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VIETNAM ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES GRADUATE ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES PREVENTING THE SITUATION OF OFFENSES AGAINST HUMAN HEALTH IN THE SOUTHWESTERN PROVINCES Major: Criminology and Crime Prevention Code: SUMMARY OF CRIMINOLOGY AND CRIME PREVENTION DOCTORAL THESIS HANOI – 2023 THE THESIS IS COMPLETED AT GRADUATE ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES SUPERVISOR: ASSOC PROF DR PHUNG THE VAC Reviewer 1: Reviewer 2: Reviewer 3: The thesis will be defended in front of the Academy-level Thesis Review Board at: Graduate Academy of Social Sciences At hour, day month year The thesis may be referred at: - National Library of Vietnam - Library of Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences HANOI - 2023 INTRODUCTION Rationale The Southwestern provinces consist of centrally-run city and 12 provinces According to the General Statistics Office of Vietnam, the area of the region is 40,576.2 km², with a population of 17,590,000 people From 2011 to 2021, the Southwestern provinces had a strong socio-economic development, with the regional GDP increasing by 7.8%/ year on average [100] In addition to the socio-economic achievements, the downside of the market economy has been increasingly revealing its limitations and significant impacts on social life, making the regional security and order situation become complicated The crime situation in general and the situation of offenses against human health in particular also tend to increase in the number of cases and the number of offenders According to statistics from People's Courts at all levels in the Southwestern provinces, for a period of 10 years from 2011 to 2021, there were 21,632 cases with 28,337 defendants There is an average of 2,163 cases per year with 2,833 defendants [84] In addition, according to the author's research, the situation of offenses against human health in recent times in Southwestern provinces has been very complicated: Gang or group-based nature criminal activities with using a variety of weapons to commit offenses with aggressive, reckless, blatant, thuggish nature have been increasing; The situation of protection rackets and hired killing has not been thoroughly suppressed, causing panic and discontent among the masses of people The consequences and harms of this type of crime are very serious, and at the same time have adversely affected information security as well as the environment for socio-economic development and created psychological insecurity in people's lives In order to promptly combat the crime situation, the Politburo issued Directive No 48-CT/TW dated October 22, 2010 on strengthening the Party's leadership in crime situation prevention and fighting in the new situation, the Government directed the implementation of projects of the National Crime Prevention Program (Decision No 1217/QD-TTg dated September 06, 2012 of the Prime Minister); promulgated the National Crime Prevention Strategy; Decision No 623/QD-TTg on approving the National Crime Prevention and Fighting Strategy for 2016 – 2025 period, with an orientation to 2030 Our State also promulgated, amended and supplemented Criminal Code 2015 (amended and supplemented in 2017), which is an important basis for all levels, branches and localities to synchronously implement solutions to prevent and combat crime in the current status Although certain results have been achieved, there are still some limitations and shortcomings in the activities to prevent the situation of offenses against human health, the effectiveness of the above work has not really achieved the set goals, the situation of offenses against human health has been still increasing and complicated The above situation stems from many different reasons, including those belonging to the competent authorities, such as: activities to prevent the situation of offenses against human health in some places have not been paid enough attention and have not been carried out regularly, continuously and synchronously; the causes and conditions giving rise to offenses have not been comprehensively and adequately remedied; technical means are both inadequate and outdated, with limited funds for operation that not meet the requirements of crime situation prevention; the theoretical system of the crime situation prevention work has not developed commensurate with the actual requirements and demands; coordination between agencies in the political system for the crime situation prevention in general and offenses against human health has been still weak and formalistic; The legal basis for the prevention of these offenses has not been synchronous and complete, therefore it has not created an adequate legal corridor for prevention Thus, one of the important reasons is that the theoretical system of preventing the situation of offenses against human health has not been scientifically studied and summarized as a basis for the operation of the competent authorities This preventing the situation of offenses can only be highly effective when crime situation prevention and fighting forces not only are equipped with modern specialized technical means but also, with great significance, have mechanisms to operate based on scientific scientifically theoretical systems Although, so far, there have been a number of studies on the prevention and fighting against offenses related to this group of offenses at different angles with various types of subjects and within a certain scope, there have been no works to systematically study the work of preventing the situation of offenses against human health in Southwestern provinces from the perspective of crime situation prevention criminology Stemming from the above reasons, the study of the topic "Preventing the situation of offenses against human health in the Southwestern provinces" is urgent, topical in both theory and practice Research purpose and research tasks of the thesis 2.1 Research purpose By clarifying theoretical issues, legal situation and