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Ứng dụng công nghệ blockchain (dlt) vào việc truy xuất nguồn gốc sản phẩm

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page (Trang bìa trang 1) TR I H C QU C GIA TP.HCM NG I H C BÁCH KHOA - H ANH THI (font size 14) NG D NG CÔNG NGH BLOCKCHAIN (DLT) VÀO VI C TRUY XU T NGU N G C S N PH M (font size 16) Chuyên ngành: KHOA H C VÀ K THU T MÁY TÍNH Mã s : 8480101 LU N V N TH C S TP H CHÍ MINH, tháng 07 n m 2022 CỌNG TRỊNH C HOĨN THĨNH T I TR NG I H C BỄCH KHOA ậ HQG -HCM Cán b h ng d n khoa h c : TS NGUY N C THÁI (Ghi rõ h , tên, h c hàm, h c v ch ký) Cán b ch m nh n xét : TS PH M HOÀNG ANH (Ghi rõ h , tên, h c hàm, h c v ch ký) Cán b ch m nh n xét : TS TR N THANH TÙNG (Ghi rõ h , tên, h c hàm, h c v ch ký) Lu n v n th c s đ c b o v t i Tr ng HQG Tp HCM ngày 21 tháng n m 2022 i h c Bách Khoa, Thành ph n H i đ ng đánh giá lu n v n th c s g m: (Ghi rõ h , tên, h c hàm, h c v c a H i đ ng ch m b o v lu n v n th c s ) TS TR N TU N ANH ậ Ch t ch h i đ ng TS NGUY N TI N TH NH ậ Th kỦ h i đ ng TS PH M HOĨNG ANH - y viên h i đ ng TS TR N THANH TỐNG ậ Thành viên ph n bi n PGS TS NGUY N TU N NG ậ Thành viên ph n bi n Xác nh n c a Ch t ch H i đ ng đánh giá LV Tr ng Khoa qu n lý chuyên ngành sau lu n v n đ c s a ch a (n u có) CH T CH H I NG TR NG KHOA KH&KTMT i I H C QU C GIA TP.HCM TR NG I H C BÁCH KHOA C NG HOÀ XÃ H I CH NGH A VI T NAM c L p - T Do - H nh Phúc NHI M V LU N V N TH C S H tên h c viên: H ANH THI MSHV: 2070289 Ngày, tháng, n m sinh: 02/10/1979 N i sinh: TP Hu Chuyên ngành: KHOA H C VÀ K THU T MÁY TÍNH Mã s : 8480101 I TÊN TÀI: ng d ng công ngh Blockchain (DLT) vào vi c truy xu t ngu n g c s n ph m Applying the Blockchain technology (DLT) for the product's origin traceability II NHI M V VA N I DUNG: Ngày 01/3 - 07/3 08/3 - 14/3 15/3 – 28/3 29/3 – 29/4 02/5 – 13/6 14/6 – 30/6 21/7 H ng m c - Th c hi n nghiên c u t ng quan tài li u khoa h c liên quan ph ng pháp lu n th c hi n lu n án; đ xu t ph m vi h ng m c c a nghiên c u v Blockchain (Cơng ngh s phân tán DLT), đ ng th i đánh giá mơ hình kinh doanh c a m t th ng hi u th c ph m (Vissan) đ i v i vi c truy xu t ngu n g c s n ph m - Vi t báo cáo - Nghiên c u cơng trình, d án liên quan v Blockchain (Công ngh s phân tán DLT), thu t toán đ ng thu n, h p đ ng thông minh đ c áp d ng vi c truy xu t ngu n g c s n ph m cho doanh nghi p, c th th ng hi u th c ph m - Vi t báo cáo (ti p) - ánh giá so sánh gi i pháp công ngh permissioned Blockchain, h p đ ng thông minh, thu t tốn đ ng thu n cơng ngh s phân tán DLT đ quy t đ nh ch n gi i pháp hi n th c Blockchain (DLT) cho đ tài, đ ng th i đánh giá hi u su t, kh n ng m r ng th tr ng phát tri n c a gi i pháp Blockchain (DLT) đ c ch n, gi i pháp Hyperledger Fabric - Vi t báo cáo (ti p) - Nghiên c u thi t k k thu t c a Hyperledger Fabric v i vi c phát tri n h p đ ng thông minh tri n khai t p trung sâu vào thi t k ki n trúc, m ng Fabric thành ph n đ th c hi n b n demo - Vi t báo cáo (ti p) - Th c hi n thi t k hi n th c gi i pháp (demo) quy trình truy xu t ngu n g c s n ph m n hình cho th ng hi u Vissan ch n - Vi t báo cáo (ti p) - Ki m th b n thi t k hi n th c demo Hoàn t t báo cáo - N p b n báo cáo đ tài - B o v đ tài Th i gian tu n tu n tu n tu n tu n 2,5 tu n ii III NGÀY GIAO NHI M V : 01/03/2022 IV.NGÀY HOÀN THÀNH NHI M V : 30/07/2022 V CÁN B H NG D N: TS NGUY N C THÁI TP.HCM, ngày 30 tháng 06 n m 2022 CÁN B H NG D N (H tên ch kí) TR CH NHI M B MÔN ÀO T O (H tên ch ký) NG KHOA….