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(Tiểu luận) case study xibei’s organization and humanresource management report

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Define criteria and processes for employees seekingcompressed workweeks or remote work due to specific needs.● Week 3-4: Training and preparation: Provide training to managers on Trang

FOREIGN TRADE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION -*** - CASE STUDY: XIBEI’S ORGANIZATION AND HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT REPORT Class: QKSE401(HK1-2324)2.1 Instructor: PhD NGO QUY NHAM Group No Name Student ID Contribution Đỗ Vân Giang 2112920015 20% Lê Phương Hà 2112920018 20% Cao Minh Hạnh 2112920022 20% Lê Minh Hiếu 2112920024 20% Nguyễn Quốc Hoàng 2112920026 20% Hanoi, December 2023 Table of content PLANNING 1.1 Problem 1: Covid- 19 Pandemic 1.1.1 Situation .5 1.1.2 Cause 1.1.3 Solution & Recommendation Work sharing with 4-day work week Natural Attrition Hiring Freeze 1.2 Problem 2: The autonomy and independent authority of managers at Xibei 1.2.1 Situation 1.2.2 Causes 1.2.3 Solutions and recommendation Centralized planning and forecasting Communication and Collaboration RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION 11 2.1 Problem 11 2.1.1 Situation 11 2.1.2 Effect 11 2.1.3 Solutions and recommendation 11 Combine Referrals with Other Sourcing Methods 11 Implement Clear Guidelines and Training for Referral Programs 12 Use Objective Assessment Tools During the Selection Process 13 Communicate Effectively with Referrers and Candidates Throughout the Process 13 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT 15 3.1 Problem 1: Overspending on Training Programs at Xibei 15 3.1.1 Situation 15 3.1.2 Causes .15 3.1.3 Solutions and recommendation 15 3.2 Problem 2: Tolerance for Failure and Decision Making 16 3.2.1 Situation 16 3.2.2 Causes .16 3.2.3 Solutions and recommendation 16 Improved Impact Assessment 16 Enhanced Post-Failure Analysis: .17 Strengthened Feedback Mechanisms 18 Develop Accountability Guidelines for Xibei Corporation 19 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT 21 4.1 Problem: The company was short of standardized assessments of products and services 21 4.1.1 Situation 21 4.1.2 Analysis 21 4.1.3 Causes and results .22 Causes 22 Results 23 4.1.4 Solutions and recommendation 24 Substitution: Management by Objectives (MBO) 24 Quality PM measure 25 Longer time for well-thought-out preparation and official launch to brand managers 25 COMPENSATION 27 5.1 Salaries 27 5.1.1 Problem 27 5.1.2 Cause 27 5.1.3 Effect 27 5.1.4 Solution 27 decreasing wages 28 5.2 Bonus and other incentives 29 5.2.1 Problem 29 5.2.2 Cause 30 5.2.3 Effect 30 5.2.4 Solution 30 5.3 Compensation structure for external senior executives 31 5.3.1 Problem 31 5.3.2 Cause 31 5.3.3 Effect 32 5.3.4 Solution 32 Overview Founded in 1988 by Jia Guolong, Xibei Catering Group aimed to be a leading provider of northwest Chinese cuisine By 2019, it boasted over 400 restaurants in 60 Chinese cities, generating annual revenue of ¥5.3 billion with a staff exceeding 20,000 Positioned as a premium brand, Xibei faced unforeseen challenges in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic Xibei's success was rooted in strategies such as the "Delicious Dish" initiative, large-scale chain store expansion, and a unique organizational structure The "Small Xibei" strategy aimed at daintiness and basic staff development, but faced challenges during implementation Xibei embraced a culture of innovation, tolerating failure and encouraging experimentation This approach, coupled with a commitment to lifelong learning, resulted in the evolution of its store formats and menu offerings Despite setbacks, Xibei's resilience and openness to change fueled its growth Jia's unique approach to HR emphasized profit-sharing, learning, and creating a platform for staff growth The profit-sharing principle, inspired by Huawei, aimed to motivate employees and foster a sense of ownership Learning initiatives, such as the Xibei Institute, focused on values like diligence and joy The company's promotion system and competition-based performance management aimed to create motivated and well-trained teams The sudden impact of Covid-19 in 2020 forced Xibei to close its restaurants temporarily, revealing financial vulnerabilities This crisis prompted a reevaluation of the company's organizational and management capacity The swift price hike of takeaway products faced public backlash, challenging Xibei's reputation Despite the challenges, Xibei sought to ride out the crisis and explore new development opportunities The company's rich history of overcoming obstacles, commitment to innovation, and employee-centric approach positioned it for continued growth in China's dynamic restaurant industry Xibei's journey reflects the complex landscape of China's restaurant market, marked by fierce competition, technological advancements, and evolving consumer preferences The case underscores the importance of adaptability, employee engagement, and strategic management in navigating industry challenges As Xibei faces the uncertainties of the post-pandemic era, its resilience and commitment to its core values will likely