Luật Hợp đồng là một phần quan trọng của pháp luật dân sự và thương mại, quy định về quá trình tạo ra và thực hiện các hợp đồng giữa các bên. Mục tiêu chính của Luật Hợp đồng là xác định và bảo vệ quyền và nghĩa vụ của các bên trong quá trình ký kết và thực hiện hợp đồng.
Trang 1Chapter 2
Overview of Contract
Trang 2Questions of the day?
S What is a contract?
S Features of contract?
S What is the law of contract?
S Classification of contract
Trang 31 What is contract?
S “The law of parties’ agreement”
S “A contract is a promise or set of promises for the breach of which the law gives a remedy, or the performance of which the law in some way recognizes as a duty.”
Trang 4Definition of contract in
Vietnamese Civil Code
S Art 385 (Civil Code 2015): “Civil contract means an agreement between parties in relation to the establishment, modification or
termination of civil rights and obligations”
Hợp đồng là sự thỏa thuận, để có hợp đồng phải có sự thỏa thuận (sự thống nhất ý chí)
A đưa ra đề nghị nhưng B chưa chấp nhận suy ra không phải hợp đồng vì cà 2 không thống nhất ý chí.
Thỏa thuận có thể ngầm định không cần minh định
Khi vào cửa hàng có phần giữ đồ thì việc để đồ ở chỗ đó là thống nhất ý chí suy ra tạo thỏa thuận.
Nếu hợp đồng là thỏa thuận thì không phải thỏa thuận nào cũng là hợp đồng
Lớp trưởng vs lớp phó hẹn hết h đi cà phê nhưng chưa đủ để thành hợp đồng.
Hợp đồng và hành vi pháp lí đơn phương khác nhau ở đối tượng, hợp đồng là thỏa thuận giữa các bên còn đơn phương là 1 mình.
Trang 5Features of contract
S Expressing the intention/will of parties on binding promises
at the time of entering into the contract
S The creation of a legal relationship/To be protected by the law
S Involving rights and obligations of parties’ agreement
Trang 6Are all agreements contracts?
S Article 117 Conditions for effective civil transactions
1 A civil transaction shall be effective when it satisfies all of the following conditions:
a) Participants in the transaction have legal personality and/or legal capacity in conformity with such transaction;
b) Participants in the transaction act entirely voluntarily;
c) The purpose and contents of the transaction are not contrary
to the law and/or social ethics.
2 The forms of civil transactions shall be the conditions for its effectiveness in cases where it is so provided for by law.
Trang 72 What is the law of contract?
S Why keep promises?
S Something shall happen or shall not happen.
S Will they do what they say they will do?
“The Law of contract is about the enforcement of promises, a set of
promises, or an agreement.”
S Refer to sources of contract law in presentation 1
Trang 8Why do we need the law of contract?
S To protect lawful agreements and innocent parties
S Providing a mechanism to solve problems arising during or after the performance of contract
S Protecting the right of self-determination/freedom of
S The foundation of national market policy
Trang 93 Principles of contracting
Art 3 C.C 2015 states that a civil contract must be entered into
in accordance with the following principles:
S Freedom to enter into a contract in provided that it is consistent with law and social morals
S Voluntariness, equality, goodwill, co-operation, honesty and good faith
Trang 104 Conditions of a valid contract
S Article 117 C.C 2015:
S Condition of the legal capacity of contractual subjects.
S Condition of voluntariness of contractual subjects.
S The purpose and contents of the contract are not contrary to
the law and/or social ethics.
S Condition of expression (form) of contract.
S Condition of contractual objects.(Art 418 C.C.2015)
Trang 114.1 Contractual Subjects
S Individuals/Natural persons: Art 20, 21 C.C 2015
S Organization
S Juridical persons/Legal Entities: Art 74 C.C 2015
S Other organizations
Trang 124.2 Expression (forms) of
Art 119 C.C 2015
S “A civil transaction shall be expressed verbally, in writing, or through specific acts.”
S In cases where it is provided for by law that a civil
transaction must be expressed in writing, notarized,
authenticated, registered or permitted, such provisions must
be complied with
Trang 135 Content of a contract
S Type of contractual term:
S Mandatory terms (Điều khoản bắt buộc)
S Regular terms (Điều khoản thường lệ)
S Optional terms (Điều khoản tùy nghi).
Hợp đồng thường có phụ lục hợp đồng
Trang 146 Classification of contract
Art 402 C.C 2015
S 1 A bilateral contract
S 2 A unilateral contract
S 3 A principal contract
S 4 An ancillary contract
S 5 A contract for the benefit of a third party
S 6 A conditional contract
Trang 15Other classifications
S Consensual contract
S Real contract
S Commercial contract
S Civil contract
Hợp đồng thương mại
Hợp đồng dân sự
Trang 16Case Law
S Practice in class
Trang 17Thank you for your concentration.