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English – majored students’ percepstion ò using online reading resources and the online reading habits at hong duc university

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HỒNG ĐỨC UNIVERSITY MÃ THỊ LI FACULTY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES MÃ THỊ LI GRADUATION THESIS ENGLISH – MAJORED STUDENTS’ PERCEPSTION OF USING ONLINE READING RESOURCES AND THE ONLINE READING HABITS AT HONG DUC UNIVERSITY Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of Arts in English Language THANH HÓA, 2022 THANH HÓA, 2022 HỒNG ĐỨC UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES ENGLISH – MAJORED STUDENTS’ PERCEPSTION OF USING ONLINE READING RESOURCES AND THE ONLINE READING HABITS AT HONG DUC UNIVERSITY Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of Arts in English Language Student: Mã Thị Li Student’ ID No: 1867020026 Class: K21A – English Language Supervisor: M.A Hoàng Thị Minh THANH HÓA, 2022 Table of Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ABSTRACT LIST OF ABBRIVIATION LIST OF FIGURES .6 LIST OF TABLES PART I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale .7 1.2 Aim of the study 1.3 Research questions 1.4 Scope of the study 1.5 The design of research .8 PART II DEVELOPMENT Chapter Theoretical background .9 1.1 Students’ perception 1.1.1 Definition of students’ perception .9 1.1.2 Types of students’ perception 1.1.3 The role of students’ perception on learning English 10 1.2 Reading 11 1.2.1 Definition 11 1.2.2 Types of reading 12 1.2.3 The role of reading on learning English 16 1.3 Reading habits .18 1.3.1 Definition 18 1.3.2 Types of reading habits .19 1.3.3 The effect of reading habit on reading ability 21 1.4 Online reading resources .23 1.4.1 Background 23 1.4.2 Some sources to develop reading habit .24 1.4.3 The role of online reading resources on reading habits 25 1.5 Related previous studies 26 CHAPTER METHODOLOGY 28 2.1 Context and participants .28 2.2 Data collection instruments 28 2.3 Data collection procedure 29 2.4 Analysis method 29 CHAPTER FINDING AND DISCUSSION 31 3.1 English – majored students’ perception of using online reading resources 31 3.2 English – majored students’ perception of reading habits 32 PART III CONCLUSION 41 3.1 Conclusion .41 3.2 Recommendation 42 3.3 Limitation and further study .42 REFERENCES 44 APPENDIX 46 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT My teachers, family, and friends provided me with a great deal of aid, direction, and encouragement as I worked on my graduation paper First and foremost, I’d want to give special thanks to my supervisor, Mrs Hoang Thi Minh, a lecturer at Hong Duc University’s foreign language faculty, for her continuous advice and support I couldn’t have finished this thesis without her great suggestions and guidance Secondly, I’d want to offer my heartfelt gratitude to Mrs Nguyen Thi Quyet, the Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, and all of the teachers at Hong Duc University for the invaluable and practical lessons they provided during my studies, which greatly aided me during graduation It would’ve been dishonest of me not to acknowledge the English major at Hong Duc University who excitedly participated in my survey questionnaire I was able to initiate a data survey, analyze the results, and provide relevant solutions as a result of their cooperation Last but not least, I want to express my gratitude to my family and friends for always encouraging and inspiring me to finish this graduation thesis Thanh Hoa, April 27, 2022 Ma Thi Li ABSTRACT The widespread use of the internet in education has saturated the teaching and learning process with digital resources, altering many areas of academic life, including students’ reading habits The goal of this study was to find out how students felt about utilizing the internet to create reading habits The study included 40 students from Hong Duc University’s Faculty of Foreign Languages who completed questionnaires using the Google form approach using a survey design A questionnaire with 17 items was used to gather information The findings revealed that respondents had a favourable impression of how the internet has influenced their reading habits However, most of them saw reading as solely a means of gathering information in order to complete school obligations They saw the internet as the primary source of knowledge they needed to complete their homework LIST OF ABBRIVIATION HDU: Hong Duc University SSR: Sustained silent reading LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3.1 Frequency of using online reading resources for reading habits 37 Figure 3.2 How you spend time reading online resources for your study and for entertainment? .39 LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1 Students’ perception of using online reading resources 34 Table 3.2 English – majored students of HDU reading habits .35 PART I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale Reading English is an important factor of language learning because it improves in the development of other abilities such as grammar, vocabulary, and writing Reading allows language students to explore themes and tales that they are interested in According to Adetunji & Oladeji, (2007:509), those who the reading activities all the time will make it a habit In addition, to have a good ability in reading English, the students must have a habit of reading This intends to make the students understand the reading and have a good master’s in English especially reading The students who love to read on every occasion will have fewer difficulties in understanding the lesson than those who not have a reading habit This shows that reading habit has a positive influence on students’ academic performance The reading habits will help the students to decrease their difficulties during the learning process in the class The students will get used to facing the problem in reading because they have reading habits, for example, the difficult meaning of new vocabulary or the difficulties with the story itself Reading provides