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From how to master listening skill LECTURE READY version 1

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1 Contents 2 PART 1: BASIC COMPREHENSION 1. LISTENING FOR MAIN IDEALS 1.1. Practice with Short Passages Fresh man (n): a first-year student xample: I had the same problem last year when I was a freshman Hold on (v): to wait, to stop Sociology (n): the study of society and social behavior xample: I have a sociology class at 2 o’clock. The teacher’s name is James Smith. 1. What is the man’s problem? → He cannot find his classroom. 2. How did the man solve his problem? → A female student showed him because she was going the same way. Mathematical Ideas (n): a study in the historical development of mathematical thinking To be nervous of/about (a): worried about; anxious about xample: I am going to have mathematical ideas this semester. I am a little bit nervous of that subject because I am not really good at math. Thoroughly (ad): completely → thorough (a): cẩn thận, kỹ lưỡng ≠ Though (conjunction, ad, as though: dường như, như thể là) ≠ Throughout (prep, ad): từ đầu đến cuối, khắp ≠ Through (prep): xuyên qua, qua A grade (n): an academic mark; a score xample: If you study them thoroughly, you will even not read the textbook. I am bad at math but I got a good grade. 1. What is the man’s problem? → Mathematical ideals is difficult for him. 3 3. What does the man have to do to get a good grade? → Listen to the lectures carefully and do well on the homework. 1.1.1. Climatology: Physical geography (n): the study of the natural features of the earth’s surface Climatology (n): the scientific study of the climate Astronomy (n): the scientific study of the out space 1. What is the main topic of the lectures? → physical geography 2. Which statement is correct about physical geography? → Physical geography uses many other sciences. Semester (n): one or two periods that make up a school year. To hand out (v): to give out; to distribute xample: Some of you may think the tests are too difficult with too many questions. But that is not so. As a master of fact, there will be a summary handout every class this semester. And if you study them well, then the tests will be very easy. Participation (n): the act of taking part in an activity or event 1. What is the teacher mainly taking about? → tests and grades 2. What do students do to get a good grade? → They must study the handouts and actively participate in the class. 1.2. Practice with Long passages 1.2.1. School To suggest (v): to put forward (đưa ra) a plan or idea xample: It is really difficult to study without any help. Actually, one of my friends told me that she fail this course before. She suggested that I go to the Academic Skills Center if I need help. Recommendation (n): advice; proposal xample: Recommendation letter Application (n): request; claim (sự đòi hỏi) To apply for (v) = to fill in/out application form 4 xample: Do we have to pay for it? → No, it is a free service that the school provides for students who need it. We can just walk in and sign up by completing application. To walk in (v) ≠ to make an appointment (v) 1. What are the students talking about? → Having tutors for the course. 3. What is the Academic Skills Center? → It’s a free service that the school provides to students who need tutoring. 1.2.2. Fundraising Volunteer (n): someone who does work without being paid for it xample: You know I do some volunteer works in m free time, don’t you? Underprivileged (a): deprived; disadvantaged xample: I do a lot of work with underprivileged children. Fundraise (v) → fundraiser (n): buổi quyên góp 1. What are the speakers mainly discussing? → Helping children who need help. 2. How does James to want to help children who need help? → By running a fundraising campaign. 1.2.3. Course requirement Requirement (n): something needed; what is necessary → to require To meet the requirements = To satisfy the needs xample: There are the four major requirements you have to remember during this course. Syllabus (n): an outline of topics for course of study Oral (a): spoken; not written Summit (v): to give something to somebody; to hand in ≠ to hand out; to turn in To gain, earn, get = to achieve → achievement (n) = accomplishment To expel = kick out (v) → 3 late = 1 absence 1. What is the main topic of the lecture? → The course requirement for good marks 5 3. How can students receive a good grade? → Students need to write a course paper about the broad topics discussed in class. 