Trang 1
THU DUC COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY FACULTY OF ENGLISH 5) 3% œ8 INTERNSHIP REPORT Center School: United Kingdom International English
Address: 100, D2 Street, Tang Nhon Phu A
Ward, District 9, Ho Chi Minh City
Supervisor: Pham Hoang Minh Thao
Student: Tran Thi Thanh Hoa
Trang 2
Hoc sinh- sinh Họ tên:-
Thời gian thực Ngày đến : / /
tập Ngàybấtđầu 42 /02 / 2012 Ngày kếtthúc dod /04 / ø04ƒ
Người đánh giá Họ tên: N@ÙVEN TH! THANH THUY
Chirc vu:_ Gham Ad Co i “3 ae c.í quan: TRING TAM ANA wal) aud TE vUƯN6 600v AN Dia chi:- 3 40o, D2 ‘Tang Nhoh Phu A, Quần 9, TPHCH Điện
_ thoại: DĐ: _03ÿ,26 4 567K Email _ “huu ukø(4)2 nail com
Danh gia tong quat
r a
Ghi chú: ] = rất chưa tốt; 2= chưa tốt; 2 = chấp nhận được; 4 = tốt; 5 = rất tốt
(Cĩ thể bỏ qua các tiêu chí khơng cĩ trong chương trình thực tập của HSSV) Nội dung Tiêu chí đánh giá Đánh giá | @|@l@) | @ Ì @ Quản lí
Thời gian 1 Bắt đầu và kết thúc cơng việc V/
2 ` Tuân thủ giờ làm việc | V
3 Phan bé thoi gian cho cơng việc Nữ Cơng việc 4 Khả năng sắp xếp các cơng việc cần thực hiện VỊ, "l5 Thực hiện yêu cầu cơng việc Y Thái độ Thái độ làm việc | 6 Chuyên cần SIS ._ Tỉnh thần học hỏi 6 7 Đam mê cơng việc 8 9 _ Tỉnh thân làm việc nhĩm _ = I~ 10 Sẵn sàng khi cĩ yêu cầu trợ giúp người khác NSIS
Quan hé 11 Với người hướng dẫn/anh/chị trong cơng ty/cơ quan
Trang 314 Linh động trong việc thực hiện các cơng việc V
Giải quyết vấn đề | 15 Sáng tạo trong việc thực hiện cơng việc
16 Nhận biết giải quyết những khĩ khăn 17 Chủ động, nhanh nhạy khi đối mặt với khĩ khăn cm 18 Tự tìm hiểu để giải quyết những khĩ khăn ™ ¬
Giao tiếp 19 Đặt câu hỏi cụ thể, rõ ràng
20 Tiếp cận và nhờ sự trợ giúp của người hướng dẫn và
các thành viên khác trong nhĩm =|
Kiến thức
Kiến thức chung 21 Khả năng xây dựng kế hoạch thực hiện 22 Khả năng triển khai và thực hiện cơng việc/nghiên cứu 23 Nhận biết được trình tự của vấn đề V Kỹ năng học tập 24 Nhận biết và cách thức tiếp cận vấn đề 1 =< ne 25 Đê xuât các mục tiêu 26 Giải quyết các mục tiêu một cách cĩ hệ thống KX | Nhận xét chung: Ui mes ise fii dither ees T0 00a se ¬ "Heal shut Ne A Me søà0022 0/0208 999499406060600090660600660009600090000009000000009090090090990009909009000090090090009000909000090904000060000000909099000 000 099004909090909090909090990999909909090996090920090909099 09608 [Điểm tiêu chí 1 + Điểm tiêu chí 2 + + Điểm tiêu chí n) x 2] ĐIÊM = =Jly 110 5 Tiêu chí $ TONG SO DIEM HỌC SINH- SINH VIÊN ĐẠT ĐƯỢC LÀ: 3.5 3 _ điểm
Ghỉ chú: Số điểm đánh giá của quý cơ quan được tinh 1} thong tong số điểm của mơn học thực tập doanh nghiệp Vì vậy, rất mong sự đánh giá cơng tâm và xác thực của quý cơ quan Chân thành cam on!