practice of preventing the situation of offenses against human health in the Southwestern provinces in recent years, the thesis aims to propose solutions to strengthen preventing the situation of offenses against human health in the Southwestern provinces in the coming period 2.2 Research tasks To achieve the research purpose, the thesis is directed at performing the following tasks: Firstly, assess the research situation related to the topic, draw out problems that need to continue to be researched or further researched in the thesis Secondly, analyze the theoretical problems of preventing the situation of offenses against human health Thirdly, statistics, collect data, documents, analyze and assess current status of preventing the situation of offenses against human health in the Southwestern provinces for a period of 10 years from 2011 to 2021 Fourthly, research, argue and propose solutions to strengthen preventing the situation of offenses against human health in the Southwestern provinces Research subjects and scope 3.1 Research subjects The research subjects of the thesis are scientific perspectives, theoretical issues on offenses against human health, provisions of criminal law on offenses against human health and the practice of preventing the situation of offenses against human health 3.2 Research scope - Content scope: The thesis is researched from the perspective of criminology and crime situation prevention on the group of offenses against human health specified in Articles 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140 of Criminal Code 2015 (amended and supplemented in 2017), previously articles 104 -110 of Criminal Code 1999, revised in 2009 - Spatial scope: in the Southwestern provinces - Research period: From 2011 to 2021 Methodological basis and research methodology 4.1 Methodological basis The thesis is researched based on the methodological foundation of Marxism-Leninism on the State and law, Ho Chi Minh Thought and views and lines of the Party and policies of our State on the strategy of judicial reform, the strategy of building and improving the legal system of Vietnam as well as the lines, guidelines and policies on crime prevention and fighting 4.2 Specific research methods The thesis flexibly and rationally uses the following research methods: analysis, synthesis, comparison, statistics, induction, deduction, case studies, talkshows, sociological investigations, logical inference, expert method and research methods in criminological research, crime situation prevention and investigation science as well as other legal sciences, specifically as follows: Methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, logical inference, system: used when reviewing the domestic and foreign research situation in Chapter of the thesis Methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, induction, deduction, logical inference, scientific talkshow are used to clarify theoretical issues about preventing the situation of offenses against human health in Chapter of the thesis Methods of analysis, comparison, induction, deduction, criminal statistics, synthesis, case studies, legal analysis, scientific talkshow are used in the practice of preventing the situation of offenses against human health to evaluate the outcomes achieved while pointing out limitations, weaknesses and causes of limitations and weaknesses in the practice of preventing the situation of offenses against human health in the Southwestern provinces Methods of analysis, commentary, logical reasoning, induction, deduction and scientific talkshow are used to propose solutions to enhance the operational efficiency of preventing the situation of offenses against human health in the Southwestern provinces New contributions of the thesis Firstly, the thesis has provided an overview of the domestic and foreign research situation related to the topic, thereby pointing out the thesis issues that may be inherited and the thesis issues that need to continue to be researched or further researched Secondly, the thesis has clarified the theoretical issues of preventing the situation of offenses against human health Thirdly, the thesis has analyzed and clarified the practice of preventing the situation of offenses against human health in the Southwestern provinces in the period of 2011-2021, clarified the outcomes achieved and the limitations, weaknesses and causes of limitations and weaknesses in preventing the situation of offenses against human health in the Southwestern provinces in the period of 2011-2021 Fourthly, the thesis has made forecasts on the situation of preventing the situation of offenses against human health in the Southwestern provinces in the coming time and proposed solutions to improve the effectiveness of preventing the situation of offenses against human health in the Southwestern provinces Scientific and practical significance of the thesis 6.1 Scientific significance - The research results of the thesis contribute to supplementing and improving the theory of preventing the situation of offenses against human health; - In addition, research results can also be used as materials for teaching, learning and scientific research in the fields of criminology and criminal law science 6.2 Practical significance - The content of the thesis serves as a valuable reference for legislative bodies to review, amend and supplement the provisions of the incomplete provisions of criminal law on offenses against human health - The thesis has researched, surveyed, objectively and honestly assessed issues about the situation, current status of preventing the situation; drawn out the advantages, achievements, outstanding aspects, limitations and causes; developed a forecast of the situation of offenses against human health and factors affecting activities of preventing the situation of offenses against human health in the coming years On that basis, a system of scientific and feasible solutions in the Southwestern provinces has been proposed The thesis has reference value for staff in practical work and serves as a helpful