…………… (H tên ch ký) Ghi chú: H c viên ph i đóng t nhi m v vào trang đ u tiên c a t p thuy t minh LV ii L I CÁM N Em chân thành c m n s h ng d n, giúp đ t n tình c a Th y TS Nguy n c Thái su t khóa h c, đ c bi t s h ng d n nhi t tình c a Th y đ i v i đ tài khóa lu n t t nghi p c a em nh ng tháng qua D i s giám sát t n tình c a th y nh ng l i khuyên quý báu v m i th c m c trình h c t p c ng nh th c hi n lu n v n này, cu i em ti p thu đ c nh ng ki n th c quan tr ng n m v ng công ngh Blockchain (DLT) cho đ tài TS Thái h d n em k l ng ng đ qu n lý t t ph m vi yêu c u t đ u nh đó, em th c hi n đ tài th i h n Và em c ng mu n c m n t t c Th y Cô khác c a ch ng trình Th c s Khoa h c K Thu t Máy tính t n tâm gi ng d y đào t o, b n thân em sinh viên khác ch ng trình đ t đ c s ti n b liên t c t tin h n hai n m qua Và c m n gia đình thân yêu c a - Ruby, Len, Beta - nh ng ng i quan tâm t n tình vi c theo h c hai n m qua giúp tơi có đ ng l c, s t p trung c ng nh s cam k t hồn thành khóa h c tơi ngh r ng tơi khơng th hồn thành nó, d u v y, gia đình nh bên c nh đem l i nh ng ngày tháng yên bình đ tơi n tâm vi c h c, có tr i nghi m cá nhân hoàn thành s m nh t v i khó quên Và bi t n Cha M , nh ng ng hành trình c đ i i sinh tơi cho bi t r ng h c t p iii TÓM T T V n đ truy xu t ngu n g c s n ph m (đ c bi t nông s n, th c ph m) ch đ nóng nh ng n m g n nh m x lý hàng gi , gi i quy t v n đ ni m tin, tính b t bi n, tính liêm chính, minh b ch v ngu n g c xu t x c a s n ph m đ i v i quy trình nhi u đ i tác c a doanh nghi p (DLT) mã ngu n m tài s nghiên c u n n t ng Blockchain đ xu t m t gi i pháp phù h p nh t c a n n t ng permissioned Blockchain, hi n th c cơng ngh Blockchain đ quy trình m i v quy trình truy xu t ngu n g c s n ph m cho th c ch n đ demo m t ng hi u th c ph m Vissan Sau ti n hành so sánh n n t ng Blockchain (DLT), t p trung vào permissioned Blockchain, công ngh s phân tán Hyperledger Fabric đ c ch n th o lu n sâu thêm v hi u su t, ki n trúc k thu t, c u trúc s cái, t ch c m ng, peer node, orderer service node, thu t toán đ ng thu n, nguyên lý phát tri n h p đ ng thông minh nghiên c u d li u th tr Fabric vào l nh v c khác B n demo đ ng v vi c áp d ng công ngh c th c hi n đ ch s hi u n ng c a Fabric nh m t n n t ng Blockchain (DLT) phù h p cho truy xu t ngu n g c s n ph m gi i quy t t t toán truy xu t ngu n g c s n ph m cho doanh nghi p nông s n, th c ph m v i nhi u ch c n ng phù h p Trong ph m vi đ tài, vi c quan sát khía c nh b o m t c a gi i pháp đ c trình bày d i d ng m t nhìn tồn di n v tính ng d ng c a Fabric Blockchain (DLT) v i mơ hình STRIDE V ph m vi yêu c u c a lu n án, d i m c chính, bao g m: 1) Nghiên c u n n t ng Blockchain (DLT), thu t toán đ ng thu n ch n gi i pháp Hyperledger Fabric sau so sánh d a tiêu chí đánh giá theo mơ hình SMART 2) Nghiên c u ki n trúc thi t k k thu t c a Hyperledger Fabric 3) Th c hi n m t quy trình n hình liên quan đ n chu i giá tr c a m t th ng hi u th c ph m (công ty Vissan) xuyên su t t khâu s n xu t đ n khâu s n ph m có m t t i c a hàng (bán hàng) xây d ng b n demo đ ch ng minh tính an tồn, tính tồn v n, minh b ch b t bi n c a d li u đ c ghi l i h th ng blockchain Ch đ xem công khai v i Hyperledger Explorer (đ hi n th kh i tr ng iv thái, m ng, mã mã, kh i ch đ xem giao d ch m i nh t) c ng đ c cung c p đ tr c quan hóa d li u c a s Blockchain Nghiên c u c a đ tài đ xu t m t gi i pháp k thu t v v n đ truy xu t ngu n g c s n ph m cho công ty Vissan b ng cách s d ng công ngh s Blockchain v i minh ch ng b ng vi c hi n th c demo h th ng sau nghiên c u ki n th c n n t ng so sánh th c nghi m n n t ng Blockchain B n demo h th ng đ c đ xu t đ th c hi n m t quy trình n hình v i s tham gia c a nhi u bên ch ng minh r ng Blockchain (DLT) m t gi i pháp t t đ truy xu t ngu n g c s n ph m cho chu i giá tr c a doanh nghi p Các giao d ch c a nhà s n xu t ng bán (phía khách hàng) đ c ghi l i m ng l i i blockchain c a Fabric đ bên liên quan có th d dàng theo dõi ngu n g c s n ph m toàn b n n t ng s Blockchain nh m h n ch c ng nh ch ng n n hàng gi c a s n ph m mang th ng hi u Vissan mà khách hàng mua Vi c tri n khai đ m b o tính b o m t tính b t bi n c a d li u chu i giá tr c a công ty, đ ng th i h tr c ch tham gia c a bên th ba (ví d c quan qu n lý) đ ki m tra chu i giá tr m t cách d dàng, minh b ch b t c có b t k s c x y v i s n ph m c a doanh nghi p Vì v y, v m t t ng th , u giúp b o v toàn di n th ng hi u th c ph m t bên s n xu t đ n đ u cu i khách hàng cho doanh nghi p Vissan tài nghiên c u xây d ng thi t k ki n trúc k thu t Fabric phân tích kh n ng h tr Blockchain cho th y h th ng đ c đ xu t có hi n th c t t h n so v i cách tri n khai truy n