1.2 Different jacket fibers, if required
(see 4.1),
3.1.3 Conditions and location regarding
hydrostatic pressure test ( see 9 1),
3.1.4 Hose diameter size required (see
12.1), and
3.1.5 Length required (see 13.1)
4 Woven Jacket
4.1 The jackets shall be well, evenly, and
firmly made from good cotton free from
un-larities of twist as is consistent with good man-ufacturing practice If agreed between the manufacturer and the purchaser at the time of the order, the jackets may be made in whole
or in part of fibers other than cotton suitable for assuring satisfactory service life
4.2 Each jacket shall be seamless and shall have the fillers woven around the hose throughout its length and the warps inter-woven with and substantially covering the fill-ers The jackets may be separate or inter-woven
S Rubber Lining
5 1 The lining shall be made of a properly vulcanized rubber compound which will com-ply with all tests specified in Sections 6 to 8, inclusive It shall be made from either calen-dered sheets, lap-jointed and vulcanized in one solid body, or from a single-ply extruded tube
5 2 The waterway surface of the lining shall be smooth and partically free from pit-ting and other imperfections and from corru-gations
5 3 The lining shall be of uniform thickness and within the limits of thickness, exclusive of backing, shown in Table 1
5 4 Backing- The backing, if used, shall
not exceed 0.71 mm (0.028 in.) in thickness,
as measured from the bottom of the corruga-tions It need not be of the same composition
as the rubber lining, but the adhesion between
' This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-11 on Rubber and Rubber-Like Materials and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D 11.31 on Rubber Hose
Current edition approved March 25, 1977 Published May 1977 Originally published as D 296-28 T Last pre-vious edition D 296-76
Trang 2: : : J1:'
-the backing and -the jacket shall conform to
the requirements specified in Section 8
6 Tensile Properties of Lining
6 1 The tensile strength of specimens taken
from the rubber lining shall not be less than
8.3 MPa (1200 psi)
6.2 Elongation at Rupture -The ultimate
elongation, when rupture occurs in the tensile
strength test, shall not be less than 400 % 51
to 255 mm (2 to 10 in.)
6 3 Permanent Elongation -The
perma-nent elongation (or set) of specimens cut
transversely from the lining, elongated from
51 to 204 mm (2 to 8 in.), held for 2 min,
released, and measured 2 min after release
shall not exceed 25 %
7 Accelerated Aging Test
7 1 The tensile strength and ultimate
elon-gation of specimens of the rubber lining that
have been subjected to the action of oxygen at
a pressure of 2100 ± 69 kPa (300 ± 10 psi)
and a temperature of 70 ± 2°C (158 ± 3.6°F)
for a period of 96 h shall be not less than 60 %
of the tensile strength and ultimate elongation
of similar specimens that have not been
heated in oxygen
8 Adhesion Test of Lining
8.1 The adhesion between the lining and
the cotton jacket shall be such that the rate of
separation of a 38-mm (1 ½-in.) strip of lining
from the jacket shall be not greater than 25
mm (1 in.)/min under a weight of 5.4 kg (12
8.2 This requirement is not intended to
ex-clude a construction that provides no adhesion
between the jacket and lining along the fold, if
the surface over which there is no adhesion is
not greater than 3 5 % of the total surface
9 Hydrostatic Pressure Tests
9 1 All hydrostatic pressure tests shall be
performed either at the factory or at the
desti-nation, at the discretion of the purchaser
Ar-rangements for such tests shall be subject to
