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Research topic: PERCEPTIONS OF THIRD-YEAR ENGLISH FOR TOURISM MAJORED STUDENTS ON ESSENTIAL CAREER SKILLS IN TOURISM UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES, HUE UNIVERSITY ENGLISH DEPARTMENT - - GRADUATION THESIS PERCEPTIONS OF THIRD-YEAR ENGLISH FOR TOURISM MAJORED STUDENTS ON ESSENTIAL CAREER SKILLS IN TOURISM STUDENT NAME: PHẠM THỊ TRANG STUDENT ID: 17F7511682 SUPERVISOR: NGUYỄN XUÂN QUỲNH (MA.) Hue, 04/2021 i Research topic: PERCEPTIONS OF THIRD-YEAR ENGLISH FOR TOURISM MAJORED STUDENTS ON ESSENTIAL CAREER SKILLS IN TOURISM LỜI CAM ĐOAN Tơi xin cam đoan kết đạt khố luận sản phẩm riêng cá nhân, không chép lại người khác Tất tài liệu tham khảo có xuất xứ rõ ràng trích dẫn hợp pháp Huế, ngày tháng năm Sinh viên thực (ký ghi rõ họ tên) ii Supervisor: Mrs Nguyen Xuan Quynh Pham Thi Trang Research topic: PERCEPTIONS OF THIRD-YEAR ENGLISH FOR TOURISM MAJORED STUDENTS ON ESSENTIAL CAREER SKILLS IN TOURISM STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP This study is claimed to be my own work All the findings in this study are guaranteed to be original Phạm Thị Trang iii Supervisor: Mrs Nguyen Xuan Quynh Pham Thi Trang Research topic: PERCEPTIONS OF THIRD-YEAR ENGLISH FOR TOURISM MAJORED STUDENTS ON ESSENTIAL CAREER SKILLS IN TOURISM ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to thank the following people for their support, without whose help this work would never have been possible: First of all, I would like to express my sincerest thanks to my supervisor Mrs Nguyen Xuan Quynh (Lecturer, MA.) She helped me a lot in this research paper Despite being busy with work and family, she always took the time to answer all of my questions and help me correct my mistakes She is a very dedicated and talented teacher I really appreciate her help Second, I would like to thank my family and friends, who have always created the best conditions in terms of time, space and facilities so that I can complete my thesis on time They are the people behind my success and failure, always encouraging and helping me to overcome difficulties I am also grateful to all third-year English for Tourism majored students who helped me fill out the questionnaire Their answers helped me a lot in this research, helping me to achieve objective and effective results Last but not least, I would like to send my heartfelt thanks to the Faculty of English at University of Foreign Languages, Hue University for allowing me to conduct this research, which is a significant milestone in my academic life Hopefully the results may yield useful information that can contribute to the improvement of academic programs at this university iv Supervisor: Mrs Nguyen Xuan Quynh Pham Thi Trang Research topic: PERCEPTIONS OF THIRD-YEAR ENGLISH FOR TOURISM MAJORED STUDENTS ON ESSENTIAL CAREER SKILLS IN TOURISM ABSTRACT This study explores the perception of third-year English for Tourism majored students on of University of Foreign Languages, Hue University essential career skills in Tourism This study was carried out based on survey data with 50 third-year English for Tourism majored students at University of Foreign languages, Hue University The results analyzed with the calculation tools on Excel show that students appreciate the importance of career skills, but in general they still have many difficulties in improving these skills and there are differences between different groups of students according to comparison criteria in terms of age, hometown, part-time status and academic performance At the same time, the study also points out the strategies that third-year English for tourism majored students consider necessary in improving the essential career skills in the Tourism The research