What is quality?
- Webter’s Dictionary: Degree of excellence of a thing.
- American Society for Quality: Totality of features and characteristics that satisfy needs.
- Transcendent: Quality is something that is intuitively understood but nearly impossible to communicate, such as beauty or love.
- User-based quality: If a customer is satisfied, the product has good quality
- Manufacturing-based quality: If the products conform to design specification, it has good quality.
- Product-based quality: Quality is found in the components and attributes at a product.
- Value-based quality: If the product is perceived as providing goos calue for the price, it has good quality.
Product quality dimenstions
Performance refers to the efficiency with which a product achieves its intended purpose This might be the return on a mutual fund investment, the fuel efficiency of an automobile, or the acoustic range of a pair of stereo speakers Generally, better performance is synonymous with better quality.
Features are attributes of a product that supplement the product's basic performance These include many of the "bells and whistles" contained in products A
English - huhuLed hiển thị 100% (3)10 visit to any television or computer retail store will reveal that features, such as surround sound, HDTV capability, 3-D, and size, are powerful marketing tools for which customers will pay a premium A full-line television retail store may carry televisions priced from $200 to $12,000 This range represents a 6,000% price premium for additional features!
Reliability refers to the propensity for a product to perform consistently over its useful design life A subfield in quality management has emerged, called reliability management, based on the application of probability theory to quality A product is considered reliable if the chance that it will fail during its designed life is very low For example, if a refrigerator has a 2% chance of failure in a useful life of 10 years, we say that it is 98% reliable.
Conformance is perhaps the most traditional dimension of quality When a product is designed, certain numeric dimensions for the product's performance are established, such as capacity, speed, size, durability, or the like These numeric product dimensions are referred to as specifications The number of ounces of pulp allowed in a half-gallon container of "pulp-free" orange juice is one example Specifications typically are allowed to vary a small amount called tolerance If a particular dimension of a product is within the allowable range of tolerance of the specification, it conforms The advantage of the conformance definition of quality for products is that it is easily quantified However, it is often difficult for a service to conform to numeric specifications.
Durability is the degree to which a product tolerates stress or trauma without failing An example of a product that is not very durable is a lightbulb Lightbulbs are damaged easily and cannot be repaired In contrast, a trash can is a very durable product that can be subjected to much wear and tear.
Serviceability is the ease of repair for a product A product is very serviceable if it can be repaired easily and cheaply Many products require service by a technician, such as the technician who repairs your personal computer If this service is rapid, courteous,easy to acquire, and competent, then the product generally is considered to have good serviceability Note that different dimensions of quality are not mutually exclusive.
Aesthetics are subjective sensory characteristics such as taste, feel, sound, look,and smell Although vinyl interiors in automobiles require less maintenance, are less expensive, and are more durable, leather interiors generally are considered more aesthetically pleasing We measure aesthetic quality as the degree to which product attributes are matched to consumer preferences.
Perceived quality
Perceived quality is based on customer opinion As we said in the beginning of this chap-ter, quality is as the customer perceives it Customers imbue products and services with their understanding of their goodness This is perceived quality We can witness an example of the effect of perceived quality every year in college football polls that rank teams In many cases, the rankings are based on past records, team recognition,tradition of the university, and other factors that are generally poor indicators of team quality on a given Saturday In the same way that these factors affect sportswriters' perceptions, factors such as brand image, brand recognition, amount of advertising, and word of mouth can affect consumers' perceptions of quality.
Service quality dimenstions
Tangibles include the physical appearance of the service facility, the equipment, the per-sonnel, and the communication materials For example, a hotel with yellowed linens will be rated low for quality Hair salons catering to an elite clientele might invest in ambient lighting and employ only well-dressed hairstylists That the hairstvlist is dressed well does not affect the service being provided; however, clients believe that their hair will be better styled by someone who is dressed stylishly.
Service reliability
Service reliability differs from product reliability in that it relates to the ability of the service provider to perform the promised service dependably and accurately For example, a firm might hire a consultant based on reputation alone If the consultant delivers what the customer wants, then the customer will be satisfied and pay the consultancy fee If the consultant delivers something other than what the customer expects, the customer will not pay the consultancy fee.