agreement between manufacturer and the
purchaser at the time the order is placed If
desired, the manufacturer may humidify the
hose for hydrostatic tests
9.2 Proof Pressure Test-Each length of
single-jacketed hose shall withstand a
hydro-static pressure of 2.1 MPa (300 psi) for 5 s without leaking, or breaking any thread in the jacket Each length of multiple-jacketed hose shall withstand a hydrostatic pressure of 2 8 MPa ( 400 psi) for 5 s without leaking or breaking any thread in the jackets
9.3 Elongation -The elongation of the
hose under 2.1 MPa (300 psi) hydrostatic pressure for single-jacketed, and 2.8 MPa (400 psi) for multiple-jacketed, shall not ex-ceed 10 % of the length for single-jacketed hose and 8 % of the length for multiple-jacketed hose, from an initial measurement taken at a pressure of 69 kPa ( 10 psi) 9.4 Twist-The hose, under 2.1 MPa (300
psi) hydrostatic pressure for single-jacketed, and 2.8 MPa (400 psi) for multiple-jacketed, shall not twist more than indicated in Table 1 These measurements shall be based on an original position established under a hydro-static pressure of 69 kPa (10 psi) The figures
in Table 2 refer to the final twist in a direction
to tighten, rather than loosen, the couplings
A twist to the right (in the direction that would tend to tighten the couplings) is indi-cated by a clockwise rotation of the free end
of the hose, viewing from the supply end A maximum twist to the left of 6 6 deg/m (2 deg/ ft) will be permitted while pressure is being raised, and any final twist shall be to the right 9.5 Warp and Rise-The hose, under
2.1-MPa (300-psi) hydrostatic pressure for single-jacketed, and 2.8 MPa (400 psi) for multiple-jacketed, shall not warp more than 510 mm (20 in.) from a straight line drawn from center
to center of the findings on the ends of the hose No rise from the level of the test table shall be permitted for multiple-jacketed hose Single-jacketed hose shall not rise from the level of the test table more than that indicated
in Table 3 These measurements shall be based on an original position established un-der a hydrostatic pressure of 69 kPa (10 psi)
10 Bursting Strength Test
10.1 A 1-m, (3-ft) sample of the hose, while lying either straight or curved to a radius
of 69 cm (27 in.), shall withstand without failure a hydrostatic pressure as indicated in Table 4
11 Kink Test
11.1 A full length of the hose, while kinked, shall withstand without rupturing or
Trang 3breaking any thread in the jackets a
hydro-static pressure as indicated in Table 5
12 Diameter
12 1 The hose shall have an internal
diam-eter of not less than the trade size of the hose,
except that for 64-mm (21/i-in.) hose the
in-ternal diameter shall be not less than 65 mm
(29/i6 in.)
13 Length
13.1 Unless otherwise specified, the hose
shall be in nominal lengths of 15.2 m (50 ft)
No nominal 15.2-m (50-ft) length shall be less
than 14.6 m (48 ft) before sampling Length
measurements shall be made from back end to
back end of the couplings, with the hose under
69-kPa (IO-psi) hydrostatic pressure
14 Workmanship
14.1 The character of the workmanship
shall be such as is incident to good
manufac-turing practice
15 Marking
15 1 Beginning at a point not less than 1 2
m (4 ft) from each end, each 15 2-m (50 ft)
length of hose shall be stenciled at two places
in indelible letters at least 25 mm (1 in.) in
height with the name of the manufacturer, or
other identification acceptable to the
pur-chaser, and the month and year of
16 Sampling
16.1 Each length of hose shall be examined
and tested for the following items:
