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Everyday vocabulary grammar keys drozdova t yu totkalo n v

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Т Ю Дроздова, Н В Тоткало Everyday VOCABULARY + Grammar THE KEYS FOR INTERMEDIATE STUDENTS Санкт-Петербург ББК 81.2Англ Д75 По вопросам приобретения издания обращайтесь: ООО «Антология»: тел.: (812) 328-14-41 www anthologybooks.ru e-mail: sales@bookstreet.ru Огромный выбор учебной и методической литературы в интернет-магазине www.bookstreet.ru Дроздова Т Ю., Тоткало Н В Д75 Everyday VOCABULARY + Grammar : For Intermediate Students : The KEYS : учебное пособие – СПб : Антология, 2010 – 64 с ISBN 978-5-94962-188-2 Издание является составной частью учебного пособия “Everyday VOCABULARY + Grammar” Оно содержит ответы-ключи ко всем учебным заданиям пособия, а также полные тексты раздела “Listening”, которые в основном учебнике можно прослушать только на диске Поскольку языковые задания иногда допускают более одного правильного ответа, в «ключах» к упражнениям даётся несколько вариантов, каждый из которых верный ББК 81.2Англ ISBN 978-5-94962-188-2 © Дроздова Т Ю., Тоткало Н В., 2011 © ООО «Антология», 2011 FAMILY and RELATIONS Ex (p 9) C, C, A Ex (p 10) MEMORY BOX: husband son father grandfather grandson parents grandparents uncle nephew father-in-law son-in-law wife daughter mother grandmother granddaughter children grandchildren aunt niece mother-in-law daughter-in-law Ex (p 10) sister-in-law, brother-in-law, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law; stepchildren, stepmother, stepchildren, stepfather; stepsisters/stepbrothers, stepbrothers/stepsisters; halfbrother, half-sister Ex (p 11) (Suggested answers) Is Sally Bob’s wife? Are Sally and David brother and sister? Are Vanessa and Sarah Sally and Bob’s daughters? Is Timothy David’s son? Are Albert and Jenny Sally’s parents? Is Jenny Sally’s mother? Is Albert Jenny’s father? Are Vanessa and Edward David’s children? Ex (p 11) am, am, are, is, my, his, is, my, are, 10 our, 11 our, 12 our, 13 is, 14 our, 15 is, 16 is, 17 is, 18 is, 19 my/our, 20 his, 21 is, 22 my/our, 23 My/Our, 24 is, 25 my Ex (p 11) your, yours; hers, her; mine; her, ours; my, mine, yours; hers; my, her, mine Ex (p 12) She showed me her photos and I showed her mine He told her about his friends and she told him about hers I tell my mother about my problems, and she tells me about hers I have two dogs This is my dog and that is his No, we have only two children These are our children, and those are theirs Ex (p 12) Is she a widow or (is she) divorced? Is she British? Where is she from? Is she a housewife? Is she a nice person? How old is Jenny’s daughter? What is her daughter’s name? Ex (p 13) grow up – (вы)расти look on smb/smth as – считать act up – плохо вести себя distinguish between – различать mix up – путать take for – принимать за bring up – воспитывать Ex 10 (p 13) acts up, mixing the twins up, grow up, bring up, grew up, distinguish between, bring up, look on, taken for Ex 11 (p 13) (Suggested answers) Nobody except my mother could distinguish between the twin-brothers The stepmother brought up the children as her own The children looked on her as their mother The sisters are very much alike, I am constantly mixing them up; I take Kate for Masha When the children grow up, they’ll go to study at university When the teacher leaves the classroom, the children usually act up Ex 12 (p 14) Emily: wife, mother, grandmother, mother-in-law Clare: wife, mother, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law Andrew: husband, father, son, brother Eric: son, brother, brother-in-law, uncle Alice: daughter, sister, sister-in-law, aunt Thomas: son, grandson, nephew, brother Mary and Linda: daughter, granddaughter, niece, sister (Suggested answers) Emily, Brain’s wife, is in her early sixties Clare, Andrew’s wife, is in her early thirties Andrew, Brain and Emily’s son, is in his late thirties Eric, Andrew’s brother, is in his late twenties Alice, Eric and Andrew’s sister, is in her early twenties Thomas is a baby Mary is a toddler Linda is a child Ex 13 (p 16) (Students’ own answers) Ex 14 (p 17) (Suggested answers) I haven’t got (don’t have) siblings I have nobody (don’t have anybody) to share my secrets with I have nobody (don’t have anybody) to play with I don’t argue with my brothers and sisters I don’t things together with my brothers and sisters I don’t have to baby-sit the younger ones Ex 15 (p 17) Do you get much love and support in your family? Does he fight with his brothers and sisters? Do you baby-sit the younger brothers and sisters? Does the father help around the house? Do the members of your family have close relations? Does your sister argue with the parents? Do you and your brother get along well? Ex 16 (p 18) (Students’ own answers) Ex 17 (p 18) back up, patched up, get along, keep up Ex 18 (p 18) d, a, b, c Ex 19 (p 19) (Suggested answers) Our children get along well, they