Responsiveness is the willingness of the service provider to be helpful and prompt in providing service When you last called your bank for service, how long did it take for a response? Were your problems taken care of quickly, or did you have to wait while you listened to "elevator music" for an hour? Does your service provider always respond to you within three rings of the phone-without forwarding your call to another location?
Assurance refers to the knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to inspire trust and confidence If you needed heart surgery, you probably would not opt for a doctor who appeared forgetful and disorganized during an office consultation Rather,you would want assurance that the doctor is competent.
Finally, consumers of services desire empathy from the service provider In other words, the customer desires caring, individualized attention from the service firm A maxim in the restaurant industry is that "if you are in it for the money, you probably won't survive." A restaurant where the employees are constantly focused on efficiency will not give the customers the feeling that their needs are important Therefore, no empathy will be shared, and restaurant employees will not adequately provide service that will make customers want to return again and again.
What is TCVN No 5909:1995 ?
Scope of application
This standard applies to biscuits manufactured from flour, granulated sugar, milk,eggs, coffee, cocoa and certain food additives.
Technical requirements
- The raw materials used to produce cakes meet the hygiene requirements of the Ministry of Health.
+ Wheat flour: according to TCVN 4359 - 86;
+ White sand sugar: according to TCVN 1695 - 87;
+ Milk: according to TCVN 5538 - 1991, TCVN 5539 - 1991;
+ Food coloring: according to regulations of the Ministry of Health.
- Biscuits are manufactured according to the technological process approved by the competent authority.
- The physicochemical parameters of the cake are specified in the below table.
Table 1: The physicochemical parameters of the cake
STT Tên chỉ tiêu Mức
1 Độ ẩm, %, không lớn hơn 4
2 Hàm lượng protein, %, không nhỏ hơn 3,7
3 Hàm lượng chất béo, %, không nhỏ hơn
4 Hàm lượng đường toàn phần
5 Hàm lượng tro không tan trong axit
6 Độ kiềm, (độ), không lớn hơn 2
- The sensory parameters of the cake are specified in the below table.
Table 2: The sensory parameters of the cake
STT Tên chỉ tiêu Yêu cầu
1 Hình dạng bên ngoài Bánh có hình dạng theo khuôn mẫu, vân hoa rõ nét Bánh không bị biến dạng, dập nát Không có bánh sống.
2 Mùi vị Bánh có mùi thơm đặc trưng của từng loại.
3 Trang thái Giòn, xốp, mịn mặt.
4 Màu sắc Màu đặc trưng theo tên gọi từng loại bánh, không có cết cháy đen.
5 Tạp chất lạ Không có
+ Aerobic bacteria that cause disease: must not have
+ Cl derringers: must not have
+ Total aerobic bacteria, VK/gr: no more than 5.
+ Coli forms, child/g: no more than
+ Toxin-producing mold: must not have
+ Total number of yeasts, individuals/g: no more than
- Synthetic sweeteners: must not have
If using synthetic sweeteners, it must be approved by the Ministry of Health But the label must state the amount of synthetic sweetener used in the biscuit.
Packaging, labeling, transportation and storage
- Cakes must be carefully packed in PE bags, cellophane, opp paper and another moisture-proof packaging Cake bags are stored in carton boxes or other types of packaging that are dry and clean, without affecting the quality of the cakes.
- The cake containers are stored in a dry, cool, clean, and odor-free warehouse In the warehouse, there must be a platform at least 0.3m from the floor of the warehouse and at least 0.5m from the wall.
- On the cake bags must clearly write:
+ Name of the production facility, address;
+ Weight of cake bag and error of mass.
- Cakes are transported on specialized vehicles Means of transport must be clean, dry, and covered from rain and sun Do not transport the cake with other products that affect the taste of the cake.
- Cakes are stored for 2 months, counting from the date of manufacture.