1.2.4. Climatology Climate (n): the general weather condition Global (a): relating to all the world; worldwide xample: What about a global climate? … it’s the sum of all of the climates of the planet added up. Temperature (n): the degree of heat or cold Decade (n): a period of ten years Environment (n): the surroundings that we live in -ology (n): ngành học 1. What is the lecture mainly about? → climate 2. What is the global climate? → It is a combination of worldwide climates. 1.3. Mini TOEFL iBT Timely (ad): đúng lúc, hợp thời 1. What is the main topic of this conversation? → New life at college is a challenge for both. 3. What did they decide to see the RA? To become the roommate. 4. Why does student B say this: “Wow, you are really far from home out here in New York City – Yeah, New York is really different from LA. This is my first year at the college. It’s a new life for me … almost. And I also live in the dorm. I hope I can meet many students as I can and learn something from all of them”? → He is actually nervous about college life. 5. What is the lecture mainly about? → Picasso’s great talent 6. According to the lecture, why do the most well-known scholars still find the meaning of the painting beyond their understanding? → The painting has a complexity of symbolism. 6 7. Listening again to part of the lecture, and answer the question. What does the professor imply when she says this: “There is a complexity of the symbolism in the painting. It doesn’t portray the event directly”? 1.4. Vocabulary Review Specific (a) detailed and exact Decade (n) a period ten years Recommendatio n (n) a suggestion that someone should have or use something because it’s good To explore (v) to examine thoroughly Brief (ad ) shortly; in a concise manner To disturb (v) to destroy the peace or tranquility of Nervous (a) sensitive; excitable; timid Evolution (n) a process to a more advanced stage Opportunity (n) a time or place favorable for executing a purpose To combine (v) to mix different elements together To wrench (v) to pull or twist violently in order to move or remove To participate (v) to take part in or to join in Bombardment (n) a strong and continuous bombing attack Approval (n) A formal or official statement that something is acceptable To display (v) to put something in a particular place to be seen 1) Let me introduce four major requirements during this course. 2) Let’s talk about tests first. 3) It’s really hard to find the classrooms on this campus. 4) No later than the class session, your topic must be approved by me. 5) On the contrary, global warming, for example, has change a lot in the Artic in recent years. 6) I am not really good at science. 7 2. LISTENING FOR MAIN PURPOSE 2.1. Practice with Short Passage 2.1.1. Cafeteria To go over a lesson: ôn lại bài To tackle (v): tìm cách giải quyết Besides (ad): in any case Cafeteria (n): a restaurant where you serve yourself and pay the cashier 1. Why does Cindy ask John about the cafeteria? → She wants to know the location for Jenny. 2. Why doesn’t Cindy want the food the cafeteria? → She has a bad memory about the food. 2.1.2. Cloning Sociology (n): the study and classification of human societies Cloning (n): making identical (đồng nhất) copies Ethics (n): motivation based on ideas of right and wrong: đạo đức học Unexpected (a): unforeseen Turnout (n): produce xample: Some people say it is good because it enables vital body parts to grow for sick people. While others say it is bad because it damages the spirit of God. Moreover, there are people saying it should be stopped because things can have an unexpected turnout in science. Touchy (a): sensitive 1. Why do the students discuss cloning? → Because a student has trouble finding the right topic for sociology class 8. Which reason does Jason say that cloning is bad? → It ruins the spirit of God. 8 2.1.3. Emperor Assassination (n): killing Innovation (n): a creation resulting from study and experimentation: sự cải tiến Dignified (a): self-respecting (a): lòng tự trọng Retirement (n): the state of being retired from one’s business or occupation xample: All army doctors were entitled to attend the new army’s medical school and were given dignified titles, land grants, and special retirement benefits. Before this, doctors had a fairly low status. 