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Lesson Plan 11 U8.Pdf

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1 HONG DUC UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES Class Subject Lecturer Group Members K23A – English Language Teacher Lesson Plan And Material Development In English Second Language Teaching Nguyễn[.]

HONG DUC UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES Class: Subject: Lecturer: Group: Members: K23A – English Language Teacher Lesson Plan And Material Development In English Second Language Teaching Nguyễn Thị Quyết No.6 Nguyễn Thị Trang Lê Thị Lệ Phạm Thị Huyền Trịnh Thị Nhung Lý Thị Hà Anh Thanh Hóa, Octorber 10 th , 2023 LESSON PLAN ENGLISH 11 Unit 8: Becoming independent learners Lesson 5: Listening (P.91,92) Time: 45 minutes Student’s level: 11th grader (CEFR:A2-B1) A Objectives By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: (Knowledge, skills, core competencies, personal qualities) identify different characteristics of independent learners recognize the meanings of the new words based on the context; discuss the advantages of self-contained learners be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork develop listening comprehension ability show their responsibilities for becoming independent learners B Language Focus Key terms: Hard-working, never give up, self-motivated, curious, and responsibility Key grammar: make an effort to +V, take responsibility for sth C Instructional resources • Grade 11 English textbook, Unit 8, Listening • video about a group of students learning independently • pictures about the personality and characteristics of independent learners • Audio file (track 62 and 63) • Computer &projector D Assumptions Anticipated difficulties - Students may lack knowledge about some lexical items Solutions - Provide students with the meaning and pronunciation of words - Encourage students to work in pairs and in groups so that they can help each other - Provide feedback and help if necessary - Students may have underdeveloping listening skills E.Procedures Stage I WARM-UP ( mins) Aim To create a lively atmosphere and positive energy in the classroom.` Procedure -T shows the video about self-study after Ss watch the video, they look for at least adjective keywords that are necessary for an independent learner Question: “What factors are necessary for an independent student?” Optional answer: Hard-working, selfaware, responsible, highly organized, II PRELISTENING (12 mins) To provide students with some lexical items before listening Pre-teach vocabulary - T elicits Ss with the meaning and pronunciation of some new words - T shows the pictures and asks some questions that help Ss realize the words - Ss listen and repeat the words - T calls two or three Ss to read the words out loud in front of the class - T corrects pronounciation 1.Hard-working/ˌhɑːdˈwɜː.kɪŋ/:always doing a lot of work → Chăm 2.Self-motivated(adj)/selfˈməʊ.tɪ.veɪ.tɪd/:enjoying learning things without being forced new → Năng nổ 3.Curious(adj) /ˈkjʊə.ri.əs/:wanting to know more about the world → Tò mò Never give up(phrase)/nevə gIv ʌp/: trying very hard to complete a task →Đừng bỏ 5.Responsibility(adj) /ri,spɔnsə'biləti/: be responsible for something or somebody →Trách nhiệm III WHILELISTENING (20 mins) To prepare students for the content of the listening lesson Task 1: Tick the columns (Activity page 91 in the textbook) -T asks Ss to look at the title and the table -T asks Ss to read through the question in the table and explain if Ss don’t understand these questions - T asks Ss to tick the columns and compare their answers with a partner - T invites some pairs to share their answers with the whole class -T gives the feedback For example, if when Ss have ‘yes’ answers or more, T can say they have characteristics of independent learners To help students practice listening skill Task 2: Choose the correct answers A, B, or C (Activity on page 91 in the textbook) - T tells Ss that they are going to listen to a conversation between Mai and Mike - T gives Ss minutes to read the questions, and the choices and underline the keywords before listening to the record - T makes sure that Ss understand the vocabulary Elicit or explain any unfamiliar or difficult strutures Explain: -make an effort to +V(phr.v):Cố gắng để làm -take responsibility for sth(phr.v):Chịu trách nhiệm cho việc - T plays the radio - If Ss have not heard clearly or have not answered some questions, T plays the radio for the second time - T calls some Ss to answer the question and asks them why they chose it and what they hear - T check Ss’ answer - If necessary, play the recording again, pausing at the places where Ss can get the correct answers for questions testing specific information -Key:1-c, 2-a, 3-b, 4-b Task 3: Fill in the blank with no more than three words or a number - T adapts short answers into exercise filling in the blanks and divides the class into pairs There are sentences with missings in the worksheet which T will give each pair before listening - T gives Ss minutes to read the questions, and the choices and underline the keywords before listening to the record - T plays the audio - After that, T calls three pairs to write down their answers on the board -T checks answers and gives them feedback Questions: There are …… characteristics of independent learners that Mike finds on the website Independent learners never wait for …… or …… to help them and tell them what to They take responsibility for ………… 4.They make …………to achieve their learning goals They are not afraid of ………… Key: 1:4( four) their parents/ teachers their own learning (detailed) study plans asking difficult questions IV POSTLISTENING (8 mins) - To check students’ fluency and understanding in listening tasks - To help Ss show their responsibility for self-study Task 4: Discussion (Activity on page 92 in the textbook) - T divides the class into many small groups(2 tables are in a group) - T gives a question and some suggestions + Question:“ Which of the characteristics of independent learners you think you have?” +Suggestion: hard-working, selfmotivated, responsible, curious, highly organized - Ss note down and work in groups for around minutes - T calls pairs of students randomly from groups, and then they will ask and answer each other in front of the class -T checks and gives feedback for Ss V WRAP-UP AND HOMEWORK (2 mins) To help students memorize the target language and skills that they have learned WRAP-UP: - Ask students to answer the following questions: What did you learn from the lesson