play a pivotal role in shaping its future List of Figures Table1:DailyShiftManagement Figure3-1:FMEAmodel 17 Figure3-2:KirkpatrickEvaluationModel 18 Figure4:StagesofthePerformanceManagementProcess .23 Figure5-1.AveragesalariesofemployeesworkinginHotelsandCateringServicesin China2020 28 Figure5-2.AveragesalariesforSalesandMarketingpositions .28 Figure5-3.AveragesalariesforHumanResourcepositions .29 Planning 1.1 Problem 1: Covid- 19 Pandemic 1.1.1 Situation The Covid-19 pandemic led to a temporary closure of all Xibei restaurants, with staff being furloughed but still paid their full salaries This put a strain on Xibei’s financial resources, as the company’s cash reserves could only support this situation for around three months This unexpected event likely required Xibei to reassess its labor demand and supply forecasts, as the company had to adapt to the changing circumstances caused by the pandemic 1.1.2 Cause Inaccurate demand forecasting of labor demand decline: Xibei's labor demand forecasts likely didn't anticipate the Covid- 19 pandemic's impact, leading to overstaffing and financial strain During the pandemic, Xibei suspended all offline business and only maintained the take-out business of around 100 restaurants Considering its monthly loss of 700~800 million for operating revenue during the Spring Festival period plus the salary expenditure of its 20,000 employees, Xibei estimated that the total cash in its accounts could last for three months at most These statistics highlight the significant impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Xibei’s operations and its Human Resource Planning process The company had to reassess its labor demand and supply forecasts and adapt to the changing circumstances caused by the pandemic Limited supply insights: The case doesn't mention Xibei conducting thorough labor market analyses to understand the availability of skilled workers in different regions and for specific roles This could lead to difficulties in recruiting and retaining talent, especially in a competitive industry 1.1.3 Solution & Recommendation Work sharing with 4-day work week Goal: Implement a temporary 4-day work week along with job sharing across all stores to reduce labor costs while minimizing employee income reduction Recommendation: ● Week 1-2: Hold town hall meetings and distribute clear communication materials explaining the program rationale, duration, and details (schedule rotations, flexible options, benefits) Conduct surveys or open forums to gauge employee sentiment and address potential concerns Develop and disseminate schedule rotations ensuring fairness and workload balance across all employees within each store Define criteria and processes for employees seeking compressed workweeks or remote work due to specific needs ● Week 3-4: Training and preparation: Provide training to managers on effectively implementing and managing the 4-day work schedule Implement Document continues below Discover more from: trị nguồn quản nhân lực Trường Đại học… 162 documents Go to course 131 27 26 25 106 Giao trinh quan tri nhan luc 7792 quản trị nguồn… 100% (21) TIỂU LUẬN ĐÀO TẠO VÀ PHÁT TRIỂN… quản trị nguồn… 95% (20) CÔNG TÁC TUYỂN DỤNG TẠI CƠNG TY… quản trị nguồn… 100% (8) Phân tích hệ thống đãi ngộ tập đoà… quản trị nguồn… 100% (7) Tổng hợp đề trắc nghiệm tự luận Qtnnl quản trị nguồn… 100% (2) Tiểu luận Qtnnl thực the program in a limited number of stores to test its effectiveness and feasibility trạng Tuyển dụng… before full rollout Closely monitor performance, 25 employee satisfaction, and operational challenges during the pilot phase quản trị 100% (2) ● Week 5-6: Analyze pilot results: Evaluate the pilot program's impact on labor nguồn… costs, productivity, and employee morale Adjust program details if necessary based on collected data and feedback Implement the 4-day work week across all remaining stores Continuous monitoring and feedback: Maintain regular communication channels to gather ongoing feedback, address concerns, and adjust the program as needed throughout its duration Key metrics: Labor cost reduction, Employee satisfaction, Program utilization, Productivity, Communication and Implementation: Clearly communicate the rationale and details of the work-sharing program to all employees Negotiate the program with employee representatives or unions to ensure fairness and address concerns Develop a transparent system for scheduling reduced hours or furloughs, ensuring fairness and minimizing disruption Monitor the program's effectiveness and make adjustments as needed to ensure it meets its objectives Table1:DailyShiftManagement Natural Attrition Goal: Encourage voluntary departures through attractive early retirement incentives and leaves of absence, reducing workforce size without layoffs Recommendation: ● Month 1-2: Design attractive early retirement packages with enhanced pension benefits and severance pay tailored for employees within 5-10 years of retirement Establish clear program guidelines for sabbaticals (3-6 months) and extended leave (up to year), including eligibility criteria, benefits, and return-to-work policies Launch information campaigns across all stores, using various channels (internal website, emails, town halls) to inform