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(Luận văn) effecting of educational level on self medication decition of patients in hochiminh city

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NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF HCM INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS THE HAGUE hi ng THE NETHERLANDS VIETNAM ep VIETNAM-THE NETHERLANDS PROJECT ON DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS w n lo ad u yj th yi pl n ua al EFFECT OF EDUCATIONAL LEVEL ON va n SELF-MEDICATION DECISION OF PATIENTS ll fu oi m IN HOCHIMINH CITY at nh z z A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of vb MASTER OF ARTS IN DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS j ht k m BO.GIAo ovc ~At: :., TAo- TRUdNG fJH KINH ,.:: T~ PHAM QUANG ANH THU gm By 'c · 1~.HCM om l.c TI:!_li VIiJ~'N n va DR NGUYEN VAN NGAI an Academic Supervisor: 6~Zr; Lu re y te a th HO CHI MINH CITY, AUGUST 2007 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS hi ng ep The author would like to express sincere thanks and special thanks to the academic w n supervisor Dr Nguyen Van Ngai for his assistance and suggestion during the lo ad writing of this thesis u yj th yi I am grateful to Dr Nguyen Trong Hoai, Dr Nguyen Hoang Bao and Dr Arjun pl n ua al Singh Beddi for their useful comments on thesis proposal and thesis drafts which n va are helpful to the author in doing the thesis ll fu I also express my special thanks to M.A Truong Dang Thuy, without his regular oi m at nh and precious advices the author could not complete the research z Great appreciation is expressed to my classmates, Quyen and Vy, for their honest z vb j ht friendship, enthusiastic support and sharing during studying at the Vietnam - k m gm Netherlands Program for M.A in Development Economics om l.c Sincere thanks go to my family for their spiritual encouragement and material n va program an Lu support which helped me overcome all difficulties during pursuing my M.A y te re Last but not least, many thanks are given to the households who allowed the author a th to interview them 11 CERTIFICATION hi ng I certify that the substance of this thesis has not already been submitted for ep any degree and is not being current submitted for any other degree w n lo ad u yj th I certify that to the best of my knowledge any help received in preparing this thesis, and all sources used, have been acknowledged in this thesis yi pl n ua al PHAM QUANG ANH THU va n Date: 01 August, 2007 ll fu oi m at nh z z j ht vb k m om l.c gm an Lu n va y te re a th 111 hi ng ABSTRACT ep w n Self-medication is a common practice in many developing countries In Vietnam, lo ad self-medication has grown in recent years due to the increasing availability of drug u yj th vendors and pharmacy shops throughout the country Beside the convenience, time yi and cost saving, self-medication is associated with risks such as misdiagnosis, use pl of irrational drug dosage that lead to the harmful consequences not only for patient n ua al himself but also for community as a whole Investigating the determinants of self- n va medication practice of individuals facing illness is helpful for the health policy ll fu makers who are interested in improving the appropriate access of self-medication oi m in public at nh This study focuses on examining the impact of educational level on self-medication z z practice in Ho Chi Minh city, the national center of educational and health care of vb j ht the country The descriptive statistics and econometric analyzes have been applied m k to answer the question whether the adult individuals with a higher education are gm more likely to be self-medicated The thesis has been employed the theory of om l.c consumer choice as the foundation theory, the Andersen's behaviour model, and two empirical studies to construct a health-seeking model which describes the way Lu an individuals make choices regarding health care utilization to get the highest level n va of utility a iv th in treating minor illness y te show that the more educated individual is, the more self-medication he or she has re The findings based on the survey conducted by the author in Ho Chi Minh city TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION hi ng 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 ep PROBLEM STATMENT RESEARCH OBJECTIVE, RESEARCH QUESTION & RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS RESEARCH METHODOLOGY THE ORGANIZATION OF THE THESIS CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW w n lo 2.1 