Oxford discover 5 writing and spelling Oxford discover 5 writing and spelling Oxford discover 5 writing and spelling Oxford discover 5 writing and spelling Oxford discover 5 writing and spelling Oxford discover 5 writing and spelling Oxford discover 5 writing and spelling Oxford discover 5 writing and spelling Oxford discover 5 writing and spelling Oxford discover 5 writing and spelling Oxford discover 5 writing and spelling Oxford discover 5 writing and spelling
LT .t*a Il II II II I Е€.Е#.j Wy€gЖж# Emotive and persuasivе language Emotionаl appeal P|anning сhart nostrils trunk snout bеak smel| ottеr bеavеr tool sсеnt blowholе аntеnnае Languаgе of сomparing аnd сontrasting lnformаtionaI tеxt Vеnn diagram bladе sIuiсе turbine axlе ordering: саuse and effесt Proсеss tехt Sеquеnсing сhart behаvе hay raсе stаble high fie|d threatеn trot polе еxprеss p|od Advеrbs of mannеr Intеrviеw Sеquеnсing сhart import еxport produсe сopper quartz foreign Тopiс, supporting, and Informational text Pаragraph mаp lеaping есho stonе sky|ark tеmpting hovеr skim Personifiсation Dеsсriptivе tеxt Wh сhart Сonditionаl tensеs HypothеtiсaI tеxt Parаgraph map Еnriсhing languаge Engаging story Story map Passive voiсe to dеsсribe Proсеss rеport Sеquеnсе сhаrt survivaI brееding funds fragiIе dеstruсtion slaughtеr vitaI nееdIеss prесious rare vulnеrabIе еssentiaI rotatе dammed trаnsmit gears bе|ts сonvеrt Planning сhart mi|| forсe сonсluding sеntеnсеs paIIadium сuIturaI va||еy murmuring laughtеr сountrvside iаqqеd valuе bartеr exсhangе trаde labor goods сurrеnсy voluntary work skill gain ahead аnсiеnt twitсh alarm savе hаnd|е rеmarkаble mаssive rеaсt pееlinq frozе pеtrifiеd straw baIe pIаster rеndеr foundаtion timber thаtсh сonсrеte ovеrIap string Iayеr сonstruсtеd a proсess #р ЖЕ$ffiжE Жжжфffiy #Ж*жж Suffixеs _iblе _аblе -iblу Prefiх -un _аblу flехible prediсtаblе flехibly prеdiсtаblу untie prе-and pro- prеpаrotion proсеss Spelling with le аnd -oиs аnd -loиs ei nieсe reсеivе еndings poisonous spaсious Prеfixеs in- and im- inассurote imoolite Homophonеs bаnd bаnnеd Keеping a spеlIing log Fo€US: Еmotivе ond pеrsuosive |onguogе 0UТPUТ: An emotionoI oppeo| #в.=gъъ€ #* е* #у-€Эф.#-gф ,*ё.#ъ.*#*ъ,gj j* l Words to know brееding funds nеedless prесious destruсtion sIoughter vuInеroblе essеntiol frogilе rore Reсd on qppeol uses emotionql longuoge to mqke thе reoder respond to o tеxt Whot kind of emotionol oppeols сqn you think of? ч @ пeoa the webpoge ( Turtle lsland volunteers are doing vital work to survey Costa Riса's rарidly diminishing turtIe populаtion ( Тhis vаluable informаtion is used to find out how сlimаte сhаnge and populаtion expansion аre negativeIy аffeсting the turtle population Wr need your help! 0ur сonservation program needs donations in order to: monitor brеeding patterns he|Р the surviva| of eggs and baby You оan mаke a reаl ditferenсe! We rely entirely on donations, so we need your help to provide funds for this essential work Your valuable donation of: $250 wil| buy a radio for beaсh сommuniсation hatсhlings assess how с|imate сhange and popuIation growth is damaging thе turtles'habitat Unit Whу da wе profесf аnimаls? O $650 will train a Field Assistant a $700 will pay a beaсh guard for a month l,{ P|ease suppor1 this inсrеdib|е projeсt and help prеvеnt the needless destruсtion of Costa Riсa,s preсious tuгt|е population With your assistanсе We сan he|p proteсt this rare and valuablе speсies, and prеsеrve thе bеauty of its fragile habitats Mission: о to prevent the poaсhing of tuftle eggs in the brееding Sеason to prеvent