an experience through which the individual may expand the horizons of knowledge identity and extend and intensify his interest to gain a deeper understanding of themself, (Florence, 2017:106-110) It indicates that one of the most essential skills we should have been the ability to read We can have a better understanding of knowledge and the writer's viewpoint by reading However, students of HDU still not really have good reading habits Because they have just graduated from high school, and this is the time to learn a lot about grammar for the final exam Online reading resources are very important and useful tools for students in the process of learning and developing their reading interests They can use it to practice reading skills, learn new words that they have never met or contact with British literature and culture It can also change themselves to help them feel more confident and comfortable, along with the interaction between students and people However, a part of students in the Faculty of Foreign Languages have not yet taken full advantage of the benefits of online reading resources As a result, this study aims to show students’ awareness of using online reading resources to develop English reading habits The study included a small survey, with the participation of a group representing class K24B - English Languages of HDU 1.2 Aim of the study My research aims to investigate the perception of English-majored students at Hong Duc University on using online reading resources to create English reading habits 1.3 Research questions To fulfill the above aim, this study intends to answer the following questions: What is HDU English-majored students’ perception of using online reading resources? What is HDU English-majored students’ reading habits? 1.4 Scope of the study As a result, this research can only focus on investigating how students perceive using online reading resources for their English reading habits I hope that this study is good reference material for the English major as well as all students who wish to get higher learning English 1.5 The design of research A table of contents, along with the page numbers on which they appear, aids readers in getting a clear picture of the research project It also makes it easier and faster for readers to locate the part they require The research is divided into three sections: The first chapter is introduction includes rationale, aims, scope, method the design of the study The second chapter is Theoretical Background which provides readers the overview of students’ perception, reading, reading habits of online reading resources Additionally, it has a part of related previous studies The survey questionnaires for English – majored students is the third chapter This chapter considers the analysis and findings gained through survey questionnaires, then discusses the survey findings and compares The last chapter is conclusion of the study PART II DEVELOPMENT Chapter Theoretical background 1.1 Students’ perception 1.1.1 Definition of students’ perception Perception is an assessment or a view of something Someone who has the good judgment of something is likely to be receiving the stimulus of that well anyway According to Danim (2010: 1), students are the main and most important resources in the teaching and learning process Students can learn from teachers, while teachers cannot teach without students All the learning processes always begin with perception According to Schunk, D H., & Meece, J L (Eds.) student perceptions are thoughts, beliefs, and feelings about persons, situations, and events As the chapters in this book make clear, there are many types of student perceptions that operate in classrooms Self-perceptions involve perceptions of students’ own abilities, self-concepts, goals, competence, effort, interests, attitudes, values, and emotions Social perceptions refer to students’ perceptions of their peers’ abilities, self-concepts, goals, and so forth, as well as to perceptions of various qualities of teachers (such as attitudes, competence, goals, opinions of students’ abilities) Also important are students’ perceptions of tasks and other classroom factors (like task difficulty, effective learning strategies, environmental factors that help and hinder learning) Students’ perception is the process of preferential treatment of students toward information they get from an object, in this study are my survey questions Through observations with their senses, students can interpret the observed object 1.1.2 Types of students’ perception I believe that each person will be different in their perception of age, experience and circumstances CHAPTER FINDING AND DISCUSSION Based on the collected data, it can be clearly seen that this study is divided into two issues: Students' perception of using online reading resources and English - majored students of HDU reading habits 3.1 English – majored students’ perception of using online reading resources Table 3.1 Students’ perception of using online reading resources No Statement Perception (%) I enjoy reading e-book or articles through the 32,5 Internet English reading using the online reading 100 resources develop my reading ability at the campus It’s easy and quick to use online reading 35 resources for information I have particular time to use online reading 32,5 resources on improving English reading habits I feel confident using searching machine 92,5 (Browser & Google) to find necessary texts I use the online reading resources when I’m 42,5 free and want to relax Online reading resources help me expand my 92,5 knowledge and explore many topics I have not seen before Table 3.1 shows that survey respondents have a positive attitude towards the use of online reading resources Most of them are usually people who read online or get information when needed It’s not that accessing the internet is difficult, but this is the young and tech-savvy generation According to Cilliers (2017), they were the first generation born into a globally (internet) connected world and therefore “live and breathe” technology As a result, they 31 had no