SOME DEFINITIONS 2.1.1 Self-medication 2.1.2 Professional health care provider 2.1.3 Types of illnesses 2.2 THEORETICAL FRAMWORK 2.2.1 Theory of consumer behaviour and the demand for health care services 2.2.2 Grossman's theory ofhuman capital and the demand for health care : l2 2.2.3 Andersen's behaviour model and access to medical care 15 2.3 EMPIRICAL STUDIES 17 2.3.1 Chang and Trivedi (2003) 18 2.3.2 Arjun S.Bedi eta! (2003) 19 2.4 MODEL SPECIFICATION 21 2.4.1 Empirical mode/ 23 2.4.2 Transforming theoretical framework into variables 26 Dependent variable 27 4.2.2 Independent variables 27 2.5 CONCLUSION 32 ad u yj th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu m CHAPTER 3: VIETNAMESE HEALTH CARE AND DRUG UTILAZATION 34 oi at nh HEALTH CARE UTILIZATION IN VIETNAM 34 3.1.1 Trends in health care seeking behaviour ofindividuals ; 34 3.1.2 The Cost of Health Services 35 3.1.3 Self-medication and reasons 38 3.2 DRUG UTILAZATION & SOURCE OF DRUGS FOR SELF-MEDICATION IN VIETNAM 40 3.2.1 National drugpolicy 42 3.2.2 Antibiotic resistance 43 3.3 CONCLUSION 44 z z j ht vb m CHAPTER 4: SELF-MEDICATION BEHAVIOUR OF PATIENTS IN HO CHI MINH CITY 46 k om l.c gm 4.1 OVERVIEW OF HO CHI MINH CITY- THE NATIONAL CENTER OF EDUCATION & HEALTH CARE 46 4.2 DATACOLLECTINGMETHOD 48 4.3 DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS • , 50 3.1 Individual characteristics 51 4.3.2 Price and attributes ofhealth care providers 55 4.3.3 Knowledge of drug safety ofrespondents 57 4.4 ECONOMETRIC ANAL YSES 60 4.1 Methods of interpretation 60 4 Explanations ofregression results 62 an Lu va CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMEND ATIONS 66 n y te CONCLUSIONS 66 RECOMMENDATIONS • 68 re 5.1 5.2 REFERENCES: 71 th a APPENDICES: 78 APPENDIX 1: 78 APPENDIX 2: 86 APPENDIX 3: 87 v LIST OF FIGURES hi ng ep FIGURE 2.1: Available health consumption bundleJfor individuals with different health status ••• • •.•.•• 10 FIGURE 2.2: Effect of income on provider choice ••••••••••••.••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••.•••••••••• •••••.•••••• 11 w FIGURE 2.3: Effect ofprice on provider choice ••.•.•.•.•••••••••••.••••••••••••• ••••••••••• • •.•••••••.•.•••••••••••.•.••••.•••••• 11 n FIGURE 2.4: Andersen's Behavioural Model •.•.•.•••••••• •••••••••.•.•.•.••••••••••.••••••••••••.• ••••••• •.••••••••••• •.• 16 lo ad FIGURE 3.1: Selected reason for self-medication by age group •.•.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••• ••••••.•••••.•••.•.••• 38 u yj th LIST OF TABLES yi pl n ua al TABLE 2.1: List ofvariables and expected signs •.••••••••••••.••.•••••••••••.••••••••••.••••••••••••••.•.•.•••••• ••••••••••••.•••.•• 26 TABLE 3.1: Annualized health services contact rates, by provider •••••••••.••.•.•••••••••.••.••••••.• ••••••••• •.••••••• 34 TABLE 3.2: Distribution oftotal health services contacts across providers in 1998 ••••••••.•••••••• •.••••••••.••.• 35 va n TABLE 4.1: Description ofvariables •••.•••.•••••••••• •••••••••• •.•••••••••.• ••••••••• •••••••••••.••••••••• ••••••••.••.•••••• 51 ll fu TABLE 4.2: Demographic Information of Respondents by behaviour group ••••••.•.••••••.•• •••••••••••.•••••••••.•.• 52 m TABLE 4.3: Changing in choosing health care providers ofGroup •••••••• •••••••••• •.••••••••••.•.•••••••••.••.•••••• 54 oi TABLE 4.4: Total cost oftreatment by behaviour group• • •.• • •.•.•.• • • •.• • .• • •• • •.•.• 55 at nh TABLE 4.5: Total consuming time of treatment by behaviour group •••••• •••••••••••.•.••••••••••• •.•••••••.• ••••••• 56 TABLE 4.6: Knowledge of drug safety by behaviour group •••••.• •••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••.•.••••••• •••••••••• 51 z z TABLE 7: Knowledge of drug safety by behaviour and educational group •.•••••••••• ,•.••••••••••.••.•••••••••.•••••• 59 j ht vb k m om l.c gm an Lu n va re y te a th vi (Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city ACRONYMS hi ng ep w General Statistics Office UN United Nations UNDP United Nations Development Programme n GSO lo Vietnam Health Insurance VHSR Vietnamese Health Sector Review VLSS Vietnam Living Standards Survey ad VHI u yj th yi Vietnam National Health Survey pl VNHS Vietnamese National Drug Policy WB World Bank WHO World Health Organization n ua al VNDP n va ll fu oi m at nh z z j ht vb k m om l.c gm an Lu n va re y te a th vii (Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city (Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION hi ng ep 1.1 PROBLEM STATEMENT w After the economic reforms initiated in 1986 in Vietnam, the role of public