Trang 1 FOREIGN TRADE UNIVERSITYBUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ADVANCED PROGRAM American PoliticsThe influence of the Supreme Court over the policy-making process Students’ nameIDHoàng Hà Hải A
American Politics The influence of the Supreme Court over the
policy-making process
Hoàng Hà Hải Anh 2111210006
Vương Ngọc Bảo Châu 2113280002
Phạm Đăng Dương 2114210023
Nguyễn Hà Linh 2113280011
Đỗ Phương Linh 2113280009 Phạm Thùy Nhi 2111210622 Dương Thu Phương 2112280067
Hanoi, 08/2023
Team : The American Dream
Class : American Politics 2023
Professor : Bùi Hải Thiêm
Trang 2Executive Summary 2
Introduction 2
Background Information 3
Supreme Court 3
Policy-making process 4
Findings 5
Analysis 7
Public opinion on the influence of Supreme Court 7
Democrats & Republicans opinion on the influence of Supreme Court 8
Efficiency of the Supreme Court's Rulings 9
Conclusion 10
Recommendation 11
References 13
Trang 3The Supreme Court plays a critical role in shaping policy-making in the United States through the interpretation and application of the Constitution The Court's unique position as the final
arbiter of legal disputes allows it to shape public policy, safeguard individual rights, and maintain the balance of power within the government Its independence from political influence is crucial
in ensuring impartiality and upholding the rule of law
The Court's independence is safeguarded by several key factors First, justices are appointed for life, reducing the influence of short-term political changes on their decisions Second, the Court's
institutional design, such as its isolation from public opinion and its insulation from direct
political pressure, helps maintain its impartiality Finally, the doctrine of judicial restraint and respect for precedent allows the Court to pragmatically approach policy decisions and prevent
sudden shifts in the law
The Court's independence, however, does not mean it operates in a vacuum Public opinion,
political climate, and ideological considerations can sometimes influence the Court's decisions
indirectly When controversies arise, such as the appointment process or high-profile cases, public scrutiny and political pressure become significant factors Hence, the independence of
Supreme Court in its decision-making is under great debate
The Supreme Court of the United States is one of the most powerful institutions in the country's
political system, entrusted with interpreting the Constitution and making important legal decisions As an independent branch of government, the Court is meant to be insulated from
political pressures and influence, ensuring impartiality and fairness in its rulings However, the extent to which the Court should exercise its independence and its level of influence over the policy-making process has long been a subject of debate and scrutiny This essay aims to
Trang 4examine the question of how independent the Supreme Court should be and whether it exercises
too much or too little influence over the policy-making process, delving into the reasoning behind each perspective
Our goals include investigating the historical backdrop and constitutional foundation for the Court's independence, examining the potential repercussions of too much or too little influence, and presenting a fair appraisal of the Supreme Court's current role in policymaking By
undertaking these objectives, this paper aims to contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the Supreme Court's place in the political system, inspire thoughtful discussions regarding the
appropriate balance of power among the three branches of government and implement
recommendations to increase and balance the Supreme Court's impact on policy-making, ensuring that judgments are well-informed, transparent, and representative of the public's
Background Information
Supreme Court
The US government body, the Federal Government, is established by the government to perform specific functions and responsibilities It was composed of three distinct branches: legislative,
executive, and judicial, whose powers are vested by the U.S Constitution in the Congress, the President, and the Federal courts, respectively (The White House, )
In many countries, including the United States, the Supreme Court is the highest judicial body
Its primary function is to interpret and apply the law, particularly when constitutional issues are involved The Supreme Court's structure typically includes mainly nine Justices, in which one
serves as the Chief Justice Supreme Court justices in the US are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate The process involves nomination, Senate Judiciary Committee review,
Trang 5Senate confirmation, and swearing-in They will serve until retirement, resignation, death, or
The Supreme Court plays a pivotal role in the government, including the interpretation of the
Constitution to uphold alignment with its fundamental principles Through judicial review, it scrutinizes the constitutionality of laws and executive activities, thereby upholding a balance in governmental powers The Court solidifies legal precedents with its verdicts, providing a
compass for lower courts and influencing the interpretation of laws Additionally, the Court acts
as a guardian of individual rights, especially in cases concerning civil liberties and equal