Trang 4
1 Về hình thức trình bày báo cáo thực tập:
Pie Lhe Ma, dep sil “hình báu, “He bế” Các, dre lee thee gee CAM 1 dhe Her Cad poor 4 aaÄ© xe
aah : gi bo ‘Che bby Ni Cele hes, hep
2 Nội dung thực tập:
NE Auns bre “%5 dich beg chide Jaz, Z6, cøc2 ¿lsaob ca XƠI tá (6k A352) A sb NRE hake IFO
7 KA „k0 Ain aig AbD gla (2 darth, Cand
3 Trình bày bài học của HSSV về khố thực tập :
2 TION BEG Zhe WHI TG) deta} Ce DA is pe
ATOR Aut dbp dE drach ngh
eee (A at chet Jan được, Hat be KAS la oe
iA DE ade vé a kẻ ule Fae
4 Điểm yếu của HSSV về thực pee:
NG te, ed, LAB cate dh Ge ẤN ante
ae Nhe Kae ke ở +Š4.sMuớa màu di Mba Kha Z8 5 Điểm mạnh của HSSV ý thực tập: “- hú, KB bhatt đục Ben, 46Gb dad ⁄xá.-Í&«k da alg TOR, 24a i 6 Kết luận:
EfĐược báo cáo L] Khơng được báo cáo
(Phần của giảng viên phụ trách)
Họ và tên SV: TRẤN THỊ THANH 4l04 T00 012i Lớp/MSSV: C0l§.}JAc3
Ghi chú: 1 =chưa tối; 2=chấp nhận được; 3=khá tốt; 4=tơt; 5 =rát tốt Tiêu chí đánh giá Đánh giá @ |@)|@) | @ | G) Thái độ
1 Tham gia các buổi sinh hoạt/phổ biến/hướng dẫn nhằm
chuẩn bị và phục vụ cho cơng việc thực tập tốt nghiệp Vv
2 Liên hệ, trao đơi với giảng viên hướng dẫn đúng theo lịch ee
hẹn hoặc theo đúng tiên độ
3 Thực hiện các yêu cầu do giảng viên hướng dẫn về nội dung ⁄
báo cáo
Hình thức báo cáo TTTN
1 Báo cáo thực tập tốt nghiệp trình bày đúng quy định (trang
bìa, mục lục, bố cục, số trang ) Vv
2 Hinh anh, bang biéu, minh hoa kí 3 Tuân thủ quy định về độ đài của báo cáo (tối thiểu 10 trang) J
Các tiêu chí về nội dung và ngơn ngữ
* Nội dung:
1 Đề cập đây đủ tất cả các phân cơ bản của nội dung báo cáo
thực tập tốt nghiệp x⁄
2 Trình bày đây đủ, rõ ràng và chỉ tiết các vẫn đề liên quan
đên cơng việc tại đơn vị thực tập trong báo cáo v⁄⁄ * Tính mạch lạc & hợp lý: 1 Sử dụng các từ/cụm từ/câu chuyên ý hợp lý vx 2 Sắp xếp trình tự các thơng tin và ý tưởng hợp lý a 3 Phân đoạn hợp lý we 4 Thê hiện ý chính ở từng đoạn KT, * Cách sử dụng từ: 1 Sử dụng từ vựng đa dạng nh 2 Sử dụng từ vựng hợp lý và chính xác với ngữ cảnh rd 3 Kết hợp từ chính xác (collocations) cử! 4 Các lỗi khác về cách sử dụng từ (loại từ, lỗi chính tả ) N * Ngữ pháp:
1 Sử dụng các câu trúc/chủ điêm ngữ pháp đa dạng J
2 Phối hợp linh hoạt và chính xác các cấu trúc ngữ pháp NẺ
3 Sử dụng thì hợp lý Ý
4 Khơng mặc lỗi chấm câu aft
Trang 7
Giới thiệu tổng quan về cơng ty thực tập bao gồm: Tên cơng ty, địa chỉ cơng ty, điện thoại của
người hướng của cơng ty, ngành nghề kinh doanh của cơng ty,
Liệt kê các cơng việc được phân cơng trong quá trình thực tập
Mơ tả cụ thể một cơng việc được phân cơng thực hiện
Phân tích tính hiệu quả cơng việc được phân cơng thực hiện: nêu những mặt làm tốt và những mặt làm chưa tốt
Đề xuất giải pháp nhằm nâng cao hiệu quả cơng việc
Nêu những bài học kinh nghiệm học được rút ra trong quá trình thực tập
Trang 8Nhận xét : [(Điểm tiêu chí 1 + Điểm tiêu chí 2 + + Điểm tiêu chí n) x 2] DIEM = =ÿ,10 ` 5: Tiêu chí GIÁM KHẢO Ngày tháng Họ tên Chữ ký
AB] Col BAL | PRaunftecing Mth Wig | ny
Phan l8 Vinh Ting | `
Trang 9
KHOA Sig, Ant
(Danh cho HSSV thuc tépDN) Họ và tên: (cĩ thể bỏ trống) MS HSSV (cĩ thẻ bỏ trống): Lớp: CDIV %3 Tên chuyên đề hoặc nội dung thực tập: Doanh nghiệp thực tập: ta 1 Ghi nhận về doanh nghiệp nơi HSSV thực tap - Khâu tiếp nhận
Chua tot: 0 Chap nhận được: Tot: O Rat tot X
- _ Khâu phân bồ nhiệm vụ, phân cơng người phụ trách hướng dẫn, phân cơng cơng việc, chuyên đề
Chưa tố: [1 Chấp nhận được: 7á: Rất tốt a
- _ Khâu hướng dẫn và quản lý HSSV thực tập tại doanh nghiệp
Chưa tốt: Chap nhận duac: 0 7ĩ: Rát tốt WY
- Su than thién va su chu dao
Chea tot: 0 Chấp nhận được: Tốt: Rat tot ụ
Trang 10
2 Ghi nhận về khâu tổ chức thực tập của khoa - _ Thời gian chuẩn bị cho thực tập doanh nghiệp
Chưa phù hợp: Phù hợp: &
- _ Thơng tin tập huấn trước khi đi thực tập
Chưa tốc: 0 Chấp nhận được: 1 Tor O Ratio
- _ Sự hỗ trợ hướng dẫn của giảng viên trong quá trình thực tập
Chưa tốt: O Chấp nhận được: 0 7ĩ: Rárttĩic Rđ
- _ Thơng tin tài liệu hướng dẫn báo cáo
Chưa tối: [—— Chấp nhận được: 7á: Ráttốt &
- Thời gian báo cáo thực tập doanh nghiệp
Chua tot: 0 Chấp nhận được: 0 Tor: O Rattot
- Nhirng ghi nhan khac, danh gid chung va y kién déng g6p/ HSSV cần trang bị và hỗ trợ
Trang 11Internship Report - Tran Thi Thanh Hoa
CHAPTER |: DESCRIPTION OF EN TERNS HIP js: sccsicacs sousesdsalorg csnsbenntententansbibvsaba 1