Orion company overview
History of Orion Corporation
Orion was founded in 1956 and quickly became a household name in the Korean confectionery industry Poong Guk's parent company, Tong Yang Group, began operating in July 1956 after purchasing the confectionery factory, which was one of the top ones in the confectionery industry at the time Group Tongyang
Orion is a well-known candy manufacturer in Korea with well-known goods including Chocopie, Custas, O'star, Goute, etc that are adored by consumers everywhere Over 65 countries across the world import and distribute Orion products. Popular Orion Vina Chocopie confection commemorating some significant historical events is offered along the border between North and South Korea The Orion business was responsible for making this fabled dessert Orion, a subsidiary of the Pungguk factory, was one of the three second-largest food enterprises in Korea at the time Orion opened the first hard candy manufacturing plant in Korea in 1975 and began making hard biscuits, caramel, etc.
+ In 1960, Orion, a trailblazing modern confectionery producer for the food industry, created and sold the first soft biscuit product in Korea
+ Orion began manufacturing the first chocolate bars in 1968
+ Orion nearly went bankrupt in 1971 as a result of Tong Yang acquiring the cement industry, but it persevered and introduced the national product "Orion Chocopie" in 1974 simultaneously with the entry of chewing gum into the European market
- The 1980s were a time of increased investment
+ From 1980 to 1983, more Iksan factories were built, and facilities and technology were improved
+ With Pepsi USA, CEO Chul Kon co-founded OFL in 1987 Through the "Orion Order Tracking" tool, OFL built its ground-breaking distribution network.
Orion was the second-largest candy company in Korea from 1992 to 1993 In
1995, a plant was created in China, and Orion opened offices there and in Tokyo, Beijing, and Moscow,Ho Chi Minh City
+ Establish a multinational business Orion officially split from Tong Yang Group in September 2001, creating Orion Group The global confectionary and entertainment industries of The Orion Group have undergone restructuring The strategic goal of Orion is to elevate to a top-tier organization
Despite having a history of almost 50 years, Orion's business operations are largely focused on nine key product categories under three brand groupings, includingMarketO (luxury handmade cookies and chocolates), Dr You (various foods) nutrition),and Orion (including sponge cake, snack, cookie, candy, gum, chocolate) The company brought in 2,463 billion won in 2014 (equivalent to 2.14 billion USD).
History of Orion Vina Food Co., Ltd
The second 100% Korean-invested food company in Binh Duong was founded inJuly 2005 and is called ORION VINA Food Co., Ltd (Orion Food Vina Co LTD),however it is a bread business The first sweet cake was constructed in Vietnam, and it is also the fifth international branch of the renowned Orion Group, which is known for its Choco Pie brand After China and Russia, this is the third-largest factory, particularly in Asia.
There are now two ORION confectionery factories in Vietnam:
- Factory at My Phuoc II Industrial Park, Ben Cat, Binh Duong;
- Factory in Yen Phong Industrial Park, Yen Phong, Bac Ninh
Orion has the top spot among foreign confectionery firms investing in Vietnam,with 40% of the market share for confectionery now being accounted for by its products.Orion Group Chairman Tam Chul Gon stated that the organization's objective is to expand the manufacturing facility in Vietnam so that it may serve as Orion's primary cake factory worldwide.
Orion's products
Moon pies and choco pies both have two crusts and a chocolate layer sandwiched between the marshmallows
Chocopie cake is too well-known and well- known to Vietnamese consumers; this line of cakes is available in the majority of mini- supermarkets, grocery stores, as well as small- scale businesses such curbside iced tea cafes
The Chocopie cake line with the biggest market share in Vietnam is one that has been engraved in the memories of consumers for years, from young children to the elderly.
Orion's Custas is a product that many people adore because of its distinctive flavor, which evokes the flavors of a scorching yellow cake and a seductive egg yolk and seduces even the most obstinate consumers count With its mouthwatering and alluring taste, Orion Premium Custas Cake has long been a favorite among consumers It also helps to supplement the vitamins and minerals required for everyday health.