16.1.1 Weaving of jackets,
16.1.2 Construction of lining,
16 1.3 Smoothness of waterway,
16.1.4 Workmanship,
16.1.5 Length,
16 1.6 Hydrostatic proof pressure,
16.1.7 Elongation, twist, warp, and rise,
16.1.8 Marking
16.2 A sample not less than 200 mm (8 in.)
in length shall be taken from each lot of 380 m
(1250 ft) or fraction thereof of hose, for the
tests specified in Sections 5 3, 6, 7, 8, and 12
All test specimens shall be cut transversely
from the sample whenever possible
D 296
16.3 One length of hose shall be selected at random from every 760 m (2500 ft), or frac-tion thereof, for the kink test specified in Section 11
16.4 A sample, 1 m (3 ft) in length, shall
be taken from every 1520 m (5000 ft) of hose,
or fraction thereof, for the bursting strength test specified in Section 10
17 Lining Thickness
17 1 Apparatus:
17.1.1 Dial Micrometer, graduated to
0.025 mm (0.001 in.) and having a presser foot 6.3 ± 0.25 mm (0.25 ± 0.01 in.) in diameter, exerting under dead load a total force of (0.84 ± 0.03 N) (3 ± 0.1 ozf)
(7 1.2 Buffing Machine in accordance with
Recommended Fractice D 3183
1 7 1.3 Metal Die, conforming to Die A
re-quirements of Methods D 412
1 7 2 Procedure:
17 2 1 Separate the lining of vulcanized rubber or unmilled natural rubber latex from the jacket without the use of solvent, if prac-ticable, and without excessive stretching of the rubber If it is necessary to use a solvent, use a commercial isooctane, benzene, or simi-lar low-boiling petroleum solvent which, upon evaporation, will not leave an oily residue Make the separation gradually while gripping the lining near the point of separation Then place the lining so as to permit free evapora-tion from all parts of the surface and allow to rest at least 1 h before measuring
17 2 2 Take the thickness on two 12 5-mm
(1 h-in.) die-cut specimens cut from the ring sample, selected so that the specimens include opposite folds in their constricted portions Buff the constricted portions of these die-cut specimens just sufficiently to remove the fab-ric impressions left by the jacket The speci-mens may be buffered by hand, if desired After buffing, take three measurements on each specimen in the area from which the fabric impressions have been removed, using the dial micrometer specified in 17 1 1 Take the average of six measurements as the lining thickness
17 2 3 Separate the linings of latex-coated fabric from the jacket without the use of sol-vent as specified in 17 2 1 and measure the
Trang 4total thickness of fabric and coating as
speci-fied in 17 2.2, except omit buffing of the
spec-imens Then carefully separate the latex
coat-ing from the fabric and measure the thickness
of the coating as specified in 17 2.2, except
omit buffing of the specimens
18 Lining Adhesion
18 1 Apparatus - The apparatus required
for this method consists of a supporting frame,
clamps, weights, weight holders, and a timer
The supporting frame shall be of such design
that specimens, with weights attached, may be
suspended vertically and hang freely during
the progress of the test
18.2 Procedure:
18.2.1 Cut the adhesion test specimens all
transversely from the samples in rings 50 mm
(2 in.) in width Then open these rings and lay
them out flat so as to give rectangular
speci-mens of length equal to the full circumference
of the hose Accurately cut on each specimen
a central strip of lining 38 mm (1 ½ in.) in
width, the cut extending through the lining
but not entirely through the woven jacket
Separate these strips from the jacket at one
end for a distance of about 38 mm
18.2.2 With the separated jacket gripped
in a stationary clamp, grip the separated
rub-ber in a freely suspended clamp hanging
verti-cally, to which the prescribed weight is
at-tached with suitable provision for supporting
and releasing it slowly without jerking Note
the dista·nce through which separation takes
place for a period of 10 min, or until complete
separation occurs Take the adhesion to the
jacket as the rate obtained by dividing the
total distance separated in centimetres ( or
inches) (to the nearest 2.54 mm (0.1 in.)), by
the elapsed time in minutes
18 2 3 If a rubber backing is used between
the lining and the jacket, determine the
adhe-sion between the lining and the backing and
the adhesion between the backing and the
jacket, using 18.1 to 18.2.2 If the adhesion
between the lining and the backing or
be-tween the backing and the jacket cannot be
determined because the backing has a
ten-dency to tear during the test, consider the rate
of separation between separating members as
the adhesion
19 Physical Tests
19 1 Apparatus:
19 1.1 Testing Machine - Tension tests shall be made on a power-driven machine equipped with a suitable dynamometer and indicating or recording device for measuring the applied force within ± 2 % (Note 1 ) If
the capacity range cannot be changed during a test, as in the case of the pendulum dynamom-eter, the applied force at break shall be mea-sured within ± 2 % , and the smallest tensile force measured shall be accurate to within