n lo ad health sector began to deteriorate which accompanied the emergence of u yj th private sector and the expanding of pharmaceutical industry Between 1986 yi and 1994 there was a three-fold increase in drug production and a six-fold pl n ua al increase in per capita drug consumption (Witter, 1996) The rapidly expanding drug vendors and pharmacy shops throughout the country have n va ll fu emerged now acting as an important health care provider Data from oi m Vietnam Living Standard Survey 1997-1998 (VLSS, 1997-1998) indicates at nh that the contact rate with the health care system was dominated by the use of z z pharmaceuticals According to the VLSS 2001-2002, self-medication is very vb j ht common practice to deal with illness among Vietnamese households - 73 m k percent of patients reporting use of self-medication to deal with illness and gm om l.c most people procure medication for self-medication at pharmacists The common practice of self-medication has both positive and negative Lu an aspects In cases of common illness, such as coughs or colds, self-medication n re (Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city a steroids, or in cases of special status such as pregnancy, babies, people with th But in cases of more serious disease, requiring the use of antibiotics or y te patients have sufficient knowledge about common non-prescription drugs va may be rational behaviour in terms of convenient, time saving and cheap if (Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city drug allergies, the treatment without consultation of medical professionals hi ng can lead to harmful consequences In the latter cases, self-medication ep accompanied the lack of ability or awareness of the need to read the drug w information lead to a risky of wasting money, status of sickness may be more n lo ad serious The negative sides of self-medication not only affect the individuals u yj th but also the community The large scale drug resistance in the community of yi Vietnam has increased and reached epidemic levels (Sam, 1993) The future pl n ua al potency of drug for all users is reduced, which has lead to increasing the amount of treatment failures, and as the result, leading to longer and more n va ll fu severe illness and demand for more expensive drugs This result has oi m increased financial burden on the poor and those without any medical at nh knowledge a further reduction in equity (WHO, 2001a) z z j ht vb The promotion of the rational drugs use to minimize the negatives effects on the public health when the self-medication practice is prevalence in Vietnam k m gm is the emerging concern of health policy makers Designing effective om l.c interventions can not be done without understanding factors impact on selfmedication behaviour of people In this study we focus on finding out the an Lu influence of educational level on self-medication behaviour of patients in Ho va n Chi Minh city, one of the biggest city of the country re y te a th (Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city (Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city 1.2 RESEARCH OBJECTIVE, RESEARCH QUESTION AND hi ng RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS ep Research objective w n lo On the demand side, the knowledge, attitudes, and education of an individual ad u yj th are important determinants in the decision to seeking health care The most yi important purpose of this study is to examining the impacts of educational pl n ua al level of the adults on their self-medication when being illness The influences of other sociodemographic factors, attributes of health care n va ll fu provider on self-medication behaviour of patients in Ho Chi Minh city are oi m also included in order to support the health policy makers who are interested at nh in improving the appropriate access of self-medication in public z z Research Question and Research Hypothesis j ht vb It's realised that education level enhances the ability of accessing and k m gm criticising information of people Therefore, an individual with high om l.c educational level is expected that might have high self-confidence about his medical knowledge which results in having more self-medication than lower Lu an educational person Hence, this dissertation attempts to answer the question: Are adult individuals with higher years of schooling more likely to be n va - re y te self-medicated facing typical diseases? a th And the research hypothesis is: (Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city (Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city GSO (1999) Vietnam Living Standards Survey 1997-1998 General Statistical hi ng office, Hanoi ep Gujarati D.N (2003) Basic Econometrics, McGraw-Hill, 2003 w Ha, N (1991), "Resistance to antibiotics in enteric 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Lu D Agree om l.c ODon't know/ No idea D Agree gm You have to use up medicine bought follow prescription recommended by doctor Infection, inflame a th D Yes D Yes c Fever, headache 77 (Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city (Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city Stomachache Yes hi ng ONo ODon't know/ No idea ONo ODon't know/ No idea 10 Cough, cold, headache ep Yes w n 11 Have you ever treated yourself according to advices from your friends/relationships who lo ad are not doctors/ nurses? u yj th Yes No 12 Do you consult your pharmacist about the using of medicine when you have some yi n ua al pl diseases? Yes No o No va 13 Do you have a health insure card? n Yes ll fu 0 (multi-selection is allowed) Angina j0 at nh oi m 14 In the past of previous months, you suffer from any of the below diseases? Gastritis z (Note: Stop interviewing if respondent have had any diseases) z j ht vb PART II: ILLNESSES AND TREATMENTS k m gm 15 For how many days have you suffered from this _ _ _ _ _? days om l.c 16 In this period ofbeing _ _ _ _ _,which ways did you choose to treat: (multi-selection is allowed) a Buy drug without any prescription from physician/Self-medication d Not seek any medical services (go to the other disease) b Slight c Minority ac o th a Very slight ts: y te re 17 According to you, this n c Go for examination in private health care facilities va an b Go for examination in public health care facilities Lu 78 (Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city (Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city d Severe e Very severe hi ng ep 18 In total, how many times did you choose self-medicated and visiting doctor in this sickness period? _ _ _ _ times w *Note for interviewer: (1) One time ofself-medication is when respondent buy medicine n lo without any prescription from physician to treat, or buy medicine with an old ad prescription; (2) One time of examining and treating medically is going for examination u yj th in any health care facilities, buying and using this prescriptive medicine yi 19 In this sickness period, please tell in each time of treatment you chose: pl Second times Self- D medication Self- D medication Visiting D D n doctor Visiting Self- Fourth times Self- D medication medication Visiting D doctor Visiting D doctor ll fu doctor Visiting Fifth times Self- D medication va D Third times n ua al D First times doctor m oi *Note for interviewer (according to information question 19): at nh If respondent chose visiting doctor only, go to question 20; If respondent chose visiting doctor after one/some times self-medication, a z b z vb to question 22; If respondent did not have any visiting doctor, go to question 24 j ht c go k m 20 According to you, is the times of being illness longer if you had not have visited Yes No Notsure l.c gm doctor? om 21 If yes, how many days is it longer? days (Go to Part III) No I Not sure n va Yes an Lu 22 According to you, is it shorter if you had have visited doctor from beginning? 23 If yes, how many days is it shorter? days (Go to Part III) y te re 24 According to you, is it shorter if you had have visited doctor? Yes No _l a th Not sure c 25 If yes, how many days is it shorter? days (Go to Part III) 79 (Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city (Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city PART III: hi ng QUESTIONS ABOUT PHARMACY, HEALTH CARE PROVIDER ep * Note for interviewer: according to information question 19, chose the suitable following part w Part /Ill Part Ill2 Part Ill3 Part IIL4 n lo a Self-medication only X ad X b Visit doctor only u yj th X c Both a & b X X X yi pl n ua al PART 111.1: QUESTIONS ABOUT PHARMACY/DRUG STORE 26 At which pharmacies did you buy medicine? (multi-selection is allowed) va a Near your house b Near your company c Most frequent pharmacy d Others, please specify the reasons: _ _ _ _ _ n ll fu oi m at nh 27 In this sickness period, if you had self-medication more than one time, did you buy (Go to question 29) vb Yes z z medicine at the same pharmacy/drug store? No j ht 28 If you bought medicine at different pharmacies, please tell at which pharmacies you d Others, please specify the reasons: _ _ _ _ _ 29 How many minutes did it take