Introduction 11 Trang 4 Topic: Dien Bien Phu in the air” victory - General Vo Nguyen GiapGroup: 6Presentation assessment: List of students in the order of presentingSelf-assessment scor
-Group discussion:
“Dien Bien Phu in the air” victory
General Vo Nguyen Giap
Trang 3Self-assessment scoreboard 3 Lecturer's comment sheet 4
1 “Hanoi - Dien Bien Phu in the air” victory 5
a Introduction 5
b Making preparation for fighting against B-52 stratofortress 5
c Defeating U.S stratofortress 7
d The meaning of the campaign “HaNoi - Dien Bien Phu in the air” victory 10
2 General Vo Nguyen Giap 11
a Introduction 11
b His illustrious battles 12
c Special things about the general 13
d Conclusion 14
Trang 4Topic: Dien Bien Phu in the air” victory - General Vo Nguyen Giap
Group: 6
Presentation assessment: List of students (in the order of presenting)
Self-assessment scoreboardPresent
Lecturer's comment sheetPresentation
Name Lecturer's comment
1 Lê Thanh Ngân
Trang 57 Lê Thanh Ngân
1 “Hanoi - Dien Bien Phu in the air” victory
a Introduction
“Dien Bien Phu in the air”, or Operation Linebacker II as the US Air Force called it,was the most terrible air bombardment in world history
Trang 6Professor Vladimir Buyanov, Chairman of the Russia – Vietnam FriendshipAssociation, has stressed that the ‘Hanoi – Dien Bien Phu in the air’ victory is aglorious event in the history of the Vietnamese military.
The victory forced the U.S government to sign the Paris Peace Accords, ending thewar, restoring peace in Vietnam Furthermore, it affirmed the strategy of General VoNguyen Giap, the Commander-in-Chief and the big brother of the Vietnam People’sArmy (VPA), in directing the construction of the entire people’s air defense posture - anew development in Vietnam’s unique people’s warfare
At the end of 1972, when negotiations reached a deadlock and in the face of increasingpublic opinion against the war in the country, the US decided to carry out the DienBien Phu aerial campaign - Linebacker II - to subdue Vietnam An opponent with aniron will, despite being overwhelmed by the balance of forces and weapons, stillstubbornly resisted, and defeated all strategies and combat technologies of the world'smost formidable war machine
According to data obtained by CNN, the Dien Bien Phu Air Campaign - Linebacker II,starting on December 18, 1972 (December 17, 1972 Washington D.C time), mobilizedmore than 200 B-52 aircraft with about 730 sorties, spraying tens of thousands of tons
of bombs on Hanoi, Hai Phong and many northern provinces in 12 days and nights atthe end of December 1972 US data also estimates that about 1,600 Vietnamesecivilians died during 12 fierce days and nights
The US Air Force also suffered losses that until now cannot be fully measured Dozens
of B-52s, which were the pride of the US Air Force, were shot down and with themdozens of pilots died Worse, although American and world historians still debate theinfluence and impact of this campaign on the outcome of the war, the majority of thepublic believes that many American pilots were killed in vain Half a century haspassed, but the memories of the American pilots of that day are still as horrifying as ifthey were yesterday when recalling the sorties into the "fire net" of Vietnam's airdefense in 1972
b Making preparation for fighting against B-52 stratofortress
From the beginning of 1965, in addition to mobilizing troops to the southern theater ofVietnam, the U.S also deployed B-52 bombers from an air force base in the Pacificwith the aim of destroying the North of Vietnam At the same time, the foreigninvaders also disseminated information about the power of B-52s to threaten theVietnamese people
Previously, President Ho Chi Minh had forecast, “Sooner or later, the U.S willmobilize B-52s to destroy Hanoi In Vietnam, the U.S will definitely lose, but onlywhen they lose in the air of Hanoi.” As Secretary of the CMC and Defense Minister,
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GSv4-U1-LP-Unit01 Lesson Plans
Trang 8General Vo Nguyen Giap directed the VPA’s General Staff and the Air Defense - AirForce Service (ADAF) to seek measures to counter the B-52.