10 % If the dynamometer is of the compen-sating type for measuring tensile stress di-rectly, means shall be provided to adjust for the cross-sectional area of the specimen The response of either an indicator or recorder shall be sufficiently rapid that the applied force is measured with the requisite accuracy during the extension of the specimen to rup-ture If the tester is not equipped with a re-corder, a device shall be provided that indi-cates after rupture the maximum force applied during extension Testers equipped with a de-vice to measure elongation automatically shall
be capable of determining extensions within
5 % of the original length If elongation is measured manually, a scale capable of meas-uring each 10 % elongation shall be provided Norn 1 -An accuracy of 2 % does not permit the use of the portion of the range below 50 times the smallest change in force that can be measured
In machines with close graduations the smallest change in force that can be measured may be the value of a graduation interval; with open gradua-tions, or with magnifiers for reading, it may be an estimated fraction, rarely as fine as one tenth of a graduation interval; and with verniers it is custom-arily the difference between the scale and vernier graduations measured in terms of scale units If the indicating mechanism includes a stepped detent, the detent action may determine the smallest change in force detectable
19 1.2 Grips - The tester shall have two
grips, one of which shall be connected to the dynamometer, and a mechanism for separat-ing the grips at a uniform rate of 8.3 ± 0.8 mm/s (20 ± 2 in./min) (Note 2) for a distance
of at least 750 mm (30 in.) Grips for testing dumbbell specimens shall tighten automati-cally and exert a uniform pressure across the gripping surface, increasing as the tension in-creases in order to prevent uneven slipping and to favor failure of the specimen in its
Trang 5constricted section At the end of each grip a
positioning device is recommended for
insert-ing specimens to the same depth in the grip
and aligning them with the direction of pull
NoTE 2-A rate of separation of 17 mm/s ( 40 in./
min) may be used in routine work and notation of
the speed used made on the report, but in casi: of
dispute the rate shall be 8.3 :!: 0.8 mm/s (20 :!: 2 m./
19.2 Tensile Strength and Elongation:
19.2.1 Procedure-Cut dumbbell
speci-mens transversely from the sample using Die
A of Methods D 412 Buff specimens oflining
to remove uneveness of surface, such as jacket
depressions or corrugations, and to remove
backing, if used, which would interfere with
an accurate measurement of the specimen
thickness Buff the samples prior to cutting
out with the die Make three measurements
for thickness in the constricted portion of the
specimen Use the minimum value obtained
as the thickness of the specimen in calculating
the tensile strength Place two parallel gage
marks for use in determining elongation
sym-metrically 50 mm (2 in.) apart on the
con-stricted portion perpendicular to the
longitu-dinal axis of the specimen The marks should
be narrow as consistent with good visibility
Marks made with ink, using a stamp with
parallel steel blades, are recommended Take
care not to injure the lining Make
measure-ments of tensile strength and elongation on
the same specimen Place the test specimen in
the clamps, using care to adjust it
symmetri-cally in order that the tension is distributed
uniformly over the cross section If the tension
is greater on one side of the test specimen
than on the other, the gage marks will not
remain parallel and the maximum strength of
the rubber will not be developed Start the
machine and run until the specimen ruptures
Note and record the elongation and breaking
load Elongation is the increase in distance
between the gage marks at rupture Tensile
strength is the breaking load in newtons
(pounds-force) divided by the product of the
minimum thickness and width of the
con-stricted portion When a dumbbell test
speci-men breaks outside the gage marks, or if the
result of either tensile strength or elongation
is below the requirements, test an additional
specimen, and consider the results as final
However, results of tests of specimens that
D 296
break in the curved portion just outside the gage marks may be accepted if within the minimum requirements
19 2 2 Calculation: Calculate the tensile strength as follows:
Tensile strength, MPa(psi) = FIA
F observed force to break the specimen, and
A cross-sectional area of the unstretched specimen
19 2 2 2 Calculate the elongation as fol-lows:
Elongation,% = ((L - L 0 )/L 0 ] x 100 where:
L observed distance between the bench marks on the stretched specimen, and
L 0 original distance between the bench marks
19 3 Permanent Elongation - Determine
the permanent elongation ( or set) on speci-mens cut transversely from the lining, gated to 75 % of the required ultimate elon-gation, held for 2 min, released, and mea-sured 2 min after release
19 4 Accelerated Aging - Prepare three
specimens taken from the lining in the same manner as for physical tests, except for stamp-ing the 50-mm (2-in.) marks before placstamp-ing the samples in the aging vessel Then age the specimens for 96 hat 70 :!: 2°C (158 :!: 3.6°F)
in accordance with Method D 572
