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Năng lực tự học vai trò của giáo viên và bạn bè LEARNER AUTONOMY: THE ROLES OF TEACHERS AND PEERS

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MINISTRYOFEDUCATIONANDTRAININGHOCHIMINHCITYOP ENUNIVERSITY LEHATOQUYEN LEARNERAUTONOMY:THEROLESOFTEACHERSANDPEERS PHILOSOPHYINTEACHINGENGLISHTOSPEAKERSOFOTHERLANGUA GESDOCTORALDISSERTATION HOCHIMINHCITY,2023 ii MINISTRYOFEDUCATIONANDTRAININGHOCHIMINHCITYOP ENUNIVERSITY LEHATOQUYEN LEARNERAUTONOMY:THEROLESOFTEACHERSANDPEERS Major:PhilosophyinTeachingEnglishtoSpeakersofOtherLanguages Code:9140 111 DOCTORALDISSERTATION HOCHIMINHCITY,2023 STATEMENTOFAUTHORSHIP The Doctoral Dissertation titled“Learner Autonomy: The Roles of Teachers andPeers”has been submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Teaching Englishto SpeakersofOther Languages Except for the references cited in this dissertation, I hereby declare that the whole orpartsofthis dissertationhavenotbeenpublishedorusedtoobtainthedegreeelsewhere No other person'swork/research may be used in this thesis that isn o t p r o p e r l y c i t e d This thesis has never been submitted for any degree at any other university or traininginstitution HoChiMinhCity,…/…/2023 LeHaToQuyen ACKNOWLEDGEMNENTS “Learner Autonomy: The Roles of Teachers and Peers” Doctoral Dissertation has beencompleted at HoChiMinhCityOpenUniversity I take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt thanks and deep gratitude to all those whohave contributed to the successful completion of this thesis Their continuous support,guidance,andencouragementhavebeeninstrumentalinmyacademicjourney Firstandforemost,Iwouldliketoexpressmysinceregratitudetomyscientificsupervisors, Ms.BuiThi Thuc Quyen, Ph.D.and Mr.Dang TanTin, Ph.D.Theircomprehensive knowledge, unwaverings u p p o r t , a n d e n t h u s i a s t i c g u i d a n c e h a v e b e e n the cornerstone of my research Their insights and intellectual stimulation have beeninvaluable to my growth and understanding of the subject matter I am forever indebtedto themfortheirrolesin myachievement IamalsodeeplythankfultotheGraduateLecturersatHoChiMinhCityOpenUniversity Their extensive expertise and generous provision of background knowledgehavesignificantlyenrichedmystudyactivities I must also extend my appreciation to my family, relatives, colleagues, classmates, andfriends Their belief in me and constant encouragement have fortified me during thechallenges and pressures of this endeavor Without their support and love, this journeywould havebeenfarmorearduous Finally, I acknowledge all others who have contributed in any way to this project,whether directly or indirectly The collaborative spirit I have experienced will stay withmeascherishedmemories Inclosing,Ireflectonthisjourneywithprofoundappreciationforthecollectivewisdom,guidance, and support the that have made this thesis a reality It is my hope that workpresentedherehonorstheeffortsandcontributionsofallthosementionedabove HoChiMinhCity,…./…/2023 ABSTRACT Learner autonomy has been considered the central aim of education because of itssignificant role in enabling students to develop into successful lifelong learners Inmodern times, students have many opportunities to learn outside the classroom, the idealcontextforlearnerautonomydevelopment Therefore,researchaboutthedevelo pmentof learner autonomy in the out-of-class learning context needs to receive more focus.Basedonsocioculturaltheoryasthetheoreticalframework,thecurrentr e s e a r c h explo res the situation of EFL tertiary students’ learner autonomy in the out-of-classcontext