employees about the early retirement and leave options Offer optional personalized consultations with HR representatives to clarify program details and address employee questions or concerns ● Month 3-4: Open application windows for both early retirement and voluntary leave programs Conduct thorough applicant reviews based on program eligibility criteria.Inform program participants of their application status and provide necessary paperwork and support for program implementation Offer career transition services like resume writing workshops, job search assistance, and outplacement services for employees choosing early retirement or extended leave ● Month 5-6: Track the number of accepted applications and departures to assess program effectiveness in reducing workforce size.Conduct surveys or exit interviews with departing employees to understand their motivations and gather input for potential program improvements Based on program results and feedback, consider adjusting incentive packages, leave options, or communication strategies for future use Key metrics: Early retirement program uptake, Voluntary leave program utilization, Employee retention after program completion, Cost-effectiveness of incentives, Communication and Implementation: Clearly communicate the benefits and eligibility criteria for early retirement and voluntary leave programs Ensure fair and transparent selection processes for programs with limited slots Provide ongoing support and guidance to employees utilizing these programs, promoting a smooth transition Hiring Freeze Goal: Implement a temporary freeze on external hiring to prioritize internal promotions and redeployment, optimizing workforce utilization and reducing recruitment costs Recommendation: ● Week 1-2: Inform all employees and departments about the immediate freeze on external hiring.Analyze currently open positions to identify roles potentially filled through internal promotions or redeployment.Conduct skill assessments of existing employees to identify potential candidates for internal filling of open positions Design and implement training programs to equip existing employees with necessary skills for identified redeployment opportunities ● Week 3-4: Open internal recruitment processes for all currently open positions, providing detailed descriptions and eligibility criteria.Conduct interviews and evaluations to select the most qualified internal candidates for open positions.Implement promotions and redeployments of successful internal candidates, filling open positions effectively Monitor the progress of the hiring freeze, including the number of positions filled internally and the effectiveness of training programs ● Month 2-3: Regularly review the effectiveness of the hiring freeze and training programs, considering adjustments based on fill Key metrics: Internal promotion rate, Skill development program completion rate, Time to fill open positions, Employee engagement and morale, Communication and Implementation: Clearly communicate the hiring freeze to all departments and employees, explaining its rationale and impact on internal promotions Encourage existing employees to express their interest in open positions and provide training and support for necessary skill development Regularly evaluate the freeze's impact on workforce needs and adjust hiring restrictions as the situation evolves 1.2 Problem 2: The autonomy and independent authority of managers at Xibei 1.2.1 Situation The autonomy and independent authority of managers at Xibei, particularly general managers (GMs) of entrepreneurial branches and branch managers have created numerous problems for Xibei as they can impact Xibei’s labor demand, as these managers had the authority to make decisions about recruitment, new store openings, and operations 1.2.2 Causes Decentralized decisions about staffing levels can lead to inconsistencies across branches, with some struggling with overstaffing due to overestimating local demand, while others might be understaffed due to miscalculations Individual branch decisions might not always align with the company's overall strategy or resource allocation plans If managers are solely focused on their own branch's success, it might create unhealthy competition between branches for resources, staff, and customers 1.2.3 Solutions and recommendation Centralized planning and forecasting Centralized planning and forecasting taken from Domino’s Pizza’s Perfect Order Prediction In this system, advanced algorithms are used to anticipate peak demand periods and schedule staff accordingly which helps reduce labor costs and ensure efficient service during busy times Goal: Implement a comprehensive demand forecasting and resource allocation system to optimize labor demand across Xibei branches Recommendation: ● Month 1: Collect historical sales data, market trends, and economic indicators for each branch Identify forecasting tools: Evaluate and select demand forecasting software or models suitable for Xibei's needs Train forecasting models using historical data and consider incorporating external factors like weather patterns or local events Define criteria for allocating personnel,

Ngày đăng: 30/01/2024, 05:11

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