- In addition to its two hallmark cakes, Orion also manufactures additional premium and delectable items, including: C'est Bon Cake, Goute Cake, Snack Cake,
Orion company achievements
- Orion Food Vina has won numerous awards and certificates voted by consumers and presented by prestigious organizations such as "High-quality Vietnamese goods,"
"Top 500 largest enterprises in Vietnam," and others - After almost 16 years of operation in the Vietnam market, Orion has achieved many memorable milestones
- Orion's production facilities and workshops are designed and run in accordance with the exacting AIB food safety and hygiene standards
- Orion's goods and manufacturing processes have received ISO 9001 and HACCP certifications for quality management.
Economic and technical characteristics affect the quality of the company's products
Product characteristics
Product Weight/box Selling price/barrel Selling price/package
Chocolate 60-600g 528,000-462,000 VND 11,000-77,000 VND Custas 60-460g 46,000-528,000 VND 11,000-88,000 VND Goute 24-480g 500,000-1,900,000 VND 10,000-78,000 VND Snack 30-90g 342,000-925,000 VND 5000-18,000 VND
This is one of the company's flagship items and the first to hit the Vietnamese market after Orion Company opted to make an investment there In the Pie product line, Chocopie goods continuously hold a large market share
Orion - Chocopie goods, which include Custas, are noted to hold a privileged55% market share in the Pie market Additionally, snack items like Toonies O'star are focused on growing the market to compete with similar products like Fritolay made by rival corporations like Kinh Do.
- The business follows a program of product diversification to meet the consumers' increasingly varied wants However, the diversification of products also has some drawbacks, such as a lack of enthusiasm and attention for in-depth product investment, which makes it unable to satisfy customers' rigorous needs People now eat not only to fill themselves up but also to appreciate the delectable flavors of food Additionally, since candy is not a necessary item, people only buy it on special occasions like holidays, New Year's Eve, weddings, and weddings Thus, product design and quality standards are overriding factors in competition Currently, the company's products mostly fill needs of the general public with good quality, affordable prices, and ugly designs and packaging Future product strategy planning must prioritize growing the percentage of high-end products in the company's product structure.
- The time and weather parameters are significantly impacted by the qualities of confectionery items As an illustration, the chocolate layer on top of a ChocoPie cake frequently melts in the summer's high temperatures if it is not carefully protected, resulting in cake spoilage The typical shelf life of confectionery items is six months. Long-term storage or improper preservation techniques can quickly result in rancidity, mold, or watery conditions As a result, businesses must manage their production and consumption effectively, refrain from overstocking, and lower the quality of their products before delivering them to customers.
- Confectionery goods also have the characteristic of being tied to seasonal elements As a result, the creation of plans for production and consumption must also take this into account the holiday season or wedding season, respectively, when sales are at their peak In order to adapt quickly, businesses must forecast their inventory needs, production needs, labor needs (including the ability to acquire extra seasonal workers), raw material stockpiles, and distribution channel expansion
- Due to the benefit of scale that the company achieves, its confectionary goods are more affordable than those of its rivals The company will have an edge in creating new goods based on revenue from reasonably priced products if it can achieve a competitive pricing advantage.
Characteristics of the company's machinery, equipment and technological
2.2.1 Features of equipment and machinery.
Science and technology and modern technology are the driving force to promote the development of production Aware of this, the Company has invested in modern machinery, equipment and technological lines from Denmark, Germany, Italy Therefore, the company has partly met the increasingly diverse needs of customers. consumers.
Orion Vina Food Co., Ltd pays great attention to investing in renewing equipment, modernizing production technology, gradually bringing mechanization and automation into production in order to improve productivity and product quality in addition to Maintaining the use of existing machinery and equipment.
The company's confectionery production process is relatively simple, the cycle is short, the product processing process is located in a workshop, so the organization and quality management are relatively easy, in the production lines That line has automatic, semi-automatic or manual operation lines, etc.
