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(Tiểu luận) project course english iiitopics sport and health

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Through our researchand analysis of the topics, we gained a deeper understanding of thevarious aspects of sports and health, including the benefits and risksassociated with different act

BANKING ACADEMY FACULTY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES PROJECT COURSE: ENGLISH III TOPICS: SPORT AND HEALTH Instructer: Cinna Lee Students: Nguyễn Gia Bảo – 24A4043033 Ngô Minh Duy – 24A4043037 Vũ Tiến Huy – 24A4043050 Nguyễn Ngọc Minh – 24A4041410 Nguyễn Thành Vinh – 24A4041695 ~Ha Noi, March 2023~ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to all those who contributed to the completion of this project Firstly, we would like to thank our teachers for their guidance and support throughout the research process Their insights, advice, and feedback were invaluable in shaping our research and ensuring its successful completion We would also like to extend our appreciation to our school administration for their assistance and encouragement throughout our academic journey Their dedication to supporting our education has inspired us to pursue our passions and strive for excellence in our work Furthermore, we would like to express our gratitude to our friends and family for their unwavering support and encouragement Their love and encouragement helped us stay motivated and focused on our goals Finally, we would like to thank all those who provided us with valuable resources, research materials, and technical support throughout the project process Without their assistance, this project would not have been possible Once again, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to all those who have contributed to the successful completion of this project DECLARATION We hereby declare that the project with the two topics "Sports and Health" is our own work As members of this project team, we confirm that the research conducted for this project is entirely original and that no portion of it has ever been submitted for credit toward another degree at this university or anywhere else We acknowledge that this project was developed in compliance with the ethical principles and professional standards of academic integrity We attest that all sources used in this project, including research papers, articles, and books, have been appropriately cited and acknowledged in accordance with the academic conventions and guidelines We recognize that plagiarism is a serious offense, and we have taken all necessary precautions to ensure that this project represents our authentic intellectual effort We also affirm that this project reflects our genuine effort, dedication, and commitment to exploring and analyzing the topics of sports and health We have worked collaboratively as a team, sharing ideas, expertise, and resources to achieve our research objectives We are proud to present this project as a testament to our academic growth and development In conclusion, we acknowledge that the completion of this project required significant effort, time, and resources We are confident that this project meets the highest standards of academic excellence and contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the field of sports, health TABLE OF CONTENTS Group work schedule 1.1 Task division 1.1.1 Reading portfolio 1.1.2 Group work schedule, meeting minutes and group work report 1.2 Timeline Meeting minutes 2.1 1st meeting 2.2 2nd meeting 2.3 3rd meeting 2.4 4th meeting 3 Group work report .4 3.1 Reason for grouping 3.2 Reason for choosing the topic .4 3.3 Outcome 3.4 Efficiency 3.5 Achievement 3.6 Contribution of each member .5 Reading portfolio 4.1 1st article: Q&A .6 4.2 2nd article: Multiple Choice 11 4.3 3rd article: T/F 15 4.4 4th article: Matching 19 4.5 5th article: Summarizing 24 Group work schedule 1.1 Task division 1.1.1 Reading portfolio Member name Student Task Topic 5th article: Health number Nguyễn Gia Bảo 24A4043033 Summarizing Ngô Minh Duy 24A4043037 2nd article: Q&A Sport Vũ Tiến Huy 24A4043050 article: Matching Sport Nguyễn Ngọc 24A4041410 3rd article: T/F Sport 24A4041695 1st article: Matching Sport th Minh Nguyễn Thành Vinh 1.1.2 Group work schedule, meeting minutes and group work report Task Member name Group work schedule Nguyễn Ngọc Minh Meeting minutes Nguyễn Ngọc Minh Group work report Ngô Minh Duy, Nguyễn Gia Bảo Edit and finalize project Nguyễn Ngọc Minh 1.2 Timeline Date Work description 10/02/2023 Chose topic & divine tasks 10/02/2023-24/02/2023 Complete tasks given 24/02/2023-31/02/2023 Check and correct mistakes 31/02/2023-8/03/2023 Complete project package Meeting minutes 2.1 1st meeting Date and time: February 10th 2023 Present: All members Location: Room 509, D2 building, Banking Academy Agenda and notes: Voting group leader: Nguyễn Ngọc Minh Choose topics: Smoking and health Divine task to all members Member name Nguyễn Gia Bảo Ngô Minh Duy Vũ Tiến Huy Nguyễn Ngọc Minh Nguyễn Thành Vinh Task 5th article: Summarizing