today? (Recognize the characteristics of independent learners and how to practice self-study) What are the core values of the lesson? (Ss realize the personality of independent learners and concentrate on developing skills based on characteristics that they have) HOMEWORK - Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 8: Writing - Do exercises in the workbook LESSON PLAN ENGLISH 11 UNIT 8: Becoming independent Lesson 6: Writing (p.92) Time: 45 mins th Student’s level: 11 grader (CEFR: A2 – B1) A Objectives By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: (Knowledge, core competences, personal qualities) - Use lexical items related to the topic self-study - Write an article about the pros and cons of self-study - Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork - Actively join in class activities - Develop writing skills - Show their responsibilities for learning by themselves B Language Focus Key grammar/ Structure: useful expressions to express the pros and cons, and outline of an article C Instructional resources - Grade 11 English textbook, Unit 8, Writing - A video about the importance of self-study - A picture related to self-study - A flag - A sample writing about the pros and cons of self-study - Computer &projector D Assumptions Anticipated difficulties Solutions - Students may lack knowledge about some - Guide students to make an outline first before lexical items writing - Encourage students to work in pairs and in - Students may have underdeveloping writing groups so that they can help each other skills - Provide feedback and help if necessary E Procedures Stage I WARM-UP (3 mins) II PREWRITING Aim - To create a friendly and lively atmosphere in the classroom - To get Ss interested in the topic Procedure - T plays a video on self-study and asks a question: “What does video talk to?” (The importance of selfstudy) - Ss watch the video, discuss, and guess the main content of the video - T gives feedback, if necessary, then introduces the lesson To help Ss to develop Task 1: Play a mini-game ideas for their writing (Activity on page 92 in the textbook) and provide more ( 12 mins) useful words phrases and - Before doing this task, T asks Ss to pay attention to the title and the picture and answer the questions: + What does the picture show? (A girl, books, laptop) + What is she doing? (She is studying.) + Is she studying on her own? (Yes, she is) + Do you know what pros and cons mean? (Pros means tích cực, Cons means tiêu cực) - T tells them to look at the table and read through the statements - T explains new words if necessary freedom (adj): tự push (v): thúc ép responsible (adj): có trách nhiệm academic skills: kĩ học thuật - T organizes this task into a game called "Catch the flag" T explains the rule - Rule: T calls students randomly T divides them into groups Each group includes members They have 10 seconds to read the sentences and quickly catch the flag to take the opportunity to answer whether the sentence is pro or - Answer: Pros (1,3,5), Cons (2,4,6) To help Ss remember * Task 2: Work in pairs Arrange the following the main content of sentences to fill with the outline below each part of an article a A summary of the main points and sometimes the writer’s opinion b A short paragraph stating the issue and what the article will cover c The topic of the article in a few words d Each presents a main point for or against the issue, supported by facts, examples, and explanations Outline of an article Title: Introduction: Body paragraphs: Conclusion: - T explains the task and requires Ss to this task to review the structure and content of an article - T sets time to Ss complete the task - T calls Ss to write their answer on the board - T checks and provides a full outline Answers: 1.c, 2.b, 3.d, 4.a - T asks Ss to refer back to the suggested ideas in task and study the outline with the expressions in the box on page 92 in textbook III WHILE- To help Ss practice WRITING writing an article about the pros and cons of (18 mins) self-study Task 3: Write an article about the pros and cons of self-study (Activity on page 92 in the textbook) - T explains the task - T reminds Ss to provide detailed explanations or examples to support each idea in a paragraph E.g Self-study gives learners more freedom They decide what they should study and how to study depending on their abilities - T requires Ss to write an article (150-180 words) based on the information in the diagram from the previous activity - T sets a time limit for Ss to write in class IV POST- To check Ss’ writing - T requires Ss to swap their writing with a partner WRITING and correct their for peer feedback mistakes (10 mins) - T asks them to focus on the content, language, and structure in their comments - T ecourages Ss to make some revisions based on their partners’ suggestions before they produce an edited draft - T collects some Ss' writings and gives them with some written feedback - T shows sample to other Ss can compare with their article Sample answer: Pros and cons of self-study Independent learning often involves self-studylearning at home without a teacher Let's look at its pros and cons First of all, self-study gives learners more freedom They decide what they should study and how to study depending on their abilities Secondly, it can make learners responsible They set their learning goals and make study plans to achieve them Finally, it makes them more confident Completing tasks and solving problems on their own boost learners' confidence On the other hand, learners may need more time to learn things They study at their own pace, with no one to push them or help them Moreover, they may not develop certain life skills For example, as they always study alone, they may have difficulty communicating or developing relationships Finally, they may not learn practical skills Focusing too much on theoretical knowledge, they may fail to apply their academic skills in real life In conclusion, learners should understand both the advantages and disadvantages to choose the right option However, as education is changing all the time, they may have to get used to the challenges of independent learning - T asks Ss to read the sample and correct their mistakes and complete their writing - T collects others’ writings and gives them written feedback in the next lesson V WRAP-UP To help Ss memorize AND the target language and HOMEWORK skills that they have learned WRAP-UP - Ask Ss to talk about what they have learned in the lesson HOMEWORK - Do workbook exercises - Prepare for the next lesson 10

Ngày đăng: 09/01/2024, 20:48