Nguyên li uệTable 4: Choco Pie production process
Làm ngu iộ Phủ Ghép bánh Đóng gói Marshmalow
2.2.3 Employee characteristics affect quality management
Currently, the company has more than 1000 employees in 2 factories in HCM and Bac Ninh In, female employees account for about 80% of the company's employees. Female workers have such a large percentage due to the characteristics of female workers being industrious, very suitable for candy packaging work Male workers mainly work at the warehouse entry stage in the mechanical group, making candy The company has a large seasonal workforce due to the fact that its products are sold unevenly in different seasons of the year: consumption is usually large during the holiday season Therefore, the number of employees of the company also changes according to the season.
More than 50% of employees have a high school education, 32% have college and intermediate degrees, the rest are university graduates With a relatively complete labor structure, but due to competitive factors, the company always pays attention to constantly improving knowledge and professional skills for employees, regularly opening advanced training classes in the enterprise, and sending them to study economic management and labor safety abroad Therefore, the organization of the company is getting better and better.
2.2.4 Material characteristics and materials management
Orion Vina Food Co., Ltd is engaged in the production and trading of products in the food industry, so the quality of raw materials is very important, but the characteristic is that it is very difficult to preserve, easily damaged and metamorphosed The cost of raw materials accounts for a large proportion of the product cost Therefore, the management of raw materials not only contributes to improving product quality, but also reduces production costs, lowers product costs, and increases competitiveness in the market Raw materials have had a significant impact on the production process production costs and product prices, as well as profoundly affecting product quality and competitiveness of enterprises in the market.
The system of criteria for evaluating product quality at the company
Criteria used to evaluate the quality of cakes
These quality criteria are implemented based on TCVN No 5909:1995 applicable to the following types of cakes:
- Regarding technical requirements: no mistake in any stage, correct and standardize the existing stages.
- Regarding hygiene requirements: ingredients are in accordance with standards, ensuring hygiene.
- Regarding sensory requirements: The cake has the shape according to the design standards, the cake is not deformed or crushed, has a characteristic smell, and the color is in accordance with the requirements.
Among the above three criteria, the criteria reflecting technical and hygienic requirements are especially important, related to the legality of product quality The sensory criteria of the cake depend heavily on the processing and packaging process, if these criteria are well implemented, it will increase the aesthetics of the cake to attract consumers because these are the consumer criteria most recognizable The two indicators, Physico-chemical and hygienic, are not easily identifiable and must be tested with specialized tools.
The current state of the company's cake quality
Currently, Orion is actively investing resources to improve the quality of cakes. Orion has vigorously competed in movements to improve the quality of the company's cakes, promptly serve the great demand during holidays and Tet and have been accepted and appreciated by consumers.
Table 5: General index system for cakes
With clear policies, and determined efforts of all Orion employees, quality goals have been achieved: improved cake quality, diversified and abundant products, reduced prices sold thanks to the low cost due to the maximum saving of raw materials, reasonable use of labor, machinery, and equipment The failure rate of the cake has continuously decreased over the years.
Năm Tỷ lệ sai hỏng Mức chênh lệch tăng (+) giảm (-) về tỷ lệ sai hỏng
Actual situation of product quality management activities at Orion Vina
Quality management in product design
The product design phase is carried out according to the following steps:
- The company has a very dynamic, well-trained and professional market staff: This group of employees is responsible for collecting information about the market in order to grasp the company's strengths and weaknesses The company and its competitors, and research the tastes and consumption characteristics of customers.
- Product design research: Prototyping from small to medium scale, then to large- scale production Prototyping using a variety of methods based on Company standards.
Quality management in the supply chain
The quality control department is responsible for recording the number of production days and the date of the production shift on each sample for easy tracking, comparison, and responsibility for the department to perform and check the supply stage.
To ensure the right quality of goods, the quality control department and the product research department all check through the analysis of raw materials and test the
Table 6: The situation of cake failure over the years product before entering the new shipment The Company has measures to coordinate with suppliers as follows:
- The company requires the supplier to send the product introduction form and information about product characteristics attached.
- Department of testing samples of confectionery products.
- Quality inspection department comments and evaluation.
- If raw materials meet the requirements of both physical and chemical criteria and tested products, the inspection department will transfer the requirements to the sales department.
