Liên hệ 037.667.9506 hoặc email để nhờ đặt mua tất cả các tiêu chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc tế với giá rẻ. Tài liệu sẽ được gửi cho bạn trong 24 giờ kể từ ngày nhận thanh toán. Tiêu chuẩn ASTM là bộ tiêu chuẩn kĩ thuật cho các vật liệu và sản phẩm trên Thế giới được ban hành bởi tổ chức Quốc tế ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) – Hiệp Hội Vật Liệu Và Thử Nghiệm Hoa Kỳ. Những tiêu chuẩn mà tổ chức này đưa ra là sự đồng thuận và được cộng đồng quốc tế chấp nhận. Xem nội dung đầy đủ tại:
A.S.T.M Designation: D 298- 29
These specifications are is5 uL-d ' unct cr t he fix ed designation D 298; the Cinnl
number indicates the year of original a dopt ion as stnndnrd or, in the case ol 1·evisi on,
the year of - Inst rev i sion
lssuuo A!! T1tNTAT 1 vn , 1928; Aoot'11iD, 19 2
1 These specifications are intended to cover the requirements Scope
of a tire cord of 23/5/3 construction made from carded American
cotton The tolerances of these specifications are bused on the
tolerances in the Standard Specifications for Tolerances ·and Test
Methods for Tire Cord, Woven and on Cones (A.S.T.M Designation:
D 179) of the American Society for Testing Materials.~
NOTE.-lt is recognized that mWlu fn cturers and consumer:i ea c h have their own
theories as to certain cluiractcr istics wh i ch the cord shou ~ d have but U1ese specitica·
tions are offered a9 a standa r d for those s e eking a gene r al a ll -around ~rd of this typ e
2 The cord shall be that known in the trade as 23/5/3 construe- Conatructton tion The actual size of the single yarn shall be so adjusted as to
give the finished size of cord specified
3 These specifications arc based on cord made from American Cotton
Middling cotton of good hard character with a staple length of I h in shall be single carded
4 The cord shall be wound on cones to the dimensions and Put-up ·
yardage specified in the purchase contract, or if woven into
tire-cord fabric shall conform to the contract specifications
5 The average tensile strength of the cord, conditioned, ns Tea11Jo determined by test shall not be less than 15.0 lb Suon1th
6 The average elongation or stretch of the cord, conditioned, as Blon1 a t1on determined by test, taken at the IO-lb load shall be 12.5 per cent
in the case of cord on cones and 14.0 per cent in the case of cord from
fabrics, subject to a pem1issiblc variation of plus or minus 10 per cent
1 Uader tho 1 !4odard l tJon proc:edure of t he So ci et y , thDlll apodfica t:i oaa are unde t the juriadict i on
of the A.S T.M Com mit tco D · I J on Tcs til o M a t erlals
I Sea p JOSS
(not less than 11.25 nor more than 13.75 per cent in the case of cord
on cones, and not less than 12.6 nor more than 15.4 per cent in the case of cord from fabrics)
variation of plus or minus 3.0 per cent (average not less than 1018 nor more than 1082 yd per lb.), shall be 1050 yd per lb
minus 3.5 per cent (not less than 0.032 nor more than 0.034 in.)
Methods ol
a twist multiple of four times the square root of the actual single yarn size
direction and shall be made with 18 turns per inch subject to a per-missible variation of plus or minus 5 per cent (not less than 17 0 nor more than 19.0 turns per inch)
direction and shall be made with 8 turns per inch subject to a per-missible variation of plus or minus 4 per cent (not less than 7.7 nor more than 8.3 turns per inch)
NOTE.-Direction of twist is defined in the Standard Definitions of Terms Relating to Textile Materials (A.S.T.M Designation: D 123) of the American Society for Testing Materials 1
10 All tests shall be in accordance with the methods of testing prescribed in the Standard Specifications for Tolerances and Test Methods for Tire Cord, Woven and on Cones (A.S.T.M Designation:
•See p 1085