thе nееdless slaughter of tuгtlеs for meat to hе|p vu|nerable hatсhlings gеt to thе sea to provide еduсation in the loоal сommunity to hе|p preserve fragile habitats whiсh are essential for thе tuft|es' survival Understсrnd @ пeoa these phroses Do they refer to wildlife, humon bеings or thе еnvironment? Write W, H, or E з ч сIimotе сhongе frogilе hobitot brееding pottеrns turt|е populotion boby hotсhlings loсol сommunity populotion growth voIuntееrs & *r,', you think is it usеful to inсlude o photo in on emotionql oppeol? @ тьi' еmotionol oppeoI hos three seсtions Number them in thе сorreсt order o П bП 'h" funds thot theу nееd 'r.'"' G П *ho' mission thеy l4/irъr d* у':E gr*lfrl sлj;т.tс;fsi Unit @ wьi.h seсtion you think is the most importont port of the oppeol? Why? ( Look qt these sentеnсes from the,Mission, seсtion How the words in bold moke you feel? @ to prеVеnt the needless sloughter of turt|еs for meot to hе|p vulneroble hotсhlings get to the seo to he|p prеservе frogilе hobitots whiсh orе essentiqI for thе turt|es,survivol пeoа this porogroph Rewrite it os on emotionol oppeol using some of these words or Your own words frogilе unusuol vulneroblе preсious rore vitol des*+.U€+iotT, generotions terriblе Yoш сan hеlp prеvеnt thе tеrriЬlе loss of Bornеo,s highly valцеd rainforеst and its fеw orang.utans With yoЦr assistanсе wе сan hеlp protесt this not vеry сommon spесiеs and prеsеrvе thе Ьеauty of its not vеry strong haЬitats for futurе pеoplе Plеasе support this important projесt Yоu соn hеlp prevent the teгrible destruсtion оf Bornrо's I Unit V{fзll dо w€ р{Оt€С{ с:,-зlryт*jsl { Thinlз Q тьinк of сousеs thot you would like to support Mqke q list Q qsk yourself тьinк obout your qnswer to (D Choose one сouse ond thеse quеstions Do you know or сon you find out: & П whot the orgonizotion doеs? 3П *ьot your donotions would buy? 2П *hy thеy nеed funds? ЧП whot thеir mission is? тьinк obout your own emotionol oppeol Write notеs obout this сquse in the spoсe below lлf,ri*fi*тg fgсщs Еmotivе |onguogе is сhosen by thе writer to moke the reoder fееI o сеrtoin emotion Adverbs, odjесtivеs, ond nouns сon be usеd to odd emotionol impoсt: gшiltу -& !*n*pсerat killing.* slоughter нз*f сleсn ф ршre wgnf -* rтeed pФvertу ** fо*d ** hшeзg*r vвiuoble.* рreсiоus *оss.* destуa*сfi*rъ nФ mоn€y.* Think of somе words you сon use to odd impoсt to your emotionoI oppeol Why da уilе рrОA*{tr rзnimаls? Unit ! 9.gq.n'т99nq ф тьinк obout the seсtions of the oppeol in emotionol oppeol X s ond сreote the outline of your € Outline whot your orgonizotion does Vli ol dr fl.- ffi Еxploin three things thot need funding ond how muсh money is needed i: :*j l,_ ffi сive four buIlet points stoting the mission I ф wьot emotion you wqnt your reqders to feel when thеy rеod your oppеol? Q wьot photo сould you use with your emotionql oppeoI? Dеsсribe whot it сould show ond why l,1/fuy #* t"v* р,.*fесf *лfrу.эсэlsi { Write ф шo* write your emotionql opneф Stiсk or drqw o piсture Use your work in oсtivities & - &'o help you Whot the orgonizotion does Funds neсessory Mission Edi+ ffi пeod your еmotionql oppeol ond сheсk Now reod your portnerЪ writing qnd сheсk if you qgrеe In my emotionol oppeol: Гj L] ж ffi Г] П ' ' сon write the b,oсkground to the oppeol ссn exp|oin the fun.ds if needs П сon write the mission ' сGn use emotive longuoge l ' l'.'{.'rРitl di: lт,:i,эlr:i*i.i i,,l-i:ll;sjs:} Unit q FФ€US; Longuogе of сomporing ond сontrosling st"fiТРUТ; An informоtionoI tеxl ,*i f :-j-:' т &ffвrds *g /с; -i kxтвtяя beok smеlI snout sсent blowhoIе ottеr ontennoe Reсld s Ф Ф Ф f, Ф "# d -tr чГ Ф € Ф d -.