- Sales department considers prices, purchasing methods, and selecting suppliers.During the delivery process, if the supplier does not deliver the correct quality of the raw materials sent for sampling, the quality control officer has the right to refuse to import the shipment During storage, raw materials are also regularly checked to avoid quality loss, and warehouses, containers, etc are also checked to ensure quality before being put into production.
Production quality management
The quality control department appoints staff with solid experience to carry out inspection of production workshops and together with technical staff to monitor and check quality at all stages of the production process, and detect defects technical problems to minimize waste products.
The objective of the inspection stage in production is Early detection, prevention of errors, and timely handling right on the line, manufactured products must be stored and labeled to ensure compliance with regulations.
Quality management during and after sales
In order to ensure quality in the process of supplying raw materials, the company has proposed specific measures suitable for each source of raw materials, each type of material and established a reserve plan to meet the production schedule output at the lowest cost.
With domestic suppliers, quality control is relatively easy due to convenient access routes, quick information, and accurate resolution of quality problems The main raw materials for the production of confectionery are the diameter and domestic production capacity which can be fully met These factors have reduced production costs, lower product costs.
For foreign suppliers: The company has to import many types of materials such as flour, flavorings, and high-grade bags of labels, which makes it difficult for the company's product quality management process:
- First, the issue of supply time Geography is not a small obstacle, natural disasters, storms and floods are also inevitable difficulties, which will greatly affect the progress of supplying materials and product quality, and the foreign side is also facing difficulties influenced by natural, economic, political and legal conditions.
- Secondly, in terms of product quality, and quantity of materials, in general, the quality of imported products is usually higher than that of domestic ones, but, as mentioned above, quality and quantity can be difficult to stabilize.
- Thirdly in terms of costs, it is easy to see here that very high costs such as high purchase prices, high transportation costs, taxes, storage and storage, etc., have reduced product quality as well as made for the poor business performance of the company.
The quality of raw materials before warehousing, storage and before being put into production is sampled by KCS staff (abbreviated as Product Quality Inspector) for identification, inspection, and strict handling Strictly the materials of poor quality compared to the standard and economic contract of delivery.
During the production process, KCS employees take samples of each type of confectionery on a shift basis, day by day to monitor the quality situation To ensure good quality for products when reaching customers.
The quality of products formed in the production process is influenced by many factors such as machinery and equipment, the skill level of workers, technical staff, external factors, form and method of production inspection method Therefore, the specialized staff needs to improve their skills and working sense so that the new production process will be smooth and effective.
Through inspection and analysis, the quality managers have given the distinguishing characteristics of what is real candy and what is fake candy On the other hand, coordinate with the market management board to find the cause and promptly block fake confectionery as well as smuggled products The company has researched to change the design and shape of product packaging to develop new products, making it difficult for these illegal production organizations to counterfeit.
The shortcomings of product quality management and the causes
Shortcomings in quality management
- In the production process, there are still many defective products that reduce the quality level, increase production and business costs, leading to high prices, affecting product consumption For example, in May 2012, the standard of Protein content in ChocoPie cake exceeded the set target level of 5.5%, leading to a decrease in product quality and the existence of many tough products leading to poor quality products. unsold and unsold products.
- The skill level of workers is uneven, the error situation made by workers still a lot, causing a great waste of raw materials and affecting productivity and quality of labor When the company has large orders such as holidays, and pressure on product output, the company has recruited more temporary employees But because they are seasonal workers, their skills are not proficient, affecting product quality, and causing a loss of productivity and profits for the company.
- Although the quality has been improved, the construction of standard systems is still not timely and accurate with the changes of increasingly strict demands leading to production not meeting the needs of customers Newly produced products have a small percentage of remaining in the market.
- In the production of confectionery, many stages have to be done manually, which affects the quality of the product For example, in the cake production line, picking and packing are still done manually, so both productivity and product quality are low.
- Although the inspection of input factors has been carried out quite carefully, the slow supply and poor quality of materials often occur, which significantly affects the progress and quality of products.