nd article: Q&A 4th article: Matching 3rd article: T/F 1st article: Multiple choice 2.2 2nd meeting Date and time: February 15th 2023 Present: All members Location: Online meeting Agenda and notes: Change topics from “Smoking and health” to “Sport and health” Find articles together to speed up and increase efficiency Document continues below Discover more from: Cơ sở liệu I IS05A Học viện Ngân hàng 93 documents Go to course • Today, Tv channels provide more men's… Cơ sở liệu I 100% (5) Homework 16 36 16 Cơ sở liệu I 100% (4) Bài tập lớn cấu trúc liệu giải thuật Cơ sở liệu I 100% (2) Nhóm-3-Thiết kế sở liệu cho hệ… Cơ sở liệu I 100% (2) Tổng hợp câu lệnh truy vấn SQL Cơ sở liệu I 100% (1) 34 2.3 3rd meeting Date and time: February 26 2023 th Nhóm Xây dựng Website bán hàng … Cơ sở liệu I Present: All members Location: Online meeting Agenda and notes: All members crosscheck and report mistakes Correct some mistakes Assign any mistakes that haven’t been corrected yet to all members 2.4 4th meeting Date and time: March 6th 2023 Present: All members Location: Online meeting Agenda and notes: Present the final project packet to all members Discuss about the contribution of each member All members have agree with the project packet 100% (1) Group work report 3.1 Reason for grouping Our decision to work together as a group was based on several factors Firstly, we were assigned this project by our teacher and were given the freedom to choose our own teammates We have all had the opportunity to work with each other in some capacity throughout our time in university, whether it be in class discussions or group assignments We all share a similar work ethic and a desire to succeed, which we believe will translate well into this group project Furthermore, we each bring unique skills and strengths to the table, which we hope will result in a well-rounded final product We understand that group work can be challenging at times, but we are committed to open communication, active participation, and a positive attitude throughout the process We plan to utilize various means of communication, including in-person meetings and online platforms, to ensure that we are all on the same page and working efficiently Ultimately, we hope to produce a high-quality project that showcases our collective abilities and represents our dedication to academic excellence 3.2 Reason for choosing the topic We have chosen the topics of sports and health for our group project These two topics are both highly relevant and important in today's world With the increasing emphasis on physical health and fitness, as well as the growing popularity of sports and outdoor activities, it is essential to explore and understand the various aspects of sports and health There are numerous issues to analyze and discuss within these topics, such as the benefits of exercise, the impact of sports on mental health, the importance of proper nutrition and healthy habits, and the potential risks and dangers associated with certain activities We believe that by focusing on these topics, we can gain a deeper understanding of the impact of sports and health on individuals and society as a whole 3.3 Outcome As a result of our project on sports and health, we have achieved several positive outcomes By working together as a team, we were able to efficiently divide the workload and support each other throughout the project, resulting in a high-quality final product Through our research and analysis of the topics, we gained a deeper understanding of the various aspects of sports and health, including the benefits and risks associated with different activities, as well as the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle 3.4 Efficiency Although there are still conflicts in the group about disagreement, but with the direction and trust in each other, we have come to a consensus on the project In addition, with clear communication in meetings, defined roles, and diversity of skills, the project was completed sufficiently and correctly in terms of both form and content according to the requirements of the lecturer and the overall aim of the group 3.5 Achievement Upon completion of the project, we find ourselves further developing skills in areas such as research and critical thinking Most importantly, the project helped us strengthen our teamwork skills and better understand each other's strengths, ultimately fostering a stronger spirit of solidarity and cooperation within our team Overall, we are proud of the outcome of the project and the skills and knowledge we have gained as a result 3.6 Contribution of each member Member name Student number Percentage Contribution of work done percentage Nguyễn Gia Bảo 24A4043033 100% 22% Ngô Minh Duy 24A4043037 100% 22% Signature Society (n): a large group of people who live together in an organized way, making decisions about how to things and sharing the work that needs to be done ● Example: The research indicates that the more equal a society, the healthier it is Competitive (adj): involving competition ● Example: Computer and