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I E C TR 60 9 -1 ® Edition 3.2 201 7-05 C ON S OLI D ATE D VE RS I ON colour i n sid e P e rform an ce of h i g h -vol tag e d i re ct cu rre n t (H VD C ) s ys te m s wi th l i n ecom m u tated verte rs – IEC TR 6091 9-1 :201 0-05+AMD1 :201 3-04+AMD2:201 7-05 CSV(en) P art : S tead y-s tate d i ti on s T H I S P U B L I C AT I O N I S C O P YRI G H T P RO T E C T E D C o p yri g h t © I E C , G e n e v a , S wi tz e rl a n d All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either IEC or IEC's member National Committee in the country of the requester If you have any questions about I EC copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional rights to this publication, please contact the address below or your local I EC member National Committee for further information IEC Central Office 3, rue de Varembé CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel.: +41 22 91 02 1 Fax: +41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch Ab ou t th e I E C The I nternational Electrotechnical Commission (I EC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes I nternational Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies Ab o u t I E C p u b l i ca ti o n s The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC Please make sure that you have the latest edition, a corrigenda or an amendment might have been published I E C Catal og u e - webstore i ec ch /catal og u e The stand-alone application for consulting the entire bibliographical information on IEC International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Reports and other documents Available for PC, Mac OS, Android Tablets and iPad I E C pu bl i cati on s s earch - www i ec ch /search pu b The advanced search enables to find IEC publications by a variety of criteria (reference number, text, technical committee,…) It also gives information on projects, replaced and withdrawn publications E l ectroped i a - www el ectroped i a org The world's leading online dictionary of electronic and electrical terms containing 20 000 terms and definitions in English and French, with equivalent terms in additional languages Also known as the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) online I E C G l os sary - s td i ec ch /g l oss ary 65 000 electrotechnical terminology entries in English and French extracted from the Terms and Definitions clause of IEC publications issued since 2002 Some entries have been collected from earlier publications of IEC TC 37, 77, 86 and CISPR I E C J u st Pu bl i s h ed - webstore i ec ch /j u stpu bl i sh ed Stay up to date on all new IEC publications Just Published details all new publications released Available online and also once a month by email I E C C u stom er S ervi ce C en tre - webstore i ec ch /csc If you wish to give us your feedback on this publication or need further assistance, please contact the Customer Service Centre: csc@iec.ch I E C TR 60 9 -1 ® Edition 3.2 201 7-05 C ON S OLI D ATE D VE RS I ON colour i n sid e P e rform an ce of h i g h -vol tag e d i rect cu rre n t (H VD C ) s ys te m s wi th l i n ecom m u tated verte rs – P art : S tead y-s tate d i ti on s INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION ICS 29.200; 29.240.99 ISBN 978-2-8322-441 2-8 Warn i n g ! M ake s u re th a t you ob tai n ed th i s p u b l i cati on from an au th ori zed d i stri b u tor ® Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission I E C TR 60 9 -1 ® Edition 3.2 201 7-05 RE D LI N E VE RS I ON colour i n sid e P e rform an ce of h i g h -vol tag e d i re ct cu rre n t (H VD C ) s ys te m s wi th l i n ecom m u tated verte rs – IEC TR 6091 9-1 :201 0-05+AMD1 :201 3-04+AMD2:201 7-05 CSV(en) P art : S tead y-s tate d i ti on s –2– CONTENTS I EC TR 6091 9-1 : 201 0+AMD1 : 201 +AMD2: 201 CSV  I EC 201 FOREWORD Scope Normative references Types of H VDC system s 1 General 1 HVDC back-to-back system 1 3 Monopolar H VDC system with earth return H VDC system 3 Monopolar H VDC system with m etallic return H VDC system 5 Bipolar earth return H VDC system 6 Bipolar H VDC system with m etallic return HVDC system 20 Two 2-pulse groups per pole 22 Converter transform er arrangem ents 22 DC switching considerations 27 Series capacitor com pensated HVDC systems 29 1 LCC/VSC h ybrid bipolar system 33 Environm ent information 34 Rated power, current and voltage 37 Rated power 37 General 37 Rated power of an H VDC system with transm ission line 37 Rated power of an H VDC back-to-back system 37 Direction of power flow 38 Rated current 38 Rated voltage 38 Overload and equipm ent capability 38 Overload 38 Equipm ent capability 39 General 39 2 Converter valve capability 39 Capability of oil-cooled transformers and reactors 40 AC harm onic filter and reactive power com pensation equipment capability 40 Switchgear and buswork capability 40 Minimum power transfer and no-load stand-by state 40 General 40 Minim um current 40 Reduced direct voltage operation 41 No-load stand-by state 41 General 41 Converter transformers – N o-load stand-by 41 Converter valves – No-load stand-by 41 4 AC filters and reactive com pensation – N o-load stand-by 42 DC reactors and d.c filters – N o-load stand-by 42 Auxiliary power system – N o-load stand-by 42 7 Control and protection – No-load stand-by 42 AC system 42 I EC TR 6091 9-1 : 201 0+AMD1 : 201 –3– +AMD2: 201 CSV  I EC 201 General 42 AC voltage 42 Rated a c voltage 42 2 Stead y-state voltage range 42 Negative sequence