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UNIT MUSIC Vocabulary • passionate (adj): • deceiving (adj): • biography (n): • talent (n): • talented (adj): • solo (adj): • debut (n/v): • album (n): • achieve (v): • achievement (n): • rhythm (n): • emphasize (v): • romantic love (n): • contest (n): • entrant (n): • judge (n): PART I LANGUAGE FOCUS • devotee (n): • ardent (adj): • adore (v): • extract (n): • release (v): • platinum (n) • territory (n): • worldwide (adj/adv): global • phenomenon (n): • launch (v): • air (v): • eliminate (v): • composer (n): • child prodigy (n): • renowned (adj): noted celebrity (n): • nuance (n): • melody (n): Grammar 2.1 Compound sentences: câu ghép 2.1.1 Form: Sentence +, and/or/but/so/yet/for + sentence e.g He bought that car last year, and it was used regularly (Anh mua xe năm ngối dùng thường xuyên.) * Note: Coordinating conjunction (liên từ kết hợp): and/or/but/so/yet/for 2.1.2 Use: > Câu ghép câu gồm hai câu đơn nối với liên từ kết hợp and or/but/so/yet/for dùng dấu phẩy (,) trước liên từ kết hợp e.g Ana doesn’t have much money, but she is willing to share wi the poor (Ana khơng có nhiều tiền cô sẵn sàng chia sẻ với người nghèo.) * 2.2 “to” infinitive: động từ nguyên thể có “to” Động từ nguyên thể có “to” thường theo sau động từ sau: agree, aim, appear, arrange, attempt, be able, be likely, claim, decide, deserve, fail, hope, learn, manage, offer, plan, promise, refuse, seem, tend, try e.g His employees try to finish the project (Nhân viên anh cố gắng hoàn tất dự án.) Her students are able to communicate in English successfully (Học sinh giao tiếp Tiếng Anh thành công.) David deserves to get mark 10 because he studies very hard and has appropriate strategies (David đáng điểm 10 cậu học chăm có chiến lược phù hợp.) * Note: số động từ theo sau tân ngữ + to infinitive: advise, allow, encourage, force, get, persuade, remind, teach, tell, warn e.g His father advised him to work as a volunteer (Bố cậu khuyên cậu làm tình nguyện viên) My students always remind me to send them extra exercises (Học sinh ln nhắc gửi tập làm thêm cho bạn ấy.) 2.3 Infinitive without "to": động từ nguyên thể không "to" Động từ nguyên thể không “to” thường theo sau động từ sau + tân ngừ: feel, hear, help, let, make, notice, see, watch e g His parents let him make his own decision (Bố mẹ cậu để cậu tự đinh.) They made John pay fee (Họ bắt John đóng phí.) PART II PRACTICE Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets They let us (use) this room for our study I decided (do) a hotel management course in 2012 Their clients agree _ (pay) by check Recently, her husband has made her (stay) at home The course helps me (understand) my cat better Their family didn’t want _(move) to Scotland last year Taking part in many contests has taught me _ (perform) more confidently He was made _ (hand) over all of his property Have you ever hoped _- (see) your idol in real life? 10 I chose (not participate) in that competition Complete the following sentences You should hand in your assignment on time if you want When your dog barks frequently, you need _ Look at his car It definitely needs - Well, with my English class, my teacher was so supportive that I tried very hard Peter and Jane weren’t able to see the concert because they forgot Find and correct mistakes in the following sentences Her family and friends advised her concentrate on study Teachers can still be creative and let their students to decide how they learn They wanted her consider their advice before she made up her mind Parents should try make their home stimulating Your receptionist told me take a seat while she dealt with some old customers PART III: TEST YOURSELF I Gap - filling: Choose the suitable words from the box to complete the sentences launched Eliminate post emphasize typically renowned biography Passionate originated 10 idol By having a look at her _ , we can know more about her We need to recognize that when people adore a job, they are _ about it and they are likely to work successful with it Nowadays, it is said that a lot of teenagers blindly or excessively adore their _ In order to be noticed by many people, he has started to _ his homemade videos on the internet lately Some people say that this is not a good way to be famous In the past, it was hard for people to be noted, but today, this has changed They can become with the aid of advertisement and promotion Few viewers have watched this program since it first in our country because it has been interfered with a lot of advertisement To make sure that there are only competent candidates for the next round, they _ the ones that can’t answer correctly first questions Quan Ho singing _ in Bac Ninh Province in the 13th century, and is sung at spring festivals A dangdut band consists of a male or female lead singer, who is backed by an unusual mix of musical instruments 10 His works often _ on the values of family life as well as the relationship among people in society Match each word/phrase on the left with its description on the right composer + rhythm+ launch + contestant + judge + a a strong regular repeated pattern of sounds or movements b a person who takes part in a contest c a person who writes music d to make a product available to the public for the first time e a person who decides who has won a competition Word formation: Give the correct form of the