don’t quarrel/fight very often (They rarely quarrel/fight.) They help and support each other There is a friendly atmosphere in our family, I hope our children will keep up the tradition They are in their late fifties but they often quarrel, and it is very difficult for them to patch it up then Ex 20 (p 20) break up – расстаться care for – любить, нравиться flirt with – флиртовать, кокетничать go out with – встречаться marry off – женить/выдать замуж settle down – остепениться, успокоиться Ex 21 (p 20) flirts with, going out, broke up, care for, married off, settled down Ex 22 (p 21) c, d, f, e, a, b Ex 23 (p 21) went, met, went out, was, graduated, got married, had, called, had, 10 broke up, 11 got divorced, 12 is divorced, 13 lives Ex 24 (p 22) (Suggested answers) G, B, H, D, A, I, E, C, F Ex 25 (p 23) (Students’ own answers) Ex 26 (p 24) an engagement, the wedding, the bride, the bridegroom, the best man, the newlyweds, a honeymoon, a reception LISTENING (p 25) Dear Jane, It was great to hear from you Thanks for the congratulations and good wishes I’ll pass them to Philip when I see him at the weekend Of course, we are very excited about getting married, and awfully busy, too You ask how we met Well, it was quite a funny story Do you remember I failed one of my final exams? That meant I couldn’t go on holiday with my family But the travel agent was sorry for me and he was able to transfer my booking Having passed the exam, I went on this tour alone And I met this young man He was on his own, too He told me his girlfriend should have been with him but they had had a row and she had refused to go We were the only ones travelling alone, so we went round the sights together We talked a lot, too And that was it really We found we’d fallen in love Wasn’t it lucky I failed the exam? That’s how I met my future husband I hope you’ll come to the wedding, won’t you? It will be great Now I must rush off and some shopping Write soon Lots of love, Helena I True: 2, 4, II writes, met her future husband, quite a funny story, had failed, on his own/alone, had had a row with, only ones travelling, had fallen in love, get married Ex 27 (p 26) (Suggested questions) Why did you give Helena a camera? Was it expensive? Do you like the video? Do you know the people in the pictures? Ex 28 (p 27) (Suggested questions and answers) Has she got a carpet? – She got one from Philip’s parents Has she got bedclothes? – We prepared bedclothes long beforehand Has she got a vacuum cleaner? – Oh! Nobody has thought of that Great! Has she got cutlery? – She is going to get cutlery from her grandmother Ex 29 (p 28) 1.C, D, A Ex 30 (p 28) (Suggested questions) Is your brother married? Is this young man your husband? Are they twins? Is Jane your elder sister? Do they have any children? Is this elderly lady your mother? Ex 31 (p 29) related, called after, single, look alike, distantly related, took after, by my first marriage, brought … up, a copy of, adopt a child, 10 on my mother’s side Ex 32 (p 29) to, in, on, of, (–), up, (–), after, by, (–), on, 10 in, 11 after Ex 33 (p 29) (Suggested answers) They look very much alike, as like as two peas This is my niece on my father’s side He is my second cousin, we are distantly related Fifty years ago uncle George and his brother Tom courted Ms Medows, she was Emily Green then Both (the) brothers were in love with her, but she fell in love with Tom and married him George never married Our granddaughter is 16, she is a teenager They didn’t have any children, and when they were in their late forties they adopted a boy After she had a child, she divorced her husband and brought up her son alone Sarah is a young woman, she is in her late twenties My father-in-law is a widower, he is a pleasant middle-aged man, he lives by himself 10 They’ve got two twin daughters Ex 34 (p 30) The right order of the sentences in the dialogues: 3, 2, 1, 5, 2, 5, 1, 4, 3 4, 1, 3, Ex 35 (p 30) (Suggested answers) 1 And is this your dog? Yes, it’s name is Snoopy And here is our daughter Sandra Is this her husband? No, she isn’t married This is her boyfriend Klaus She is 21 And here are our two sons Marcus and Tony We have three children: two boys and a girl By the way, we have got three cats Lena, meet my grandmothers and grandfathers, aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews Glad to meet you What a big family you are! With great pleasure How are you, Mr Brown? You don’t look your age at all Only our dear great-grandmother died young Great-grandfather outlived her by 30 years So, you’re a great-granddaughter You look like your great-grandfather very much, just a copy of him Do I really look like my great-grandfather? Yes, that’s right You’re lucky, you have such a big and nice family Ex 36 (p 31) (Students’ own answers) PEOPLE Ex (p 33) m 10 b b c f r e h o e r o u s t a c h w r e d k y e l i i r d 11 h a n h o e 12 h s f a l a s h a r e d s c e Ex (p 34) MEMORY BOX: Face shape: oval – овальное, square-shaped – квадратное; long(-shaped) – удлинённое, Forehead: high – высокий, deep – глубокий; Cheekbones: high – высокие; Cheeks: full – пухлые; Jaw: strong – волевая; Chin: rounded – закруглённый; Eyes: green, blue, brown; Lips: thick – толстые, thin – тонкие, full – пухлые Ex (p 35) face oval, square, long forehead broad, high, low cheeks eyes rosy, hollow, sunken hazel, green, grey, sunken lips well-cut, full, thick Ex (p 36) freckled, wrinkled, stubby, pointed, high, rounded, parted Ex (p 36) thin pencilled eyebrows, a pointed chin, full chicks with dimples, sunken eyes, a tired wrinkled face, coarse irregular features, a massive chin, a clean-shaven face, a plain face, 10 expressive blue eyes, 11 an ugly jaw, 12 a striking appearance Ex (p 38) (Suggested answers) Debora has thick chestnut wavy hair She wears it shoulder-long Pearl has light brown curly hair She wears it short Sandra wears her long straight hair in a knot at the back Alice doesn’t like to style her hair She wears her dark straight hair in a ponytail Maria wears her shoulder-long fair hair parted in the middle Gary has got short hair He wears it closely cropped Ex (p 39) (Suggested answers) No, I have my beard trimmed at the barber’s Well, yes, I’ve had it dyed at the hairdresser’s Oh, no! I always have my nails done at the beauty parlour Of course, not! We’ve had her hair curled at the hairdresser’s I’ve had it washed at the barber’s It’s your birthday present, Mum Ex (p 40) (Suggested answers) James is cleverer than John He is the cleverest boy in our class Our neighbour Mrs Roma is more attractive than my sister In fact, she is the most attractive woman in the neighbourhood Bob’s cousin is very pretty His girlfriend is prettier She is the prettiest girl among people I know His friend Marcus is more handsome than Mario Marcus is the most handsome young man in our street His friend Jim is taller than Bob Jim is the tallest boy in our team Your brother’s hair is darker than yours He has got the darkest hair in your family Her eyes are charming Her smile is more charming She has got the most charming smile in the world Al’s girlfriend has got long and thick eyelashes My girlfriend has got longer and thicker eyelashes than his girlfriend She has got the longest and thickest eyelashes I have ever seen Ex (p 41) (Suggested answer) Make the face longer/rounder Make the hair darker/thicker Make the beard shorter Make the lips thinner Make the jaw stronger Make the cheeks fuller Ex 10 (p 42) broad-shouldered; pretty; slender, shorter; older, younger; old, taller Ex 11 (p 43) A (Students’ own answers) B (Suggested answers) Daniel is rather good-looking He has an oval face and a high forehead His thick fair hair is well trimmed, he wears a beard and a moustache His dark expressive eyes under pencilled eyebrows make his face very attractive Eric is a funny little boy He has a mop of blond hair, a big mouth and big green eyes under thick eyelashes Though he is lop-eared, he looks very nice Ex 12 (p 44) high cheekbones, a long hooked nose, 3.a kind round face, thin dry lips, a fleshy nose, large even teeth, a thin straight nose, a snub nose, long thick eyelashes Ex 13 (p 44) make up – наносить косметику stand out – выделяться put on – надевать set off – выделять, оттенять light up – оживлять(ся), загораться stick out – бросаться в глаза bring out – выявлять, подчеркивать take off – снимать (одежду) Ex 14 (p 45) lights up, set off, put on, bring out, take … off, make up, stood out, sticks out Ex 15 (p 45) large – крупный small – маленький heavy – тяжёлый solid – плотный stocky – коренастый slim – стройный delicate – хрупкий graceful – грациозный 10 11 12 13 14 15 perfect – совершенный lean – худощавый fat – тучный stout – полный (тучный) paunchy – с брюшком clumsy – неуклюжий plump – пухленький (полный) Ex 16 (p 45) The son is as solid as the father, but he is much better built Though Kate is much younger than Masha, she is as strong and as tall as Masha He was much larger than other members of the team, but as slim as they are Nina is a bit shorter, but she is much fatter than her friend She is not so slender as her sister, but (she is) as graceful as she is LISTENING (p 46) The newcomer was very tall, with a dark Spanish face, fine expressive black eyes and curly hair, also black His well-formed nose, thin lips and his fine figure impressed the company with the idea of something uncommon Alice is 13 years old She is tall for her age Her hair is soft and fair Her eyes are grey and her cheeks are rosy She has a small mouth and pretty white teeth But she has a turned-up nose and she doesn’t like it Among the passengers there were two who interested me very much One, a man of about thirty, was one of the tallest men I had ever seen He had yellow hair, a thick yellow beard, a handsome face and large eyes His face made me think of someone I had seen before Ex 17 (p 47) have broad shoulders – быть широкоплечим be slim at the waist – иметь тонкую талию be of medium height – быть среднего роста be feet high – быть ростом футов walk with a limp/ halt – хромать walk with a stoop – ходить сутулясь look one’s best – прекрасно выглядеть Ex 18 (p 48) D, A, E, C 10 Ex (p 244) flight nonstop, space, bumpy voyage sea, ocean travel far, first class, light trip long, business tour expedition guided, package, scientific, sightseeing mountain climbing Ex (p 245) (Suggested answers) This year liner “The Queen Elizabeth” is making a round-the-world cruise A new party (of men) was sent on an expedition to the Antarctic in May I like hiking in the hills of South England, it’s a great pleasure and lots of exercise The voyage from Mombassa to Colombo took a week, the sea was calm and the food on the ship was excellent I work for a travel agency that organises tours all round Europe We sell package tours Hitch-hiking is the cheapest way of travelling However, sometimes it is a rather dangerous way of travelling Travelling was slow and dangerous in old days Nowadays you can buy a package tour to India in any travel agency 10 I’d like two tickets for the ferry to Calais, please How long will the channel crossing take? Ex (p 246) (–), the, the, (–), the, (–), (–), (–), (–), (–),the, the, (–), the, (–), (–), the Ex (p 247) by, on, by, in; by, on; on, by, off; in; in, on; by, on; by, on; by, by, into Ex (p 248) agree on – условиться, договориться map out – разработать маршрут get at – добраться до чего-либо несмотря на трудности get off – выйти из (любого транспорта кроме машин и такси) get out of – выйти (из машины, такси) get on – сесть (на любой транспорт кроме машин и такси) see smb off – провожать (уезжающих) Ex (p 248) get at, get on, getting off, map out, agreed on, got on/got off, got off, agreed on, see off, 10 get out of, 11 map out, get at Ex 10 (p 249) (Suggested answers) B The information you login the date of the travel the countries you wish to visit The data the search system provides the best possible price helps to choose the right rail pass Ex 11 (p 250) arrive at (x2) – get in, be due in; get on – board; reserve a seat – book a ticket; take a train – catch a train; timetable – schedule; be delayed – be put off Ex 12 (p 252) c, a, b, e, d Ex 13 (p 253) 7, 3, 10, 5, 13, 6, 1, 8, 4, 9, 11, 2, 12 50 Ex 14 (p 253) (Students’ own answers) Ex 15 (p 253) (Suggested answers) I need a day single to Manchester, please How much will that be? because it is a first-class coach, That will be 46 pounds altogether And I’d like also two return tickets for my son and me How long are our return tickets valid? What time does the next train to Manchester leave? Change in Cambridge/You’ll have to change (trains) in Cambridge Which platform, please? 10 Manchester trains are/leave from platform 11 Or there is a direct train in two hours LISTENING (p 254) – I’d like to travel to Oxford today – When you want to travel? – When is the next train? – At 9.35, and then every hour – I’d like to take 10.35 – A day return? – Yes, please – Which platform does the train to Oxford leave from? – The Oxford trains are from platform 12 – Is it a direct train or I have to change? – It’s a direct train – Thank you trip to Oxford train platform day, direct 12 departure 10.35 ticket return Ex 16 (p 254) (Suggested answers) The train arrives on schedule Which train will get me to Dover by 11 am? – You can catch the 8.36 train and be in Dover by 10.30 Can I take the 9.00 train? – No, it doesn’t run on Sundays or holidays I’d like to book a seat on train number 268 to Aberdeen for the 23rd of December This is a local train Express trains leave from platforms five and six Let’s have a look at the timetable to see when our train leaves We can leave our suitcases in the left-luggage office I’d like to have a seat in a non-smoking compartment in a soft-seated carriage Can you tell me if the dining car is at the front or at the back of the train? Ex 17 (p 255) Are you travelling by train? Are you taking a lot of things? Are your pets going with you? Are you letting your flat for the season? Are you renting a car? 51 Ex 18 (p 255) When are you going to book the tickets? What are you going to wear? Where are you going to travel? What are you going to pack? Where are you going to change? Are you going to see him off? Ex 19 (p 256) will have, are leaving, takes, leaves, Are you going, are taking a train, takes off, will be waiting, are staying, 10 Are you going, 11 will drive, 12 are driving, 13 takes off, 14 is due to arrive Ex 20 (p 257) takes off/is due to take off, will collect/am going to collect, will have to, 5.have to, will be, is coming, will be able Ex 21 (p 258) Advantages: b, d, g, h, j, l Disadvantages: a, c, e, f, i, k Ex 22 (p 259) (Suggested answers) should, have to, should, will have to, had better/should, should, should, have to, 10 had better/should, 11 will have to, 12 should, 13 should/had better LISTENING (p 260) Airport official: Mrs Stone: Airport official: Mrs Stone: Airport official: Immigration officer: Mrs Stone: Immigration officer: Mrs Stone: Immigration officer: Mrs Stone: Immigration officer: Mrs Stone: Immigration officer: Passport Control Er, madam, where are you going? Passport control That way, madam Oh, which one I go through? That one – the second one on the left is for Foreign Passports Your passport, please Thank you Have you got a visa? A visa? Do I need a visa? How long will you be staying in Warsaw? Oh, I’ll only be staying for three weeks No, you don’t need one then Well, why did you ask? It’s my job There you are, madam Where I collect my luggage? I don’t know, madam It’s not my job I (Students’ own answers) II True: 2, 3, 5, Ex 23 (p 261) book…on, cancel, direct, direct, via, extra charge, seats, economy, local time, 10 check…through Ex 24 (p 262) (Suggested answers) I’d like to reserve/book a seat on flight 86 for Miami next Friday Are there direct flights to Copenhagen tomorrow? 52 When does the check-in for flight 306 begin? How long is an open return ticket valid? Are there seats still available for the flight from Geneva to Washington on the 10th of August? / Are there seats for the flight from Geneva to Washington on the 10th of August still available? There are only a few first class tickets available – How much is the fare? We will be landing in 10 minutes Can you see the runway? Has the plane from Frankfurt landed yet? Are we flying on schedule or we will be delayed due to the bad weather? 10 The plane is an hour behind the schedule Ex 25 (p 263) (Students’ own answers) Ex 26 (p 264) c, a, d, b Ex 27 (p 264 ) (Suggested answers) At Customs Customs officer: Is this your luggage? Passenger: Yes, two suitcases and a bag Customs officer: Put the suitcases and the bag on the inspection table, please Have you got anything to declare? Passenger: I think I have nothing to declare Customs officer: Here is the list of things which fall under certain restrictions Look through the list attentively So? Passenger: I have some tobacco for my personal use Customs officer: Put it on the scales, please You have 250 g Then everything is all right If you have more than 300 g of tobacco, you have to pay duties on it Could you open your suitcase, please Passenger: Certainly Customs officer: I am awfully sorry, but you’ll have to pay duties on the three bottles of this wine We have restrictions on the import of wine Passenger: But it is our foreign partners’ present! Customs officer: Sorry, such are customs regulations Ex 28 (p 266) (Students’ own answers) Ex 29 (p 267) E, A, F, C, B Ex 30 (p 267) Wrong words Right words expedition voyage/holiday cancelled booked launch liner compartment cabin deck board journeyed sailed tour cruise 53 Ex 31 (p 268) crew, gangway/gang plank, sail, pilot, tugboat, deck, galley, disembark, hovercraft Ex 32 (p 268) (Suggested answers) I’d like two tickets for the ferry to Brighton, please I’d like first class double cabin I prefer an outside cabin How long does the crossing take? When does the boat for Dover leave? I’m pleased with the crew All the sailors are very efficient We’ll be docking/arriving in New York tomorrow morning Where do/can I collect my luggage? We’ve already anchored/moored, and they’re lowering the gangway I hope you had a smooth voyage, didn’t you? – Unfortunately, it was mostly a rough voyage/the sea was rough most of the time and we experienced real pitching I appeared to be a poor sailor 10 After anchoring/mooring at the habour, I went straight ashore/disembarked at once 11 It was a perfect voyage The sea was smooth/still/calm and we spent most of our time on deck, enjoying the weather and spectacular harbours Ex 33 (p 269) Train station trip compartment leave through/direct platform arrive guard Plane airport flight seat take off nonstop/direct gate land air hostess/air steward/ air attendant Ship harbour voyage cabin sail nonstop berth dock/moor/anchor steward LISTENING (p 269) Your attention, please! United Airlines announces the boarding of Flight GK 732 for Miamy, Florida Passengers should proceed to Gate 93 Calling all passengers on United Airlines Flight GK 732 Boarding at Gate 93 Thank you York, this is York! Our train terminates here All change, please Passengers wishing to travel to Manchester, please proceed to platform York, this is York Our service terminates here! Ladies and Gentlemen! This is your captain speaking We’ll be landing in Rome in 25 minutes, at approximately 10.15 local time All passengers are asked to get ready for the landing Could all passengers return to their seats and fasten the security belts? All passengers are asked to get ready for the landing! Thank you Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen! The 11:15 Intercity Express to Canterburry calling at Bath and Chester is delayed and leaves the station at 11:45 Attention, please! The Intercity Express to Canterburry leaves the station at 11:45 from platform Thank you for your cooperation I at an airport, on a train, on a plane, at a railway station II (Students’ own answers) 54 Ex 34 (p 271) What, does, from, How, take, much, off, When, leave/arrive Ex 35 (p 271) (Suggested answers) When / What time does the next bus leave? When / What time does it arrive/leave? How much does it cost? / How much is it? Where does the bus leave from? Where we get off? How long does it take? Ex 36 (p 272) to, by, In, on, around, on, at, for, on, 10 (–), 11 at, 12 in, 13 off, 14 on, 15 at, 16 off, 17 at, 18 (–), 19 on, 20 off, 21 in, 22 for, 23 to, 24 up Ex 37 (p 272) (Suggested answers) c, a, b, g, f, d, h, e Ex 38 (p 273) D, A, B Ex 39 (p 274) d e s t h i n a t i o n t 10 t a n c h r h b i o k u i r 11 c h 14 a r i o r v o 13 l b u y a g e s 15 f a c a c e r b e r 16 t v r a a l c k 55 h o t i g n c u s g r i 12 t n g d u l o m l s r y 10 ON HOLIDAY Ex (p 275) holidays, holiday, holidays, holiday, holidays, holiday, holiday, holiday, holiday, 10 holiday, 11 holidays, 12 holidays, 13 holiday, 14 holiday Ex 2.(p 276) package holiday, winter holiday, camping, walking holiday, coach tour Ex (p 276) 1.holiday, holidays, holiday, holidays, holiday Ex (p 276) a campsite, a timeshare (apartment), a holiday flat, a guesthouse, a hotel, a youth hostel Ex (p 277) (Suggested answers) A holiday home, A youth hostel, A hotel, A guesthouse / An inn / A holiday flat, A campsite, A pension Ex (p 278) (Suggested answers) There are a lot of campsites here but you should still reserve a pitch in advance Here is a map of our campsite You can choose a pitch you like We need a pitch with electricity for our caravan I’ll inquire if this guesthouse/pension has vacancies for tonight The hotel is located near the town centre Unfortunately, our hotel has no vacancies at the moment This hostel is for students who make a cycling or walking tour Ex (p 278) facilities, sleeping space, crockery, fully furnished, location Ex (p 279) 1.a single room, a double room, a twin room, B& B; en suite, full board, half board Ex (p 280) Is one with a sea view available? have you heard about the special offer we are running at the moment? Why don’t you take an advantage of it? What I have to to qualify for it? How much would that be? Who should I make the cheque payable to? Ex 10 (p 281) put smb up – принять кого-либо на ночлег, check in – зарегистрироваться (в отеле), stay at – остановиться (в отеле), stay with – быть в гостях/ночевать у кого-либо, check out – выписаться/выехать (из отеля) Ex 11 (p 281) checked in, to check out, put up, is staying at, stay with, puts up, will stay with, checked out, stay at, with, check in Ex 12 (p 281) R G R G 56 13 10 14 R R G R G R G LISTENING (p 282) A: Good morning Midland Hotel B: Good morning This is Steve Rogers from Telecom I’m trying to arrange accommodation for a number of visiting businessmen from abroad, and I’d like to know a little about the facilities you have here A: Well, the Midland is a 3-star hotel and we are situated five minutes from the town centre B: Uh-huh And are you on the main road? A: No, we’re on a side street, and all the rooms are very quiet B: And what about a restaurant? A: Well, you see, most of our guests prefer to eat out We have only a small restaurant – but we serve hot food in the evening B: I see And what about entertainment at the hotel? Do you put on any dances? A: No, I’m afraid, we don’t B: And just a couple of final questions Do you have either a swimming pool or a sauna? A: No, not in the hotel But there’s a pool with a sauna just round the corner B: Well, thanks a lot for the information Bye A: Bye A: Kings Hotel Good afternoon B: Good afternoon My name is Steve Rogers from Telecom I’m just arranging accommodation for some foreign businessmen I wonder if you could tell me what facilities your hotel has to offer A: Yes, certainly You probably know, we are not in town In fact, it’s eight miles from town The countryside is very beautiful and peaceful So we assure a quiet and restful stay B: And how about a restaurant? A: Yes, we have a large restaurant which caters both for the residents and non-residents B: Uh-huh A: We also have two bars – one of which is exclusively for the residents B: How about evening entertainment? Any dances? A: No, I’m afraid we don’t hold them any more We used to, but now people prefer to go into town for a night out B: I see And what about a swimming pool or a sauna? A: Yes, we’ve recently had a sauna installed and it is extremely popular with our guests B: And a swimming pool? A: No, not yet, unfortunately B: Well, thank you very much for the information Bye A: Bye 57 A: Morning Central Hotel B: Good morning This is Steve Rogers from Telecom I’d like to get some information about the facilities offered by your hotel A: Yes, certainly The Central Hotel is right in the middle of the town, next to the railway station and that is very convenient, you know B: Does that mean that the hotel is noisy? C: Well, I wouldn’t say that we are exactly a country hotel Yes, I suppose it is quite noisy B: How about restaurant facilities? C: No, I’m afraid we haven’t got a restaurant here Of course, there are plenty of restaurants nearby All we have is a snack bar B: Do you have a bar? C: Yes, we B: And what about evening entertainment? C: Well, we have a dance in the bar every Saturday evening B: Uh-huh Anything else in the way of facilities? C: Yes, we also have a sauna And next year we’ll have our own swimming pool B: Well, thanks for the information Bye Name of the hotel Location Noisy/quiet Restaurant Bar Dancing Sauna Swimming pool Hotel Midland Hotel from the centre quiet a small restaurant no information no dancing no no Hotel Kings Hotel miles from town quiet a large restaurant two bars no dancing yes no Hotel Central Hotel next to the railway station quite noisy no restaurant a snack bar every Saturday evening yes no Ex 13 (p 283) (Suggested answers) – Good morning I’d like to know whether you’ve got any vacant rooms – Single or double? – Two double rooms, please – You’re lucky We’ll be able to put you up We were fully booked last week But a group of tourists has just left the hotel/has just checked out of the hotel Which floor would you like, sir? – We’d like the rooms on the fifth floor with a seaview, if there are any vacant – Yes, please – How much are they? – Fifty dollars a night, sir – OK The price is reasonable We’ll take the rooms Ex 14 (p 284) Where are the Browns staying? They are staying at a guesthouse They have been staying at this guesthouse for ten days This group of tourists is staying at the Maritime Hotel They have been staying at the hotel since July, 26 58 Mrs Small is waiting for a chambermaid She has been waiting for her for half an hour Mary and John are leaving tomorrow morning They have been packing for the whole evening The children are having breakfast They have been having lunch since I went to have my morning walk Peter is swimming in the swimming-pool He has already been swimming for two hours Ex 15 (p 286) cold/hot, hot/cold, warm, cool, winds, wet, rain, dry, fog Ex 16 (p 287) (Suggested answers) London: Dry and very warm with plenty of sunshine Maximum 26°C Wales: Mainly dry, with sunny periods Maximum 22°С Scotland: Cloudy at times with some showery rain, but also sunny intervals LISTENING (p 287) Tomorrow: Staying mostly warm with sunny spells but becoming cloudier with showers in the north-east Sunday: Rather cloudy, at times with rain or showers or even thunderstorms But drier and brighter in Wales and South-West England Monday: Feeling chilly and mostly cloudy with rain or showers, likely to be the heaviest in the south No sun Maximum temperature 19°C Tomorrow (–) Monday Sunday Ex 17 (p 288) (Suggested answers) In the west there will be a lot of rain, while the east coast expects just a cloudy day It will be sunny in the south of the country, but the north can expect thunderstorms/in the north thunderstorms can be expected It will be foggy early in the morning, later it will be mainly dry and sunny, but quite chilly, with temperatures around 6–7°C it should stay dry all day, but there will be strong winds/strong winds will be blowing In the south-west and Wales you can expect some rain in the morning and afternoon There will be quite strong winds and the temperature will be lower than yesterday, around 3–4°C Cloudy all day Ex 18 (p 288) (Suggested answers) If you rent a cottage by a lake, you can go fishing every morning If you want to enjoy the north of Russia, you can go hiking in the Karellia Isthmus forests During your winter holidays you can go skating in the German’s Europe Park If you are looking for adventurous holidays, you can go scuba diving in the Red Sea If you are keen on extreme holidays, you can go canoeing along Switzerland’s inland waterways You can go climbing in the Alps and enjoy the breathtaking views and fresh air If you would like to experience exotic holidays, you can go (horseback) riding in the American savannah 10 If you are fond of winter sports, you can go skiing in the Carpathians 11 If you want active holidays and are longing for sunshine, you can go surfing in Thailand 12 Looking for relaxing and spectacular holidays in Russia? You can go yachting in the Baltic Sea Ex 19 (p 290) (Suggested answers) MEMORY BOX: Holiday activities: enjoy countryside/nature, wander through woods, pick mushrooms/berries, go fishing, swim in the sea, go surfing, go canoeing/kayaking, go climbing, go cycling on the mountain bike 59 course, lie in the sun/sunbathe, play (beach) volleyball, relax, read a lot, go out for dinner, try different food, go sightseeing/see the sights, go shopping, hire a car/a boat/a yacht, go for a drive Ex 20 (p 291) (Students’ own answers) Ex 21 (p 292) C, D, A Ex 22 (p 293) puddles – freeze – замерзать sun – shine – сиять sky – clear up – проясняться rain – pour – лить wind – blow – дуть thunder – crack – грохотать