voltage 43 Frequency 43 Rated frequency 43 Stead y-state frequency range 43 3 Short-term frequency variation 44 Frequency variation during emergency 44 System impedance at fundam ental frequency 44 System impedance at harmonic frequencies 44 Positive and zero-sequence surge im pedance 44 Other sources of harmonics 44 8 Subsynchronous torsional interaction (SSTI ) 45 Reactive power 45 General 45 Conventional H VDC systems 45 Series capacitor com pensated HVDC schemes 47 Converter reactive power consumption 47 Reactive power balance with the a.c system 47 Reactive power suppl y 48 Maxim um size of switchable VAR banks 48 HVDC transm ission line, earth electrode line and earth electrode 48 1 General 48 Overhead line(s) 48 General 48 2 Electrical parameters 49 Cable line(s) 49 General 49 Electrical parameters 49 Earth electrode line 50 Earth electrode 50 1 Reliability 50 1 General 50 1 Outage 50 1 General 50 1 2 Scheduled outage 50 1 Forced outage 51 1 Capacity 51 1 General 51 1 Maxim um continuous capacity Pm 51 1 3 Outage capacity P o 51 1 Outage derating factor (ODF) 51 1 Outage duration term s 51 1 Actual outage duration (AOD) 51 1 Equivalent outage duration (EOD) 51 1 Period hours (PH) 52 1 4 Actual outage hours (AOH) 52 –4– 12 13 14 15 16 I EC TR 6091 9-1 : 201 0+AMD1 : 201 +AMD2: 201 CSV  I EC 201 1 Equivalent outage hours (EOH) 52 1 Energ y unavailability (EU ) 52 1 General 52 1 Forced energ y unavailability (FEU ) 53 1 Scheduled energ y unavailability (SEU) 53 1 Energ y availability (EA) 53 1 Maxim um perm itted number of forced outages 53 1 Statistical probability of outages 53 1 Com ponent faults 53 1 External faults 53 HVDC control 53 Control objectives 53 2 Control structure 54 2 General 54 2 Converter unit firing control 54 2 Pole control 57 2 HVDC substation control 59 2 Master control 59 Control order settings 59 Current limits 60 Control circuit redundancy 60 Measurements 60 Telecomm unication 61 Types of telecomm unication links 61 Telephone 61 3 Power line carrier (PLC) 61 Microwave 62 Radio link 62 Optical fibre telecomm unication 62 Classification of data to be transmitted 63 Fast response telecom munication 63 Reliability 63 Auxiliary power supplies 64 General 64 Reliability and load classification 64 AC auxiliary supplies 65 4 Batteries and uninterruptible power supplies (U PS) 65 Emergency suppl y 66 Audible noise 66 General 66 Public nuisance 67 General 67 2 Valves and valve coolers 67 Converter transformers 67 DC reactors 67 5 AC filter reactors 67 Noise in working areas 68 Harmonic interference – AC 68 I EC TR 6091 9-1 : 201 0+AMD1 : 201 –5– +AMD2: 201 CSV  I EC 201 AC side harmonic generation 68 Filters 68 I nterference disturbance criteria 72 Levels for interference 73 Filter perform ance 74 Harmonic interference – DC 74 DC side interference 74 Harm onic currents in H VDC transmission line 74 Characteristic and non-characteristic harm onics 74 Groups of harmonics 75 Calculation of harm onic currents 75 Calculation of induced voltages 75 Personnel safety 75 DC filters 76 DC filter performance 76 Requirem ents for voice communication circuits 76 2 Levels of interference 77 Safety 77 Specification requiremen ts 77 Economic level of filtering 77 General criteria 78 3 Factors to be taken into account for calculations 79 Calculation of currents 79 Power line carrier interference (PLC) 81 General 81 Performance specification 81 Radio frequency interference 82 General 84 RFI from H VDC systems 84 RFI sources 84 2 RFI propagation 85 RFI characteristics 85 RFI performance specification 86 RFI risk assessm ent 86 Specification RFI lim it and its verification 86 3 Design aspects 87 20 Power losses 87 20 General 87 20 Main contributing sources 88 20 General 88 20 2 AC filters and reactive power com pensation 88 20 Converter bridges 88 20 Converter transformer 88 20 DC reactor 88 20 DC filter 88 20 Auxiliary equipment 89 20 Other com ponents 89 21 Provision for extensions to the H VDC system s 89 –6– I EC TR 6091 9-1 : 201 0+AMD1 : 201 +AMD2: 201 CSV  I EC 201 21 General 89 21 Specification for extensions 89 Annex A (inform ative) Factors affecting reliability and availability of converter stations 92 Bibliograph y 99 Figure – Twelve-pulse converter unit Figure – Examples of back-to-back H VDC system s Figure – Monopolar H VDC system with earth return system Figure – Two 2-pulse units in series Figure – Two 2-pulse units in parallel Figure – Monopolar H VDC system with m etallic return system Figure – Bipolar system Figure – Metallic return operation of the unfaulted pole in a bipolar system 20 Figure – Bipolar H VDC system with metallic return H VDC system 21 Figure – Bipolar system with two 2-pulse units in series per pole 24 Figure 1 – Bipolar system with two 2-pulse units in parallel per pole 26 Figure – DC switching of line conductors 27 Figure – DC switching of converter poles 28 Figure – DC switching – Overhead line to cable 29 Figure – DC switching – Two-bipolar converters and lines 30 Figure – DC switching – I nterm ediate 31 Figure – Capacitor commutated converter configurations 32 Figure – Variations of reactive power Q with active power P of an H VDC converter 46 Figure – Control hierarch y 56 Figure 20 – Converter voltage-current characteristic 58 Figure 21 – Exam ples of a c filter connections for a bipole H VDC system 70 Figure 22 – Circuit diagrams for different filter types 71 Figure 23 – RY COM noise meter results averaged – Typical plot of converter noise levels on the d.c line corrected and normalized to kH z bandwidth –0 dBm = 0, 775 V mW corresponding to 0,775 V at a pole-to-pole surge im pedance of 600 Ω 82 Figure 24 – Extension m ethods for H VDC systems 91 Figure 25 – Recommended measurem ent procedure with definition of measuring point 87 Figure 26 – LCC/VSC h ybrid bipolar system 34 Table – I nform ation supplied for H VDC substation 35 Table – Performance param eters for voice comm unication circuits: Subscribers and trunk circuits 77 C.vT.Bg.Jy.Lj.Tai lieu Luan vT.Bg.Jy.Lj van Luan an.