5.2 Subjective causes affecting the quality of confectionery of the Company.
- The work of ensuring and improving product quality has not been paid due attention, the investment in specialized equipment in quality management is still lacking, failing to meet the needs of tasks in the new situation.
- Outdated technology, lack of synchronization, weak infrastructure is rarely repaired Although maintenance has been carried out, it is still lacking regularly, preventive inspection has not been paid much attention when disrupting the production process causing great damage.
- The skill level of workers is still weak, untrained workers account for a large proportion, in addition, the sense of discipline is not high, which directly affects product quality.
- The reward and punishment system has many shortcomings such as the reward is not commensurate with the labor results, especially, the method of spiritual reward has not been used effectively Discipline is still overlooked, so it is not enough to deter behavior that adversely affects quality.
Objective reasons affect product quality
The State and relevant levels and sectors have not really paid attention to product quality, the quality criteria set are not strict, the inspection work has not been carried out regularly:
+ The methods of implementing the reward and punishment regime are not accurate and fair, making enterprises less motivated to change their quality.
+ The phenomenon of violations of the law of production and business establishments: circumventing the law, failing to announce the quality of products and goods according to the provisions of the Ordinance, and making fake goods still have many negative effects on the image of the company on the marketplace.
+ Raw material prices often fluctuate, the quality of raw materials depends heavily on suppliers, making enterprises fall into a passive position in production and business.
+ Erratic weather and climate, high humidity are conditions for microorganisms and adverse chemical reactions to occur, causing raw materials and semi-finished products to change in quality, adversely affecting product quality of the enterprise.
Proposing solutions for product quality management at Orion Vina
Strengthen the management and efficient use of raw materials
6.1.1 Well-organized the procurement and supply of raw materials:
Because the company has to use a variety of materials from domestic and foreign sources, it is not easy to meet production requirements Therefore, it is advisable to ensure that raw materials are adequate in terms of type, quantity, quality, time of supply, and purchasing cost so that the production process can be carried out continuously, smoothly, and with high business efficiency Any malfunction in the supply of raw materials will cause production stoppage, increase costs, harm economic interests between parties, and reduce production efficiency.
6.1.2 Practice savings in the process of using raw materials:
Doing this job well will help the company to lower the consumption of raw materials despite facing difficulties due to the relatively large number of products, the number of ingredients involved in the product composition, and especially the high standards materials cannot be lowered any further Therefore, in order to both save raw materials and ensure product quality, the company needs to follow the direction: Perfecting the system of raw material consumption norms for all types of products. Lower the cost of raw materials Reducing the consumption of raw materials to the lowest possible level depends on each type of material and the proportion of such materials in the product There are materials that can be greatly reduced and vice versa, even those that cannot be reduced because if changed, it will reduce the quality of the products produced.
6.1.3 Increasing the use of domestic materials instead of imported materials. The company should take raw materials produced in the country as the main raw materials in production to gradually replace imported goods both economically and actively in production and stable in quality.
The company is always looking for replaceable materials, but the difficulty is the lack of specialized equipment in the industry for research Therefore, in the coming time,the company should contact research centers, schools, and institutes to find out new technologies to produce high-quality, low-cost materials to serve the needs of customers.the company's growing production At the same time, the company also contacted food processing enterprises to jointly devise a plan to research and produce alternative materials.
Increase exploitation and use of existing technology and invest in
In order to enhance the exploitation of existing and new technologies, in the management of the company, it is necessary to have mechanisms and policies for reasonable and effective use At the same time, the company must focus on investing in science and technology such as machinery, equipment, and production lines in order to improve production capacity and production efficiency in the present as well as in the future The old machinery and equipment should be upgraded to synchronize with each other, avoiding large waste of raw materials, fuel, labor, and productivity, poor quality of products, and reducing the competitiveness of the Company.