words in brackets He looks on stage (passion) This is one of the most _entertainment formats in the UK It attracts a significantly huge number of audience, (success) The _ have to get over that challenge to win in this contest (contest)4 Is Vietnam Idol an program or a franchised one? (origin) Van Cao is known as one of the most important _ of modern Vietnamese music (compose) His song, Tien Quan Ca, is the _ anthem of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, (nation) After his received the Ho Chi Minh prize (die) Exercising regularly is a powerful weapon to enhance _ well-being (psychology) His important _ is to invent the instrumental ballade (achieve) 10 The male singers will sing their challenge phrase with a _ melody, like musical ping pong (differ) Choose the best answer This reality TV show soon became a worldwide phenomenon The underlined word has the closest meaning to: A nation B national C.global D globe William: “How did she become famous?” - Scot: “ ” A Yes, she became famous B Five years ago C She took part in a lot of contests D It's unbelievable that she was famous He was also the first artist to have four singles to enter the Top 40 A chorus B solo C simple D private This figure graduated a very famous music school and devoted his life to arts A on B from C of D into “They made Peter create a Quan Ho performance" has the closest meaning to: A Peter made to create a Quan Ho performance B Peter was made to create a Quan Ho performance C Peter was made create a Quan Ho performance D Peter was created a Quan Ho performance Because of its significance, this reality TV program has been by thousands of viewers all over the country A done B watched C washed D produced He was one of the most prominent during the international liberation movements A math B numbers C figures D calculation The football match was wonderful at the beginning , it was awful at the end A but B and C or D so These days, things have become more convenient; for example, you can buy airline tickets at air agencies, you can purchase them online A yet B for C so D or 10 This will be a hopeful season of this entertainment format to air in the near future The underlined word has the closest meaning to: A breathe out B breathe in C broadcast D inhale 11 You should feel happy because your mum and dad always encourage you hard A work B to work C worked D working 12 I think that they will not agree to let you out late at night A go B going C to go D gone 13 He is looking forward the result from this contest A receive B receiving C to receive D to receiving 14 It took my teacher nearly three years his research on motivating students in learning English by using wore games A complete B to completing C completed D to complete 15 Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differentl from the others A request B protest C nest D.harvest 16 Lately, several oils, including rose and lemon, have been shown _ anxiety, stress and depression A relieve B to relieve C to relieved D to relieving 17 Choose the answer which needs correcting Her fans admit that (A) her voice (B) is beautiful, and (C) her performance (D) is not skillful 18 Choose the answer which needs correcting Three days (A) ago, Mary asked her (B) teachers give (C) her some (D) advice 19 Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others A confident B indent C measurement D encouragement 20 Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others A accurate B concentrate C penetrate D accommodate Rearrange the words/phrases to make meaningful sentences helped / This / to / course / fears / has / me / overcome / my composer, / He / he / was / health / a gifted / but / had to / poor / suffer on / managed / you / finish / assignment / time? / Have / to / your independently / the new / style, teachers / With / let / learning / us / work Read the passage and choose the best answer Fun Facts About the Saxophone A relatively new-kid-on-the block as instruments go, the saxophone _ (1) invented less than 200 years ago! Here is a short sampling of facts about this versatile instrument While typically constructed of brass, the saxophone is _ (2) a member of the woodwind family The sax earns this classification because of the way sound is produced: a player’s embouchure creates an airtight seal over the mouthpiece, vibrating a single reed in the manner of a clarinet Brass instruments, _ (3) contrast, are played by buzzing one’s lips on the rim of the mouthpiece Despite the previous statement that saxes are usually made of brass, there are exceptions Some models are made partially (or even entirely) of more precious _ (4) such as bronze, copper, or sterling silver A few models of plastic saxophones have been produced over the years In the 1950s and 1960s, acrylic plastic alto saxes were popularly available under the brand name Grafton The bodies of these instruments were _ (5) of then state-of-the-art injection-molded plastic, the keys being made of metal Famous players known to occasionally perform on Grafton saxophones include Charlie Parker and Ornette Coleman One of the most important _ (6) of a saxophone’s sound is the mouthpiece a player uses On the subject of unusual materials, saxophone mouthpieces were originally made of wood At first, they were made out of softer woods such as boxwood and later, (7) harder wood such as grenadilla and rosewood