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an – 84 – I EC TR 6091 9-1 : 201 0+AMD1 : 201 +AMD2: 201 CSV  I EC 201 field tests, since determ ination of total losses by field tests alone is not practical because of inadequate m easuring accuracy The relevant environmental conditions, as well as methods of calculation should be specified The tolerances for all loss m easurem ents should be established I f the H VDC system is erected in stages, then the loss figures per stage should be determ ined Total efficiency figures for m onopolar and bipolar operation under the specified conditions should be verified Determ ination of power losses in H VDC converter stations is described in detail in I EC 61 803 20.2 Main contributing sources 20.2.1 General For m uch H VDC equipm ent, harm onic currents contribute appreciabl y to total equipment losses The basis for calculation of these harmonic losses should be specified Temperatures at which losses are to be determined should be given 20.2.2 AC filters and reactive power compensation Loss figures are calculated for the a.c filters and reactive power com pensation The harm onic losses in these are strongly load-dependent The loss figures should include all harmonic effects produced by the converters U nless otherwise specified, harmonics entering from the a.c system should not be taken into account in these calculations For no-load loss calculation, none of the filters and reactive power sources is assum ed to be connected For rated load, it is assum ed that all filters and reactive power sources which are needed to provide the specified power factor are connected and all harmonics enter the filter onl y For interm ediate loads, the operating conditions should be specified For static and synchronous reactive power com pensators, the operating conditions should also be specified 20.2.3 Converter bridges Converter bridge losses can be calculated based on measurements m ade in the factory on the individual bridge elem ents Loss figures include losses in all the com ponents used in the bridges, for exam ple, valves, snubber circuits, reactors, etc assum ing firing and overlap angles as required for the specified load condition U nder no-load, valves are assum ed to be energized but blocked All valve-cooling equipment losses required for the specified load conditions should be included 20.2.4 Converter transformer The fundamental frequency losses in converter transformers can be established by no-load and short-circuit m easurements in the factory with harmonic losses taken into account by appropriate computation All cooling equipm ent losses should be included as far as their operation is required for the specific load condition 20.2.5 DC reactor Direct current losses can be measured in the d.c reactor at the factory and adj usted for the specified ambient tem perature I ts harm onic losses should be calculated All cooling equipm ent losses should be included as far as their operation is required for the specified load condition 20.2.6 DC filter DC filter losses are calculated taking into account the harm onics actually entering the filter at the specified load conditions with the control and overlap angles as needed at those conditions All converter harm onics are assum ed to enter the d.c filter Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj.dtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn.Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhddtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn C.vT.Bg.Jy.Lj.Tai lieu Luan vT.Bg.Jy.Lj van Luan an.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an I EC TR 6091 9-1 : 201 0+AMD1 : 201 +AMD2: 201 CSV  I EC 201 – 85 – 20.2.7 Auxiliary equipment This equipm ent includes cooling (except converter transform er, d c reactor and valve cooling), control, heating, lighting of the H VDC substation and auxiliary transform ers Losses can be determined as the summ ation of the m easured or calculated losses of all individual items Onl y that equipm ent which is needed for the specific operating point in meeting all requirements of the specifications should be included in the loss calculation 20.2.8 Other components Losses in other components such as voltage and current transformers, RI filters, etc, should be determined under specified conditions (load level, am bient temperature, etc) 21 Provision for extensions to the HVDC systems 21 General I f extensions to HVDC system s are scheduled or planned in the future through separate specifications, the various applicable conditions after the extensions should be considered in advance Otherwise, econom icall y and technicall y disadvantageous situations m ight arise Therefore, it is necessary to specify, as far as possible, the conditions for each step of the extensions appl ying to Clauses to For the scope of the equipment installations in each stage of the extensions and the performance specifications, careful consideration should be given to the complexity of the