useful document for researchers as well as teachers related to criminology and crime prevention and for students at universities It contributes to helping agencies, organizations, units and individuals develop and apply effective preventive measures against the situation of offenses against human health Structure of the thesis In addition to the introduction, conclusion, references and appendix, the topic is structured in chapters, specifically as follows: Chapter 1: Literature review Chapter 2: Theoretical issues of preventing the situation of offenses against human health Chapter 3: Current status of preventing the situation of offenses against human health in the Southwestern provinces Chapter 4: Forecast and solutions to improve the effectiveness of offenses against human health in the Southwestern provinces Chapter LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 Overseas research works 1.1.1 Results of theoretical research on prevention of crime situation The research works have shown the theoretical basis of criminology and new fields of criminology 1.1.2 Results of theoretical research on preventing the situation of offenses against human health The research works have contributed to clarifying theoretical issues about preventing crime situation in general as well as preventing the situation of the group of offenses or of each specific crime 1.2 Domestic research works 1.2.1 Research works on prevention of crime situation The research works have analyzed and clarified the practice of prevention of crime situation in general, the practice of preventing the situation of group of offenses or a specific crime, in which the current status of the crime situation, causes and conditions of crime situation and the practice of implementing crime situation prevention measures 1.2.2 Research works on preventing the situation of offenses against human health These works have also presented and clarified legal signs, introduced the concepts of crime situation prevention; the purpose and meaning of crime situation prevention; contents of crime situation prevention as well as proposed solutions to prevent the situation of these offenses in specific localities 1.3 Overall assessment of the research situation 1.3.1 Outcomes achieved in the study of theoretical issues, current status and solutions to prevent crime situation An overall assessment of the research situation shows that the contributions of the above works are reflected in some following specific aspects: + It is necessary to overcome unfair competition and customer poaching + It is necessary to eliminate the practices of deceitful business and illicit enrichment + Minimize the problem of indebtedness and difficulties in debt recovery - It is necessary to minimize the existence of the factors that act as the causes and conditions of offenses against human health in social life - Minimize gambling, alcohol and drugs - Alleviate poverty, create job opportunities and improve material living standards Cultural and educational measures This measure involves educational planning by the State and competent agencies in order to raise the level of cultural and moral awareness Measures to propagate and educate legal awareness First of all, this measure educates people in general and offenders against human health in particular with knowledge of the law and a sense of law compliance Building of clean and healthy lifestyle Accordingly, to effectively implement preventing the situation of offenses against human health, it is necessary to build a clean and healthy lifestyle in society Measures to deal with offenses against human health Measures to deal with offenses against human health are the ones taken by the Public Security, Procuracy, Court and Judgment Execution agencies in detecting, investigating, prosecuting, adjudicating and executing sentences against offenders against human health Chapter CURRENT STATUS OF PREVENTING THE SITUATION OF OFFENSES AGAINST HUMAN HEALTH IN THE SOUTHWEST 3.1 Overview of the socio-economic situation of the Southwestern provinces 3.2 Current status of forces preventing the situation of offenses against human health in the Southwestern provinces People’s Public Security is identified as a core force in crime prevention and fighting in general and offenses against human health in particular in the Southwestern provinces There are currently 2,917 officers of the Social Order Crime Investigation Police at all levels and commune police officers performing crime prevention and fighting tasks Regarding the number of judges, out of total 2,765 positions of the Court branch of the Southwestern provinces, there are 1,289 judges, accounting for 46.62% of the positions Currently, the number of personnel involved in preventing the situation of offenses against human health is insufficient with low quality There are still many limitations in the operational efficiency of procedural conducting agencies related to criminal investigation, prosecution and trial 3.3 Current status of coordination among subjects preventing the situation of offenses against human health in the Southwest The Provincial Party Committee, City Party Committee and authorities of the Southwestern provinces and cities have issued many directives, resolutions, decisions and directive plans for departments and mass organizations to sign joint plans, regulations on coordination of activities in preventing and fighting against criminal types including offenses against human health 3.4 Current status of implementing measures to prevent offenses against human health in the Southwestern provinces 3.4.1 Current status of implementing economic measures Achievements For the past years, Party Committees, Central authorities as well as the Southwestern region have synchronously focused on many solutions for economic development, ensuring social security, improving material and spiritual conditions for people Limitations in the implementation of socio-economic measures Firstly, in the period of 2010 - 2020, Vietnam economy experienced relatively high growth, but the income