A few boutique manufacturers such as Theo Wanne still make wooden mouthpieces today Upon the invention of vulcanized rubber, hard rubber mouthpieces became popular _ (8) their strength and versatility; rubber mouthpieces remain extremely popular to this day with both jazz and classical players As an alternative, many professional players also like to use metal _ (9), which tend to allow for a powerful tone that projects mightily Plastic mouthpieces are the most popular choice of mouthpiece for beginners as they are easy to make, durable, (10) relatively inexpensive There are even a few manufacturers out there making ceramic mouthpieces! A are B were C was D is A actually B true C actual D truth A to B by C.of D at A liquors A done A ingredients A primary A due to A mouth 10 A so B water C bricks D metals B used C made D let B components C functions D condition B prime C primarily D price B but C so D despite B mouthful C mouthpieces D mouthy B yet C but D and UNIT FOR A BETTER COMMUNITY PART I LANGUAGE FOCUS Vocabulary • community (n): • charity (n): • volunteer (n/v): • disadvantaged (adj): • interact (v): • concerned (adj): • aware (adj): • gain (v): • fortunate (adj): • ignorant (adj): • narrow minded (adj): • dedicated (adj): • attachment (n): • low-income (adj): • • • • • • • • • • • • • • remote (adj): priority (n): urgent (adj): donate (v): handicapped (adj): martyr (n): war invalid (n): direct (v): independent (adj): contribute (v): lawyer (n): violence (n): non-profit (adj): by chance (adv phr): Grammar 2.1 The past simple tense: khứ đơn 2.1.1 Form: +) s + V-e(d)/2 He went to the cinema -) s + did not + V He did not go to the cinema ?) Did +S + V? Did he go to the cinema? 2.1.2 Use: Thì khứ đơn diễn tả hành động chấm dứt hoàn toàn khứ e g They visited Thailand last year Now they are travelling in Europe (Họ thăm Thái Lan nãm ngoái Giờ họ du lịch Châu Ầu) 2.2 The past progressive tense: khứ tiếp diễn 2.2.1 Form: +) S + was/were + V- ing -) S + was/were not +V-ing ?) Was/Were +S + V-ing?? 2.2.2 Use: Thì khứ tiếp diền diễn tả hành động diễn thời điếm cụ thể khứ e.g She was painting the fence at 10 A.m yesterday (Cô sơn hàng rào lúc 10 sáng hôm qua) +)Note: Các trạng từ thường dung với khử tiếp diễn: at p.m., yesterday, at this/that time yesterday/last night/last month/ last year, 2.4 Adjective suffixes (hậu tố): -ed vs -ing; -ful vs -less 2.4.1 -ed vs -ing: Tính từ có hậu tố -ing (boring, interesting, exciting, amazing, ) chất người vật cịn tính từ có hậu tố -ed (bored, interested, excited, amazed, ) cảm giác 2.4.2 -ful vs -less Thơng thường tính từ có hậu tố -ful (careful, useful, hopeful, ) mang tính tích cực cịn hậu tố -less (careless, useless, hopeless, ) ngược lại PART II PRACTICE Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets They _ (buy) this house years ago I (decide) to a hotel management course in 2012 He (teach) English in this university at this time last year At p.m yesterday, Jack and Jill (not drive) home Her nephew (sit) on the couch and _ (eat) his breakfast at yesterday morning Their family - _ (not want) to move to Scotland last year Alan - _(listen) to music and working (work) on his computer at that time last month We _ (drive) when we (realize) that it was snowing more and more heavily Yesterday, our car broke down on the way home While we _ (wait) for help, we _ (sing) lots of songs to keep ourselves cheerful 10 Five years ago, I (choose) not to participate in that competition Complete the following sentences While he was digging in the garden, Peter _ when the burglar broke into his house She made us excited about the subject because Something similar happened while she _ us how to work the microscope Helen and Jessica weren’t able to see the concert because they Find and correct mistakes in the following sentences On their trip last year, they help a lot of disadvantaged and handicapped children At this time years ago, we donate food and clothes to low-income people in remote area When I work with them for the first time, many of them couldn’t read or write He was walking along the corridor when he was seeing a job advertisement on the notice board Suddenly we have to brake hard as the car in front stopped suddenly PART III TEST YOURSELF Gap - filling: Choose the suitable words from the box to complete the sentences Priority hopeless aware interesting continued interested volunteers Donate directing 10 gain Some of them were _ at Math because they even couldn’t the simplest calculation Young generation should find out more about the history of our country through interesting documentary films so that they become more _ of national issues There are top important things to to develop a country Most of people agree that the first is revolutionizing education You can _ not only food and clothes but also time and work in the office of this organization We need experienced, creative and patient _ to work as teachers at our Charity Centre Taking part in _ the traffic is also a form of volunteer work in your community After that, he to fight for the rights of poor people and became a hero for millions of people The love and affection for the handicapped orphans made her in the job advertised For some people, this type of work has no fun, but he thinks that it is 10.Volunteer work is a great way to _ experience in a broad range of fields Match each word/phrase on