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Individual assignment introduction to management

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Bêncạnh đó thì hệ thống giáo dục của Ấn Độ là một trong những hệ thống giáo dục lớn nhất thế giới và kể từkhi giành được độc lập, Ấn Độ luôn chú trọng đến việc nâng cao tỷ lệ người biết

FPT UNIVERSITY QUY NHON INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT INSTRUCTOR'S NAME: NGUYEN THI BICH THU NAME: MAI HUONG GIANG MSSV: QS180041 CLASS: IB18B Individual Assignment Instruction: Each student is required to choose a country and perform the country overview The report should include (but not limited) the following:  Country introduction (basic information about the chosen country) (2 marks)  Main characteristics of the business culture in this country (2.5 marks)  How does the culture of the country affect business? (3 key ideas) (3 marks)  As international managers, what information is crucial to the HR management in this nation? (1.5 marks)  Format (1 mark) Requirements:  The maximum length of the document is 1,000 words (± 20%) excluding appendices  Time New Roman format, 11 size, double-spaced  The report must be submitted under the form of PDF file via LMS  Please name PDF file: “SP24_IBC201_IB18B_COUNTRY_STUDENTID_NGUYENVANA”  A deduction of 10% of the assignment mark will be applied for each day of late submission Deadline: 23:59 February 07th 2024 Ấn Độ quốc gia Nam Á, chiếm hầu hết bán đảo Ấn Độ, có ranh giới với Pakistan, Trung Quốc, Myanma, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan Afghanistan, đồng thời quốc gia có dân chủ lớn giới nắm giữ kỷ lục với số gần ,3 tỷ người, đứng thứ hai sau Trung Quốc dân số Ấn Độ có vị địa lý đặc biệt, lưng tựa vào dãy núi Himalaya (Hy Mã Lạp Sơn), hướng mặt biển Ấn Độ Dương Bên cạnh đó, Ấn Độ cịn có sơng lớn sơng Ấn Hà Hằng Hà Chính chốn địa linh nhân kiệt nhiều vĩ nhân đời đức Phật Thích Ca Mâu Ni, hiền triết Jiddu Krishnamurti, thánh Mahatma Gandhi,etc tôn giáo, trường phái triết học lớn lâu đời giới Ấn Độ Giáo, Phật Giáo, Vệ Đà,etc Ấn Độ ngày công nhận mười bốn ngôn ngữ nói thức tiếng Hindu ngơn ngữ thức tiếng Anh ngơn ngữ thức thứ hai Bên cạnh hệ thống giáo dục Ấn Độ hệ thống giáo dục lớn giới kể từ giành độc lập, Ấn Độ trọng đến việc nâng cao tỷ lệ người biết chữ quốc gia Ấn Độ cịn có giàu có thương mại văn hóa phần lớn lịch sử lâu đời mình, nhiều tuyến đường thương mại cũ qua đất nước phần đế chế khổng lồ India is the most democratic country in the world, covering most of the Indian peninsula and sharing borders with Bangladesh, China, Pakistan, Myanmar, Nepal, Bhutan and Afghanistan with a population of nearly 1.3 billion, it is second only to China in terms of population India has a very special geographical location, leaning against the Himalayas, facing the Indian Ocean Along the edge of India, there are two large rivers: the Indus and the Ganges It is in that spiritual country that many great people have been born including Buddha Shakyamuni, gentle Jiddu Krishnamurti, Saint Mahatma Gandhi, etc and the largest and oldest religions in the world such as India, Hinduism, Buddhism, Vedas, etc These days, fourteen spoken languages are recognised as official in India, with English being the second official language and Hindu being the first Along similar lines, India is proud of one of the best educational systems in the world and has worked hard to increase the literacy rate of the country since independence India was previously a part of an empire and had numerous ancient trade routes passing through it, which helped the nation maintain its rich culture and commerce for a large portion of its long history Besides, I wil show more details about India to make sure that you better understand the country on information below Culture is the expression of behavior, thinking and emotions that are ingrained or influenced through learning and are characteristic of a group of people, not of an individual With the above approach to culture, business culture can be understood not only as cultural values that affect business activities but also as creating standards and forming approaches to business issues joint These cultural values become the foundation for decisions and actions in businesses, shared and inherited through generations India has a developed economy and diversity in industries, which creates a diversity of corporate cultures The focus on personal and family relationships not only creates a friendly working environment but also positively affects solidarity and dedication within the business Building close relationships and respect for family values contributes to creating a warm working environment, where employees feel cared for and supported, thereby creating work motivation and commitment aligned with the overall goals of the business At the same time, valuing traditional values and ethics in business in India also promotes transparency, honesty and social responsibility in business decisions An emphasis on these values can also create trust among customers and business partners, thereby shaping reputation and trust in the business Not only that, the diversity of languages, cultures and perspectives also creates a creative and multi-dimensional management and decision-making environment This can encourage creativity, divergent