growth rate of the poor group was always lower than that of the rich group, so the gap between rich and poor is increasing Secondly, the Southwest is a region with a limited labor force in terms of both growth rate and quality of human resources Thirdly, climate change is a complex issue that is both urgent and long-term, affecting all fields, from natural to socio-economic aspects on a global scale as well as in Vietnam, including the Southwestern region 3.4.2 Current status of implementing cultural and educational measures Achievements in the implementation of cultural and educational measures Well implement the guidelines and policies of the Party and the State towards the preservation and promotion of traditional cultural identity in provinces and cities in the Southwestern region Limitations in the implementation of cultural - educational measures Firstly: Alcohol drinking culture has become indispensable in public holidays, Tet holiday, parties, festivals as well as in daily life Secondly: Legal propaganda activities on prevention and fighting of offenses and social evils have not been paid regular and continuous attention Thirdly: Although it is an area with developed economic conditions, the investment in development as well as education and training of the Southwestern region shows many shortcomings 3.4.3 Current status of implementation of legal propaganda and education measures Achievements of measures to propagate and educate legal awareness The propaganda and education of legal awareness in the Southwest always receives the attention and direction of the leadership of provincial People's Committees, Party committees at all levels, authorities in districts and communes Limitations of legal awareness propaganda and education measures Firstly, there have been no in-depth documents on legal propaganda and education on offenses against human health as well as preventing and fighting against the offenses against human health Secondly, there have been no effective forms of legal propaganda and education on offenses against human health as well as preventing and fighting against the offenses against human health Thirdly, the legal propaganda and education staff is limited in terms of number, professional qualifications and skills, leading to failure to achieve the desired effect 3.4.4 Current status of taking measures to build an ethical and healthy lifestyle, respect for human rights and respect for law Achievements Directive No 03/CT - TW dated May 14, 2011 of the Politburo and plans and guidelines of all levels on promoting learning and following the ideology and ethical example of Ho Chi Minh City, local authorities of Southwestern provinces have been implemented Shortcomings and limitations The deterioration of political ideology, morality and lifestyle of a large part of cadres, Party members as well as bureaucracy, corruption and waste have not been repelled Crime and social evils are still complicated; Social morality is seriously degraded 3.4.5 Current status of implementation of anti-crime measures Achievements a Current status of the situation of offenses against human health in the Southwestern provinces from 2011 to 2021 In the period of 2011 - 2021, the number of cases related to offenses against human health brought to trial by the People’s Courts at all levels in the area was 21,632 with 28,772 defendants b Structure and nature of the situation of offenses against human health in the Southwestern provinces - Structure on the basis of the population of provinces and cities in the Southwest Through research, Kien Giang province is the province with the highest prevalence of offenses against human health, An Giang province is the province with the lowest prevalence of offenses against human health - Structure on the basis of the area of provinces and cities in the Southwest According to data analysis, Can Tho city is in first place with a density of 1.22 defendants per 1km2, while Ca Mau province is in the last place with 0.46 defendants per 1km2 - Structure on the basis of combining factors of population and area of provinces and cities in the Southwest Kien Giang province is the province with the highest danger level, Tra Vinh is the province with the lowest danger level among 13 provinces and cities (10th position) - Structure on the basis of first instance sanctions imposed on defendants Structure of the situation of offenses against human health in terms of criminal type - Structure on the basis of the time and place of the crime - Structure on the basis of instruments and means of committing criminal acts - Structure on the basis of criminal motive - Structure on the basis of crime tactics - Tricks to commit criminal acts - Tricks to conceal crime - Structure on the basis of personality of the offender + Age of the offender + Gender of the offender + Structure on the basis of characteristics of first offense, recidivism, dangerous recidivism + Structure on the basis of the profession of the offender + Structure on the basis of ethnic characteristics of the offender + Structure on the basis of nationality characteristics of the offender + Structure on the basis of family circumstances Ninthly, characteristics of the preferences of offender against human health in the Southwestern provinces Causes and conditions of the situation of offenses against human health in the Southwestern provinces a Causes and conditions belonging to the habitat Firstly, the negative impacts of the socio-economic environment - Conflicts and enmity arising in the process of unfair competitive trade + Conflicts and enmity in customer poaching, in the implementation of unfair competition acts + Conflicts due to indebtedness, delays or non-payment in business or trade - Conflicts and enmity arising during the production process - Drunkenness, beer, and drugs leading to sexual behavior - Fraudulent gambling resulting in intentional injury Secondly, the negative factors belong to the home environment Thirdly, limitations in the educational environment b Causes and conditions from the victim’s side - Causes