you to buy medicine? _ _ _ _ _ minutes buying medicine y te re and coming back) 30 What mean of transport did you use mainly to go to pharmacy? b Bicycle c a On foot a th n va * Note for interviewer: The time is two-way time (go to pharmacy, an Lu c Most frequent pharmacy om l.c b Near your company gm a Near your house k m buy most frequently (chose one option) D c Motorbike 80 (Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city (Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city D d Others 31 What was the total self-medication cost in this treatment period? hi ng * Note for interviewer: The total self-medication cost does not include the cost of ep buying prescriptive medicine PART III.2 QUESTIONS ABOUT CLINIC/HOSPITAL w n 32 At which health care providers did you go for examination and treatment during this lo ad period? (multi-selection is allowed) D b Near your company c Most frequent clinic/hospital yi D a Near your house u yj th D pl d Insurance registered clinic/hospital D e Well-reputation clinic/hospital D f Others, please specify the reasons: - - - - - - - n ua al D va n 33 Did you use your health insurance card? ll fu D Yes D No m oi 34 If you visited doctor more than one time, did you go for examination and treatment D (Go to question 36) D z Yes at nh at the same place during this sickness? No z 35 If you visited doctor at different health care providers, please tell at which did you D f Others, please specify the reasons: _ _ _ _ _ an e Well-reputation clinic/hospital Lu D om d Insurance registered clinic/hospital l.c D D c Most frequent clinic/hospital gm b Near your company k D m a Near your house j ht D vb go most frequently (chose one option) minutes n va 36 How many minutes did it take you to go to that health care provider? _ _ _ doctor? - - - minutes 81 (Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city c 37 How many minutes did it take you to wait at health care provider before seeing a th come back y te re *Note for interviewer: The time includes time of going to health care provider and (Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city * Note for interviewer: the waiting time excludes the time for testing, and X-ray checks hi ng 38 How many minutes did the examination take you? minutes ep 39 What mean of transport did you use mainly to go to pharmacy? w a On foot b Bicycle n c Motorbike lo ad d Others u yj th 40 What was the total cost of all consultations m this treatment period? yi _ _ _ _VND pl 41 What was the total cost of buying medicine follow prescription of doctor for all VND interviewer: The total cost of buying medicine without any prescription va * Note for n ua al examinations? n from physician to treat, or buy medicine with an old prescription is excluded ll fu 42 Did you buy medicine at pharmacy where you took examination? No oi Yes (Stop for this part) m at nh 43 If no, at which pharmacy did you buy medicine? (Chose one suitable option) c Most frequent pharmacy e Others k m j ht b Near your company vb z a Near your house z Yes (Stop for this part) No om l.c gm 44 Did you bought medicine immediately after leaving health care provider? 45 How many minutes did it take you to buy medicine? _ _ _ _ _ minutes Lu *Note for interviewer: The time is two-way time (go to pharmacy, buying medicine an and coming back) c Motorbike d Others ac th b Bicycle y te re a On foot n va 46 What mean of transport did you use mainly to go to pharmacy? 82 (Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city (Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city PART Ill.3: QUESTIONS ABOUT PHARMACY 4sk this part in case of respondent chose using health care providers for examination and hi ng ~reatment only ep 47 It's supposed that in this time of sickness, you thought that it was not too severe to visit doctor but self-medication only, at which pharmacy would you buy medicine? w n (Chose one sui~able option) lo a Near your house b Near your company c Most frequent pharmacy d Others, please specify the reasons: _ _ _ _ _ ad u yj th yi pl n ua al 48 Is it the pharmacy that you mentioned in question 26 or at the health care provider where you went for examination? Yes (Go to question 51) No n va minutes ll fu 49 How many minutes did it take you to buy medicine? oi and coming back) buying medicine m * Note for interviewer: The time is two-way time (go to pharmacy, at nh 50 What mean of transport did you use mainly to go to pharmacy? a On foot b Bicycle c Motorbike d Others z z j ht vb k m QUESTIONS ABOUT CLINIC/HOSPITAL Ask this part in case