20 Rubber Cover
20.1 Procedure - When single-jacketed
hose is supplied with a protective rubber cov-ering, perform tests on the cover for thick-ness, tensile, elongation, adhesion, set, and aging as spelled out for the lining
21 Hydrostatic Pressure Tests
21.1 Due to the inherent danger to person-nel in conducting tests at high pressures on fire hose, only well-qualified personnel shall perform the following testing under proper conditions It is strongly recommended that they be performed at the factory or an inde-pendent test laboratory equipped to perform the required tests Before testing, the hose may be humidified by the manufacturer
Trang 621.2 Proof Pressure:
21.2 1 Apparatus - Hydrostatic pressure
may be applied by means of a hand or
power-driven pump or an accumulator system
capa-ble of increasing the pressure in the hose at a
rate not less than 2 1 MPa (300 psi) nor more
than 7.0 MPa (1000 psi)/min A test table, or
equivalent, may be used to provide a clear
space of at least 500 mm (20 in.) wide on each
side of a line drawn through the center of the
water supply connection parallel to the edges
of the test table and equipped with properly
calibrated pressure gages A slight incline
up-ward from point of supply is desired to
facili-tate in removing air when filling the hose
21.2.2 Procedure:
21 2.2.1 Connect one end of the length to
the supply and fill with water Elevate the
opposite end during the filling period to allow
all air to escape through a petcock before
applying pressure This is important as a
safety measure because expansion of air
com-pressed in the hose, when suddenly released
by bursting or other failure, might result in a
serious accident Then close the petcock and
raise the pressure to 70 kPa (IO psi) and hold
there while the initial length measurement is
taken While at this pressure, straighten out
the hose in order to obtain accurate
measure-ment Measure the length of hose between
fittings and record to the nearest 10 mm (or 1
in.) Note the position of the hose with regard
to twist From this point on, neither the hose
nor the fittings are to be touched, moved, or
interfered with in any way until all
measure-ments and observations have been completed
at the final test pressure
21.2 2.2 During the time the hose is being
prepared for this test, note and record the
jacket construction and workmanship in
weaving, particularly the matter of knots,
loose ends, and skips in warp threads
21 2 2 3 Following measurement of length
at 70 kPa (10 psi), increase the pressure in the
hose at a rate of not less than 2 1 MPa (300
psi) nor more than 7 0 MPa (1000 psi)/min
until the required test pressure is reached
While the pressure is being increased carefully
examine the hose for leakage and other
de-fects Maintain the test pressure for at least 15
s, but not more than 1 min The time during
which the test pressure is maintained should
not exceed the minimum of 15 s longer than is
necessary to complete the measurements and observations To expedite the test program, a
"nominal length" may be assumed unless the actual length measured at 70 kPa (10 psi) is less than 14.6 m (48 ft) or more than 16.1 m (53 ft)
21.3 Elongation - For hose that does not
warp to any extent, take the measurement parallel to the edge of the test table For this purpose, mark off an edge of the table in metres and millimetres (or feet and inches) When the hose warps to any appreciable ex-tent and particularly when the allowable limit
of elongation is approached, measure the length at final pressure by following the con-tour of the hose Take all measurements from the inside edges of the fittings
21.4 Twist - The amount of twist can be
measured by following the color line or by noting, during the period during which the pressure is being applied, the turns of the fittings at the free end of the hose Record the amount of twist to the nearest one-eighth turn
or 45 deg Report the direction of twist as right or left A right twist is in the direction that would tend to tighten couplings
21.5 Warp- Warping is the deviation from
a straight line drawn from fitting to fitting in a plane parallel to the surface on which the hose rests For hose having nominal length of 15 m (50 ft), the amount of warping is the maxi-mum deviation of any portion of the hose from a straight line drawn from center to cen-ter of the fittings For hose having nominal length greater than 15 m (50 ft) and up to 30
m (100 ft), the amount of warping is the maximum deviation of any 15-m (50-ft) por-tion of the hose from an initial straight line drawn from the center of the fittings at each end of the hose The warp is measured as the distance from the referenced straight line to the center line of the hose at the point of maximum deviation As an alternative method, when desired by the manufacturer, the position of the hose relative to the water supply may be reversed, end for end, follow-ing the first measurement of warpfollow-ing, and the test for warping then repeated
21.6 Rise - Consider the amount that the
hose rises from the surface of the test table as
"rise", and record as such Report results to the nearest 10 mm (or¼ in.)