1.1 Mmtetnship process and task ïn PH€ GOTDDBDVG 22020021 G60 A4 2k4cc0a ca h, 1
Ÿ,1„], Gra HHUTTEIHION s1 ciiegbid056clsi s0 ens l
Ø, TIIEOOHCHOH HO (NG COMM IV ;aa406ipdGisobbai6utDiladiebfisigoaaubag¿Brngijiiuaagi 1
By OPV ICOS ER OS oss ooh ein 42962046 biiiglibiestec loi 00uslsasis6senaglsbetebsdeusei 3
© VAR SCE CLOUDS OF CRSIORICIS vá2ice suibatGAxbiceroiadpsbvltuxSi@nafxeiaSuaseb tua SseaGaign 3
2 WOE QUAY S15 fox ngà vo loa Gaara soonest aoa eae os ieee 3
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|: 125 MIIPFHIRHIP TDHIVTHEB sáng dc bái sữa Đisbc lao lo Si asubleaadlssylbtáitacaelG6ixbseiáltsiblA8ikae 8
12) SIETEIGHCE S04 0x46 f0102 A1350 0552/0066161011405650xa30140x4:800t0606ux2vbialkx4l2sxà4145x/4 E30 12
CHAPTEK 2: SELE- ASSESSMENT sen 106 00 000062010031 21426163 446 13
2.1 Reflection as a project implemenIer + + +1 s1 S11 21 51 11 E1 81 81 1c rg 13
2.2 t1ICGLi0fiGf16I0tioriSHDB sai sec Gái 06000 616kkscÂasxäsbAcx2lsiki4402042140 8Ä 0% 13
2.3 Reflection on Company’s regulatiOTIS 2 + + SE 1 1 51 51 1 vn Ty Ty ưyne 14
2.4 Connection between theory and practice 5c Sa 21 cvcxnHY ng 14
CT2 II NG2vav2)sins2sflanaisesesklbsleesoefGeinsiioldueleyteoiAerytloiitoidàseskuisscbsosyagibeyaosee 16
TT 1000206262222 nici0yeiaaeavi 17
Trang 12Internship Report - Tran Thi Thanh Hoa
The graduation internship report is the important role in the third-year course at college During the period of internship, I received a lot of enthusiastic instructions from many people who assisted me in overcoming all difficulties and completing this
First of all, I would like to express my deepest thanks to Ms Pham Hoang Minh Thao who is the teacher directly instructing me during my internship time She provided a full range of information as weil as practical material for me She was ready to help
me when I was troubles
Secondly, I would like to send my deep thanks to my school — Thu Duc College of Technology for given me a chance to apply the knowledge learned in the profesional environment I would like to thank all teachers at Thu Duc College of Technology taught me carefully during three years and created conditions for me to the internship that helped me a lot
Trang 13Internship Report - Tran Thi Thanh Hoa
These days, English is more and more popular in the world It also becomes an international language which helps Vietnam integrate into globalization easily As an English-majored student at Thu Duc college of Technology, I understand clearly that English plays a key role in the growth of my country
After studying all of different subjects at my school, with four basic skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing as well as some subjects related to the field of business likes Customer Care, English for Marketing and Advertising, Business English I have got good qualifications and a lot of experience learned from enthusiatic teachers and practice many necessary skills, how to work in group, how to apply academic knowledge and concepts for practical situations
As far as we concerned, practical experience is the best Internship gives students hands-on experience they need Moreover, the goal of this internship is to help me understand my strengths and weaknesses to become more confident in looking for a job after graduation
I realize that I have an excellent experience I am very glad to have six weeks with internship time at United Kingdom English center
Trang 14Internship Report - Tran Thi Thanh Hoa
1.1 Internship process and task in the company
1.1.1 General information
a Introduction to the company
Trang 15Internship Report - Tran Thi Thanh Hoa
eee eee
Established on July 27", 2011 by Ms Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy, Training United