technology is a very competitive industry Peaceful (adj): calm and quiet; free from worries or annoyances ● Example: I just want to fully enjoy this peaceful moment before it ends Organizational (adj): relating to the planning of an activity or event ● Example: I’m working on my organizational skills Decision-making (n): the process of making choices ● Example: You are very slow, I think you need to work on your decision-making skills Participation (n): the fact that you take part or become involved in something ● Example: I really appreciate your participation in today's meeting Improve (v): to get better, or to make something better ● Example: I found out the only way to improve my health is to stop smoking Well-known (adj): known or recognized by many people ● Example: The restaurant is well-known for its friendly atmosphere and excellent service Goal-oriented (adj): a goal-oriented person or team works hard to achieve good results in the tasks that they have been given ● Example: The management team was made up of ambitious, goaloriented types who'd worked hard for their positions 10 Demonstrate (v): to show or make something clear ● Example: These problems strategic planning demonstrate the importance of 4.4 4th article: Matching (10 questions with provided answers) + Vocabulary: 10 new words/ phrases with meaning and a related example COMPETE IN SPORTS (509 WORDS) 22 a What is Competition? ● Competition is an activity involving multiple parties that are attempting to achieve an exclusive goal, one which cannot be held in common or shared among the parties, and in which there are some set of rules, guidelines, or constraints on the means for participating and achieving the goal b Build teamwork ● Team sports are one of the best examples to showcase the need for teamwork to achieve success Working together towards a common goal is one of the most effective ways to grow camaraderie and friendship It’s this shared experience and emotion that builds loyalty and trust within a team c Try hard ● When you play or practice, give it your best When you try hard, you get to see what you can ● When you fail, don't give up Just try again You may need to try lots of times to get good at a new skill d Builds discipline ● ·Competitive sport requires dedicated training and practice Taking part in such training and seeing improvement helps students to understand that with hard work, often comes results e When you win ● Go ahead and feel good! You earned it! But don't brag or boast in a way that makes others feel bad ● Think about what you did that helped you win Did you try hard? Use a new skill? Practice a lot? Help a teammate score? Keep up your good work f When you lose 23 ● Keep your cool You might feel upset or frustrated It's OK to feel the way you But try hard not to lose your temper g Check the pressure ● A little pressure can be a good thing It's like a "get ready, get set" signal Don't let a nervous feeling freak you out Use it to help you step up ● Too much pressure can come from your coach, your parents, or your teammates If others are being too hard on you, talk to them about it Ask them to ease up It's good if they expect a lot from you But if they pressure too much, it's hard to your best Tell them what would make you feel more confident during practice and games h Be a good sport ● Follow the rules Play safely Play fair If there's a call you think is unfair, it's OK to say so But you'll have to go by what the ref says i Take good care of yourself ● Take care of your body You'll need energy to play well Eat foods that are good for you Get plenty of sleep Go to bed on time Go to bed a little early the night before a big game j Win or lose - go have fun! ● You don't always have to compete When you feel like playing just for fun, you can shoot baskets, kick a soccer ball around, or have a catch Swim, ride your bike, dance, or go for a run Whether or not you compete, have some active play every day Because it's fun and good for you! QUESTIONS: Keep calm You need some advice from others to improve yourself 24 Reach the goal by yourself, defeat all opponents to get the best prize or championship On the way to success, there is no trace of lazy men Sports are mostly entertainment Feel each game to know that sport is amusing and awesome Obeying and following the instructions is the canon in this game Where there is unity there is always victory Enjoy winning as a prize for your team It's a well-deserved result for your effort Pressure can burst a pipe, or pressure can make a diamond Your body, your choice Always keep your body in the best condition 10 Follow the team's instructions and work That helps not only yourself, but also the whole team ANSWERS: F Explain: Keep your cool And if you need help with this, ask a parent or coach A Explain: Reading the document and knowing the meaning of competition C Explain: When you play or practice, give it your best When you try hard, you get to see what you can J 25 Explain: Whether you compete, have some active play every day Because it's fun and good for you! H