ы' ч{ -# Ф -f, -f, -# Ч \",# Ф ;Ф 10 q € nostrils trunk beover too| Ф * :,.1l on informqtionqI text tells the rеoder qbout thе world Whqt sort of informqtionol texts сqn you think of? пeoа the tеxt ot a|| anima|s have nosеS, Some animaIs have snouts or beaks Мost anima|s usе thеir noses for breathing and smelIing, and some use them as a tоо| Many anima|s havе a strong Sensr ]0,000 of smе|| Dogs сan smel| ] ,000 to timеs bettеr than a person Simi|arly, a bear's Srnsr оf smе|l is vеry strong and сan detесt a dead anima| 20 mi|еs awaУ А|though not a|l anima|s have nosеs, aI| animals have a SеnSr of smе|| Fish don't havе noses, but they have nostri|s whiсh thеy use to sme||, А shark сan sme|| l00 litrеs of watеr' a drop of blood in Likе fish, whales don't have noses Тhеу have a b|owhole whiсh is like a nostril, Howеver, a wha|e,s blowholе is not usеd for sme||ing' |t's usеd for breathing ''kh*! ::r* **жs f*y ! { * { ч { { ! ( .: I I t ThinIс @ тьinк of two ideqs for your own engoging story Write s тьinк obout the elements you leqrned in ideos for eoсh of the elements? & Con you think of some o plot сhoroсtеrs o сliffhongеr o сonf|iсt '' = *" "-." - Wr$*Ёmg #gсq"лs In on еngoging story, thе writer сhooses Vеrbs, odverbs, ond odjесtivеs thot mokе the writing more exсiting ond engoging Н* sсr**}hЁ*d fуmmf8с*8!у *v*l'thе rдrс!!, сlr:d Я*жрf inf* th* litтl* L:**t with *nly gr**д.ls*s tо sр*re bеfr:r* fh* с*uid rеcjсh E*шg hliТ' Think of how you сon use tonguoge to mokе your ideos more interesting Moke some nofes tJ*l,у d* W€ *хр{rS5 *шrsrlу*sf Unit Цq orqсrnize сrnd PIсln -Оlll Q сьoose your best ideo from Wt $ ond mqke more detqiled notes o сonfliсt I : @ тьinк obout how mqny pqrogrophs you Wont to writе ond order your idеos within eoсh porogroph E Porogroph'l а ! 50 Porogroph Porogroph Unit Нaw Wе ехprеss rэursеlvеs? Write @ шo* write yo]r story Stiсk or drow o piсture Use your work in oсtivities o Ф help you 'o ;ffi- Ё ,fu'*',,m,'.'" "М"пмW.щ,*щ!n,*r.цщ".*m*,щщдщщр+*fl Edi+ Q пeo.а you.r ond сheсk Now reod your portnerЪ writing |Jo'y ond сheсk if you сl9ree _ lln_my.engLсging story: ЛLiП'Iссn * stqrt tlre-story-with o-ho-ok *o g.ef,t he."r:eсфrsl-ot.tentio n-.-_' ;.fl _сliffJrсngen *ti:llrl:" to еngoge thereoder: ,,**.fl Нaw dowе eхprеss oursе|vеs? Unit 51 FФd&.}S: Using the possive voiсе to dеsсribе o proсess CIUТPUТ: A proсess report Wвуds *g kxъgъж strow bolе plostеr rendеr foundotion timber thotсh сonсretе ovеrlop string loyer сonstruсtеd Peсld @ л proсess report exploins to the reodеr how somerhing is done Con you think of ony proсess reports? a tt ,: i ф пeoа this proсess report : : : ъя I € € his type of house is environmenta||y friend|y beсause it's Warm in thе wintеr' сool in thе summer, Cheap to heat and vеry сheap to buiId' Тhе most UnUSUal thing about it is that it's made of straw! First, the foundations arе built Тhen the outеr timber framе of the house is сonstruсted Тhе framе is nai|еd togеthеr Unit !-!с;w *rе ill;jj#i*с;g rшс;dgl Тhe roof framе сan be bui|t at thе same timе and сan be put asidе unti| thе wa|ls arе louilt Nеxt, thе wal|s are bui|t using straw ba|es А сomp|etе layer of ba|es is sеt around thе еdge of thе basе insidе the frame Тhе wa||s arе bui|t upwards with the ba|es staсkеd in over|apping rows |ike briсks They are he|d togеther using Iong wooden stakes As the wa||s are сonstruсtеd, the windows, p|umbing, and е|есtriсs arе fittеd in the usual way This is a|so thе timе when thе woodеn f|oor and stairs are fittеd Last, the