trouble using information and communication technology and were able to quickly get the information they required They believed the internet was the primary means of connecting them to the rest of the world since they were tech - savvy All students claimed that English reading with the online reading resources can develop their reading ability at the campus They can go online and use the source materials to help study for an exam or any other test This is also the destination for many students who want to explore the outside world with documents and pictures Even in class or at home, they visit websites and use online reading resources to so your exercises The statements with the second highest percentage of students agreeing are “I feel confident using searching machine (Browser & Google) to find necessary texts” And “Online reading resources help me expand my knowledge and explore many topics I have not seen before” (92.5%) However, since a majority of them did not love reading, they only read to access the required information and serve for more learning Only less than half of them enjoyed reading web-based texts and prepared a particular time to read online every day 3.2 English – majored students’ perception of reading habits Table 3.2 English – majored students of HDU reading habits No Statement Perception (%) Using online reading resources is my 32,5 favorite Using online reading resources is one of 20 my favorite activities I read English e-books or articles I would rather read an e-book than a printed 27,5 20 book Reading English texts using online reading resources helps me understand English literature and culture 32 100 I feel joy and comfort in using online reading 40 resources to develop English reading habits I read through the online reading resources to 100 find the information to my assignment Online reading resources provide every 32,5 information for my daily English reading habits Table 3.2 demonstrates that the majority of participants dislike reading They only read because it was required of them or because they needed to complete an assignment In detailed, only 20% of them consider reading online resources as their favorite activity and prefer reading over other language skills Therefore, only 20% read e-books, newspapers and electronic news Only 32.5% of them viewed reading as their hobby and liked reading most compared to other language skills Consequently, only 32.5% using online reading resources provide every information for daily English reading habits every day; only 40% felt comfortable spending time reading online, and only 27.5% read books online These show that the majority of respondents used findings internet reading as their primary source of information, but only to complete schoolwork provided by their teacher They just abuse the fact that it is very useful for learning English but not realize that it is very appropriate for them to develop their own reading skills There is still a small group of people reading just to gather information, not to enjoy Through this small survey, we need to consolidate and suggest what are the benefits from using online reading resources that we should keep in mind In summary, most students of class K24B - English Language use online reading resources only for their study They use them to study for exams and homework When 100% they read English texts using online reading resources helps their understand English literature and culture and read through the online reading resources to find the information to their assignment 33 In term of frequency of using online reading resources for reading habits, students still consciously spend time using online reading resources, but the frequency is still not much 12.5, 13% 12.5, 12% 0-1 hour per week about hours per week 22.5, 23% about hours per week 52, 52% more than hours per week Figure 3.1 Frequency of using online reading resources for reading habits In detailed, it is clear that students in K24B - English Language spent the largest proportion of their time using hours to develop reading habits, while “0-1hour” was item has the lowest percentage A large number of students spend hours using online reading resources for study and research, this is the item with the highest proportion, 52.5% of the whole chart The remaining group of students also spent quite a bit of time on their studies when the “3 hours” in the chart section accounted for a relatively large percentage, up to 22.5% Students are aware that being close to technology is essential, especially in their learning 34 process However, there is still a small group that has not really focused on this (12,5%) They have the qualifications and access to the Internet to find source materials for study and reference They are still not aware of how useful it is to use online reading resources The reason may be that they are bored with the content that the provider has given in the online documents And they don’t want to access the internet to find documents instead of reading printed books In short, this is a very encouraging number when students can self-aware how important learning is, how to use online reading resources to develop necessary reading habits Although there is still a small group of students who still not really agree that this is a factor that helps them improve their English learning and reading more In term of spending time reading online resources for study and for entertainment, every student has his or her own way of developing reading habits Figure 3.2 How you spend time reading online resources for your study and for entertainment? No Statement Percentage (%) Number of students I just spend time reading online 85 34 97.5 39 60 24 47.5 19 45 18 resources for my study Time reading online resources for study is much more than for entertainment Time reading online resources for study is quite the same as for entertainment Time reading online resources for study is much less than for entertainment I just spend time reading online resources for entertainment 39 According to the data, students spend most of their time reading online resources for