Explain: Follow the rules B Explain: Team sports are one of the best examples to showcase the need for teamwork to achieve success Working together towards a common goal is one of the most effective ways to grow camaraderie and friendship E Explain: Go ahead and feel good! You earned it! And keep up your good work G Explain: A little pressure can be a good thing It's like a "get ready, get set" signal Don't let a nervous feeling freak you out Use it to help you step up I Explain: Take care of your body 10 D Explain: Taking part in such training and seeing improvement helps students to understand that with hard work, often comes results VOCABULARY: Competition (n): A situation in which someone is trying to win something or be more successful than someone else ● Example: The prize money for literary competitions can be as high as £40 000 26 Camaraderie (n):A feeling of friendliness towards people that you work or share an experience with ● Example: Such team sports fostered male camaraderie and sociability Discipline (n): Training that makes people more willing to obey or more control themselves, often in the form of rules, and punishment if these are broken, or the behavior produced by this training ● Example: There should be tougher discipline in schools Go ahead (v): To start to something ● Example: I got so fed up with waiting for him to it that I just went ahead and did it myself Frustrated (adj): Feeling annoyed or less confident because you cannot achieve what you want ● Example: Are you feeling frustrated in your present job? Pressure (n): The act of trying to make someone else something by arguing, persuading, etc ● Example: She's putting pressure on him to get married Freak (adj): Very unusual or unexpected ● Example: A freak midsummer storm caught us all by surprise Take care of (v): To protect someone or something and provide the things that that person or thing needs ● Example: My mom takes care of me when I get sick Plenty of (Quantities):Enough or more than enough, or a large amount ● Example: They've always had plenty of money 27 10 Whether or (conjunction): Used to show that something is true in either of two cases ● Example: I'm going, whether she likes it or not 28 4.5 5th article: Summarizing (about 100 words) + Vocabulary: 10 new words/ phrases with meaning and a related example WHY DRINKING WATER IS THE WAY TO GO (541 WORDS) (1) What you, the trees, and a hamster have in common? Give up? You all need water All living things must have water to survive, whether they get it from a water fountain, a rain cloud, or a little bottle attached to the side of a hamster cage (2) Without water, your body would stop working properly Water makes up more than half of your body weight, and a person can't survive for more than a few days without it Why? Your body has lots of important jobs and it needs water to many of them For instance, your blood, which contains a lot of water, carries oxygen to all the cells of your body Without oxygen, those tiny cells would die and your body would stop working Water is also in lymph, a fluid that is part of your immune system, which helps you fight off illness Water helps keep your temperature normal You need water to digest your food and get rid of waste Water is needed for digestive juices, urine, and poop And you can bet that water is the main ingredient in perspiration, also called sweat (3) Besides being an important part of the fluids in your body, water is needed by each cell to work 29 Your body doesn't get water only from drinking water Any fluid you drink will contain water, but water and milk are the best choices Lots of foods contain water too Fruit contains quite a bit of water, which you could probably tell if you've ever bitten into a peach or plum and felt the juices dripping down your chin Vegetables also contain a lot of water think of slicing into a fat tomato or crunching into a crisp stalk of celery How Much Is Enough? (4) Because water is so important, you might wonder if you're drinking enough There is no magic amount of water that kids need to drink every day The amount kids need depends on their age, body size, health, and activity level, plus the weather Usually, kids drink something with meals and should definitely drink when they're thirsty But if you're sick, or it's warm out or you're exercising, you'll need more Be sure to drink some extra water when you're out in warm weather, especially while playing sports or exercising (5) When you drink is also important If you're going to sports practice, a game, or just working out or playing hard, drink water before, during, and after playing Don't forget your water bottle You can't play your best when you're thinking about how thirsty you are! When your body doesn't have enough water, that's called being dehydrated Even mild dehydration can keep you from being as fast and as sharp as you'd like to be A bad case of dehydration can make you sick So keep that water bottle handy Not only does water fight dehydration, but it's refreshing and has no calories (6) Your body regulates the amount