lightning – flash – вспыхивать snow – cover – покрывать ice – thaw – таять Ex 23 (p 293) Noun Adjective sun sunny cloud cloudy fog foggy heat hot mud muddy frost frosty mist misty breeze breezy dust dusty scorch scorching Noun Adjective wind windy ice icy shower showery humidity humid slip(v) slippery storm stormy rain rainy stick sticky chill chilly snow snowy Ex 24 (p 294) (Suggested answers) It’s disgusting outside It is freezing, windy and wet/humid It’s very nice /pleasant: warm, sunny and there is no wind It has been raining heavily the whole day Is it wet and muddy outside? The roads are icy/covered with ice It’s rather slippery, you should be very careful It was pouring with rain I got soaked through Why are you shivering? Are you cold? There was a hurricane in Cuba It brought a lot of trees down The humidity is very high in St Petersburg It’s very hard to endure when it is hot or cold It’s boiling and sultry outside There might be a thunderstorm / It looks like a thunderstorm 10 It was so foggy, I couldn’t drive 11 It was so sultry and sticky in Cyprus that we were just longing for cool weather 60 Ex 25 (p 294) bring down – свалить, повалить die down – стихнуть, угаснуть clear up – проясниться, распогодиться discourage from – отговаривать, отбивать охоту, расхолаживать set in – установиться turn out – оказаться be in for – ожидать, предчувствовать (обычно что-то нехорошее) Ex 26 (p 295) set in, turned out, brought (all the trees) down, clears up, has died down, discouraged (him) from, are in for, has died down, are in for, 10 discourage from Ex 27 (p 295) spell, thunderstorm, humid, thunder, lightning, rain, cooler, thunderstorm, flash, 10 crack, 11 lashed, 12 wind, 13 blow, 14 clearing, 15 sunshine, 16 breezes Ex 28 (p 296) We go on holiday, which begins after Christmas, for two weeks every winter This year we’re going skiing in the Dolomites, which are a section of the Alps in north-eastern Italy The ski-lifts, which are produced by some American company, are very busy today Approximately every tenth German, which can be said about Austrians as well, goes skiing in his leisure time Cross-country skiing, which is the sport for people who love being close to nature, is becoming more and more popular I’ll have to hire skiing equipment, which is very expensive, as I don’t have any of my own Although I don’t go in for winter sports, which I’ve never liked, I enjoy going away on winter holiday Ex 29 (p 297) (Students’ own answers) Ex 30 (p 298) won’t it? has it? isn’t it? isn’t there? hadn’t there? have we? is she? aren’t you? 10 didn’t you? 11 can’t you? 12 have you? 13 did you? Ex 31 (p 298) Yes, it’s a terrible day, isn’t it? Oh, yes, it’s a perfect day, isn’t it? And it’s cold, isn’t it? Ex 32 (p 298) (Students’ own answers) CONTENTS Unit FAMILY and RELATIONS Unit PEOPLE Unit A PLACE TO LIVE 14 Unit4 DAILY ROUTINE 18 Unit THE WORLD OF WORK 22 Unit FOOD and MEALS 27 Unit SHOPPING 34 Unit HEALTH and ILLNESS 43 Unit ON THE MOVE 49 Unit 10 ON HOLIDAY 56 Учебное пособие Дроздова Татьяна Юрьевна Тоткало Наталья Владимировна Everyday VOCABULARY + Grammar THE KEYS Художественный редактор А А Неклюдова Корректор Е Г Шабалова Компьютерная верстка А Б Ткаченко Подписано в печать 17.03.2011 Формат 84x108/16 Гарнитура Pragmatica С Печать офсетная Объем п.л Тираж 3000 экз Заказ 64.64 Издательство «Антология» 199053, С.-Петербург, В.О., Средний пр., д тел.: (812) 328-14-41 www.anthologybooks.ru Отпечатано по технологии CtP в ООО «Северо-Западный Печатный двор» 188300, Ленинградская обл., г Гатчина, ул Железнодорожная, 45Б Издательство «Антология» представляет: Дроздова Т.Ю., Маилова В.Г., Берестова А.И Дроздова Т.Ю., Ларионова И.В АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ДЛЯ ПОДГОТОВКИ К ЭКЗАМЕНАМ ENGLISH GRAMMAR Reference & Practice Version 2.0 Комплексное пособие разработано на основе федеральной программы по изучению английского языка Новая переработанная версия  16 тематических разделов  тематические тексты  опора на родной язык  изучение лексики  многообразие примеров, таблиц, схем, систематизирующих материал разделов  обучение письму  более 800 упражнений, расчитанных на разные уровни языковой подготовки  грамматика  аудирование  большое количество иллюстраций  ответы-ключи  ответы-ключи изданы отдельной книгой “The Keys”  аудиоприложение, выпущенное на отдельном CD Приглашаем Вас посетить книжный интернет-магазин www.bookstreet.ru огромный выбор художественной, учебной и методической литературы для изучающих иностранные языки, педагогов, специалистов образовательных учреждений, логопедов и самого широкого круга читателей художественная литература  учебники и учебные пособия книги для учителей и методистов  наглядные пособия мультимедиа  детские пособия  книги для чтения разговорники  самоучители  словари Тел.: (812) 326-01-27, 326-01-28 Санкт-Петербург, В.О., Средний пр., д sales@bookstreet.ru

Ngày đăng: 09/10/2023, 16:49

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