results are an important basis for proposing solutions to improve and innovate teaching methods, develop training programs and improve career skills for English for Tourism majored students at University of Foreign Languages, Hue University TÓM TẮT Bài viết đề cập đến việc nghiên cứu nhận thức của sinh viên năm thứ ba chuyên ngành tiếng Anh du lịch Đại học ngoại ngữ, Đại học Huế kỹ nghề nghiệp cần thiết ngành Du lịch Nghiên cứu thực dựa số liệu điều tra 50 sinh viên năm thứ chuyên ngành tiếng Anh Du lịchĐại học Ngoại ngữ, Đại học Huế Kết phân tích cơng cụ tính tốn phần mềm Excel cho thấy sinh viên đánh giá cao mức độ quan trọng kỹ nghề nghiệp nhìn chung cịn gặp nhiều khó khăn việc học tập cải thiện kỹ này, có khác biệt nhóm sinh viên khác theo tiêu chí so sánh tuổi, q qn, tình trạng làm thêm học lực Đồng thời nghiên cứu chiến lược mà sinh viên năm chuyên ngành tiếng Anh Du lịch cho cần thiết việc cải thiện kỹ nghề nghiệp cần v Supervisor: Mrs Nguyen Xuan Quynh Pham Thi Trang Research topic: PERCEPTIONS OF THIRD-YEAR ENGLISH FOR TOURISM MAJORED STUDENTS ON ESSENTIAL CAREER SKILLS IN TOURISM thiết ngành Du lịch Kết nghiên cứu sở quan trọng cho việc đề xuất giải pháp nhằm cải tiến, đổi phương pháp giảng dạy, phát triển chương trình đào tạo nâng cao kỹ cho sinh viên chuyên ngành tiếng Anh Du lịch Đại học ngoại ngữ, Đại học Huế vi Supervisor: Mrs Nguyen Xuan Quynh Pham Thi Trang Research topic: PERCEPTIONS OF THIRD-YEAR ENGLISH FOR TOURISM MAJORED STUDENTS ON ESSENTIAL CAREER SKILLS IN TOURISM CONTENTS Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Background and Rationale 1.2 Purposes of the study 1.3 Scope of the study 1.4 Research questions 1.5 Significance of the study Chapter 2: Literature Review 2.1 Definitions of career skill 2.2 Background of learning English for tourism majored 2.3 Essential career skills for student 2.4 The importance of perceptions on essential career skills in tourism 2.5 Reality of the training student majoring in tourism in Viet Nam 2.6 Summary Chapter 3: Methodology 11 3.1 Sample size 11 3.2 Data-collection 11 3.3 Data-Analysis 13 3.3.1 Indicators and variables 13 3.3.2 Data-Analysis method 14 3.4 Summary 14 Chapter 4: Findings and Discussions 15 4.1 Descriptive statistics of research samples 15 4.2 The perception of third-year English for Tourism majored students on essential career skills in tourism 15 4.2.1 The importance of essential career skills in tourism 15 4.2.2 The differences in perceptions of career skills according to distinctive feature of third-year English for Tourism majored students 16 vii Supervisor: Mrs Nguyen Xuan Quynh Pham Thi Trang Research topic: PERCEPTIONS OF THIRD-YEAR ENGLISH FOR TOURISM MAJORED STUDENTS ON ESSENTIAL CAREER SKILLS IN TOURISM 4.3 The most difficult career skills for third-year English for Tourism majored students 18 4.4 Strategies to improve essential career skills in tourism of third-year English for Tourism majored students 20 4.5 Summary 21 Chapter 5: Conclusions, Recommendations and Limitations 22 5.1 Conclusions 22 5.2 Recommendations 22 5.3 Limitations of the study 23 References 24 Questionnaire 26 viii Supervisor: Mrs Nguyen Xuan Quynh Pham Thi Trang Research topic: PERCEPTIONS OF THIRD-YEAR ENGLISH FOR TOURISM MAJORED STUDENTS ON ESSENTIAL CAREER SKILLS IN TOURISM LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS EFT: English for tourism GIZ: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit COM: Communication skills PRE: Presentation skills FL: Foreign language skills LEA: Leadership skills IPS: Interpersonal interactions skills TEC: Technology skills PLA: Plan skills SMA: Self-management skills ix Supervisor: Mrs Nguyen Xuan Quynh Pham Thi Trang Research topic: PERCEPTIONS OF THIRD-YEAR ENGLISH FOR TOURISM MAJORED STUDENTS ON ESSENTIAL CAREER SKILLS IN TOURISM LIST OF TABLES Table Summary the studies of career skills Table List of skill variables 12 Table Characteristics of the research object 15 Table The importance of skills 16 Table Results of testing the differences 17 Table Career skills students have the most difficulty with 18 x Supervisor: Mrs Nguyen Xuan Quynh Pham Thi Trang Research topic: PERCEPTIONS OF THIRD-YEAR ENGLISH FOR TOURISM MAJORED STUDENTS ON ESSENTIAL CAREER SKILLS IN TOURISM Table Results of testing the differences Gender Hometown Academic performance Part-time employment Skills Male Female Hue Others E VG G A Never Ever COM 3.88 4.42 4.24 4.16 3.98 3.86 3.75 4.22 4.12 PRE 3.68 3.74 3.64 3.8 3.31 3.04 3.12 3.42 3.33 FL 4.48 4.42 4.34 4.32 4.02 4.08 4.2 4.32 4.5 LEA 3.22 3.44 3.11 3.15 3.2 3.12 3.06 3.02 3.68 IPS 3.34 3.1 3.28 3.4 3.06 3.14 3.1 3.34 3.4 TEC 3.12 2.86 2.98 3.02 3.05 3.1 3.12 3.2 3.16 PLA 3.7 3.72 3.81 3.8 4.04 4.16 4.12 3.98 3.87 SM 3.62 3.6 3.92 3.85 4.12 4.08 4.1 4.04 4.04 Overall, there was no significant difference in the perception of importance of the career skills of the third-year English for Tourism majored students This implies that most of the students have similar awareness of the importance of skills as discussed above, except that some differences occur The data showed that male students had a higher perception of female students about the importance of the Interpersonal Interaction skill and Technology skill group Besides, the awareness of the importance of Leadership skills of female students is higher than male student and students who have had a part-time job is greater than students and those who have never worked In addition, female evaluated Communication skills are more importance than male Thus, it can be seen that perception of importance of the career skills of the third-year English for Tourism majored students does not depend too much on objective factors such as Gender, Hometown, Academic performance, Part-time employment status 17 Supervisor: Mrs Nguyen Xuan Quynh Pham Thi Trang Research topic: PERCEPTIONS OF THIRD-YEAR ENGLISH FOR TOURISM MAJORED STUDENTS ON ESSENTIAL CAREER SKILLS IN TOURISM 4.3 The most difficult career skills for third-year English for Tourism majored students When asked, "Which of the following career skills you have the most difficulty with?" totally 119 responses were given from 50 students In which students chose answers, 15 students chose answers, 18 students chose answers and only 10 students chose answer Thus, it can be seen that the majority of students choose more than answer (40/50 students) This shows that it is very difficult for students to learn the skills needed in the tourism industry The specific proportions of each skill will be shown in the table and chart below Table Career skills students have the most difficulty with Skills Ordinal Number of number Percentage votes Communication skills 29 24.4% Presentation skills 23 17.6% Foreign language skills 21 27.7% Leadership skills 11 9.2% Interpersonal interactions 4.2% Technology skills 7.6% Plan skills 4.2% Self-management skills 5.1% 18 Supervisor: Mrs Nguyen Xuan Quynh Pham Thi Trang Research topic: PERCEPTIONS OF THIRD-YEAR ENGLISH FOR TOURISM MAJORED STUDENTS ON ESSENTIAL CAREER SKILLS IN TOURISM The most difficult skill (%) Communication skills 4.2 5.1 7.6 Presentation skills 24.4 Foreign language skills 4.2 Leadership skills 9.2 Interpersonal interactions skills Technology skills 17.6 Plan skills 27.7 Self-management skills Chart 1: Career skills are the most difficult with third-year English for Tourism majored student As can be seen from Table and Chart 1, 29 students out of 50 students chose Foreign Language skills as the most difficult skill, accounting for 27.7%, followed by Communication skills (23 students chose, accounting for 24.4%) , followed by Presentation skills (21 students chose, accounting for 17.6%), followed by Leadership skills (11 students chose, accounting for 9.2%), and then Technology skills (9 students chose, accounting for 7.6%) Only students chose Selfmanagement skills which is the most difficult skill (5.1%), students chose Plan skills and students chose Interpersonal Interaction skills (the same rate is 4.2 %) The total number of students can be more than 50 students because each student can choose more than answer Thus, it can be seen that the majority of third-year English for Tourism majored students have difficulty with specialized skills such as Foreign Language skills, Communication skills, Presentation skills In other words, the third-year English for Tourism majored student lacks the essential career skills in tourism 19 Supervisor: Mrs Nguyen Xuan Quynh Pham Thi Trang Research topic: PERCEPTIONS OF THIRD-YEAR ENGLISH FOR TOURISM MAJORED STUDENTS ON ESSENTIAL CAREER SKILLS IN TOURISM 4.4 Strategies to improve essential career skills in tourism of third-year English for Tourism majored students Through the survey results from the question "What are the strategies you think needed to improve essential career skills in tourism?", There are 67 comments (each student can have one or more ideas) from proposing solutions to improve career skill and job opportunities in tourism of English for Tourism majored students In general, the solutions can be divided into groups: (1) Enhancing tourism skills, (2) Enhancing English skills, (3) Strengthening combination between English and tourism, (4) Strengthening advising and recruiting 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 Enhancing Enhancing Strengthening Strengthening tourism skills English skills combination advising and between recruiting English and tourism Chart 2: Strategies to improve essential career skills in tourism of third-year English for Tourism majored students (%) Among the above groups of solutions, the solution group: Enhancing tourism skills accounts for the highest proportion (37.1%) This group includes specific solutions such as: Improving understanding of tourist routes-destinations, Enhancing students' field trip about tourism, Enhancing tourism communication skills Next is the solution group: Strengthening advising and recruiting (30.6%) 20 Supervisor: Mrs Nguyen Xuan Quynh Pham Thi Trang Research topic: PERCEPTIONS OF THIRD-YEAR ENGLISH FOR TOURISM MAJORED STUDENTS ON ESSENTIAL CAREER SKILLS IN TOURISM This group includes solutions such as: Enhancing job counseling for students, Providing more recruitment information for students, Career guidance for students, Creating jobs in tourism in the English language, Inviting business travelers Calendar to thematic report Solution group: Enhancing the combination of English and tourism (19.4%) with specific solutions such as: Creating opportunities for English for tourism majored students to interact with guests, Increasing opportunities to practice tourism and English, Attract students to join the English club and the Tour guide club, Enhancing the exchange between English for tourism majored students and Tourism majored students 4.5 Summary This chapter presents the findings and discussions of the research in the reality of the perceptions of third-year English for Tourism majored students on essential career skills in tourism The results show that third-year English for Tourism majored students at University of Foreign Languages, Hue University have the high perception of importance of the career skills but most students still have difficulty in improving these skills 21 Supervisor: Mrs Nguyen Xuan Quynh Pham Thi Trang Research topic: PERCEPTIONS OF THIRD-YEAR ENGLISH FOR TOURISM MAJORED STUDENTS ON ESSENTIAL CAREER SKILLS IN TOURISM CHAPTER CONCLUSIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND LIMITATIONS 5.1 Conclusions Research shows that third-year English for Tourism majored students at University of Foreign Languages, Hue University have the high perception of importance of the career skills (the average score is from 2.94 to 4.46) However, most students still have difficulty in improving these skills Specifically, there are 119 answers to the question "Which of the following career skills you have the most difficulty with?" while the survey number is 50 students And the majority of students rated skills related to specialized skills such as Foreign Language skills and Communication skills as the most difficult skills (Foreign Language skills (27.7%) and Communication skills (24.4%)) This shows that there has been limittation progress in acquiring these skills through the learning process at the school This issue also leads to the need to improve curriculum and teaching methods to develop skills for all students 5.2 Recommendations - Course developers may consider introducing high priority index skills (such as Presentation skill, Self-Management skill and Interpersonal interaction skill) earlier in their learning process, while emphasizing the use of use these skills in specialized subjects - Currently, in the English for tourism majored program, there are only two subjects that deals with the skill content, which are Interview and Communication relations The universities may add other skills courses to the list of electives or offer skills training programs as part of the curriculum, but it is not included in the student's performance assessment scores However, the implementation of career development courses for students may face some barriers such as overloaded teaching and learning content (compared to the amount of knowledge, there are many, otherwise, one must be eliminated number of subjects in the program) or difficulty in identifying and selecting appropriate personnel to teach these contents 22 Supervisor: Mrs Nguyen Xuan Quynh Pham Thi Trang Research topic: PERCEPTIONS OF THIRD-YEAR ENGLISH FOR TOURISM MAJORED STUDENTS ON ESSENTIAL CAREER SKILLS IN TOURISM - Teachers need to integrate the practice of skills that students are weak at into teaching current subjects more often (using computer programs, writing reports, doing group projects, making presentations, solving situations, ) with modern methods such as simulation, real case studies, - Another orientation is to promote extracurricular activities, practical activities or exchange with businesses to create conditions for students to have more opportunities to realize and practice skills, especially skills related to Communication and Foreign Language 5.3 Limitations of the study The study was performed on a relatively small sample, so analytical techniques were limited The following research should increase the sample size so that the results are generalized and investigated on a wide range of students (in other disciplines, other universities) to move towards building a scale of career skills more general and effective by better analytical techniques Within the scope of the study, the authors only measure student perceptions However, for a comprehensive comparison, this issue should be further considered from the perspectives of enterprises/ employers and those of educators Comparisons help to discover perception gaps among sides so that the parties can adjust perceptions to their concerns 23 Supervisor: Mrs Nguyen Xuan Quynh Pham Thi Trang Research topic: PERCEPTIONS OF THIRD-YEAR ENGLISH FOR TOURISM MAJORED STUDENTS ON ESSENTIAL CAREER SKILLS