of water in your system The body holds on to water when you don't have enough or gets rid of it if you have too much If your pee is very light yellow, you are well hydrated When your pee is very dark yellow, it's time to drink up SUMMARIZING: 30 (1)Water is essential for all living things, including humans (2)It makes up more than half of our body weight and performs many vital functions, such as carrying oxygen, regulating body temperature, aiding digestion, and removing waste (3)Water is also necessary for each cell to work Although drinking water is the best way to stay hydrated, fluids from other sources and water-rich foods like fruits and vegetables also contribute (4)The amount of water a person needs depends on various factors, including age, body size, health, activity level, and weather (5) (6)Dehydration can affect performance and health, so it's essential to drink water regularly and before feeling thirsty EXPLANATION: Based on the main idea of the paragraphs to summarize an article: (1): Introduction to the importance of water for all living things (2): The essential role of water in the human body for various functions such as blood circulation, digestion, waste removal, and temperature regulation (3): Water is necessary for each cell to function, and it can be obtained from various sources such as food and fluids (4): The recommended amount of water intake varies based on individual factors such as age, body size, health, activity level, and weather (5): The importance of drinking water before, during, and after physical activity, as well as the signs of dehydration (6): The body's regulation of water levels and how to maintain proper hydration by drinking water before thirst and monitoring urine color VOCABULARY: 31 Immune system (n): The bodily system that defends the body against infection, disease, and foreign substances ● Example: The immune system protects the body from harmful pathogens such as bacteria and viruses Digestive juices (n): Fluids produced by the digestive system that help break down food ● Example: The digestive juices in the stomach help break down food into smaller particles for absorption in the intestines Perspiration (n): The process of sweating or the sweat produced by the body ● Example: During a workout, your body produces perspiration to regulate your body temperature Dehydrated (adj): Lacking enough water in the body ● Example: If you don't drink enough water during exercise, you can become dehydrated and feel dizzy or tired Lymph (n): A colorless fluid containing white blood cells that bathes the tissues and drains through the lymphatic system into the bloodstream ● Example: The lymph system plays an important role in the body's immune defense by carrying white blood cells to fight infections Depend on (phrasal verb): To be influenced or determined by something ● Example: The success of the party depends on the weather Regulate (v): To control or maintain a certain level or amount of something ● Example: The thermostat regulates the temperature in the room Hold on (phrasal verb): To grasp or keep something firmly ● Example: Hold on tight to the rope while we pull the boat to shore Temperature (n): The degree or intensity of heat present in a substance or object, especially as measured by a thermometer or a similar instrument ● Example: The temperature outside today is very high, around 35 degrees Celsius 10 Ingredient (n): One of the substances or components that are combined to make a particular product or mixture ● Example: Flour is one of the key ingredients in baking a cake 32 BIBLIOGRAPHY Article 1st - ARTICLE TOPIC SPORTS: https://kidshealth.org/en/teens/tips-sports.html#cattraining Article 2nd - WAYS TO PREPARE FOR YOUR SPORTS SEASON: The Epsom Derby - intermediate English reading (linguapress.com) Article 3rd - THE IMPORTANCE OF SPORTS: Essay About Sports Importance for Youth - 100, 200, 500 Words Example (essayup.com) Article 4th - COMPETE IN SPORTS: https://www.hatheropcastle.co.uk/news/the-benefits-of-competitive sports/? fbclid=IwAR17wmfsivcHWATatAONJ3YeXk54NFGWSgf9bWq0SPtswqnt_Xc 7ZGRSbHw Article 5th - WHY DRINKING WATER IS THE WAY TO GO: https://kidshealth.org/en/kids/water.html# 33 More from: Cơ sở liệu I IS05A Học viện Ngân hàng 93 documents Go to course • Today, Tv channels provide more men's… Cơ sở liệu I 100% (5) Homework 16 Cơ sở liệu I 100% (4) Bài tập lớn cấu trúc liệu giải thuật Cơ sở liệu I 100% (2) Nhóm-3-Thiết kế sở 36 liệu cho hệ thống đ… Cơ sở liệu I 100% (2) More from: Nguyễn Gia Bảo 39 Học viện Ngân hàng Discover more Giai đoạn Tkcsdl 12 Nhóm Cơ sở liệu I None 0.Nội dung tập lớn fdagfgagdagfdafffgadfga Tư tưởng HCM None Nhóm-3 Tkcsdl 46 fdagfgagdagfdafffgadfga Cơ sở liệu I None Nguyễn Gia Bảo 24A4043033 Cơ sở liệu I None Recommended for you Taxation exercise group 5 Cơ sở liệu I 100% (1) 36 NHTM Tổng hợp commercial banking Corporate Banking 100% (2) Case-Study-Details Nope Financial Report… 100% (1) Survey Report Financial Report… 100% (1)

Ngày đăng: 28/12/2023, 18:58

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