Kingdom international center is known by a variety of students Particularly, there are various ages including students, adults and kids It is located at 100 D2 Street, Tang Nhon Phu A Ward, District 9, Ho Chi Minh City This is the suitable place for students to study United Kingdom English center has also expanded the scope of activities involving two centers in Thu Duc District and one center in Dong Nai Province At present, the center has more fourteen teachers and eleven employees The teachers are enthusiastic, friendly, creative and dynamic Besides, they are well-equipped to impart knowledge for students Furthermore, United Kingdom English center is well- equipped for students in the most convenient comprising six class rooms, one library, one teacher room, one manager room and registration room All of these rooms are well-equipped with air-conditioners In addition, the teaching programs are appropriate for each age and ability of the child Teachers always create pleased and professional learning environment to develop all English skills such as listening, speaking, writing and reading At a deeper level, students are able to practice directly with foreign teachers Besides, magic and host classes are opened at weekend This assists them in relaxing and learning more aptitude subjects
When I introduce the center, I cannot but mention logo Jos
Figure 1.2: Logo of United Kingdom English center
Trang 16Internship Report - Tran Thi Thanh Hoa
Logo is an identity sign of the center It is a simple design but the logo creates attractive feeling to everyone They can feel the center’s reputation “Doors to the world” is slogan of UK English center It is obviously my country is developing and integrating Learning English helps narrow the gap between Vietnam and other countries Moreover, when students are clever at English, they would gain a deeper understanding of foreign culture and stand chances of getting more jobs
b Services, markets
United Kingdom English center has full English learning packages consisting of
It is a well-known fact that English is the basic language to approach success It is spoken everywhere and everytime Therefore, the markets that United Kingdom targets are Communities; Business; Secondary and High school; Colleges and
c Target groups of customers
To meet the biggest need of customers, United Kingdom English center sets up a lot of suitable learning courses for learners For example, regarding English for kids, teachers direct children how to pronounce and remember vocabulary After that, they continue to teach students other knowledge such as grammar, listening and speaking At present, the classes are divided into many levels between 4 years and 15 years old
d SWOT analysis
- The United Kingdom English center is located in mid of District 9 There are
many schools including Tran Quoc Toan high school, University of Transport
and Communications and University of Finance and Marketing
- The infrastructure is well-equipped with air-conditioners, fans, computers and speakers in each room including staff rooms and class rooms The center has six class rooms containing comfortable chairs for students to sit Besides, there are a lot of toys related to the lessons including cars, helicopters, dolls, and trucks
Sa a ES
Trang 17Internship Report - Tran Thi Thanh Hoa io ™ Ft oe ME
Figure 1.3: Students play with toys
Trang 18Internship Report - Tran Thi Thanh Hoa
Teachers always teach students by the most enthusiasm and professionalism
Figure 1.4: Teaching for kids
Classes are divided into groups after students learn together approximately one hour Teachers instruct to do the exercises and check vocabulary with
All of teachers graduated from university and college One lecturer has master degree with many experience and enthusiasm
The quantity of students in the class is limited to roughly fifteen students
The students learning at United Kingdom English center wear uniform It creates an intimate feeling for everyone
United Kingdom English center has not attracted more students due to a new
English center
The demand of English learners is more and more increasing Therefore, the center is the top choice to improve English skills for students
Trang 19
- The center faced powerful competitors because there are many centers having
the same methods and curriculum e Organizational Structure DIRECTOR HEAD OF DEPARTMENT 1Í TEACHING ASSISTANTS ACCOUNTANT TEACHERS
Figure 1.5: Organizational structure
United Kingdom English center is a small organization There is a director, a head of department, an accountant, about fourteen both teachers and teaching assistants At a deeper level, Ms Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy is director of the center Ms Nguyen Phan Ha Tran and Ho Thi My Duyen are responsible for assisting some of tasks including welcoming students, preparing lessons, controlling the time