1. What is the main purpose of the lecture? To illustrate how Roman doctors were in the first century 9. Why did Roman doctors attend the army’s medical school according to the lecture? → They were keys to the army Clarify (v): make clear Intentional (a): by knowing purpose → to intend (v) → intention (n) → intentionally (ad) ≠ Accidental (a) → accidentally (ad) On purpose (ad) = by chance (ad): tình cờ 1. What is the main purpose of this talk? → To explain handball violations in soccer 10. What will follow this lecture? → The role of intentions in handball violations 2.2. Practice with Long Passages Concerned (a): involved in or affected by Wink (n): the blink of an eye Response (n): an answer or reply xample: Send your outline to him by e-mail. He said e-mail would better for him. And I’m sure you will get his response very quickly. 1. What is the main purpose of this conversation? 9 → The man wants to know if the teacher can review his outline before the test. 11. Why does the woman think everything will work out just fine? → The teacher will look at the man’s outlines before the exam Equipment (n): the necessary things for an expedition or voyage In charge of (ad): in control of = be on duty = responsible for Rapids (n): a part of river where the current is very fast Paddle (v): to propel a canoe or small sport with short, light oar used without an oarlock Tips (n): strategy = technique = suggestion 1. Why is the student asking his friend about rafting? → He wants to know if rafting is dangerous 12. According to the conversation, why did they go feet first when they fall in the water? → To avoid hitting a rock or something 2.2.1. Psychology Complicated (a): difficult to analyze or understand xample: Why do countries go to war? That is a complicated question. Disagreement (n): a difference of opinion or sentiment (tình cảm) Negotiation (n): a discussion intended to produce an agreement Clear the air (phr): to make differences or negative emotions go away (sua tan không khí nặng nề) xample: When people disagree, they usually try to resolve their differences peacefully through negotiation; sometimes they clear the air; other times they don’t. 1. What is the lecturer trying to show the students? → War happens because of human nature. 13. According to the lecture, what is not a reason for one nation to argue with another nation? → Hunting and gathering. 2.2.2. Midterm Exam Midterm (a): in the middle of academic term Definitive (a): supplying or being a final or conclusive settlement (cuối cùng, dứt khoát) 10 Critical (a): forming or having the nature of a turn point xample: Many of the questions on this exam don’t have definitive answers. I wish to assess your critical thinking ability and your ability to combine ideas. Compile (v): to put together; to construct; to build (làm cái mới bằng cách lấy mỗi thứ 1 cái) 1. Why does the professor explain the midterm exam? → He wants to help the student get a good grade. 14. According to the lecture, why does the professor suggest the students write trial outlines before the exam? → It helps students organize their answers well. 2.3. Mini TOEFL iBT Fencing practice (n): tập kiếm To catch up on/with (v): học để theo kịp To do chores (v): làm công việc lặt vặt Spare time = free time = leisure (n): 1. What is the main purpose of this conversation? → To set appointment for fencing practice 15. Which of the following is not true according to the conversation? → Peter is not a good friend to Jim. 16. Listen to part of the conversation, and answer the question. “What about Monday? Monday is not good either. I haven’t studied sociology at all… I have an exam on Tuesday in the afternoon, so I have to catch up on that. And don’t you have an essay due in your English class on Tuesday? Oh, I forgot about that. Yeah. Anyways, I am going to finish that during first period at school. So, what about Tuesday. Uh, I have soccer practice from 4:00 to 5:30, and after that, I have to do my homework”. Why can’t Peter practice fencing with Jim on Tuesday. → He has an exam, soccer practice, and homework during the day. 2.4. Vocabulary Review Wound (n ) any break in the skin or an organ Argue (v) to debate or discuss Nourishmen t (n) a source of materials to nourish the body [...]