field work, to m inim ize the influence of the field work and field tests on the operation of the existing system , to econom y of advance investm ent and to the system perform ance requirem ents at each stage The following matters should be specified in as much detail as possible to the extent they can be anticipated and included in the statement of the scope of extensions 21 Specification for extensions The specifications for extensions consist of the following: a) Rated capacity, voltage and current in each stage of extensions b) Form of converter bridge extensions (Figure 24): ) series; 2) parallel; 3) m onopolar to bipolar; 4) m ulti-terminal, series or parallel An y special operating m odes planned for the future, such as switching of poles from series operation to parallel operation during the outage of a H VDC transmission line pole as discussed in Clause should be described c) AC system parameters after each stage of the extensions ) additional a c lines; 2) changes in nom inal and range of stead y-state a c voltage; 3) additional generators; 4) increased short-circuit capacity d) Reactive power balance after each stage of the extensions ) reactive power source to be installed at the H VDC substation; 2) reactive power supplied from the a c system e) Circuit configuration and line characteristics of the H VDC transmission line(s) after extensions f) Change of the control m ode after extensions, if planned Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj.dtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn.Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhddtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn C.vT.Bg.Jy.Lj.Tai lieu Luan vT.Bg.Jy.Lj van Luan an.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an – 86 – I EC TR 6091 9-1 : 201 0+AMD1 : 201 +AMD2: 201 CSV  I EC 201 NOTE The extension work on control and protecti on m ay restrict the operation of existing equ ipm ent for a long period I n this connection, therefore, the scope of control and protection equ ipm ent to be install ed in each stage of extension should be exam ined g) The allowable levels of audible noise, carrier interference and harm onic interference in each stage of extension should also be specified, including the levels in the final stage after completion of extensions h) Order of extension of a c and d.c filters NOTE When the HVDC transm ission lin e voltag e changes as a result of extension, the design of filters will be different depen din g on wh ether filters for the fi nal HVDC transm ission line voltag e are used from the begi nni ng or series extension of capacitor u nits is m ade Accordi ngl y, it is necessary to clearly in dicate this point Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj.dtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn.Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhddtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn C.vT.Bg.Jy.Lj.Tai lieu Luan vT.Bg.Jy.Lj van Luan an.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an I EC TR 6091 9-1 : 201 0+AMD1 : 201 +AMD2: 201 CSV  I EC 201 – 87 – a) Monopolar to bipolar extension b) Multiterminal bridge extension Figu re 24 – Extension methods for HVDC systems Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj.dtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn.Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhddtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn IEC 408/05 C.vT.Bg.Jy.Lj.Tai lieu Luan vT.Bg.Jy.Lj van Luan an.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an – 88 – I EC TR 6091 9-1 : 201 0+AMD1 : 201 +AMD2: 201 CSV  I EC 201 An n ex A (informative) Factors affecti n g re l i abi l i ty an d avai l abi l i ty of verter s tati on s This annex explains various factors affecting reliability and availability of an H VDC substation itself and not the evaluation of reliability and availability I t m ay be noted that all may not be applicable to every H VDC substation and/or H VDC user NOTE The own er/user sh ou ld specify specificall y such reli ability & avail abi lity requi rem ents, as deem ed appl icabl e for the HVDC proj ect Without a m utual specific agreem ent between the supplier/m anufacturer an d the user/own er; this annex is on ly for inform ation and gui dance A Desi g n an d d ocu m en tati on A G en e ral The following subclauses are a com pilation of suggested RAM-driven design principles that have been specified for previous H VDC substation proj ects The user may consider these in future converter station designs/specifications, as appropriate, in light of the operational mission, the surrounding electrical system, and the economics of the proj ect A G en e ral d e s i g n pri n ci p l es a) For bipolar converters, the designer should pay special attention to avoid bipol ar forced outages and keep such duration to a minimum This effort requires emphasis on such areas as subsystem and system testing, protection coordination, proper setting of protections, spare parts, and redundancy and separation of the subsystem s of the two poles b) Except where the user desires even more stringent design requirements, no single failure of equipm ent under rated operating conditions shall lead to m ore than a pole forced outage, and no com bination of equipm ent failures within an H VDC converter pole should ever cause a forced outage extending beyond that pole I t may be noted that under som e operating configuration (e g bipolar balanced operation with station earth), this m ay not be