IN TOURISM REFERENCES Bell, J (1987) Doing your Research Project: Buckingham: Open University Boyatzis, R E (1982) The competent manager New York, NY: Wiley Condelli & Wrigley (1999) Real world Research: Combining Qualitative & Quantitative Research for Adult ASL Retrieved June15, 2009 from http:// www leslla Org/ files/ resources Real World Research Clark, M (1993) Communications and social skills: Perceptions of hospitality managers Employee Relations, 15(2), 51–60 de Jong, P (2008) Four “mega forces” are re-shaping emand for travel services Discussion notes of the Destination Marketing Association International: 94th Annual Convention Pacific Asia Travel Association Retrieved August 15, 2008, from 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PERCEPTIONS OF THIRD-YEAR ENGLISH FOR TOURISM MAJORED STUDENTS ON ESSENTIAL CAREER SKILLS IN TOURISM 11 Kantrowitz, T (2005) Development and construct validation of a measure of soft skills performance (Unpublished doctoral dissertation) Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 12 Powell, S (1999) Is recruitment the millennium time bomb for the industry worldwide? International Journal of Catering and Hospitality Management, 11(4), 138–139 13 Rainsbury, E., Hodges, D., Burchell, N., & Lay, M (2002) Ranking workplace competencies: Student and graduate perceptions Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education, 3(2), 8–18 14 Stevens, M A., & Campion, M J (1994) The knowledge, skill, and ability requirements for teamwork: Implications for human resource management Journal of Management, 20(2), 503–530 15 Tourism Division (2002) Research Report Number 4: Tourism Workforce and Training Retrieved April 12, 2006, from http://www.industry.gov.au/assets/documents/itrinternet/4.ResearchReportNo 4Tourism WorkforceandTraining20050202121253.pdf 16 Wellington, J K (2005) The “Soft Skills” of success Vital Speeches of the Day, 628–634 25 Supervisor: Mrs Nguyen Xuan Quynh Pham Thi Trang Research topic: PERCEPTIONS OF THIRD-YEAR ENGLISH FOR TOURISM MAJORED STUDENTS ON ESSENTIAL CAREER SKILLS IN TOURISM APPENDIX QUESTIONNAIRE FOR ENGLISH STUDENTS (English version) The aim of this questionnaire is to help my research on perception of thirdyear English for Tourism majored students on essential career skills in tourism Your cooperation with the study will be of great importance All the data collected in this questionnaire are only for purpose of study only not for any other purposes The researcher assures that all the information will be confidential with the hope that you will be willing to answer these questions accurately and honestly I General question T- Full name (optional): _ Gender: Male Female Hometown (Province): Hue Other places Part-time status (Never/Ever): Never Ever Academic power (Excellent, Very Good, Good, Average): Excellent Very Good Good Average 26 Supervisor: Mrs Nguyen Xuan Quynh Pham Thi Trang Research topic: PERCEPTIONS OF THIRD-YEAR ENGLISH FOR TOURISM MAJORED STUDENTS ON ESSENTIAL CAREER SKILLS IN TOURISM II Scale For each statement in these parts, please tick (√) the box that is applicable to you using the following keys: Evaluate how important the following career skills are for English for Tourism majored students Key 1: Not important; Key 2: Slightly important; Key 3: Moderately important; Key 4: Important; Key 5: Very important Skills Ordinal number Communication skills Presentation skills Foreign language skills Leadership skills Interpersonal interactions skills Technology skills Plan skills Self-management skills Which of the following career skills you have the most difficulty with? (You can choose more than answer)? Skills Ordinal Tick √ number Communication skills Presentation skills Foreign language skills Leadership skills