In May 1966, the General ordered the VPA’s General Staff to send Missile Regiment
238, Division 363 of the ADAF to Vinh Linh district in Quang Tri province Theregiment was tasked with working with radars, electronic reconnaissance systems, andair force troops to study the features and operations of the B-52
At a meeting in September 1971, the Politburo and CMC agreed that in 1972, theenemy would withdraw its troops if they reached their target, otherwise, they wouldconduct airstrikes in North Vietnam, so we should be ready in any circumstances
After the meeting, General Vo Nguyen Giap noted that B-52s might attack Hanoi inaddition to the South The ADAF was requested to study the Stratofortress.Meanwhile, radar, missile, and air force troops also took part in the training programs
as scheduled Furthermore, several mobile sites were secretly built, and Hanoianmilitiamen and some cities were equipped with anti-aircraft firepower
In June 1972, under the direction of General Vo Nguyen Giap, a conference was held
to discuss measures to fight against the B-52 Delegates at the event pointed out theshortcomings of the aircraft and mapped out solutions to destroy them A documenttitled “How to Defeat a B-52” was finalized in October 1972, becoming a manual forair defense troops
During the period, the Department of Intelligence, the ADAF, and functional organswere tasked with exploiting information related to the B-52, and studying anddeveloping weapons and equipment to counter the bombers
The General also requested the troops to forecast the main attack directions of theenemy During the 12 day and night campaign in Hanoi, almost all of the enemyaircraft took advantage of the terrain to fly Northwest as forecast Therefore, the VPA’sGeneral Staff and ADAF sent troops to these scenes to successfully destroy B-52s inthe Northwest, Southwest, and South of Hanoi, where the air force used MiG-21fighters At the same time, the people’s air defense and radar systems were widelydeployed to restrict B-52s This was a unique and innovative feature in the fightagainst B-52s in the Air Defense Campaign 1972
On October 20, 1972, General Vo Nguyen Giap worked with the ADAF to map outoperational orientations of the air defense campaign against B-52s to protect Hanoi
He noted that we should be ready and make thorough preparations to defeat theenemy’s plot to invade the North
On November 25, 1972, in the directive “Strengthening Combat Readiness,” on behalf
of the CMC, General Vo Nguyen Giap underscored, “In the near future, the enemy can
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Trang 9severely bombard targets outside the latitude 20 They can use B-52s to attack keypoints in Hanoi and Hai Phong ”
c Defeating U.S stratofortress
Defeating the US’s strategic air raids
During the 12 days and nights of Operation Linebacker II (December 18-29,1972), the US military mobilized B-52 strategic aircraft 740 times and tactical aircraftmore than 1,000 times, using the jamming electronic weapons, dropping more than36,000 tons of bombs on economic and military targets in Hanoi, Hai Phong, ThaiNguyen and some other places In which, B-52 bombers carpeted on hospitals anddensely populated areas in Hanoi, such as Bach Mai hospital (on the night ofDecember 21) and Kham Thien street (on the night of December 26) killing andinjuring 500 people and destroying nearly 2,000 houses
On the night of December 18, the radar and navigation force successfullycompleted the task of watching over the Fatherland At 7:00 p.m., Company 16's radardetected interference with the B52 The company's watch crew promptly reported thefirst coordinates of the B52 while flying toward Upper Laos When the first group ofB52s was still 300 km from Hanoi, the entire force of the Air Defense - Air Forceentered a level I combat readiness position At 10:20 p.m., following the orders ofField Battalion D59.E261, officers Controller Duong Van Thuan pressed the launchbutton and sent the missile with the code number C202A streaking into the night sky,hitting the target and landing on the spot of the B52-G departing from Guam, falling inthe area of Phu Lo, Dong Anh, Hanoi This was the first B52 shot down on the spotduring the campaign, also the first victory, right on the first day of the heroic capital'ssoldiers and people On the first night of the campaign, our army and people shotdown 3 B52 flying fortresses and captured 7 enemy pilots
On the night of December 18, the US mobilized 90 B.52 aircraft to drop 3rounds of bombs on the capital Hanoi Interspersed with B.52's raids were 8 rounds ofF.111 aircraft and 127 rounds of attack aircraft, bombarding inner and suburban areas,dropping about 6,600 bombs on 135 locations in the capital 85 residential areas werehit by bombs, about 300 people died,
Day and night December 19, 1972, at 4:30 a.m., the enemy bombed thefollowing areas: Voice of Vietnam Radio (Me Tri), Nhan Chinh commune, Sao VangRubber Factory, Missile battlefields, Anti-aircraft artillery and capital militia andself-defense units destroyed an F.4 aircraft At the same time, Battalion 77 (MissileRegiment 257) shot down a B.52 plane on the spot The Politburo praised the airdefense forces
On December 20, 1972, from 7:00 p.m., the enemy mobilized 78 B.52s andmore than 100 attack aircraft of all types to attack Hanoi Battalion 93 (Missile
Trang 10Regiment 261) shot down a B.52 aircraft on the spot in the Yen Vien station area;Battalion 77 (Missile Regiment 257) shot down another B.52 in the suburbs After that,
3 missile battalions (78, 79, 94) shot down another B.52 on the spot The 100mmartillery companies of the Capital's militia and self-defense forces have worked closelywith the anti-aircraft missile troops to firmly protect missile battlefields and importanttargets in inner and suburban areas On the night of December 20 and 21, anti-aircraftmissile troops protecting Hanoi shot down 7 B.52s Typical is the battle of battalions57,77,79, in just 9 minutes with 6 missiles they shot down 4 B.52s
On December 21, 1972, during the day, the enemy mobilized 180 tacticalaircraft to attack key targets such as: Hang Co station, Police Department, Yen PhuPower Plant, Ministry of Transport, Phu Ly bridge and 6 waves hit Thanh Hoa townarea At dawn on December 22, the enemy mobilized 24 B.52 aircraft and 36 tacticalescort aircraft to attack the airport, Bach Mai Hospital, Giap Bat area, Van Dien,
On the night of December 21 and morning of December 22, Hanoi Air DefenseBattalion 57 shot down a B.52 aircraft on the spot at Ben Market (My Duc district).During the day, the enemy mobilized 56 tactical aircraft to attack Kep station, BacGiang town, Viet Tri city, Vinh Yen town, etc At night, the enemy used 24 B.52 and
30 tactical aircraft , 9 F.111s attacked Hai Phong, An Duong area, Dong Anh (Hanoi),Hoa Lac, Dap Cau, Our army and people shot down 5 aircraft, including 3 B.52s onthe spot , 1 F.4, 1 F.111
On December 23, 1972, during the day, the enemy mobilized 54 tactical aircraft
to attack the suburban areas of Hanoi, Mai Dich, Tram Troi, Hoai Duc, ; At night,they used 33 B.52s to attack Dong Mo (Lang Son), Bac Giang area and sent many F.4,F.105, F.111 aircraft to attack Yen Vien, Giap Bat, Da Phuc, airports Noi Bai, Yen Bai,Uong Bi, Pha Rung, So Dau and Kien An airport (Hai Phong), Our troops shot down
4 aircraft including 2 B.52s, 1 F.1, 1 A.7
On December 24, 1972, during the day, the enemy mobilized 44 tactical aircraft
to attack Thai Nguyen and He Bac areas; At night, 33 rounds of B.52 were used tofiercely attack Kep station, Bac Giang, Yen Bai airport, Vinh Tuy (Hanoi), etc.Northern troops and people fought heroically, shooting down 5 aircraft, of whichThere is 1 B.52, 2 F.4, 2 A.7
On December 25, 1972, the enemy stopped bombing the North on the occasion
of Christmas
On December 26, 1972, the enemy used 56 attack aircraft to fiercely bomb themissile field areas and Dong Anh transformer station Missile Battalion 72 (Regiment285) shot down 1 F.4 aircraft From 22:05, the enemy used 105 B.52s and 110 tacticalaircraft to attack Hanoi, Hai Phong and Thai Nguyen B.52 aircraft massively bombed
Trang 11and scattered carpets in both inner and outer suburbs of Hanoi; Among them, KhamThien neighborhood and Hai Ba Trung area were severely damaged,
Three missile battalions (57,76,88) shot down 1 B.52 plane, after a few minutesthe battalions (57, 58, 79, 85, 87, 94) shot down 2 B planes on the spot 52 and missilebattalions (59,93,78,79) shot down 2 more B.52s At the same time, in Hai Phong, the81st Missile Battalion shot down a B.52 plane, the 74th Congress of 100mm guns(Regiment 252) also shot down a B.52 The battle on the night of December 26 tookplace for more than an hour The three-armed air defense force of Hanoi, Hai Phong,and Thai Nguyen fought a major battle, shooting down 8 B.52 aircraft, causing moraleand collapse will of the White House, the Pentagon and the American invaders
On December 27, 1972, the enemy sent 100 tactical aircraft to fiercely attackTextile Factory 8-3, Van Dien station and warehouse, Duong bridge, Gia Lam, Me Triradio station, missile battlefields, radar, The troops and people of the Capital foughtback fiercely From 7:00 p.m to 10:00 p.m., the enemy reinforced 36 B.52 aircraft toattack areas: Dong Anh, Yen Vien, Bach Mai, Khuyen Luong, Da Phuc, Duc Noi, CoLoa,
At 10:20 p.m., comrade Pham Tuan piloting a MIG.21 suddenly took off fromYen Bai airport to the Moc Chau area (Son La) and shot down a B.52 This is the firstB.52 shot down by our air force during the 12 day and night campaign By 11 p.m., themissile troops protecting Hanoi shot down four more B.52s Immediately afterwards,two missile battalions (71,72) shot down another B.52, falling in Ngoc Ha village(Hanoi) and 2 battalions (59,77) also shot down 2 B.52s
During the day and night of December 27, our army and people shot down 14aircraft including 5 B.52s, 5 F.4s, 2 A.7s, 1 A.6 and 1 HH helicopter .53 came torescue the enemy driver
On December 28, 1972, the enemy mobilized 131 tactical aircraft to attack thebattlefields of the Air Defense and Air Force troops in inner and suburban areas TheCapital's army and people fought back fiercely On the evening of December 28,Regiment 274 was ordered to mobilize to the capital Hanoi Missiles from MilitaryRegion 4 were quickly transferred to support the Hanoi front From 8:00 p.m to 10:00p.m., the enemy used about 60 B.52s to attack the areas of Dong Anh, Da Phuc, CauDuong, Yen Vien, Gia Lam, etc We shot down 3 planes, including 2 B.52s , 1 RA.5C
On December 29, 1972, the enemy used 36 tactical aircraft to attack Cao NganPower Plant (Dong Hy), kilometer 4 area (Thai Nguyen); 60 times B.52 attacked ThaiNguyen iron and steel area, Trai Cau Dong Mo area (Lang Son), Kim Anh (Vinh Phu);
70 turns of tactical aircraft alternately attacked the airports of Tho Xuan, Yen Bai, HoaLac, Kep, Dong Anh, the outskirts of Hai Phong City and Quang Ninh, MissileBattalion 79 protecting Hanoi shot down 1 aircraft B.52, 1 F.4 aircraft