f Corporate Operations
It is undeniable that the corporate operations of the center consist of two activities including teaching and marketing As regards teaching, teachers always create energetic and comfortable environment for their children Moreover, they have a good
Trang 20Internship Report - Tran Thi Thanh Hoa
participate in workshops which are organized by Cambridge University press to get teaching methods
Figure 1.6: a workshop
The workshop was held in the morning and evening on 16", March 2018 Teachers would learn new ways related to teaching for children The master of ceremonies brings a pleasant space, an excited voice, an attractive lesson In particular, there are many activities organized with different forms such as working in a group and guessing the topic of videos This assists teachers in extending teaching methods and catching up with modern trends
Regarding the marketing, it is undeniable that marketing plays in a vital role in attracting a large number of students The teaching quality creates the center’s reputation Besides, business strategies bring merits for students For example, students will receive T-shirts and bags when they register aptitude classes and Cambridge training courses
Trang 21Internship Report - Tran Thi Thanh Hoa
1.1.2 Internship Process
First of all, in the first task, I was responsible for welcoming students and saying goodbye to them when they went to school and finished the lessons
Secondly, I assisted teachers and I knew many skills such as organization, analysis and control skills During the period of internship, I taught students under teachers’ guidance from four years to ten years old I taught them in Get it up 1, Smart Start 1 and 2, Starters, Movers Moreover, I also prepared lesson plans and designed the answer keys Besides, I had chances to improve my vocabulary and practice speaking English with students This helped me have a better knowledge for my teaching career Particularly, when I taught students within six weeks, it could create passion for me Working in a new environment enabled me to prove my personal experience
1.1.3 Internship activities
Under the guidance and assignment of Ms Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy, Head of English center, I have undertaken the internship position as a teacher assistant During six weeks in the company, this is a valuable opportunity for me to apply the knowledge into the practical situation The following table summarizes process of my internship
Trang 22Internship Report - Tran Thi Thanh Hoa
INTERNSHIP DIARY OF THE FIRST WEEK (12/3/2018 — 18/3/2018) DATE TIME CONTENT Tuesday, March 13°2018 From 4:30 pm to 7: 45 pm - Welcoming students - Creating Mini game for students related to lessons - Directing students to read vocabulary
Thursday, March 15",2018
From 5 pm to 7: 45 pm - Reviewing and checking
vocabulary for students - Helping teachers control the class Saturday, March 17",2018 From 4:30 pm to 7: 45 pm - Welcoming students - Guiding students to write vocabulary - Reviewing vocabulary for students Sunday, March 18",2018 From 7:30 am to 11:15 am
- Creating groups to assist
students in reading books - Instructing students to do the exercises
- Assisting a foreign teacher in helping students understand the rule of a game INTERNSHIP DIARY OF THE SECOND WEEK (19/3/2018 — 25/3/2018) DATE TIME CONTENT Tuesday, March 20° 2018 From 4:30 pm to 7: 45 pm - Welcoming students - Reviewing vocabulary for students Thursday, March 22742018 From 5:00 pm to 7: 45 pm - Checking vocabulary for students
- Helping students read books - Instructing students to do the exercises
Saturday, March 24%
,2018 From 4:30 pm to 7: 45
pm - Assisting a foreign teacher in
helping students understand the rule of a game
Trang 23
Internship Report - Tran Thi Thanh Hoa Sunday, March 25° 2018 From 7:30 am to 11:15 am - Welcoming students
- Assisting a foreign teacher in arranging seats for students INTERNSHIP DIARY OF THE THIRD WEEK (27/3/2018 — 1/4/2018) DATE TIME CONTENT Tuesday, March 27" 2018 From 5:00 pm to 7: 45 pm - Welcoming students - Organizing the game for students - Tutoring the weak students to do the exercises Thursday, March 29% 2018 From 5:00 pm to 7: 45 pm - Helping students read vocabulary - Guiding students to write vocabulary Saturday, March 31* „2018 From 4:30 pm to 7: 45 pm - Assisting teachers in controlling the class
- Instructing students to do the tasks Sunday, April 1°}2018 From 7:30 am to 11:15 am - Communicating in English with students - Reviewing the lessons for students INTERNSHIP DIARY OF THE FOURTH WEEK (2/4/2018 — 8/4/2018) DATE TIME CONTENT Tuesday, April 32018 From 4:30 pm to 7: 45 pm - Designing the game for students - Assisting students in reading vocabulary
Thursday, April 5",2018 From 5:00 pm to 7: 45 pm
read vocabulary - Tutoring the weak students to
Trang 24Internship Report - Tran Thi Thanh Hoa
Saturday, April 7* 2018 From 5:00 pm to 7: 45
- Welcoming students
- Assisting a foreign teacher in controling the class
Sunday, April 8",2018 From 7:30 am to 11:15 am
- Tutoring the weak students to read books
- Reviewing and checking
vocabulary for students INTERNSHIP DIARY OF THE FIFTH WEEK (9/4/2018 — 15/4/2018) DATE TIME CONTENT
Tuesday, April 10,2018 From 4:30 pm to 7: 45 pm - Welcoming students
- Helping students to do tests
Thursday, April 12"4,2018 From 5:00 pm to 7: 45 pm - Creating Mini game for
students related to lessons
- Helping students listen the tests
Saturday, April 14" ,2018 From 4:30 pm to 7: 45 pm - Assisting a foreign teacher helping students understand the tule of a game
- Observing the nursery class - Reviewing and checking vocabulary for students Sunday, April 15",2018 From 7:30 am to 11:15 am - Welcoming students - Communicating in English with students INTERNSHIP DIARY OF THE SIXTH WEEK (16/4/2018 — 22/4/2018)
Tuesday, April 17°,2018 | From 4:30 pm to 7: 45 - Checking vocabulary for
pm students
- Reviewing and checking vocabulary for students
Thursday, April From 4:30 pm to 7: 45 -Welcoming students
19"42018 pm - Helping students read books
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Sunday, April 22"4, 2018 | From 7:30 amto 11:15 | - Assisting a foreign teacher to
am controlling the class
1.2 Experience
After six weeks working at the United Kingdom English center, I got lots of valuable working experiences which I have not learned in my college I strongly believed that this would assist me in working afterwards
Firstly, I had opportunity to practice communication skill such as answering student’s questions, instructing children to do exercises and assisting for foreign teachers Secondly, I recognized that my English is improved so much because I had to teach English every day Besides, I studied a lot of vocabulary during my internship course Furthermore, under the guiding the center’s teachers, I joined many classes such as STARTERS AND MOVERS with other teachers so I knew how to manage the class and how to teach children effectively I enjoyed working here because colleagues were very enthusiastic I realized that team working could help everybody finish work more easily and quickly Moreover, with help of my supervisor in the center I made lesson plans and designed the answer keys for the test Therefore, I knew I had ability working under pressure In addition, I could find out my strengths and weaknesses in a
new environment Last but not least, working as an English assistant, I felt more
confident and patient than before
To conclude, this internship process has truly been a great learning experience These experiences could help me so much for future career
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2.1 Reflection as a project implementer
During this internship period, there were not only advantages but also disadvantages when I apply theoretical knowledge to practice:
* Benefits:
- Having some experiences in interacting with students - Using the knowledge learned into practice
- Recieving a lot of assistance from my supervisor - Working in the profesional and modern environment - Learning how to use the modern machines
* Drawbacks:
- Lacking teaching skills - Experiencing in short time
It goes without saying that I had many difficulties with my internship course; however, I always made all the efforts to finish the tasks on time Additionally, I could improve my communication skill as well as teaching skills when I attended in the class By doing this, I learned a lot of things such as I could learn soft skills when I taught
2.2 Reflection on relationships