from inappropriate ethical behavior, cultural practices and customs of crime victim - Causes from property disputes between the victim and the offender - Causes from unlawful behaviors, from offensive behavior of the victim c Causes and conditions belonging to the criminal entity The number of offenders against human health was 6,889, accounting for 25.80%; 54,698 subjects with primary education level are, accounting for 5.9% The research results in Chapter are an important basis for the thesis to recommend measures to strengthen preventing the situation of offenses against human health in the area Chapter FORECAST AND SOLUTIONS TO IMPROVE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF PREVENTING THE SITUATION OF OFFENSES AGAINST HUMAN HEALTH IN THE SOUTHWESTERN PROVINCES 4.1 Forecast of the situation of offenses against human health in the Southwestern provinces in the coming time 4.1.1 Forecast bases Political basis Resolution No 13-NQ/TW dated April 2, 2022 of the 13th Politburo on the direction of socio-economic development, ensuring national defense and security in the Mekong Delta region until 2030, with a vision to 2045 Socio-economic basis In the short term, the situation of free migration from other places is increasing, hundreds of thousands of people come to business and live, resulting in the challenge in managing family record and residence information This situation will certainly have negative and multidimensional impacts on the development of the crime situation in general and the situation of offenses against human health in particular in the Southwestern provinces Cultural and educational basis Economic integration entails the introduction of many cultures, including hybrid cultures that are incompatible with the moral and cultural traditions of the nation leading to negative and multidimensional impacts on the development of the crime situation in general and the situation of offenses against human health in particular in the Southwestern provinces 4.1.2 Forecast content Firstly, forecast the situation of offenses against human health The situation of offenses against human health in the Southwestern provinces will increase in both the number of cases and the number of offenders Secondly, forecast the causes and conditions of the situation of offenses against human health Cultural values are no longer relevant, traditions will more or less be broken, family structures will change in a loose direction, traditional parental education methods that are no longer suitable are also among the causes and conditions of offenses against human health Thirdly, forecast the change in personal identity of offenders against human health in the Southwestern provinces in the coming time In the coming years, the personal identity of offenders against human health in the Southwestern provinces will also change 4.2 Solutions to improve the effectiveness of preventing the situation of offenses against human health 4.2.1 Solutions to overcome limitations for sustainable socio-economic development Firstly, improve labor market institutions, create an appropriate legal framework to stimulate the development of the labor market Secondly, strengthen the management and support to improve the quality of training and vocational training centers, ensure the teaching of knowledge in order to provide a highly skilled labor force in the Southwestern provinces Thirdly, improve the efficiency of production activities in the fields of agriculture, forestry and fishery Fourthly, develop the agricultural, forestry, fishery and food processing industry in the direction of association with raw material production areas, in-depth investment for processing plants Fifthly, develop border trade through the operation of border gate economic zones and border markets Sixthly, increase the investment in the development of urban systems and new rural population points for socio-economic development to reduce poverty in a sustainable way Seventhly, continue to promote vocational training policies and create rural jobs 4.2.2 Solutions to overcome cultural - educational limitations Firstly, strengthen propaganda and mobilization of the masses of the people Secondly, Party committees and authorities in wards, communes and towns need to pay close attention and direction to reconciliation work in residential areas, villages and hamlets Thirdly, continue to promote propaganda and mobilization of people to send their children to school Fourthly, for the general education system, it is necessary to increase investment in facilities and expand the scale of training Fifthly, improve the quality of teachers at all educational levels and grades in all school systems in the Southwestern provinces Sixthly, the Departments of Education and Training in the Southwestern provinces must strengthen the inspection, examination and close review of the activities of schools, educational institutions and the entire teaching staff in order to detect negatives and violations in educational activities Seventhly, more effectively implement the management and strict inspection of competent authorities for types of conditional entertainment and recreational services on security and order to attract young people in the area to participate in Next, Party committees and local authorities must develop policies to preserve and promote typical folk art and culture forms of the Southwestern region Finally, strengthen the effective implementation of social security policies 4.2.3 Measures to promote propaganda and legal awareness education Carry out legal awareness propaganda and education in a good manner 4.2.4 Construction of a clean and healthy lifestyle Firstly, in order to build a clean and healthy lifestyle, it is first necessary to build a cultural family in order to promote the movement "All people unite to build cultural life" Secondly, create a safe environment for national security and social order within districts, communes, towns, institutions, enterprises and schools Thirdly, for cadres and Party members, improve their political competence