th ng khác vi c gi i quy t toán truy xu t ngu n g c s n ph m cho quy trình nhi u đ i tác c a doanh nghi p V i vi c th c thi h p đ ng thông minh (chaincode) m ng Blockchain, m t m c đ đó, h th ng demo c a Vissan r t khó b t n cơng v i ý đ gi m o s n ph m Vi c xác minh danh tính c a t t c tr ng thái s n ph m s n xu t đ n ng i bán) đ m ib c chu i giá tr (t nhà c thi t k đ ng n ch n vi c thay th b i s n ph m hàng gi b i bên b t h p pháp trình s n xu t ho c bán hàng H n n a, khách hàng đ u cu i sau có th d dàng ki m tra phân tích tính xác th c c a s n ph m Vissan t o u ki n thu n l i cho vi c truy v n d li u s C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an v SUMMARY Tracing the origin of products, especially agricultural products, and foods, has been a hot topic recently to deal with counterfeit goods and solving the issues of trust and immutability, integrity, and transparency of the product origin for the multi-actor processes of enterprises This thesis will study the open-source Blockchain (DLT) platforms and propose a suitable solution (permissioned blockchain) to implement the demo for a novel process flow of the product origin traceability for the food brand Vissan After conducting the comparison of the Blockchain (DLT) platforms, focusing on the permissioned ones, Hyperledger Fabric is selected, and further discussed regarding its performance, technical architecture, ledger, network, peer, ordering service, consensus, smart contract development, and the market adoption applying Fabric into the different business domains The demo is implemented to indicate the Fabric capability as an enterprise-grade and production-ready permissioned blockchain platform to solve the addressed problem of the product origin traceability The observation of security aspects is presented as an inclusive view of the application using Fabric Blockchain (DLT) The scope of the thesis includes, briefly: 1) Studying the general permissioned Blockchain (DLT) platforms, consensus algorithms, and select the final DLT after the empirical comparison 2) Studying the architecture and technical design of Hyperledger Fabric 3) Conducting a typical process related to the value chain of a food brand (Vissan) going through from the production (manufacturing stage) to the stage that products are at stores (selling stage) and building the demo using Fabric to prove the security, integrity, transparency, and immutability of the data recorded in the blockchain system A public explorer view (to show the latest status blocks, network, chaincodes, view blocks, and transactions) is also provided to visualize the ledger data This study proposes a technical solution of the product original traceability solution for Vissan company using the Blockchain (DLT) of a Fabric-based anti- Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an vi counterfeit management system for Vissan’s products This thesis implements the system demo after studying the foundation knowledge and thoroughly comparing the blockchain platforms The proposed system demo (at minimum viable product level) of the typical process with multi-actors involvement proves that the Blockchain (DLT) is a good solution for the product traceability for the company value chain The manufacturer (production side) and seller (customer side) transactions are recorded in the Fabric blockchain network so that the stakeholders could easily trace the anti-counterfeiting of the purchased branded Vissan products throughout the blockchain platform With this implementation which ensures the security and immutability of the data in the value chain of the company, the third-party arbitration mechanism such as regulators can also be used to check the illegal part of the value chain easily whenever any incidents happen to the given products So, inclusively, this helps adequate protection for the Vissan food brand, as a whole from production parties to end customers of Vissan The study elaborates the Fabric technical architecture design and analyzes the blockchain enablement indicating