avoidable c) Subj ect to the user’s operating policy, no m ore th an one pole at a time should need de-energisation as a precondition to an y scheduled maintenance task Furtherm ore, the HVDC substation design should require no more than one annual planned outage for routine m aintenance of an y individual piece of equipment d) The converters should be designed to prevent, wherever possible, false power reversals due to equipm ent failure, malfunction, or operator error e) All control and protection system s should be designed so that no single failure in an y of these systems causes a reduction in rated H VDC power transfer capacity f) The control and protection equipment should be designed to cause no m ore than a defined num ber of discrete transient disturbances (with a minim um duration defined by the user) per pole per year; but excluding transient disturbances occurring while the HVDC controls and protections are responding, as designed, to problems originating in the adjacent a c system (s) g) Throughout the design of the HVDC substation, and particularly in the valve halls, care should be taken to identify and to prevent possible causes of fire for exam ple by use of fire retardant material Where the possibility of fires m ay not be elim inated entirel y, provision should be m ade for the following conditions • Fire detection and alarm ing • Human verification to avoid false tripping and unnecessary initiation of suppression measures, if applicable Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj.dtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn.Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhddtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn C.vT.Bg.Jy.Lj.Tai lieu Luan vT.Bg.Jy.Lj van Luan an.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an I EC TR 6091 9-1 : 201 0+AMD1 : 201 – 89 – +AMD2: 201 CSV  I EC 201 h) The user m ay specify that the design and placem ent of auxiliary equipm ent (including their associated controls and protection) be such that a si ngle equipment failure does not reduce rated H VDC power transfer capacity Redundant cooling pum ps, cooling fans, and heat exchangers would be one approach to m eeting this requirem ent A M ore d etai l e d d e s i g n p ri n ci p l e s The following features would improve performance when designed into the controls, protections, and sim ilarl y organized equipm ent a) The least com plex design capable of performing a required function b) Com ponents that are applied within their individual ratings and that have been proven in service or have undergone applicable accelerated life stress tests before commissioning c) Pre-aged components (a burn-in period should be applied to all electronic components within the valve groups, and within the control and protection equipment, before their incorporation into larger assemblies) d) Circuits using comm on com ponents (to reduce the num ber of specific spares to stock) e) Design practices (such as surge protection, filtering, and interface buffers) to render sensitive com ponents and circuits im mune to dam age and interference by induced voltages and currents in external cabling and cubicle wiring f) Fail-safe and self-diagnostic designs g) Redundant equipm ent and control cables, with autom atic transfer facilities as appropriate h) Ph ysical separation of redundant cables and circuits to minim ize the effect of fire, floods, and other such hazards i) Designs that, in the event of com ponent failures, transfer to a less com plex operating m ode j) Equipment that m ay be maintained, repaired, and operated at the converter stations without the need for special operating and maintenance environm ents, test equipment, special tools, or complex operating sequences k) Modular construction to permit rapid replacement of modules with failed com ponents or subassemblies l) I dentification and separation of control switches for each converter and associated equipm ent to m inim ize operator errors m ) Designs that not rel y upon im mediate operator actions to avoid equipment dam age A S oftware d e s i g n p ri n ci p l e s Typicall y, all control and protection functions in H VDC substations are implem ented as software The overall reliability of a H VDC substation is directl y impacted by the quality of this software a) As with hardware, general quality assurance m ethods, principles, and organizations should be employed for software design and application Organizational methods, audits, and certifications, as defined, for example, in the I SO 9000 fam il y (see 5, 9, 0, 4.1 , and of I SO 0 : 9 [B ] , a n d I S O 9000- : 9 [B ] i n p a rti cu l a r) a n d th e I SO 0000 fam il y, apply here b) Most of the general design principles mentioned in A 2, and m ost of the specific principles listed under A 3, are applicable to software as well For example, the principle of minim um com plexity should be observed to minimize the possibility of errors and to ease m aintenance and repair Use of proven standard function blocks (for control, logic, and comm unication) is recommended These proven standard function blocks are configured (i.e parameterized and com bined) to provide the H VDC control and protection structure as needed I n order not to achieve robustness at the expense of jeopardizing perform ance, this “function block” approach should be used onl y by well -trained, experienced personnel employing adequate hardware and software of fam iliar design Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj.dtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn.Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhddtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn C.vT.Bg.Jy.Lj.Tai lieu Luan vT.Bg.Jy.Lj van Luan an.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an – 90 – I EC TR 6091 9-1 : 201 0+AMD1 : 201 +AMD2: 201 CSV  I EC 201 c) Software offers fundam ental reliability-related advantages over hardware These advantages should be used in all H VDC converter applications For example, selfm onitoring, self-diagnostics and fail-safe software should be applied prud ently Autom atic docum entation features should be used for diagram s, test reports, and m anuals All major control and protection functions should be included in the simulation tools used for the overall control and protection system design The identical software combination should then be im plem ented and tested as part of the actual control and protection equipm ent d) Awareness of the specific software-related problem s and risks is necessary as well potential computer failures, auxiliary power outages, risk of unauthorized access, vulnerability to viruses, as well as the inevitable existence of (hidden) software faults should all be taken into consideration Some of the rem edies to be applied are use of proven and reliable com puter, processor, and interface hardware; uninterruptible power supply; lim ited access; safel y stored back-up software etc A.1 RAM records Prior to comm issioning, the user should establish a procedure to document all RAM -related events Each event, whether scheduled or unpredicted, should be recorded with reference to all data relevant to its cause and to its effect on RAM perform ance A.2 Operation A.2.1 A.2.1 Training The role of training in HVDC substation RAM Trained staff does m ake a difference to the total reliability/availability of an H VDC substation At the earliest stage (tender and contract preparation), the staffing requirements of a station should be outlined A.2.1 Training courses I n general, training should be given to operation and m aintenance personnel and should start, if possible, before the factory acceptance tests begin for the control and protection system A training program may start with a classroom orientation, which is then completed in time for the start of equipment pre-commissioning A training course may be divided in four parts They are as follows a) General lectures on the system and the equipment – their purposes, functions, methods of use, and control and protection principles – with appropriate texts b) Specific lectures on operation and maintenance, given separatel y, even if atten ded by the sam e personnel All items of equipm ent, whether special or conventional, should be covered by both courses c) Experience gained from participation in installation, testing, pre-commissioning, and comm issioning, after these lectures have been assim ilated I f possible, the testing of converter valves and of controls should be witnessed by some trainees NOTE Here, too, vi deo record ing is hi ghl y advisabl e – particularly for rel ativel y uncom m on events such as the replacem ent of a verter transform er, sm oothing reactor, or thyristor d) Practical exercises to ensure that trainees are able to operate the station i n a safe and efficient m anner A.2.2 A.2.2.1 Maintenance programs affecting reliability Basics The goal of maintenance planning is to reach an optim um balance between the total expense of scheduled outages and the frequency of forced outages M aintenance may be as follows: Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj.dtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn.Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhddtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn C.vT.Bg.Jy.Lj.Tai lieu Luan vT.Bg.Jy.Lj van Luan an.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an I EC TR 6091 9-1 : 201 0+AMD1 : 201 – 91 – +AMD2: 201 CSV  I EC 201 a) preventive: to m aintain or improve the equipment ability to operate; b) predictive: to ward off a perceived imm inent danger of forced outage; c) corrective: to clear a forced outage Maintenance tasks, having intervals less than one year, m ay be on-line tasks, speciall y when the system design includes redundancy These tasks may be planned and executed as on-line maintenance throughout the year Most, but not all, m aintenance tasks having intervals equal to or longer than one year are (subsystem or com ponent) off-line tasks Depending on whether a redundant subsystem or com ponent exists and on whether it is accessible when the system is on -line, its maintenance is either m ade part of the (system) online m aintenance or declared a (system ) off-line task These off-line tasks are grouped on an annual basis and performed during an annual scheduled outage A.2.2.2 Designing systems and specifying equipment for optimum maintainability A predictive RAM calculation should, among other goals, include design targets related to maintenance As the design and m aintenance planning progresses, the RAM calculation might have to be repeated A.2.2.3 Planning maintenance programs Maintenance planning m ay be based on the methodology of reliability-centered maintenance (RCM) RCM focuses on the prioritization of the tasks according to their perceived necessity, instead of just perform ing the work according to, for instance, the manufacturer’s maintenance manuals As a typical result, identical components in different