thinking and the ability to come up with solutions more flexibly and effectively within the business To better understand the cultural aspects of India that affect businesses, I will analyze some key ideas about the country's business culture First, what sets it apart is its strong emphasis on relationships and connections among people In India, relationships are at the heart of business transactions, with trust and continual cultivation Collectivism is also an important aspect of business culture in India, its nature emphasizes the importance of group cohesion and the welfare of the collective over individual interests, business culture of India places significant value on team dynamics and collective success Respect for hierarchy and authority is deeply ingrained in Indian business culture, with senior leaders often holding key decision-making powers Decision-making in Indian companies tends to be top-down, and therefore lower-level employees will expect clear and comprehensive guidance rather than finding their own way of doing things Additionally, the negotiation process in India is characterized by patience and deliberation, as well as a preference for indirect communication to maintain harmony and avoid conflict Negotiations often start with side issues followed by detailed negotiations Negotiations are often lengthy and time- consuming, so Indians believe that if results are achieved quickly, there is something wrong with the negotiations and agreements Business meetings often include small talk, allowing trust and rapport to be established before delving into the main content Additionally, the concept of "jugaad" is a notable aspect of the Indian business landscape, reflecting a resourceful and adaptive approach to challenges These multifaceted aspects have all contributed to creating a distinct business culture in India Furthermore, understanding how to handle information for human resource management in India is crucial for international managers since it affects how well all corporate operations work First, a deep understanding of community culture and values is extremely important India has a rich and diverse culture, with the influence of traditional values, religions and complex social systems Understanding these factors will help managers build a positive working environment, promoting solidarity and working efficiency in the organization Second, understanding of labor laws, social insurance and related regulations cannot be overlooked Complying with these regulations not only helps organizations avoid legal risks but also contributes to creating the best working conditions for employees In addition, updating information about the economic, political and social situation is also very important This helps HR managers make strategic decisions that are appropriate to the local context and labor market Timely and flexible policy support is also an important factor to retain talent and create conditions for their development To sum up, the importance of understanding and managing information for human resource management in India cannot be emphasized enough Acumen and flexibility in processing information will help managers build a strong, flexible and sustainable organization In conclusion, we see that India is a very special country, famous for its cultural richness, geographical diversity and a strong economic dynamism Understanding and managing information about local culture, labor laws, as well as keeping up to date with economic and social conditions, is key to success in human resource management and business in this country The combination of respect for local culture and effective strategy adoption can help organizations take advantage of every opportunity to grow and succeed in India's diverse and sustainable business environment Văn hoá biểu hành vi, tư tình cảm ăn sâu hay bị ảnh hưởng qua học hỏi điểm đặc thù nhóm người khơng phải cá nhân Với cách tiếp cận văn hóa trên, hiểu văn hố kinh doanh khơng giá trị văn hoá ảnh hưởng đến hoạt động kinh doanh mà tạo chuẩn mực hình thành cách tiếp cận với vấn đề kinh doanh Các giá trị văn hoá trở thành tảng định hành động doanh nghiệp, chia sẻ kế thừa qua hệ Ấn Độ có kinh tế phát triển đa dạng ngành công nghiệp, điều tạo nên đa dạng văn hóa doanh nghiệp Sự tập trung vào quan hệ cá nhân gia đình khơng tạo mơi trường làm việc thân thiện mà cịn ảnh hưởng tích cực đến đoàn kết tinh thần cống hiến doanh nghiệp Việc xây dựng mối quan hệ chặt chẽ tơn trọng đến giá trị gia đình góp phần tạo môi trường làm việc ấm cúng, nơi mà nhân viên cảm thấy quan tâm ủng hộ, từ tạo động lực làm việc cam kết với mục tiêu chung doanh nghiệp Đồng thời, việc coi trọng giá trị truyền thống đạo đức kinh doanh Ấn Độ thúc đẩy minh bạch, tính trung thực trách nhiệm xã hội định kinh doanh Sự nhấn mạnh vào giá trị tạo lịng tin từ phía khách hàng đối tác kinh doanh, từ định hình uy tín lịng tin doanh nghiệp Không thế, đa dạng ngôn ngữ, văn hóa quan điểm tạo môi trường quản lý định sáng tạo đa chiều Điều khuyến khích sáng tạo, suy nghĩ đa dạng khả đưa giải pháp cách linh hoạt hiệu doanh nghiệp To better understand the cultural aspects of India that affect businesses, I will analyze some key ideas about the country's business culture First, what sets it apart is its strong emphasis on relationships and connections among people In India, relationships are at the heart of business transactions, with trust and continual cultivation Collectivism is also an important aspect of business culture in India, its nature emphasizes the importance of group cohesion and the welfare of the collective over individual interests, business culture of India places significant value on team dynamics and collective success Respect for hierarchy and authority is deeply ingrained in Indian business culture, with senior leaders often holding key decision-making powers Decision-making in Indian companies tends to be top-down, and therefore lower-level employees will expect clear and comprehensive guidance rather than finding their own way of doing things Additionally, the negotiation process in India is characterized by patience and deliberation, as well as a preference for indirect communication to maintain harmony and avoid conflict Negotiations often start with side issues followed by detailed negotiations Negotiations are often lengthy and time- consuming, so Indians believe that if results are achieved quickly, there is something wrong with the negotiations and agreements Business meetings often include small talk, allowing trust and rapport to be established before delving into the main content Additionally, the concept of "jugaad" is a notable aspect of the Indian business landscape, reflecting a resourceful and adaptive approach to challenges These multifaceted aspects have all contributed to creating a distinct business culture in India Để hiểu rõ khía cạnh văn hóa Ấn Độ ảnh hưởng đến doanh nghiệp em phân tích số ý văn hóa kinh doanh nước Đầu tiên, đặc điểm bật cốt yếu nhấn mạnh vào mối quan hệ kết nối cá nhân Ở đây, Ấn Độ thị trường quan hệ, mối quan hệ Ấn Độ thực trụ cột giao dịch kinh doanh dựa chủ yếu vào lòng tin trau dồi liên tục Chủ nghĩa tập thể khía cạnh quan trọng văn hóa kinh doanh Ấn Độ,bản chất nhấn mạnh tầm quan trọng gắn kết nhóm phúc lợi tập thể lợi ích cá nhân, văn hóa kinh doanh Ấn Độ đặt giá trị đáng kể vào động lực nhóm thành cơng tập thể Sự tơn trọng thứ bậc quyền lực ăn sâu vào văn hóa kinh doanh Ấn Độ, với việc lãnh đạo cấp cao thường nắm giữ quyền định quan trọng Việc định công ty Ấn Độ có xu hướng từ xuống, nhân viên cấp thấp mong đợi hướng dẫn rõ ràng tồn diện tìm cách làm việc riêng họ Ngoài ra, trình đàm phán Ấn Độ đặc trưng kiên nhẫn cân nhắc, ưu tiên giao tiếp gián tiếp để trì hài hịa tránh xung đột Các đàm phán thường bắt đầu chuyện ngồi lề sau đàm phán chuẩn bị chi tiết Đàm phán thường kéo dài thời gian mà người Ấn Độ cho đạt kết nhanh việc đàm phán, thỏa thuận có khơng ổn Các họp kinh doanh thường bao gồm nói chuyện nhỏ, tạo điều kiện cho tin tưởng mối quan hệ thiết lập trước sâu vào nội dung Ngồi ra, khái niệm "jugaad" cịn khía cạnh đáng ý bối cảnh kinh doanh Ấn Độ, phản ánh cách tiếp cận tháo vát thích ứng với thách thức Những khía cạnh đa diện góp phần tạo nên văn hóa kinh doanh riêng biệt Ấn Độ India's business culture is a complex mix of customs, traditions, and contemporary business methods What sets it apart is its strong emphasis on relationships and connections among people In India, relationships are at the heart of business transactions, with trust and continual cultivation Establishing and maintaining strong, enduring, and mutually beneficial relationships with Indian counterparts is vital for success in this market Collectivism plays a significant role in Indian business culture and the broader societal context Recognizing and appreciating the Indian concept of belonging to a group, whether it's based on caste, community, religion, family, or company can be valuable in navigating business interactions and efforts Indian business culture is characterized by a strong respect for hierarchy and authority, with top leaders frequently possessing substantial decision-making power Additionally, negotiation processes in India are characterized by patience and deliberation, as well as a preference for indirect communication to maintain harmony and avoid conflict In business meetings, small talk plays a big role in building rapport and trust before getting down to business A key component of the Indian corporate environment is the word of "jugaad," which indicates an ability for coming up with quick, creative solutions It reflects a resourceful and flexible approach to problems Together, these different aspects contribute to the unique corporate culture that exists in India Hơn nữa, nhà quản lý quốc tế, việc hiểu quản lý thông tin quản lý nhân Ấn Độ yếu tố quan trọng định đến thành công hoạt động kinh doanh Đầu tiên, hiểu biết sâu rộng văn hóa giá trị cộng đồng quan trọng Ấn Độ có văn hóa phong phú đa dạng, với ảnh hưởng giá trị truyền thống, tôn giáo hệ thống xã hội phức tạp Việc hiểu rõ yếu tố giúp người quản lý xây dựng mơi trường làm việc tích cực, thúc đẩy đoàn kết hiệu làm việc tổ chức Thứ hai, hiểu biết quy định pháp luật lao động, bảo hiểm xã hội quy định liên quan bỏ qua Việc tuân thủ quy định không giúp tổ chức tránh rủi ro pháp lý mà góp phần tạo điều kiện làm việc tốt cho nhân viên Ngồi ra, việc cập nhật thơng tin tình hình kinh tế, trị xã hội quan trọng Điều giúp nhà quản lý nhân đưa định chiến lược phù hợp với bối cảnh thị trường lao động địa phương Sự hỗ trợ sách lúc linh hoạt yếu tố quan trọng để giữ chân nhân tài tạo điều kiện phát triển cho họ Tóm lại, nhấn mạnh đủ tầm quan trọng việc hiểu quản lý thông tin quản lý nhân Ấn Độ Sự nhạy bén linh hoạt việc xử lý thông tin giúp nhà quản lý xây dựng tổ chức mạnh mẽ, linh hoạt phát triển bền vững Furthermore, understanding how to handle information for human resource management in India is crucial for international managers since it affects how well all corporate operations work First, a deep understanding of community culture and values is extremely important India has a rich and diverse culture, with the influence of traditional values, religions and complex social systems Understanding these factors will help managers build a positive working environment, promoting solidarity and working efficiency in the organization Second, understanding of labor laws, social insurance and related regulations cannot be overlooked Complying with these regulations not only helps organizations avoid legal risks but also contributes to creating the best working conditions for employees In addition, updating information about the economic, political and social situation is also very important This helps HR managers make strategic decisions that are appropriate to the local context and labor market Timely and flexible policy support is also an important factor to retain talent and create conditions for their development To sum up, the importance of understanding and managing information for human resource management in India cannot be emphasized enough Acumen and flexibility in processing information will help managers build a strong, flexible and sustainable organization As the CEO and founder of VietJet Air, Ms.Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao possesses exceptional leadership qualities that have greatly aided the airline's development in Vietnam When establishing new strategies, Ms.Thao's leadership is distinguished by her daring, ingenuity, and capacity for taking measured risks She wants to expand VietJet Air outside of Vietnam and into the international aviation market By adding new Southeast Asian destinations to VietJet Air's airline routes, she has shown her dedication to the region Ms.Thao is also a strong leader who places high importance on giving back to society She has significantly improved people's lives and communities via charity, setting a good example for many others As an inspiring leader who appreciates the importance of successful communication She constantly makes herself available to answer queries and keeps her staff up to date on business developments Her management approach encourages cohesion, freedom, and teamwork throughout the organization, creating a welcoming and employee-focused workplace What struck me as impressive was how regularly Ms.Thao's leadership places a significant emphasis on client demands According to her, providing top-notch services at reasonable pricing is essential for a company's success and expansion The leadership style of Ms.Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao has been characterized by creativity, transparency, people focus, customer focus, and a sense of community VietJet Air's expansion creativity, and social impact are based on her leadership tenets Ms.Thao has implemented several controlling measures to ensure the airline's success and demonstrates the value of routinely reviewing the business's financial performance, typically monthly This strategy, which involves looking at financial results, enables the leadership team to make sensible financial decisions, change course to pursue new tactics and modify business objectives as necessary She places high importance on setting clear goals, implementing plans on schedule, and reviewing progress to make sure daily operations are following corporate goals Ms.Thao monitors several crucial performance indicators and crucial outcome categories that direct the company toward achieving its goals She can then pinpoint problem areas, make adjustments to operations or strategies to guarantee that the organization is making progress toward its objectives, and give staff timely performance feedback to encourage positive change Ms.Thao has established a strong foundation of accountability and transparency for VietJet Air's growth objectives and regulation of standards within the industry through regular monitoring and alignment of company objectives with resources, thorough budgetary planning, performance metrics, and effective risk management In conclusion, Ms.Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao's management and leadership style have greatly aided VietJet Air's development into a successful low-cost carrier in Vietnam and Southeast Asia Visionary thinking, effective communication, people-focused leadership, creative ways, managing and foreseeing risks, and corporate social responsibility are just a few of the leadership qualities that Ms Thao has displayed Overall, Ms Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao's adherence to moral principles, intense commitment, and strategic leadership has been crucial in creating and expanding VietJet Air into a premier low-cost carrier She continues to serve as an example for aspiring young executives around the world, and the future of the aviation sector is being shaped and molded by her exceptional managerial and entrepreneurial abilities 10

Ngày đăng: 28/02/2024, 09:16