learning rather than entertainment, this index is up to 97.5% This may be because students realize how the advantage of online reading resources is applied to their learning They can reinforce their own knowledge, review a variety of materials for exams and tests They also spend time using online reading resources for entertainment after school hours or even during school hours when they have time to rest This perception may not be so common among students, but it is still a pretty good result We should encourage students to balance their time between using online reading resources for study and entertainment because their benefits are not only for learning but also many other things In conclusion, reading habit is not very proportional to perception Most students are aware of the importance and advantages of reading online They can use these advantages to serve their learning, especially developing reading habits and in fact you also read more online than reading paper books for homework and entertainment, although there is still a small group of people who prefer to use printed materials The results show that students have a high awareness of using online resources for their English learning and reading habits However, in fact, reading online is not so effective They only focus on using online resources to serve their learning needs 40 PART III CONCLUSION 3.1 Conclusion Based on the findings and discussion above, it was determined that slightly more than half of the respondents thought the internet helped them develop their reading habits The majority, on the other hand, saw reading as merely a means of gathering information to complete school obligations They assumed that the internet would give them with a wealth of resources to help them complete their homework They also believed that the internet could provide them with activities and tools to help them learn English The majority, on the other hand, did not regard the internet as a source of entertainment when it came to reading The fact that one third of them enjoyed reading and were willing to spend more time reading on the internet Regardless, a tiny group of them opted to read printed materials This suggests that printed reading materials were not completely ignored by all members of Generation Z, while they may not need to borrow or buy books, but just access the internet and search the information that they need In comparision with Bana’s research: Students’ Perception of Using the Internet to Develop Reading Habits: A Case Study at the English Education Department of Universitas Kristen Indonesia Both studies showed positive results about the subjects that the researcher studied About the content, regarding Bana’s earlier research, it was concluded that a slightly higher than half of the responses positively perceived that the internet developed their reading habits However, only about 40% of them loved reading for pleasure and were ready to spend more time reading online Despite these, almost one-fifth of them is still preferred reading printed materials This indicates that not the whole of Generation Z members is completely ignored printed reading materials Research results in this study show that most students are very aware of how important the use of online reading resources is for developing reading habits The frequency of using the internet to look up and access websites for reading English is very high and regular This habit should be maintained and promoted more because the benefits it brings are great As a result, the number of students using online reading 41 resources for learning and reading practice is commendable Today, every student has at least one smartphone, which is a necessary condition for them to access the internet and use the knowledge there for themselves The rich benefits from students’ reading habits have been clearly demonstrated through survey questions Sitting in school is still a process of learning and learning more from outside knowledge, knowledge gained from the experiences of others and learning more from different fields through using internet 3.2 Recommendation It is obvious from the results of this research that students have a very positive perception of using online reading resources and online English reading habits Therefore, teachers should use more academic materials on websites or online reading resources which are logical and suitable to students in order to encourage students’ passion for reading habits However, it should be noted that they need to select reliable sources of materials that are appropriate to the content of the lesson as well as students’ level and interests For students, the use of online reading resources is very useful and necessary They can use them for their self-study outside classroom to develop reading habits and improve their attitudes about using online reading resources On the other hand, they have to choose sources that are reliable, useful and relevant to their age, hobbies and levels They also should not abuse and depend too much on online reading sources to serve their learning as the problem of plagiarism 3.3 Limitation and further study There are some considerable limitations in this study Firstly, this study was only conducted based on a survey of a group of 40 students from class K24B - English Language Therefore, it cannot cover the perception of all students of the Faculty of Foreign Language, much less the perception of the entire university Second, this research is within the capacity of the person conducting the research, it may have a lot of problems that need to be exploited and corrected That is why this research topic needs to be supplemented and completed in the future So that everyone and students can clearly see about English – majored students’ 42 perception of using online reading resources and the reading habits at Hong Duc University 43 REFERENCES Adetunji, A and Oladeji, B.O (2007) Comparative Study of the Reading Habit of Boarding and Day Secondary School Students in Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences, 4: 509-512 Chettri, K., & Rout, S K (2013) