The Past Indefinite and Present PerfectThe Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous .... 59 Trang 6 UNIT 1THE PRESENT INDEFINITEAND PRESENT CONTINUOUSEx.. Read the story and put t
ề ị ợỗọợõ Read & Speak English Workbook ớũợởợóố ẹớờũ-ẽồũồỏúó 2004 ấ 81.2ớóở 75 ẽợ õợùợủỡ ùốợỏồũồớố ốỗọớố ợỏựộũồủỹ: ẻẻẻ ôớũợởợóố ũýộọằ: ẹớờũ-ẽồũồỏúó (812) 326-0127; 326-0128; 323-7301; èợủờõ (095) 282-0402; ẻẻẻ ẩẽệ ôấéẻằ: ẹớờũ-ẽồũồỏúó (812) 320-8479; 317-9460 èợủờõ (095) 964-0846; 964-0210 75 ợỗọợõ ề ị Read & Speak English: Workbook: ểữồỏớợồ ùợủợỏốồ ẹẽỏ.: ớũợởợóố, 2004 64 ủ ISBN 5-94962-059-3 â ợỗọợõ ề ị., 2004 â ẻẻẻ ôớũợởợóốằ, 2004 ẻề ềẻé Read and Speak English: Workbook õởồũủ ùốởợổồớốồỡ úữồỏớốờú Read and Speak English ẽợủợỏốồ ỗỏợũớợ ọở ủứốồớố ố úóởúỏởồớố óỡỡũốữồủờợóợ ỗọồở úữồỏớốờ ợủớợõú úùổớồớốộ ùợởợổồớ ủốũúũốõớỷộ ùợọừợọ: óỡỡũốữồủờốồ õởồớố ủủỡũốõỵũủ õ ồọốớợỡ ủỡỷủởợõợỡ ờợớũồờủũồ ủốũúửốố ầớữốũồởỹớ ữủũỹ ỗọớốộ ùồọủũõởồũ ủợỏợộ ờợợũờốồ ủủờỗỷ, ứúũờố, ọốởợóố, ờợũợỷồ ỡợổớợ ốủùợởỹỗợõũỹ ớồ ũợởỹờợ õ ờữồủũõồ óỡỡũốữồủờốừ úùổớồớốộ, ớợ ố ờờ ỗờợớữồớớỷồ ôũồờủũỷằ ọở ùợõồờố ùợớốỡớố ủợọồổớố ố ỗõốũố ớõỷờợõ óợõợồớố ề ị ợỗọợõ CONTENTS Unit The Present Indefinite and Present Continuous Unit The Past Continuous and Past Indefinite Unit Questions and Negatives 12 Unit The Past Indefinite and Present Perfect The Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous 16 Unit The Past Perfect Tense 20 Revision on Tenses 24 Unit The Sequence of Tenses Indirect Speech Unit The Passive Voice 32 Unit Conditional Sentences 35 Unit Modal verbs and their Equivalents 40 Unit 10 Uses of Modals to Express Possibility, Certainty, Doubt 46 Unit 11 Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs 51 Unit 12 Pronouns many/much, few/little 56 Unit 13 The Article 59 Literature 63 UNIT THE PRESENT INDEFINITE AND PRESENT CONTINUOUS Ex The text below is from an interview with a Hollywood actress Gloria Martin Read the text and put the verbs in brackets into the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous Tense My life (get) pretty busy at the moment I (have) a 14-hour day, but Im lucky because we (film) in the Santa Monika mountains now, 15 minutes from home I usually (get up) at a.m I (have breakfast) at 4.30 When I (have breakfast) , my husband (read) newspapers to me I (have) no other time for that I generally (walk or cycle) to work My day (start) with hair and make-up While I (get ready) for the camera I (go) through my role again I often (feel) nervous even after all these years! But when I (stand) in front of the cameras, I (forget) everything I (enjoy) my work though when I (not/work) , my favourite thing is to absolutely nothing! Ex Read the dialogue Underline the correct verb Mrs Kay and her cat, Fletcher, are at the vets Mrs Kay: Good morning Vet: Hello there, Mrs Kay Whos this? Fletcher, isnt it? Whats the trouble with him? Mrs Kay: Im afraid he isnt feeling/doesnt feel at all well Read & Speak English: WORKBOOK Vet: Yeah Hes very listless, isnt he? His coat looks/is looking rather dull As far as I remember his coat usually is shining/shines Mrs Kay: Yes, he is losing/loses hair by the handful and he gets/is getting these nasty scrabs all over Look Vet: Yes, I see Theres another one here Hmm Does he eat/is he eating properly now? Mrs Kay: Generally he is eating/eats very well But he is eating/eats very little now And he scratches/is scratching himself all the time Its terrible Vet: Yeah, I suspect its some kind of allergy Ex Read the joke Put the verbs on the left in the correct form (the Present Indefinite or Present Continuous) ñome walk bark say just make always come know never bite say know know know The New Postman One day a new postman _ to a house and _ in through the gate To his horror, a big, angrylooking dog _ on the front doorstep Dont worry, _ the lady of the house He _ a noise He _ that when anyone _ to the door and anyway, you _ the old proverb a barking dog _. Yes, _ the postman I _ the old proverb, and you _ the old proverb The only trouble is: _ the dog _ the old proverb? Ex The English are very exact about the proper tense forms since each form implies a special sense which is not interchangeable Bear it in mind while translating the passage ớóởốữớồ ởỵỏũ ỏợũũỹ õ ủọú, ố ỡỷ ớồ ốủờởỵữồớốồ (no exception) _ Đåé÷àđ ịàì ðàáỵịàåị ìàìà _ ẻớ ớủởổọồũủ ờủợũợộ ủọ, ờợóọ ũỡ ủửõồũỵũ ửõồũỷ ỵíè ịàê ïðåêðàđíỵ ïàõíóị _ ùợứởợộ ớồọồởồ ù ùũốữồờ úủũợốởủỹ (settle) íà äåðåâå _ Êàỉäûé ãỵä â íàøåì đàäó ỉèâåị (nest) ìíỵỉåđịâỵ ïịèư _ Ìû ỵỉèäàåì (expect) èõ â ýịỵì ãỵäó _ UNIT The Present Indefinite and Present Continuous ẹồộữủ ùũốửỷ õỹỵũ (make) óớồỗọ; ỡỷ ớỏởỵọồỡ ỗ ớốỡố ữủỡố (for hours and hours) _ Áåịịè è Ịèì ỗựốựỵũ ốừ ợũ ờợứồờ, õợũ ùợữồỡú ợớố ủũõũ ỗọồủỹ ỗóổọồớố (barrier) _ Ỵíè đ íåịåðïåíèåì ỉäóị (look forward to) ịỵãỵ âðåìåíè, êỵãäà ðỵäèịåëè áóäóị êỵðìèịü đâỵèõ ïịåíưỵâ _ Ex Translate the words in brackets Dont forget that we also use the Present Continuous when were planning to something Dear Jane, When you (đỵáèðàåøüđÿ óđịàíỵâèịü/get) your telephone answering machine? I can never reach you by phone so heres a short note I think its wonderful that you (ùởớốúồứỹ ợóớốỗợõũỹ/have) a weekend beach party for Tom Im so sorry that we cant come That weekend were terribly busy Tanya (áóäåị ïðåäđịàâëÿịü/present) her designs for the new senior center to the planning committee on Friday On Saturday we (ïỵìỵãàåì) at a sport + activity day for disabled children They (ïðèãëàøàåịđÿ/bring) in a puppet theatre, pony rides, etc We (ợóớốỗúồỡ) volleyball games! It sounds fun I want to ask you for help in August Martin and I (åäåì) on study tour walking across fields looking at Celtic cult centers, and we want to sleep in a stone circle one night and watch the sunrise (if it doesnt rain) Could I borrow your back-pack and rain poncho? Call me I have got an answering machine Have a wonderful time at the party We (ïỵđûëàåì) Tom a present with the Hunts Love, Jason Ex Look at Stephans letter to a penfriend in England Stephan doesnt know English well enough Thats why he has made 14 mistakes Find them and correct Keeping in touch Dear Anna, Thanks for your nice newsy letter We glad to hear you all fine and that your work is coming along well We get into our busy season too, but since were no longer working on Saturdays, we are having more time to ourselves Corrections Read & Speak English: WORKBOOK The work on our house go very slowly We are finding out that carpenters arent the most reliable people They are promise come and then they doesnt show up, or they tell you they is ill or God knows what Since we cant use the upstairs rooms, things is rather cramped and we all getting on each others nerves But were doing our best to keep up our sense of humour The girls is fine Jodie have a babysitting job every day after school, and Sarah are taking piano lessons They both sends their love Thats all for now Take care, and keep in touch Love, Stephen UNIT THE PAST CONTINUOUS AND PAST INDEFINITE Ex.1 Read the story and put the verbs in brackets into the Past Indefinite or the Past Continuous Tense What a day! The day (start) very well for Ethel Stoketon of Highgate, London, yesterday, but it got worse It (be) a day many people could find difficult to believe Sometimes strange things happen Ethel Stoketon (get) _ up early as usual She (feel) a bit ill and (have) a slight temperature but she (have) a lot of Christmas shopping to do, so she (go) to the shopping center At 9:30 am she (walk) past Woolworths, and (step) on a banana peel She (fall) and (break) her right arm and two fingers on her right hand Thats not all John Severius and his daughter Carmen (walk) _ next to her, and Ethel (fall) _ into them and (knock) _ them down, too John Severius (smoke) a cigarette when they (fall) and (burn) his daughters nose He also hurt his knee and couldnt stand up His daughter, except for the nose, (be) still all right, so she (call) an ambulance It got there in minutes The driver of the ambulance (have) _ a bad cold As he (drive) them to the hospital just at the corner of Highgate Hill and Magdala Avenue, he (sneez) He (crash) into a bakery delivery van The driver of the van (get) a broken arm, a stiff neck and a lot of whipped cream on his back The ambulance and the driver could still drive, so the bakery van driver (get) in next to Carmen Severius who in the crash (lose) a tooth and they (go) on to the hospital They (get) to the hospital with no more accidents But when they (make) an X-ray of Ethels arm, part of the X-ray machine (fall) off and (hurt) her shoulder They (put) her in the best room of the hospital When we (talk) to Ethel this morning, she said, Funny thing is I dont ever eat bananas!» (from Take off 2)