the respondent chose using self-medication only om l.c PART III.4: gm 51 You think that what the total cost ofbuying medicine would be? VND Lu 52 It's supposed that in this time of sickness, you thought that it was relative severe, an you would go for examination and treatment not self-medication, at which health c Most frequent clinic/hospital d Insurance registered clinic/hospital e Well-reputation clinic/hospital ac th b Near your company y te re a Near your house n va care provider would you chose? (Chose one suitable option) 83 (Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city (Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city D f Others, please specify the reasons: _ _ _ _ _ hi ng 53 You think that how many minutes it takes you to go to that health care provider?_ _ _minutes ep * Note for interviewer: It includes the time of going to health care provider and come back w n 54 What mean of transport did you use mainly to go to pharmacy? lo a On foot D b Bicycle ad D c Motorbike yi d Others pl D u yj th D n ua al 55 How many minutes did it take you to wait at health care provider before seeing doctor? - - - minutes * Note for n va interviewer: the waiting time excludes the time for testing, and X-ray ll fu checks minutes m 56 How many minutes did the examination take you? 57 You think that what the total cost of all consultation would be? oi VND at nh (Excluding the cost of buying medicine following the prescription) z PART IV: GENEARE INTERVIEWEE INFORMATION z j ht vb Please tell me your: 58 Full name: m k 59 Age: D a Kinh an Lu om 61 Ethnicity: D b Chinese c Others (specify): _ _ _ _ _ n va Female l.c D Male gm 60 Sex: D y te re 62 Your current marital status: Single a th D Married c D Widowed D Divorced/Separated 84 (Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city (Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city 63 What is the grade has you finished? hi ng ep w Grade ./12 Vocational Graduated D Studying College: Graduated D Studying University Graduated D Studying Higher than university n lo No formal schooling ad years u yj th 64 What are the total years you went to school? (Note: interviewer compare question 65, excluding years respondents repeated class) yi 65 For which economic sector you work for? pl a State company/enterprise b Private company/enterprise c Joint venture with foreign company d Self-employed/Free occupation e Housewife/Househusband f Unemployment g Student n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z 66 Please tell me the average monthly of your income bracket is: z a Less than 500.000 VND i From 4.000.000 to 4.500.000 VND D b From 500.000 to 1.000.000 VND j From 4.500.000 to 5.000.000 VND D c From 1.000.000 to 1.500.000 VND k From 5.000.000 to 5.500.000 VND D d From 1.500.000 to 2.000.000 VND From 5.500.000 to 6.000.000 VND D e From 2.000.000 to 2.500.000 VND m From 6.000.000 to 6.500.000 VND D f From 2.500.000 to 3.000.000 VND n From 6.500.000 to 7.000.000 VND D g From 3.000.000 to 3.500.000 VND o From 7.000.000 to 7.500.000 VND D h From 3.500.000 den 4.000.000 VND p From 7.500.000 to 8.000.000 VND q More than 8.000.000 VND j ht vb D k m om l.c gm an Lu n va re y te 67 Do you own this house/apartment or? o Own ac Rent th 68 The total area is: m2 85 (Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city (Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city 69 Please tell me how many items you own for each of the following? Check x if yes hi ng Items ep Washing machine Air conditioner Refrigerator w Water heater n lo ad Car u yj th 70 How much was your electricity bill last month? VND yi Results of question about Knowledge of drug safety pl APPENDIX2: n ua al % No % No % 57% 13 11% 39 33% 6% 76 63% 15 13% 23 19% 6% 17 14% 6% 13 11% 55 46% 17 14% 48 40% n va No Disagree Not know/ No idea Agree Questions 51 43% 35 29% Question 37 Question 82 68% Question 96 80% Question 100 83% Question 33 28% 32 Question 93 78% 10 Question 61 51% 11 9% Question 42 35% 27 23% Question 10 71 59% 14 12% oi m 31% at nh z z vb 27% j ht gm an Lu Source: Author's calculationfrom household survey 2007 k Number ofrespondents=l20 m 8% om l.c 68 ll fu Question n va re y te ac th 86 (Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city (Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city (Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city(Luận.văn).effecting.of.educational.level.on.self.medication.decition.of.patients.in.hochiminh.city

Ngày đăng: 02/11/2023, 22:31

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