the left with its description on the right ignorant + a working hard at something because it is important to you by chance + b an organization for helping people in need dedicated + c without planning to urgent + d lacking knowledge or information about something charity + e needing to be dealt with immediately Word formation: Give the correct form of the words in brackets At that time, colored people and white people were not treated and he fought for the rights of colored people (equal) Those _ children have many problems and they really need our help (advantage) There are more and more youngsters who are in doing volunteer work (interest) I got some _ advice from my teacher It was really helpful (use) He was very about this film because the main character motivated him to be more confident (excite) This season is very Millions of viewers have watched it since it first aired (excite) People who volunteer in their community have a personal _- _to the area (attach) He was a _ man and against all forms of violence (peace) In 1914, the British ruled India and Gandhi wanted the British to leave India so that the country could become (depend) 10 Mother Teresa was said to be one of the most personalities of the twentieth century (influence) Choose the best answer By working for an international organization, he takes opportunities to have a worldwide network of friends and interact with a variety of people The underlined word has the closest meaning to: A relate to B communicate with C dedicate with D roommate with Tony: “It sounds interesting How did you get the job?” ~ James: " " A Yes, it was really amazing B I received that interesting job in 2014 C I got it last year D Just by chance This method seems to be _ A lot of students who follow it can improve their pronunciation quickly A use B useful C useless D misused Joining a hand in helping your community helps you gain experience _ many fields such as education, social work and health care A in B out C during D into “While we were having dinner, the phone rang.” has the closest meaning to: A While the phone was ringing, we had dinner B While the phone ringing, we had dinner C We were having dinner when the phone rang D While the phone was ringing, we having dinner This group of university students had to spend a night preparing stuff for the following day A sleep B slept C sleepless D sleeps He was peaceful man and all forms of violence A for B with C again D against Your job is likely to include welcoming guests and receiving _ for our Charity Centre A donate B donations C donors D donated This figure became interested in politics and to leave his first university for protesting A force B forced C was forcing D was forced 10 He continued to fight against the ruling government which was extremely cruel The underlined word has the closest meaning to: A structure B struggle C find D discover 11 At first, her superiors tried to discourage her from leaving the convent, but in the end they to let her go A agreed B was agreeing C to agree D agreeing 12 After taking part in public activities in their community, they realized that they had been ignorant or _ before A narrow-minded B large-minded C full-minded D thin-minded 13 Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others A island B plan C bank D pretend 14 We were travelling through the forest when we a python A face B was facing C faced D was faced 15 Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others A understand B expand C England D sand 16 Do you get if you have to work overtime? A annoy B to annoy C annoying D annoyed 17 Choose the answer which needs correcting Do (A) you like playing computer (B) games or are you tiring (C) of them (D)? 18 We were pretty (A) scary because we were skidding (B) and went off the road (C) into a (D) ditch 19 Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others A accident B prevent C attachment D encouragement 20 Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others A prolong B song C among D strong Rearrange the words/phrases to make meaningful sentences purchased / and / last / sister / a lot / his / of / Tom / novels / winter Christmas/ They / decorating / trees / p.m / were / yesterday, /at when /I / talking to / asked / a friend / the / me / teacher / a question./ was famous / She / was / became / awarded for / not only / her devotion / but also that / film / so / top / frightening /I / was / shouted / the / of my / at / voice./ The Read the passage and choose the best answer Volunteer in Spain International Volunteers, Gap Year Travelers and those looking for an (1) opportunity to volunteer work overseas must volunteer in Spain Volunteering in Spain will be a fun and (2) experience where you can get _ (3) in the Mediterranean culture, learn new skills and meet new people In Spain, Volunteering Solutions has programs in _ (4) with local organizations in the Valencia Region in the Eastern part of Spain Valencia is a _ (5) city with almost one million residents The city is rich in cultural (6) and has more than fifteen kilometers of beaches While _ (7) in Valencia, you will find _ (8) people who are happy to meet international volunteers The area is very well linked to other main European capitals (9) air, train and road While volunteering in the Valencia region, volunteers also get a chance to visit smaller and traditional