Policy-making process
The policy is a set of guidelines or directives designed to address issues and achieve specific
goals The policy-making process provides a structured approach for allocating resources and steering actions toward desired outcomes To formulate a policy, the Supreme Court has to
follow the procedure: agenda setting, policy formulation, policy adoption, policy
implementation, policy evaluation, policy revision
Policy-making in the U.S encompasses the Executive and Legislative branches, which propose
and enact laws, complemented by the influence of interest groups, media, and think tanks Implementation occurs at state and local levels, while courts, academia, and international factors
provide additional perspectives This collaborative engagement ensures a multifaceted and
comprehensive approach to shaping policies
The Supreme Court's role in policy making is multifaceted, encompassing:
● Setting Precedents: The Court shapes the interpretation of laws and guides policy implementation by establishing legal precedents
Trang 6● Constitutional Review: The Court examines the constitutionality of policies and laws,
potentially recommending policy changes
● Rights Protection: The Court impacts policy choices, especially related to civil liberties
and societal matters, by virtue of its rulings
The substantial and increasingly pronounced partisan divisions in the broader spectrum of public
sentiment toward the Supreme Court are manifesting in contrasting viewpoints regarding the court's authority and ideological disposition
According to the survey conducted in January, 2022 by Pew Research Center, a notable 30% of American adults assert that the Supreme Court possesses an excessive degree of authority, marking a 5% surge from the proportion who held this belief back in August, 2020, where it stood at 25% However, it's crucial to acknowledge that 58% the American populace opine that
the Supreme Court wields an appropriate and balanced level of power in 2022, while only 11%
perceive it as having insufficient authority to fulfill its constitutional role
The partisan breakdown of these perceptions further reveals a stark divide Within the
Republican camp, a majority continues to assert that the court's authority is in equilibrium with what is deemed appropriate In contrast, among Democrats, there has been a noteworthy shift in
sentiment In January 2022, a significant 40% of Democrats expressed the view that the Supreme
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PV of Annuity
Trang 8Court has accrued too much power This reflects a substantial increase as it stands as nearly two
times the proportion that held this viewpoint back in August 2020 when it was at 23%
Importantly, nearly half of Democrats, constituting 49%, contend that the Supreme Court in 2022
maintains a level of authority that aligns with their perception of what is suitable and balanced
Democrats and Republicans have differing opinions on the influence of the Supreme Court
During the early 2000s, the Supreme Court's job approval ratings were reasonably constant,
ranging from roughly 60% Some notable decisions decided during this time period, such as Bush v Gore in 2000, which resolved the disputed presidential election, and Citizens United v
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Trang 9FEC in 2010, which had far-reaching implications for campaign finance regulations, drew a lot
of attention and may have affected public opinion
The Supreme Court's job approval rating fluctuated from the late 2000s to the early 2010s
(2008-2016), often influenced by major cases such as the Affordable Care Act in 2012, a highly contentious ruling on healthcare reform, and same-sex marriage-related decisions such as United States v Windsor in 2013 As the Court found itself at the center of intense disputes over social
concerns, these major decisions resulted in approval ratings ranging from 40% to 50% Moving from the late 2010s to the early 2020s (2016-2022), the Supreme Court's approval
ratings remained relatively consistent, with approval often ranging from 40% to 60% During
this time, notable cases include Trump v Hawaii in 2018, which dealt with the Trump administration's contentious immigration ban, as well as the confirmations of Justices Neil
Gorsuch in 2017, Brett Kavanaugh in 2018, and Amy Coney Barrett in 2020 These
confirmations, which are frequently viewed as politically sensitive occasions, may have
influenced public opinion on the court, impacting its approval ratings
Public opinion on the influence of Supreme Court
From the data above, we can see that the U.S Supreme Court's decisions during the 2022-2023 term have not caused a significant shift in its overall approval rating among Americans,
maintaining its standing at 40% This suggests that despite the court's landmark rulings on
college admissions, free speech rights for businesses, student-loan debt forgiveness, and the nuances of legislative districting, public opinion remains largely consistent The court's approval
rating has experienced fluctuations in the past, notably after its decisions on high-profile issues such as the Texas abortion law The consistent 40% approval rate, even after several impactful decisions, underscores the possibility of a deep-seated sentiment among the American public
