SCIENTIFIC ENGLISH FOR BIOTECHNOLOGY CHAPTER ANIMAL AND PLANT ANATOMY Phat Xuan Dinh Ph.D, DVM Pig anatomy Vocabulary Respiratory system Larynx Trachea tracheitis Bronchus (bronchi) Bronchitis Alveolus (Alveoli) Lung Pneumonia Pleura Pleuritis Thoracic cavity -itis: inflammation of sth Vocabulary Vocabulary Circulatory system: Heart and blood vessels Four chambers of the heart Artery Vein Capillary /kəˈpɪl.ər.i/ /’kæpɪl.ər.i/ Haemorrhage Congestion Infarction /ɪnˈfɑːk.ʃən/ Bleeding Thrombosis /θrɒmˈbəʊ.sɪs/ Vocabulary Urinary system Kidney kidney stone Ureter Bladder Urethra /jʊˈriː.θrə/ Penis /ˈpiː.nɪs/ Vulva /ˈvʌl.və/ Male reproductive system Male reproductive system Testis Penis Sperm Prostate gland Male reproductive system Female Reproductive system Ovary Fallopian tube /fəˌləʊ.pi.ən ˈtʃuːb/ Uterus = womb (horn and body) Vagina Egg (Ovary) = Ova Cervix /ˈsɜː.vɪks/ Cervical cesarean (section) /sɪˈzær·i·ən/ e-system-vocabulary-flash-cards/ Female Reproductive system Female Reproductive system Vocabulary Mammal Mammalian Inflate >< Deflate Gall bladder Coil Umbilicus Pancreas Insulin and Glucagon Internal organ (characteristics) External organ Thoracic cavity Abdominal cavity Peritoneal cavity (xoang màng bụng) Digestive system Tongue Stomach Proventriculus /prəvenˈtrɪk.jə.ləs/ Diverticulum /ˌdaɪ.və.tɪk.jəˈləm/ Duodenum /ˌduː.əˈdiː.nəm/ Jejunum /ʤi'ʤu:nəm/ Cloaca /klou'eikə/ Small intestine: duodenum, jejunum and ileum Large intestine: cecum, colon and rectum Poultry intestinal tract 15 11 10 12 13 14 Pig intestinal tract Pig anatomy Pig anatomy Parts of Fruit Structure Video: gõ vào youtube cụm từ sau để search: Fetal pig anatomy Parts of Tree Structure /ʃuːt/ /bʌd/ đọt, nụ /nəʊd/ = join /ˈpɛt iˌoʊl/ /ɔːɡˈzɪl.i.ə.ri/ /ˈtæp.ruːt/ /ˈlæt.ər.əl/ Parts of Tree Structure /bəʊl/ = trunk /twɪɡ/ /rỉdikəl/ /ˈfəʊ.li.ɪdʒ/ Parts of Flower/Fruit Structure /ˈɒv.juːl/ nỗn; /'sepəl/ đài /stail/ vòi nhụy /pi'dʌɳkl/ cuống /'petl/ cánh hoa /'steimen/ nhị /'stigmə/ đầu nhụy Dicot vs Monocot Seed /ˈen.dəʊ.spɜːm/ nội phôi nhũ /ˌkɒt.ɪˈliː.dən/ mầm /ˈem.bri.əʊ/