Measures on organization and management
In order to manage product quality synchronously, leaders must manage quality in many aspects, in order to ensure sufficient information to perform quality tasks.Enterprises must create conditions for all departments to exchange quality-related information for the joint processing and must be done regularly to ensure timeliness and accuracy The company must define defect-free production as its mission-critical mission and must consider consumer convenience as the most accurate measure of quality.The management activities of the company must ensure that malfunctions in the processes are prevented in order to ultimately produce high-quality products In addition,the Company must also have regulations on labor, working conditions, transportation,and consumption suitable to ensure product quality to consumers The above regulations of the Company need to be detailed in order to facilitate their use, and at the same time, they must be modified or modified when necessary to suit the internal and external business environment of the Company.
Measures to maintain, train and develop human resources
- It is recommended to regularly organize programs to educate people's thoughts so that the views, styles are deeply rooted in each person over time of operation.
- At the same time, their material and spiritual life must be paid attention to by the company and increasingly high,
- Enhancing education for employees about cooperation and the benefits of cooperation between workers and the company.
- Gradually reduce the distance between the manager and the managed, enhance equality in rights and obligations.
- Implement democratic fairness, a fair reward, and a punishment regime to stimulate individuals and production teams to actively participate in the improvement and contribute new initiatives to serve the company's production and business. 6.4.2 Training and developing human resources in the company.
Organize seminars to exchange experiences between senior officials of different firms on quality management issues These training programs are usually implemented in a short period, but the results are often very high if they have the right concept and motivation to do it These officials must have a method that is reasonably applicable to the specific circumstances of their company, without machines, copying, etc., then they will communicate or plan the implementation to their subordinates.
Quarterly and annually, the company should organize a skill test for workers, and score and classify skills as the basis for reasonable training programs in terms of content,time and form Most of these workers belong to the relatively young class, so it is quite convenient to do the training work reasonably in terms of content, time, and form The best way is to classify by skill level, we can classify it into 3 levels as follows:
- Workers with poor skills: poor in expertise and poor in skills.
Training programs for this team must make them aware of the purpose of the work being done and will be done and the methods and measures to achieve that goal. Training on product quality and product quality management.
- The company must pay attention; improve working methods and conditions and train employees to know how and consciously check product quality and create high- quality products, reducing costs.
- Managers must listen to and absorb the opinions of workers directly in production on product quality improvement, product quality management improvement, labor organization improvement, and machinery and equipment improvement and provide quick feedback to workers about those initiatives, using motivational methods to let them reach their full potential.
- Conducting emulation movements, learning about quality, through the exchange of experiences between workers who are good at quality or managers to increase the spirit of solidarity and cooperation for quality, stimulating the curiosity of workers, improving their understanding of quality but at a very limited cost. Training on skills for workers.
- It is necessary to train highly skilled workers so that they can constantly improve their skills and expertise and increase their understanding of quality and quality management At the same time, make they become mentors for new low- and medium- skilled workers.
- Maintain a team of employees who have been with the company for many years. They have professional qualifications, and many years of experience and understand the company better than anyone.
- The problem of changing the number of employees must ensure the interests of the company, the employees, and the whole society, and must not cause difficulties for the lives of workers and the company.
- Solve the number of redundant workers by increasing the productivity of machinery and equipment, arranging workers to work in 3 shifts or work alternately.
- Measures should be applied gradually, should not put pressure on employees,reduce enthusiasm for work, and psychology, which will adversely affect productivity and quality of labor.
Innovation in quality awareness and product quality management
To be able to renew the perception of the quality of employees, the company needs to build the awareness of current employees such as: Investigate the awareness of quality issues and quality management of officers and employees regularly and taking remedial measures and raising awareness; Launching emulation movements: all for quality; Raising the responsibility of individual workers for each defective or poor quality product produced will show that quality management is still weak
In addition, the company should also implement other solutions along with the above basic solutions such as Increasing product quality control inspection, Measures of physical and mental stimulation in quality management, and Focusing on Marketing more to increase market research and speed up product sales.
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Hà Nội. (n.d.) From
Lương, P T (n.d.) Nghiên cứu điều tra chất lượng và thị hiếu thị trường bánhChocopie Đề xuất biện pháp cải tiến chất lượng và phát triển sản phẩm mới 2015.Foster, S T (n.d.) Quality Management: Integrating The Supply Chain BrighamYoung University.
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