that the proposed system has a better implementation comparing to other traditional ways of implementation for the product origin traceability for the multi-actors process of the private company With the smart contract (chaincode) execution in the blockchain network, to some extent, Vissan’s demo system is difficult to forge by malicious attackers The identity verification of all product status updates at each step in the value chain (from manufacturer to sellers) is designed to stop counterfeit substitution by illegal parties for the production or sale process Furthermore, end customers are later easily checking and analyzing the authenticity of Vissan’s product and facilitate querying the data in the Blockchain (DLT) Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an vii L I CAM OAN T t c ngu n tham kh o trình nghiên c u c a đ u đ nghiên c u k l ph c ng li t kê đ y đ ph n Tài li u tham kh o, nh m ch ng pháp lu n h c thu t (nghiên c u trình làm đ tài) mà th c hi n su t th i gian th c hi n lu n v n Trong sáu tháng qua, v i thái đ nghiêm túc, cam k t cao, n l c h t đ hồn thành t t lu n v n này, d i s giám sát c a Th y TS Nguy n c Thái, n l c tìm hi u làm ch công ngh m i, đ c bi t l nh v c Blockchain (DLT) Tơi tìm hi u k cơng trình, d án liên quan đ có th t hồn thành đ tài theo khung th i gian qui đ nh Ngay t đ u, v i m t k ho ch qu n lý th i gian t t, v i nhi m v c th đ c phân b cho t ng tu n, v i vi c qu n lý ph m vi t t, qu n lý thu th p nghiên c u liên quan, t p chí, trang web k thu t tài li u báo cáo công ngh k thu t l nh v c Blockchain (DLT) toán truy xu t ngu n g c s n ph m, tuân th th c hi n nghiêm túc m c th i gian cam k t hoàn thành đ tài Lu n án c ng hi n th c demo quy trình m i nh m gi quy t tốn truy xu t ngu n g c s n ph m cho m t th ng hi u th c ph m (Vissan) theo k ho ch Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an 85 across the blockchain network, organization infrastructure, and threat intelligence providers To further the security analysis, the solution is also analyzed based on the STRIDE, a security risk analysis model to review the application This model analyzes information insecurity risks, including Spoofing identity (authentication ậ impersonating something or someone else), Tampering with data (integrity ậ modifying data or code), Repudiation (claiming to have not acted), Information Disclosure (confidentiality - exposing information to someone not authorized to see it), Denial of Service (availability ậ deny or degrade service to users), and Elevation of privilege (authorization - gain capabilities without proper authorization) With the below analysis and evaluation according to the STRIDE model for the system, we can conclude that the system achieves the desired security requirements Against Spoofing identity Supposedly a situation where the attacker will spoof the certificate authority account to attack this system, because the credential issuer's account is verifiable through the X.509 certificate via the Fabric certificate authority (CA), so this is impossible Against Tampering It is not possible to modify any transaction because it has been included in the ledger thanks to the blockchain design, as the tamper-proof system As Fabric uses the Elliptic Curve Encryption Algorithm (ECDSA) to ensure the security of the entire system, therefore the communication is encrypted in every process in the value chain by ECDSA to ensure the system’s data integrity, non-repudiation, and privacy As we have discussed, Fabric as a permissioned platform enables confidentiality through its channel architecture and private data feature In channels, participants on its network establish a sub-network where every member has visibility to a particular set of transactions Thus, only those nodes that participate in a channel have access to the smart contract (chaincode) and data transacted, preserving the privacy and confidentiality of both Private data allows collections between members on a channel, allowing much of the same protection as channels without the