locations might have different maintenance schedules, after considering criteria such as the following: – – – – – – – – – function within the system as a whole; probability of failure, also considering the stress conditions; availability of earl y failure warning; im pact of failure on system perform ance [failure m ode and effect analysis (FMEA) is often u sed to anal yze th is im pact] ; redundancy; m easurable aging and wear on equipment; identifying which m aintenance tasks are indispensable; determ ining which further m aintenance activities would improve reliability by reducing the exposure to failures, delaying their occurrence, facilitating their detection, etc; tutorials, reports, and other types of literature on RCM that are available After the RCM analysis, the HVDC user should consider further factors in order to refine the overall maintenance plan These factors are as follows: – – – – – vendor warranty requirem ents; applicable standards requirements; other contractual requirem ents; liability and insurance requirements; econom ics A special feature of HVDC bipole systems that are able to transmit 50 % (or more) energ y on either pole and 00 % energ y on both poles is that one pole m ay undergo a scheduled outage while the other pole is in operation (provided the equipm ent layout and the power network Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj.dtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn.Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhddtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn C.vT.Bg.Jy.Lj.Tai lieu Luan vT.Bg.Jy.Lj van Luan an.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an – 92 – I EC TR 6091 9-1 : 201 0+AMD1 : 201 +AMD2: 201 CSV  I EC 201 allow this option) I n such cases, the user m ight divide the annual scheduled outage into three parts: one pole outage for each pole, and a scheduled bipole outage (for an y equipm ent comm on to both poles, irrespective of the design goals of A 2) Finall y, planning off-line m aintenance on an annual basis does not mean that all annual scheduled outage plans are identical, even if the equipm ent list remains unchanged, for the following two m ain reasons a) Tasks with prescribed intervals equal to or longer than two years are not carried out year by year b) Although constant component failure rates are assumed, failure rates tend to change with tim e according to the “bathtub curve, ” and as a function of the mechanical and/or electrical stresses to which the components are subjected A.2.3 A.2.3.1 A.2.3.1 Spare parts Types of spare parts Consumables Consumables are used continuously, so small num bers are kept on hand or ordered j ust before scheduled m aintenance periods They are easil y replaced, sources are plentiful, and they are not usually included in the original contractual inventory A.2.3.1 Long-term spares Long-term spares are needed for the entire life of the converter station They may be classified into two groups, as follows a) Parts needed onl y at long intervals (e g , once in five years) The user shou ld check the availability of these items frequentl y, and they m ay have to be included in the station’s inventory if they becom e difficult to procure b) Em ergency item s needed to recover from a forced outage There is no way to guarantee the failure rate or the availability of the replacement part at the tim e of the failure Earl y in the life of the project, the user should identify long lead-tim e items available from relativel y few sources A.2.3.2 Evalu ation Consum ables and m aintenance item s are not m uch of a problem , in that the replacem ent rate is known The real issue in spare parts inventory is the em ergency item To have every possible needed em ergency part would require having almost a complete spare converter station in the inventory I n general, the amount of spare parts kept in the station’s inventory is proportional to the cost of the station’s downtim e and is based upon field experience with sim ilar equipm ent or apparatus The user should, therefore, decide what item s need to be kept on hand and what m ay be supplied by the manufacturer by considering the following: a) b) c) d) e) item s with an expected high failure rate, item s with a long lead time for replacement, item s critical to the operation of the station, item s not readily available from the manufacturer or no long er in production, procurem ent and warehousing costs Redundancy is, in effect, an “in-service” spare part and also affects the spare part strateg y Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj.dtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn.Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhddtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn C.vT.Bg.Jy.Lj.Tai lieu Luan vT.Bg.Jy.Lj van Luan an.