roof frame is |ifted into position and attaсhеd to the straw wa||s using wooden stakеs Тhе roof framе is оovеreo with ti|es or thatсh When it is finishеd, thе inside and outside wa||s are renderеd with olaster Understсrnd & *ь, ф is q strow bqIe house good for thе environment? wьi.h of thesе mqteriqls ore used whеn moking o strow bqlе house? Cirсlе iron strow bo|еs briсks plostеr сonсrete wood ffi wьot @ would you like to live in o strow bqIе housе? Why? Why not? is thе first plostiс thing сomplеted when building o strow bqle house? ff*иr *r* *lэ:яfj*E-l riз*#еi Unit Ч 53 @ сь".k thе сorreсt sequenсe П П llli @ $ of qdvеrbs Ц o ,'r.,,, Nеxt, Lost,Тnеn ,'r.,,,Thеn, Next, Lost looк ot thеse sеntenсеs How ore they different? Complеte Wе modе thе housе with strow Thе house is mode with strow пeoа these instruсtions for building q briсk woll Then rewrite the porqgroph qs o report using the possive voiсe &&&&&&&&&q&чe&чъ ъe&e & tirst, makе a сonсrete foundation footing, Cоvеr and |еave саlled a for three daуs to dry Тhen, lay a row of briсks on thе footing Usе mortar to fiх еaсh briсk in plaсе Next, аdd more layеrs of briсks until thе wal| is finishеd Last, remove аnу ехсеss mortar with а brush -fl fl {f* footing' is modе First, o сonсrete foundotion сolled с -'6dЁ ч{ Ф * Ф _.# ч ч{d d Ф -d \ -tr* d Чe l-.l*уv srе fo*'нif#ings mсsdc? Ot I с Thinlс $ looк ot the typеs of building Moke notes obout the mqteriols you need to mqke eoсh one, ond whot is unusuql obout thеm skysсroper gross hut ъ'*"'.* ; iсe hotel 9rgq"iT9 "Цq.Р s сьoosе one of the buildings from o П [ p oo you know or сon you find out: how it is modе? 'r " сorreсt ordеr of stoges to moke this building? w,it" your building сhoiсe in the сenter of the diogrom below Complete the diogrom with your ideqs Г];l+ъffi*l L;.trt='-; Whot is unusuol liсзw аrе buildings mасlе? Unit Ч 55 ф wьen you hove o sеquenсeэf evеnts, it helps to group them into stoges Look ot this exomple from @ The foundotions ore Put in Wr o The wolIs orе put up Тhe windows ond doors orе oddеd Тhe roof is put on Moke notes obout how your building is mqde Put the stoges in the сorreсt ordеr Use the words in the box to help Тhеn Lost First Nеxt WrЁФЁвъg ff*gw* El In o proсеss rеport, the possivе voiсe is used to dеsсribе thе diffеrеnt stogеs Гirst' th* f*l-;nсj*t;сэils *r* ff***d Г.lrxt, th* briсks яr* p$***d ir: * rс:w;" o Whot verbs willyou need to use in thе possive to desсribe your proсess? Moke notes 56 Unit Ч 'r$*w аr* biяlldings rтзвсlе? l! п Write @ шo* write your proсess report Stiсk or drow o piсture Use your work in oсtivities o Ф to help you Edit @ пeod your proсess report qnd сhесk Now reod your portnerЪ writing ond сheсk if you ogree \" *{ П П г_1 lJ П r-"oo use-сdy-erbsof*sequenсe l*tl -t.o h.eJp сon use tJre.possiv.e voiсe to desсriЬe order*the stoges сor:rесlly lhe_ p-rо_сes.s- - - ff*w gr* buildinоs mаdе? Unit Ч 57 #*'f#jн ** -j*J* * *j* jЬ j,/ "'-'*:*Jg sрelliaъg fr*сus Wе сon odd thе suffixes -ible, -аblе, -iblу, -ablу to verbs ond nouns, to moke odjесtives or odvеrbs -ibte ond -gb|e qre the odjeсtive forms -ibly ond -*b|y ore thе odverb forms Motсh the odjeсtives to thе odverbs prеdiсtob|е t f|еxible О voluoble О t+ tеrriblе О q b Oс Оd О flexibIy tеrrib|y voluobly prediсtobly Usе thе words in thе box to сomplete the sentenсе y odvеrb e odjесtivе ond sрellЕng sоcus To mokе o word with the oppositе meoning or o nеgotive mеoning, We сon odd thе prefix un-: tiе, fl 58 uпfiе h*pрy, uпhорру writ" the words with un- сomfortoble tied Spelling Moster Closs Ч сookеd wropped ж# j*'*.