Interpersonal interactions 27 Supervisor: Mrs Nguyen Xuan Quynh Pham Thi Trang Research topic: PERCEPTIONS OF THIRD-YEAR ENGLISH FOR TOURISM MAJORED STUDENTS ON ESSENTIAL CAREER SKILLS IN TOURISM Technology skills Plan skills Self-management skills What are the strategies you think needed to improve essential career skills in tourism? Strategies Ordinal Tick √ number Improving understanding of tourist routes-destinations Enhancing students' field trip about tourism Enhancing tourism communication skills Enhancing job counseling for students Providing more recruitment information for students Career guidance for students Creating jobs in tourism in the English language Inviting business travelers Calendar to thematic report Creating opportunities for English for Tourism majored students to interact with guests 10 Increasing opportunities to practice tourism and English 11 Attract students to join the English club and the Tour guide club 12 Enhancing the exchange between English for tourism majored students and Tourism majored students THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR TIME AND CONTRIBUTION! 28 Supervisor: Mrs Nguyen Xuan Quynh Pham Thi Trang Research topic: PERCEPTIONS OF THIRD-YEAR ENGLISH FOR TOURISM MAJORED STUDENTS ON ESSENTIAL CAREER SKILLS IN TOURISM APPENDIX QUESTIONNAIRE FOR ENGLISH STUDENTS (Vietnamese version) Mục đích bảng câu hỏi để giúp cho nghiên cứu nhận thức sinh viên năm thứ ba chuyên ngành tiếng Anh Du lịch kỹ nghề nghiệp cần thiết ngành du lịch Sự hợp tác bạn với nghiên cứu có tầm quan trọng lớn Tất liệu thu thập bảng câu hỏi nhằm mục đích nghiên cứu khơng có mục đích khác Nhà nghiên cứu đảm bảo tất thông tin bảo mật với hy vọng bạn sẵn lòng trả lời câu hỏi cách xác trung thực I Thông tin chung Tên đầy đủ: _ Giới tính: Nữ Nam Quê quán (Tỉnh): Huế Tỉnh khác Tình trạng làm them (Chưa từng/Đã từng): Chưa Đã Học lực (Xuất sắc, Giỏi, Khá, Trung bình): Xuất sắc Giỏi Khá Trung bình 29 Supervisor: Mrs Nguyen Xuan Quynh Pham Thi Trang Research topic: PERCEPTIONS OF THIRD-YEAR ENGLISH FOR TOURISM MAJORED STUDENTS ON ESSENTIAL CAREER SKILLS IN TOURISM II Tỷ lệ Đối với phát biểu phần này, vui lòng đánh dấu (√) vào ô tương ứng Đánh giá tầm quan trọng kỹ nghề nghiệp sau sinh viên chuyên ngành Tiếng Anh Du lịch 1: Không quan trọng; 2: Hơi quan trọng; 3: Quan trọng vừa phải; 4: Quan trọng; 5: Rất quan trọng Số TT Các kỹ Kỹ giao tiếp Kỹ thuyết trình Kỹ ngoại ngữ Kỹ lãnh đạo Kỹ tương tác cá nhân Kỹ tin học Kỹ hoạch định Kỹ tự quản lý thân Bạn gặp khó khăn với kỹ nghề nghiệp kỹ sau đây? (Bạn chọn nhiều câu trả lời)? Số Các kỹ Chọn √ TT Kỹ giao tiếp Kỹ thuyết trình Kỹ ngoại ngữ Kỹ lãnh đạo Kỹ tương tác cá nhân Kỹ tin học 30 Supervisor: Mrs Nguyen Xuan Quynh Pham Thi Trang Research topic: PERCEPTIONS OF THIRD-YEAR ENGLISH FOR TOURISM MAJORED STUDENTS ON ESSENTIAL CAREER SKILLS IN TOURISM Kỹ hoạch định Kỹ tự quản lý thân Bạn nghĩ chiến lược cần thiết để cải thiện kỹ nghề nghiệp cần thiết ngành du lịch? Số Các chiến lược Chọn √ TT Nâng cao hiểu biết tuyến-điểm du lịch Tăng cường cho sinh viên tham quan thực tế du lịch Nâng cao kỹ giao tiếp du lịch Tăng cường công tác tư vấn việc làm cho sinh viên Cung cấp thêm thông tin tuyển dụng cho sinh viên Hướng nghiệp cho sinh viên Tạo việc làm ngành du lịch gắn với ngôn ngữ Anh Mời doanh nghiệp Du lịch đến báo cáo chuyên đề Tạo hội cho sinh viên chuyên ngành Tiếng Anh Du lịch giao lưu với khách Tăng hội thực hành Du lịch Tiếng Anh 10 11 12 Thu hút sinh viên tham gia câu lạc Tiếng Anh câu lạc Hướng dẫn viên du lịch Tăng cường giao lưu sinh viên chuyên ngành Tiếng Anh Du lịch sinh viên chuyên ngành Du lịch CHÂN THÀNH CẢM ƠN BẠN ĐÃ DÀNH THỜI GIAN VÀ ĐÓNG GÓP CHO KHẢO SÁT! 31 Supervisor: Mrs Nguyen Xuan Quynh Pham Thi Trang

Ngày đăng: 30/08/2023, 18:03