maintenance Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an 86 overhead of creating and maintaining a separate channel So this help to protect against tampering Against non-Repudiation Data is digitally signed using the private key corresponding to the public key in the issuer's X.509 certificate All information posted on the blockchain by a CA will always be monitored and tracked back to that identified organization, therefore no participant can impersonate them as analyzed above Against Information Disclosure It is impossible to compute the private keys from the public key used in the Fabric Therefore, there is no risk of exposing private keys from participants as the private keys must be stored in the secret storage Against Denial of Service (DoS) DoS attacks disrupt the network’s availability and are a threat to any distributed system Many different attacks can result in denial of service, which makes it difficult to proactively prevent This risk can be mitigated by collecting performance metrics, such as transaction throughput and latency, to detect compromised availability early on Since the Fabric is deployed as a distributed system (microservice architecture) with multiple nodes deployed not in a centralized environment, therefore the DoS threat is also mitigated compared to other traditional applications Against Elevation of privilege The highest authority in the system is the root organization This right is guaranteed by a digital signature using ECDSA Therefore, it is impossible for attackers can gain authority or fake the digital signature (certificate authority) in the system 5.4 Conclusion This study proposes a technical solution of the product original traceability solution for Vissan company using the Blockchain (DLT) of a Fabric-based anticounterfeit management system for Vissan’s products This thesis implements the Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an 87 system demo after studying the foundation knowledge and thoroughly comparing the blockchain platforms The proposed system demo (at minimum viable product level) of the typical process with multi-actors involvement proves that the Blockchain (DLT) is a good solution for the product traceability for the company value chain The manufacturer (production side) and seller (customer side) transactions are recorded in the Fabric blockchain network so that the stakeholders could easily trace the anti-counterfeiting of the purchased branded Vissan products throughout the blockchain platform With this implementation which ensures the security and immutability of the data in the value chain of the company, the third-party arbitration mechanism such as regulators can also be used to check the illegal part of the value chain easily whenever any incidents happen to the given products So, inclusively, this helps adequate protection for the Vissan food brand, as a whole from production parties to end customers of Vissan By comparing with the traditional solutions, this proposed system focuses more on the security protection of data by using the Fabric blockchain The study elaborates the Fabric technical architecture design and analyzes the blockchain enablement indicating that the proposed system has a better implementation of the product origin traceability for the multi-actors process in private companies With the smart contract (chaincode) executed in the blockchain network, and data populated to the ledger, to some extent, Vissan’s demo system is difficult to forge by malicious attackers The identity verification of all product status updates at each step in the value chain (from manufacturer to sellers) is designed to stop counterfeit substitution by illegal parties for the production or sale process Furthermore, end customers are later easily checking and analyzing the authenticity of Vissan’s product and facilitate querying the data in the Blockchain (DLT) And with further recommendations to complete the wider scope significantly, the future implementation can: (a) add and administrate more organizations accordingly