Spanishtowns like Denia wheretheprojects are also located Volunteering Solutions offers conservation and community social welfare projects in the region where volunteers can help in conservation work such as Marine conservation or work with children from (10) backgrounds A excited B exciting C excite D excitement A challenging B challenged C bored D boring A immerse B immersing C immersed D immersers A partnership B ship C pattern D part A postal B post C coast D coastal A decorate B heritage C hesitate D relate A volunteering B volunteered C volunteer D volunteers A welcomed B welcomingly C welcome D welcoming A by B out C into D for 10 A disadvantaged B advantage C disadvantage D advance UNIT INVENTIONS PART I LANGUAGE FOCUS Vocabulary • generous (adj): • screen (n): • portable (adj): • economical (adj): • versatile (adj): • definitely (adv): • invention (n): fastener (n): spacesuit (n): • wisely (adv): • printer (n): • access (n): • charge (n/v): • bulky (adj): • congestion (n): • handheld (adj): • collapse (v): • device (n): • collapsible (adj): • laptop (n): • consumption (n): • processor (n): • speed (n): • inspire (v): • speaker (n): • inspiration (n): • earbud (n): • imitate (v): • incubator (n): • submarine (n): • instant (adj): • undersea (adj): • patent (v/n): • fabric (n): • biodiesel (n): • fastener (n): • palm (n): • hook-and-loop Grammar 2.1 The present perfect tense: hỉện hoàn thành 2.1.1 Form: +) S + has/have + past participle He has done his homework -) S + has/have not + past participle I have not done my homework ?) Has/Have + S + past participle? Have you done your homework? +) haven’t = have not, hasn’t = has not 2.1.2 Use: Thì hồn thành diễn tả: +) Sự việc diễn trước thời gian việc không đề cập không rõ ràng (quá khứ không xác định) e.g They have visited Thailand (Họ thăm Thái Lan) She has met him before (Cô gặp anh trước đây) *) Note: Các trạng từ thường dùng trường hợp này: ever, never, before, up to now, up to the present, still, till now, so far, recently, just + Kết việc bắt đầu khứ tính đến thời điểm Eg: I have lived here for years (Mình sống năm) She has worked for companies since she graduated from university (Chị làm việc cho công ty từ lúc chị tốt nghiệp đại học) *) Note: + For + khoảng thời gian: for days, for weeks, for the last week + Since + mốc thời gian: since last week, since Monday, since her childhood, since they moved, + 2.2 Gerunds and infinitives: danh động từ động từ nguyên thể 2.2.1 Form: Gerunds: V-ing learning, working, relaxing, entertaining Infinitives: to V to learn, to work, to relax, to entertain 2.2.2 Use + Để mục đích ta dùng to infinitive for + V-ing E.g: I find a partner to practice English (Mình tìm bạn để thực hành Tiếng Anh) Computers are used for controlling manufacture (Máy tính dùng để điều khiển sản xuất) PART II PRACTICE Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets Sarah (collect) plenty of information for the assignment recently The lives of Vietnamese farmers (change) dramatically since the invention of the harvesting machine He (teach) English in this university for years That university _ (not hold) any seminars since September His father-in-law - (do) research since last year My classmates and I (just/receive) the results of our recent exams I (read) all the books on the reading list today, so I have the notes now This is the longest essay that I _ (ever/have) to write 9. _ you _ (complete) your assignment yet? 10 I realize that I - (not spend) much time away from home up to now, but am keen to become more independent Complete the following sentences They know a lot about people and cultures all over the world because they Jane can show visitors the exact places to go, as she _ I have many students throughout the country because I Our teacher, Mr Mckenna, uses the projector to _ Facebook is used for _ Find and correct mistakes in the following sentences A pair of compasses are used for draw circles He has just bought a pencil case to held his pens and pencils A correction pen is used for cover writing mistakes British women overtake British men in Internet usage since 2005 How did your life change over the past ten years? PART III TEST YOURSELF Gap - filling: Choose the suitable words from the box to complete the sentences economical chop wisely Inventions submarine contributed versatile earbuds access 10 games They say that it is more convenient when are used for listening to music without disturbing other people This kind of car is very so we not have to spend too much money on buying petrol or diesel The computer is said to be one of the most significant of human beings If you use the internet discover a variety of new things In our modem life, people have loads of work to do, so they want to own the very devices which can many things We can use a laptop or a smartphone to get _ to the Internet To feel at ease, some children use a handheld video game device to play computer A food processor is normally used to up or mix food The _ which can travel underwater, imitates a dolphin’s shape 10 Science and technology have to environmental protection and natural preservation Match each word/phrase on the left with Its description on the right bulky + a the source makes someone want to create something access + b to copy somebody/something congestion + c the opportunity or right to use something

Ngày đăng: 22/08/2023, 22:07