... Dispose (v) to get rid of; to throw out Interpret (v) to explain the meaning of Substance (n) that which has mass and occupies space Dissolve (v) To be mixed with liquid and disappear or to melt Hinder (v) To make something difficult to progress Segregate (v) To keep things physically or spiritually apart from each other Approximate (a) Not precise but close to something Penetrate (v) To get into or pass... said 4 .1 Practice with Short Passages Inquire (v): to ask, to question Provide (v): to furnish; to supply Tuition (n): a fee that students pay to gain a higher education Enroll in (v): to register for; to sign up for 1 Why did the school administrator ask this? “Are you currently enrolled in this school?” → Because the student need to register if he is not enrolled 7 What is the student trying to find... Join (v): to become part of Calculus (n): the study of organisms’ functions and parts xample: 1 I will sign up for that class, too I think Tom needs to take that class, too, so I have him sign up for that class as well =(I will ask Tom to take the same class) Why did the man say this to the woman? “Let me know how your physics class goes” → Because he wants to know if she likes Mr Brown’s lectures 4... 200 feet 6 .1 Practice with Short Passages Invent (v): to create; to originate Commercial (a): of relating to business or commerce Manufacture (v, n): to produce; to make xample: 1 Yeah, it usually takes a decade for the general public to see what the military uses How is the conversation organized? → According to the different invention 11 According to the conversation, who manufactured the first commercial... develop, grow, or flourish Inseparable (a): impossible to part 1 How is the lecture organized? → In chronological order 4 How did the tortoise react the hippo’s friendship? → He returned the friendship 6.3 Mini TOEFL iBT 1 In this conversation, how do the students present the study they read? 32 → From 20 years ago, when the study was first conducted to the year 2002 2 Why does the man feel that media... species to become extinct? → The small number of these species and negative environment factors 2 The lecture talks about cutting down trees Why does she mention this? → To give an example of how can cause animals to be endangered Explore (v): to travel over new territory → exposure Immunity (n): a state of being able to resist disease Trace (v): to follow or study Come over (v): đến 1 What does the lecture. .. the Intolerable Act the best? → The act undermined the colony’s independence 4.4 Vocabulary Review Decision (n A conclusion; a judgment ) Suffer (v To endure; to feel pain ) Damage (v To spoil physically or stop something from working properly ) Preserve (v To save or protect something from damage or decay ) Join (v To became part of; to take part in ) Terrible (a) Awful; dreadful Contaminate (v to make... a lot of people Portray (v) To describe; to represent Surface (n) An exterior; an outer layer Evaporat (v) To change from a liquid state to a gas e Volcano (n) An opening on the earth’s surface where lava is expelled Amazing (a) Astonishing; remarkable Adapt (v) To adjust to a different situation or condition 33 Advance Multiply 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) (n) To move forward (v) To make something increase greatly... According to the lecture, what was the real reason for the American Revolution? → The British reaction to the Boston Tea Party 6 Listen again to the part of the lecture, and answer the question “When the colonists refused to pay for the destroyed tea, the British passed the co-called Intolerable Act The act closed to the port of Boston, decreased the colony’s self-government power, allowed royal officers to. .. media.” What does the man listen to to get a different source of information? → He listens to public radio 5 How is the lecture organized? → The lecture is categorized into water and heat adaptations 6 According to the lecture, why do desert rabbits have big ears? → To remove body heat 7 Listen again to part of lecture, and answer the question “Some animals conserve water by minimizing water loss through . (v): to give something to somebody; to hand in ≠ to hand out; to turn in To gain, earn, get = to achieve → achievement (n) = accomplishment To expel = kick out (v) → 3 late = 1 absence 1. What. executing a purpose To combine (v) to mix different elements together To wrench (v) to pull or twist violently in order to move or remove To participate (v) to take part in or to join in Bombardment. times they don’t. 1. What is the lecturer trying to show the students? → War happens because of human nature. 13 . According to the lecture, what is not a reason for one nation to argue with another

Ngày đăng: 02/06/2014, 10:44

Xem thêm: From how to master listening skill LECTURE READY version 1


Mục lục


    1.1. Practice with Short Passages

    1.2. Practice with Long passages


    2.1. Practice with Short Passage

    2.2. Practice with Long Passages


    3.1. Practice with Short Passages

    3.2. Practice with Long Passages

    4. Unit 4: Understanding the Function of What is said