Trang 10Compared to the historical average approval rating of 51% since September 2000, the court’s
current standing reflects a notable decline from past years, suggesting that its influence and decisions over the past few years have, overall, led to a sustained decrease in public approval
A salient example of the court's impactful decisions is its repeal of Roe v Wade, which granted
states the authority to set their abortion laws This decision drew divisive opinions across the nation In states on the cusp of enacting strict abortion regulations, the populace was nearly split,
with 46% in support and 52% opposing Likewise, states with new or uncertain abortion laws
mirrored this divide In contrast, in the 20 jurisdictions where abortion access remains relatively open, a significant 65% opposed the court's ruling This stark division exemplifies the entrenched sentiments among Americans, further explaining the sustained 40% approval rate
Democrats & Republicans opinion on the influence of Supreme Court
From the data presented in the Findings section, it's clear that perspectives on the Supreme
Court's authority differ significantly across party lines An increasing number of Democrats believe there's an over-concentration of power in the Court, whereas Republicans generally see
its authority as well-balanced This widening partisan divide highlights the shifting public sentiment, especially among Democrats As the Supreme Court delves into intricate legal
Trang 11matters, this divergence in viewpoints underscores the challenges of upholding a perceived
balance in the Court's role and influence
The rise in Democrats voicing concerns about the Supreme Court's power can be linked to
various reasons Changes in the Court's makeup, especially the nomination of more conservative justices, have amplified apprehensions regarding decisions that favor conservative values Decisions like Citizens United v FEC (2010) and Shelby County v Holder (2013) have
heightened concerns about democratic representation Additionally, rulings on polarizing social issues, such as Roe v Wade (1973) and Obergefell v Hodges (2015), have led some Democrats
to question the Court's decision-making prowess on contentious topics Collectively, these
factors have intensified Democratic concerns regarding the Court's reach, especially concerning healthcare, reproductive rights, and civil liberties
Conversely, most Republicans maintain that the Supreme Court possesses an appropriate degree
of authority, given their focus on originalism and upholding constitutional tenets They see the
Court as a bulwark of limited governance and individual freedoms Decisions like District of
Columbia v Heller (2008) and Burwell v Hobby Lobby (2014) find favor with Republican ideals They value the Court's capacity to nullify laws they consider unconstitutional, ensuring a
safeguard against potential governmental excesses and maintaining a governmental equilibrium
Efficiency of the Supreme Court's Rulings
Although there have been periodic spikes in disapproval, overall public and political party
perspectives on the Supreme Court's decision-making process exhibit a general satisfaction Notwithstanding diverse opinions and occasional anxieties over specific judgments, a dominant
sentiment suggests a broad acknowledgment of the Court's dedication to fairness and equality for all citizens This feeling is enhanced by the Court's time-honored function as the Constitution's
Trang 12protector and the law's arbiter, solidifying its image as an entity adept at resolving intricate legal
and societal challenges to ensure just outcomes
A case in point is the June 26, 2015 ruling where the U.S Supreme Court recognized the right of
all same-sex couples to marry This monumental verdict not only altered legal paradigms but also instigated socio-cultural transitions impacting countless Americans As per Gallup's findings, post the ruling, the well-being metrics of the LGBTQ+ community showed a marked
improvement Happiness levels among LGBT individuals surged to 87%, and those experiencing higher-than-average life satisfaction rose to 62% This progress narrowed the well-being gap
between LGBT and non-LGBT individuals to negligible margins The ruling was instrumental in
creating a more inclusive milieu, granting LGBTQ+ members enhanced levels of happiness and contentment, thereby elevating their overall quality of life
In conclusion, the analysis of public sentiment regarding the U.S Supreme Court's influence
reveals several significant trends The Court's approval rating has shown a consistent pattern over
time, suggesting a stable public sentiment despite impactful decisions This constancy, when viewed against sensitive, contentious issues, might indicate a shift in the Court's perceived
The polarization of opinions on the Court's authority is evident, with more Democrats expressing
concerns about its concentration of power, while Republicans view it as a defender of
constitutional principles This ideological divide underscores the challenge of maintaining a balanced perception of the Court's role
Notably, public satisfaction with the Court's decision-making process remains relatively steady The Court's reputation as a guardian of the Constitution and a fair arbiter contributes to this