# - * /* #-Г,,j7 *" Spelling f;Фсus Mony words stort with pre- ond рrо- You hovе to lеorn the different spеlIings Use the letters e or o to сomplete eqсh word below O pr - сеss '+ pr_ porotion pr _ digy q pr _ misе pr _ pelling pr _ perty pr _ ventoble pr tесt pr diсtoblе - Now find one more word storting with pre- ond one more storting with pro- # 5з* li J'; r* g'*#*=j,LгJ J'.# #Л**i '#J sрelling fo€UE You often find the lettеrs ie ond ei in thе midd|e of o word Тhere qrе somе ruIеs to hеlp you rеmembеr the сorrесt ordеr Look qt the сhqrt Cirсlе ie ond ei in the words iй:-i*"f, "ъ"", pi"""' fп"nd, reсeive, сeiling, & Rules I Look qt the rules Write them in the сhort in writе ei oftеr с s i l w'it" eoсh word speсiеs o somе words don,t fo|low o rule in the сorreсt row in the сhort in dесеive in genеrol writе ie pierсе Spelling Мqsler closs 5q -##:# -J.*з## #у:*#.*нъg.* We сon moke nouns into odjесtives by odding -ous or -ious Complеte thе odjесtivеs with -ous or.ious ц & spoсe sooс poison ooison mountoin mountoin _ _ _ еnVy еnV nеrve nerv _ odvеnturе сornivorе сornivor _ _ - odventur _ mvstеr Look qt thе words in 5*' я oв * I Ф.Write the odjeсtivеs mystеry - in the сhort ou' i:I Е de|e+e e+ ious c * i deIete У+ ious , =; Ё-ф*::' в &рeЕ*frffig &фуж*wgу A mnеmoniс dеviсе is o sеntenсе or rhymе thot hеlps you to rеmember o spelIing rulе Here orе some exomples: rя *lw*ys fо|l*ws E l-{еgr s *r Н*r*? Ygu }re*r with у*ur е*r' wьot spelling strotegy doеs this mnemoniс deviсe help you with? When it soys'ee' Put i bеforе e but not oftеr с ;l "* * r,: *J J;'.i:* - Wе сon сhonge the meoning of o word by putting igъ- or *cm- ot the beginning Мotсh thе word poirs ond сirсle in- or im- ч I politе сorreсt oссurotе potiеnt c b &с ag of оg ah oi a О a possiblе a perfeсt o сopob|е o visible @ нo' [l &q Ф {& inoссurotе impossiblе inсopob|е impеrfесt invisible inсorreсt impoIitе impotient the prefixes in- ond im- сhongе the meoning of o word? Cheсk тr.l"y сhongе thе word to meon,bodi [ ть"y сhongе thе word to meon ,not' ,, эj.;tr1* spaЕЕЁffi# #* Homophonеs orе words thot sound the some, but whiсh orе speIlеd differеntly Write the words nеxt to thеir homophones whoЪ four thеrе you,rе bond $} $} bonned their сь".k the meoning Ч itЪ its whose of the words in your for Use o diсtionory to help you w,it" o homophone for eoсh word Spelling Mosler clсss 61 Spelling s*rategY When We Wont to A spel|ing log is o list of diffiсult words o notе, on exomple, rеmеmber o diffiсult word, Wе сon writе or o mnemoniс deviсе to help: @ Q (l|с еot,0tе, еfi1еn еight Eh-B рCIOr reсеivе оo = not riсh put l bеfore e but nоt gftеr с мot.h the words to these spelling notes s$sуou qUееn o t four b Ф + Ф&*g сourogеous с q Ц s.ёd* d u follows { words тьinк of spelling strotegies for somе diffiсult Spelling Mqsler Closs Жу*ж*&*ж wФwЖж *fu&жkwyж w&ф&з gw*ж* #qs*wу*ж lmсginotfue stories' opinion essqуs, Process repor.ls How you help your students writе engoging, interesting, well.struсtured pieсes of writing? How you he|p them orgonize thеir ideos ond suссessfuIly fol|ow the writing proсеss? oxfold Disсover Writing ond Spelling introduсes studеnts to o wide ronge of сrеоtivе ond oсodemiс tеxt types ond guides them through the writing proсess It tokes them from thinking ond plonning through to writing ond thеn еditing think bР Ёion @$ .йiit" ММ 'eЬit Тhis notive speoker opprooсh to writing is supported with useful spelling strotegies, providing studеnts With o|| the too|s thеy need to writе сonfidently in ЕngIish tsBN 978-0- 9-427886-7 'l|шlllIll||ll]шШш|I