and thepotential of promoting it through teachers’ and peers’ rolesin theclassroom With the explanatory sequential mixed methods designs, the study collecteddata from answers to a questionnaire on learner autonomy and teachers’ and peers’ roles(N=709) andsemi-structuredin-depth groupinterviews(N=35) Thef i n d i n g s p o i n t e d outthatalthoughstudentshadamoderatecapacitytocontrolthes i t u a t i o n a l , behavioural, and psychological dimensions of learner autonomy, they still faced manychallenges when learning independently In addition, there were significant correlationsbetween factors of the situational, behavioural, and psychological dimensions of learnerautonomyandtherolesofteachersasaresource,anevaluator,acontroller,aninstructor,afaci litator,andaco-learnerintheclassroom.Themediatingfactorsofthesecorrelations were the students’ motivation, role model, trust, and care In addition, thecorrelationsbetweenlearnerautonomyandthefourperceivedpeers’rolesintheclassroom: acolearner,anencourager,anassessor,andasupporterwerealsosignificant.Themediatingfactors ofthesecorrelationswerepositiveemotions,interdependence, responsibilities, and face value The research findings have providedempirical data about EFL tertiary students’ learner autonomy in the out-of-class contextand the connection between in-class and out-of-class learning These findings providepedagogical implications for learners, teachers, and peers classlearningcontext to foster learner autonomydevelopmentintheout-of- TABLEOFCONTENTS TABLEOF CONTENTS i LISTOFABBREVIATIONS vii LISTOFFIGURES .viii LISTOFTABLES ix LISTOFAPPENDICES xi Chapter1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Generalcontextofthe study 1.1.1 ThehistoryofEnglishteachingandlearninginVietnam 1.1.2 Thevital roleofEnglishinVietnamesecontext 1.1.3 ThechallengesofEnglishtraininginVietnamesecontext 1.1.4 EnglishtraininginVietnamhighereducation 1.2 Rationale of theresearch 11 1.3 Researchaims,objectivesandresearchquestions 13 1.4 Significanceoftheresearch 14 1.5 Scopeof theresearch 14 1.6 Definition ofkeyterms 15 1.7 Thesisorganisation 15 1.8 Chapter overview 17 Chapter2 .18 LITERATUREREVIEW 18 2.1 Learnerautonomy 18 2.1.1 Conceptualisation oflearnerautonomy 18 Generalconceptionsoflearnerautonomyinlanguageteaching .18 Modelsoflearner autonomy 21 Operationaldefinitionoflearnerautonomy 25 2.1.2 Theimportanceoflearner autonomy .26 2.1.3 Degreesoflearnerautonomy 28 2.1.4 Factorsthatinfluencethedevelopmentoflearnerautonomy 29 2.1.5 Approachestofosterlearnerautonomy 32 2.1.6 Learnerautonomyinout-of-classlearning 34 2.2 Perceivedteachers’rolesinthelanguageclassroom .38 2.2.1 Acontroller 40 2.2.2 An instructor 42 2.2.3 Afacilitator 43 2.2.4 Aco-learner 44 2.2.5 Aresource 45 2.2.6 An evaluator 46 2.2.7 An explorer 47 2.3 Perceivedpeers’rolesinthelanguageclassroom 48 2.3.1 Aco-learner 49 2.3.2 Asupporter 50 2.3.3 An encourager .51 2.3.4 An assessor 52 2.4 Theoreticalframework 53 2.4.1 Constructivismandsocial constructivism 53 2.4.2 SCT .54 2.4.3 CoP 57 2.5 Learnerautonomyandperceivedteachers’roles 59 2.5.1 Perceivedteachers’rolesinlearnerautonomydevelopmentactivity .59 2.5.2 Mediatingfactorsoflearnerautonomyandperceivedteachers’roles 60 2.6 Learnerautonomyandperceivedpeers’roles 61 2.6.1 Perceivedpeers’rolesinlearnerautonomydevelopmentactivities .61 2.6.2 Mediatingfactorsbetweenlearnerautonomyandperceivedpeers’roles 62 2.7 Previousstudiesandresearchgap 64 2.8 Theconceptualframeworkofthe study 67 2.9 Chapter overview 69 Chapter3 .70 METHODOLOGY 70 3.1 Research paradigm 70 3.2 Research design 71 3.3 Thequantitativeresearch 75 3.3.1 