to other business aspects such as regulators, financial partners, payment e-wallets, etc Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an 88 (b) apply Fabric’s private data and multiple channels to manage inclusively the product master data with the integration to the current Vissan’s ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and CRM (Customer Relationship Management), IoT systems (c) also, for some considerations to revoke or to update the product data when incidents happen with the counterfeited or contaminated situations, it is helpful with this feature implemented (d) in prospects, providing the frontend of mobile or website with QR scan and query for product information is also a good user experience improvement for a completed product origin traceability application (e) and many more with other features Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. 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Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an 97 PROFILE Full name: HO ANH THI Date of birth: 02 / 10 / 1979 Place of birth: Hue City Address: 1017/48 Hong Bang, Ward 12, District 6, HCMC TRAINING PROCESS 1997 - 2003, University of Technology, Bachelor of Engineering, Computer Engineering 2016 - 2018: University of Northampton, Master of Business Administration, Entrepreneurship 2004, Certified Lecturer of Global Aptech Training Center 2007, BEA WebLogic Portal Development Certified 2007, IBM SOA Development Certified 2015, SAP Hybris Ecommerce Platform Certified 2016, SAP Hybris Ecommerce Consultant Certified 2016, Magento Ecommerce Plaftform Certified 2017, Adobe Digital Experience Manager Platform Certified 2020, Thought Machine Core Banking Platform Certified WORKING PROCESS 05/2020 ậ present: Country Head at GFT (Germany) • Setup the company and grow teams from ground up (presently at 200+ resources) • Work with headquarter to align the growth strategy for Vietnam in next years 08/2018 ậ 04/2020: Country Head of Technology and Program Management at Abakus • Work and align with Group Technology to oversee local technology, implementation and risk management Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an 98 • Build cross-functional teams from the ground up to develop products, manage the Vietnam operation and business execution to align with regional strategy 12/2016 ậ 07/2018: Head of Engineering and Delivery at SmartOSC • Oversee cross-functional activities of delivery and development at the company level for all project models (dedicated teams, fix-priced projects for Omni-Channel eCommerce, Digital Marketing, Digital Transformation • Work directly with agencies, partners or customers business & technical teams to build up the engagement 09/2014 ậ 11/2016: Head of Enineering and Delivery at SAI Digital • Work directly with partners, agencies, customers to provide technical solution proposals, project estimation and schedule to implement • Lead the consulting activities for solution design, work with Pre-sale team and ODC teams to deliver projects 11/2010 ậ 09/2014: Senior Solution Architect and Enginering Manager at NashTech Global • Onsite working directly with technical teams, business teams at customer site to provide design solution and delivery planning • Manage ODC deliveries from beginning to go live phase • Lead, direct and communicate vision and mission for project teams • Work closely with company leaders to provide information regarding performance and development opportunities 06/2009 ậ 11/2010: Senior Solution Architect and Enginering Manager at COA Solutions • Working with Principal Architect team from COA Solution UK • Manage project development activities and process • Monitor and control to achieve planned financial objectives for the department • Manage project plan, task management, and task assignment and delivery 03/2008 ậ 06/2009: Project Lead and Technical Architect at NextVIEW Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd

Ngày đăng: 27/08/2023, 20:40

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