based on Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh thought Promote the role of Party cadres and members in preventing the crime situation 4.2.5 Measures to strengthen residence and area management Through residence management to screen and detect criminal subjects, suspected criminal activities in general, committing offenses against human health in particular to promptly prevent criminal acts of subjects 4.2.6 Measures to strengthen state management over weapons, explosives and supporting tools 4.2.7 Measures to improve the effectiveness of combating offenses against human health Improvement of the efficiency of reconnaissance operations of the People's Police Force in preventing the situation of offenses against human health Firstly, implement professional measures Secondly, improve the efficiency of basic business aspects Thirdly, improve the efficiency of the state management of security and order; manage weapons, explosives and supporting tools Fourthly, adjust and arrange the police force in the direction of strengthening the force directly fighting and strongly towards the grassroots Measures to enhance the effectiveness of education activities to rehabilitate offenders and well the work of community reintegration and prevention of recidivism Perform well the education and rehabilitation of offenders Improvement of the operational efficiency of law enforcement agencies Firstly, for the People's Police Force: Perform professional tasks well Improve the efficiency of procedural investigations of offenses against human health Strengthen forces, facilities, vehicles, supporting tools and funds Secondly, for the People's Procuracy: Perform well the functions and tasks of the People's Procuracies at all levels Strengthen close coordination with the Investigation Agency during the prosecution and investigation of the case Improve the efficiency of criminal statistics Thirdly, for People’s Court: In the coming time, People’s Courts at all levels must improve the quality and capacity of judges People's Courts at all levels in the Southwestern provinces must, in their functions and tasks, actively coordinate with competent agencies 4.2.8 Strengthening the prevention of the risk of becoming a victim of offenses against human health in the Southwestern provinces - Firstly, strengthen the education of cultural traditions, morality and personality to eliminate inappropriate acts and behaviors to limit the risk of becoming victims of offenses against human health - Secondly, strengthen the settlement of conflicts and disputes over property in the Southwestern provinces - Strengthen socialist legislation, strengthen control and eliminate alcohol and gambling evils that easily lead to conflicts in society 4.2.9 Strengthening human resources to prevent offenses against human health in the Southwestern provinces and cities Provide in-depth training for Investigators, Procurators, Judges and specialized crime prevention and fighting forces 4.2.10 Strengthening the coordination relationship in preventing the situation of offenses against human health in the Southwestern provinces and cities Strengthen the coordination relationship between agencies and departments in preventing the crime situation and preventing the situation of offenses against human health Strengthen international cooperation in preventing the situation of offenses against human health CONCLUSION Prevention and fighting against offenses in general and offenses against human health are always concerned by leadership in Southwestern region to direct sectors and levels to implement regularly, continuously and drastically The implementation is done synchronously with the National Target Programs on crime prevention and fighting in integration with policies of social security, poverty reduction, increasing wealthy households, building cultural life in the community and annually summarizing experiences through practice, thereby appropriate and breakthrough solutions have been given to solve problems that are the cause of crime and social evils The thesis has studied the contents related to this issue as follows: The first is to introduce the concept: Preventing the situation of offenses, thereby defining the significance of preventing the situation of offenses against human health; the thesis also clarifies the purpose, principles and content of preventing the situation of offenses against human health It identifies the principles of preventing the situation of offenses against human health, including principles of socialist legislation, democratic centralism, close coordination among subjects in the prevention of crime situation, application of science and technology to crime prevention operation so that this operation achieves the highest efficiency; as well as identifies the subject in the prevention of this crime and proposes measures to prevent the situation of offenses against human health It identifies preventive measures for offenses against human health, including social preventive measures and operational preventive measures, of which the People's Police Force is the core force when implementing these measures Next, based on theoretical foundations, it assesses the current status of preventing the situation of offenses against human health in the Southwestern provinces and makes forecasts on prevention activities for these types of offenses in the coming time The thesis assesses the achievements and the limitations on the theoretical, political and legal bases as well as on the organization of the forces conducting the activities of preventing the situation of offenses against human health Finally, based on the current status of preventing the situation of offenses against human health in the Southwestern provinces and forecasts of this crime situation in the coming time, the PhD candidate proposes a number of measures to contribute to improving the effectiveness of preventing the situation of offenses against human health in the coming time

Ngày đăng: 18/12/2023, 09:55

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