During my internship process, I have to interact with my supervisor and teachers in the center They are very friendly and enthusiastic They always support and instruct me to
make good lesson plans I have to listen carefully and take important notes
Sometimes, they share the difficulty or success, sadness or happiness more and more in their life Furthermore, I also use English to communicate with my teammates and colleagues when we work in teams For example, the center held a class to guide teaching methods for teachers at the center on March 5", 2018 At a deeper level, we created one group and talked about many subjects related to major, home town and hobbies Besides, we played games such as drawing friends’ faces, guessing the topics of pictures Furthermore, teachers also learn how to design mini games for students
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Additionally, I have known what are the good things to do when | lose control when I have troubles
There were both advantages and disadvantages on relationship in the center * Advantages:
- Improving team-work skills - Giving a lot of good ideas
- Reducing the pressure and stress in the work process - Creating comfortable working environment
- Receiving some valuable experience * Disadvantages:
- When teachers work in a team, they may not avoid some agreements
2.3 Reflection on Company’s regulations
- Employees have to go to work before students come to school about twenty minutes It shows professionalism
- If employees go to work late, they will inform their supervisor
- If employees work late or on overtime, they must ensure that all lights, air — conditions and equipments are shut off
- Employees keep environment around placement cleaner and upgraded learners’ awareness about protecting environment
By comparison, these labor regulations were familiar with what I have learnt from my college I comprehended the way to become a professional employee in working environment One of the most important things I learnt to go to work on time and took responsible for preserving the equipment in working area I strongly believed that these factors could help me a lots in the future career
2.4 Connection between theory and practice
During my internship process in the center, I completed a lot of subjects such as grammar skill, translation skill, pronunciation skill and communication skill which have supported me in teaching methods However, there were many problems happening during the internship process For example, when I taught my students, they
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sometimes asked questions It was beyond my knowledge However, I tried to check dictionary or ask other teachers to answer student’s questions as soon as possible After six-week internship process, I have found that there were some differences between theory and practice I could apply my knowledge to practice and communicate with my supervisor, friends, and collegues In professional working environment, I gained through training course is confident and enthusiasm
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Throughout six-week internship at United Kingdom English center was unforgetable memories I finished successfully my internship process This was a chance for me to get valuable experience and help me learn and improve some essential skills
I had been able to meet and interact with many people who helped me have opportunities in the future Furthermore, I sincerely thank to workplace environment in United Kingdom International English center I would also thank all colleagues giving
me instructions during internship process
I am extremely grateful to teacher Ms Pham Hoang Minh Thao helping me complete my internship course I hope all of you are good healthy and successful!
Thank you very much!
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Appendix 1: The images related to classes having foreign teachers
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Appendix 2: The image related to my internship WSSSSSSSSSSS: e.- S5SSS5 aon ANH mm b a Vij Ae
Figure 1.9: Students read vocabulary through pictures Appendix 3: The images related to the class’s activities
Figure 1.10: A foreign teacher instructs students to sing a song
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Figure 1.11: Students work in a group