Objectives .75 3.3.2 Participants 75 Rationale forchoosingEnglishmajors 75 Samplesize 76 Samplingmethod 76 3.3.3 Instrumentdevelopment 78 Rationaleforchoosingthequestionnaireformat .78 Questionnairedesign .79 Questionnaireproofreading 86 Translating thequestionnaire 87 Piloting thequestionnaire 88 3.3.4 Quantitativedatacollectionprocedure 89 3.3.5 Quantitativedatamanagement .90 3.3.6 Quantitativeanalysis .92 3.3.7 Issuesofreliabilityandvalidityofthequantitativeresearch .96 3.4 Thequalitativeresearch 96 3.4.1 Objectives .97 3.4.2 Rationaleforadoptingsemi-structuredin-depthgroupinterview 97 3.4.3 Participantsandtherecruitmentprocess 97 3.4.4 Instrument 100 Instrumentdesign 100 Piloting theinterviewprotocol 101 3.4.5 Qualitativedatacollectionprocedure 101 3.4.6 Qualitativedataanalysis .102 3.4.7 Thetrustworthinessofqualitativedata 103 3.5 Ethicalconsiderations .105 3.6 Chaptersummary .107 Chapter4 .108 DATAANALYSIS .108 4.1 Resultsofthequantitativephase .108 4.1.1 Demographici n f o r m a t i o n 108 4.1.2 EFLstudents’learnerautonomyinout-of-classlearning .109 Internalconsistencyreliabilitymeasureoflearnerautonomyscale 109 Descriptivestatisticsoflearnerautonomy 110 4.1.3 Perceivedteachers’rolesinthelanguageclassroom 115 ExploratoryFactorAnalysis(EFA)oftheP e r c e i v e d t e a c h e r s ’ r o l e s scale 115 Descriptivestatisticsofperceivedteachers’roles 119 4.1.4 Perceivedpeers’rolesintheclassroom .122 ExploratoryFactorAnalysisofPerceivedpeers’rolesscale 122 Descriptivestatisticsofperceivedpeers’roles 125 4.1.5 Correlationsbetweenlearnerautonomyandperceivedteachers’roles 127 Pearsoncorrelationsbetweenlearnerautonomyandperceivedteachers’ roles 127 Canonicalcorrelation between learnera u t o n o m y a n d p e r c e i v e d teachers’roles .130 4.1.6 Correlationsbetweenlearnerautonomyandperceivedpeers’roles 133 Pearsoncorrelationsbetweenlearnerautonomyandperceivedpeers’roles 133 Canonicalcorrelationbetweenlearnerautonomyandperceivedpeers’rol es 137 4.2 Resultsofthequalitativeresearch 140 4.2.1 Mediatingfactorsoflearnerautonomyandperceivedteachers’roles 141 Motivationasamediatingfactor 141 Trustasamediatingfactor 143 Rolemodelasamediatingfactor 145 Careasamediatingfactor 146 4.2.2 Mediatingfactorsoflearnerautonomyandperceivedpeers’roles 147 Positiveemotionsasamediatingfactor .148 Interdependenceasamediatingfactor 149 Responsibilitiesasamediatingfactor 150 Facevalueasamediatingfactor 151 4.3 Chapteroverview .153 Chapter5 .154 FINDINGSANDDISCUSSIONS 154 5.1 EFLtertiarystudents’learnerautonomyinout-of-classlearning 154 5.1.1 Thesituationaldimension 154 5.1.2 Thebehaviouraldimension .157 5.1.3 Thepsychological dimension 160 5.2 Perceivedteachers’rolesintheclassroom 161 5.3 Perceivedpeers’rolesintheclassroom .164 5.4 Learnerautonomyandperceivedteachers’roles 166 5.4.1 Correlationsbetweenlearnerautonomyinout-ofclasslearningandperceivedteachers’rolesintheclassroom .166 5.4.2 Mediatingfactorsofcorrelationsbetweenlearnerautonomyinout-ofclasslearningandperceivedteachers’rolesintheclassroom 167 5.5 Learnerautonomyandperceivedpeers’roles 171 5.5.1 Correlationsbetweenlearnerautonomyinout-ofclasslearningandperceivedpeers’rolesintheclassroom 171 5.5.2 Mediatingfactorsofcorrelationsbetweenlearnerautonomyinout-ofclasslearningandperceivedpeers’rolesintheclassroom 173 5.6 Finalisingtheresearchmodel 176 5.7 Chapteroverview .177 Chapter6 .178 CONCLUSIONANDIMPLICATIONS .178 6.1 Summary 178 6.1.1 EFLtertiarystudents’learnerautonomyinout-of-classlearning 179 6.1.2 Correlationsbetweenlearnerautonomyandperceivedteachers’rolesandtheir mediatingfactors 180

Ngày đăng: 21/11/2023, 15:39