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an I EC TR 6091 9-1 : 201 0+AMD1 : 201 +AMD2: 201 CSV  I EC 201 A.2.3.3 – 93 – A typical spare parts list This list is intended to give the user som e general exam ples of what other H VDC proj ects have kept in stock The list shall be specifically agreed between supplier and purchaser for each contract separatel y Spare parts m ay include the following: a) converter transformers – especiall y when single-phase transformers are used; – converter transformer com ponents; – bushings; – pum ps with m otor; – fans with motor; b) reactors; – smoothing reactor (if the smoothing reactor is oil-filled, then there may be a need for components sim ilar to those for the transformer); – shunt (power factor) reactor (if the shunt reactor is oil-filled, then there m ay be a need for components sim ilar to those for the transformer); – air-cored sm oothing reactor and filter reactor (when a reactor consists of more than one coils, one coil m ay suffice); – electrode line reactor; c) converter valves; – th yristors; – components of the snubber circuit, dam per circuit, and voltage divider (e.g , capacitors, resistors); – valve reactor ; – electronic circuit boards for valve electronics and valve-based electronics or valve control units; – fiber-optic cables; d) d c wall bushings – a c and d.c arresters (som e m ulti-column arresters m ight have energized spare columns instead of com plete spare arresters); e) a.c circuit breaker and load-break switch accessories; – closing and tripping coils; – closing and tripping m echanisms; – control rods; – arcing contacts (for tripping and closing); f) voltage and current measurement devices; – capacitive voltage transformers; – dc voltage dividers; – potential transformers; – current transform ers; – d.c current transducers; g) power factor bank and harm onic filter equipment (besides reactors); – shunt capacitors (capacitor cans and support insulators, not com plete banks); – resistors (when a resistor consists of m ore than one module, one m odule may suffice); h) other d.c side equipment; Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj.dtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn.Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhddtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn C.vT.Bg.Jy.Lj.Tai lieu Luan vT.Bg.Jy.Lj van Luan an.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an – 94 – I EC TR 6091 9-1 : 201 0+AMD1 : 201 +AMD2: 201 CSV  I EC 201 – d c switchgear; – neutral bus capacitors (capacitor cans and support insulators, not complete banks); – electrode line capacitors (capacitor cans and support insulators, not com plete banks); i) control, protection, and metering equipment; – valve control (electronic boards); – dc control (electronic boards); – fault m onitoring; j) station service and auxiliary power equipment; – low-voltage circuit breakers and transfer switches; – fuses; – low-voltage arresters; – batteries chargers accessories; – uninterruptible power suppl y accessories; k) valve cooling equipm ent; – fan with motor; – pum p with motor; – mechanical valves; – filters for cooling m edium Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj.dtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn.Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhddtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn C.vT.Bg.Jy.Lj.Tai lieu Luan vT.Bg.Jy.Lj van Luan an.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an I EC TR 6091 9-1 : 201 0+AMD1 : 201 +AMD2: 201 CSV  I EC 201 – 95 – Bibliography I EC 60700-1 , Thyristor valves for high-voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission – Part 1: Electrical testing I EC 601 46-2: 999, Semiconductor converters – Part 2: Self-commutated semiconductor converters including direct d.c converters I EC/TR 601 46-6: 992, Semiconductor convertors – Part 6: Application guide for the protection of semiconductor convertors against overcurrent by fuses I EC 61 48, Terminal markings for valve device stacks and assemblies and for power conversion equipment I EC 61 803, Determination of power losses in high-voltage direct current (HVDC) converter stations with line-commutated converters IEC 62001 (all parts), High-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems – Guidebook to the specification and design evaluation of A.C filters CI SPR (all parts), Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods ISO 996-1 , Acoustics – Description, measurement and assessment of environmental noise – Part 1: Basic quantities and assessment procedures CI GRE Brochure 346, Protocol for reporting the operational performance of HVDC transmission systems CI GRÉ Technical Brochure (TB) N o 391 : August 2009, Guide for measurement of radio frequency interference from HV and MV substations Disturbance propagation, characteristics of disturbance sources, measurement techniques, conversion methodologies and limits EEI Publication 60-68:1 960, The telephone influence factor of supply system voltages and currents _ Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj.dtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn.Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhddtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn C.vT.Bg.Jy.Lj.Tai lieu Luan vT.Bg.Jy.Lj van Luan an.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj.dtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn.Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhddtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn C.vT.Bg.Jy.Lj.Tai lieu Luan vT.Bg.Jy.Lj van Luan an.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj.dtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn.Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhddtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn C.vT.Bg.Jy.Lj.Tai lieu Luan vT.Bg.Jy.Lj van Luan an.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd.vT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.LjvT.Bg.Jy.Lj.dtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn.Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhddtt@edu.gmail.com.vn.bkc19134.hmu.edu.vn

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