21.7 Kink:
Trang 721 7 1 Apparatus - The apparatus shall be
the same as in 21.2.1
21 7 2 Procedure - Conduct this test on a
full length of hose Fill the hose with water
with the petcock open to allow all air to
es-cape Then close the petcock, raise the
pres-sure to approximately (but not exceeding 70
kPa (10 psi), and kink the hose 45 cm (18 in.)
from the free end by tying the hose back
against itself as close to the fitting as
practica-ble, so that there will be a sharp kink Then
raise the pressure at a rate of not less than 2 1
MPa (300 psi) nor more than 7 0 MPa (1000
psi)/min to the required pressure and
immedi-ately release
21.8 Burst:
21.8 1 Apparatus - The apparatus shall be
similar to that for 21.2 1, except that instead
of the test table, a suitable enclosure shall be
used to protect the operator
21.8 2 Procedure -Cut a 1-m (3-ft) sample
from a length selected at random before the
length is subjected to the hydrostatic proof
test Connect the sample to the source of
TABLE 1 Requirements for Lining Thickness
Internal Diameter of Hose
38, 51, and 64 JI/,, 2 and 2 1/,
89 3 1 /i
Lining Thickness,
mm in
1.24 0.049 1.47 0.058 1.83 0.072
D 296
water supply, expel the air, and raise the pres-sure at a rate of not less than 2 1 MPa (300 psi) nor more than 7 0 MPa ( 1000 psi)/min until the hose bursts The sample may be tested straight or curved to a radius of 690
mm (27 in.) Where more than one sample is
to be tested, perform the test alternately, straight and curved
21 9 Diameter:
21.9.1 Apparatus-A tapered plug gage of
wood or metal having a taper of 31 mm/m {3/s in./ft), marked to indicate variations of 1.5
mm (1164 in.) in diameter and provided with a slot 16 mm (5/s in.) wide by 2.3 mm {3/n in.) deep to accommodate the lap joint of the hose lining
21.9.2 Procedure-Cut the end of the hose
square and insert the tapered plug gage in the hose sample until a close fit is obtained with-out forcing Record the diameter of the gage
at the end of the sample, to the nearest 1.5
mm {1/64 in.) as the internal diameter of the hose
TABLE 3 Rise of Single Jacket Hose
Size of Hose, Single Jacket
38 and 51
1 1/, and 2
Permissible Rise, max
TABLE 2 Twist Requirements for Hose
Trang 8TABLE 4 Burst Pressure or Hose Sample
Trace Size
38 51 and 64
38 51 64 76 and 89
38, 51 and 64
38, 51, and 64
76 and 89
Trade Size
I'"· 2, and 2 11,
1 1,,,-2 2 ,,;, 3 and 3 'n
Number or Jackets single multiple
TABLE 5 Bursi Pressure or Kinked Hose
I'"· 2." and 2 1
1 1,, 2 and 2 111
3 and 3 1,,
Number of Jackets
single multiple multiple
Required Pressure MPa
3.5 4.2
Required Pressure MPa
2.1 2.5 1.8
The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted
in connection with any item mentioned in this standard Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination
of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, is entirely their own responsibility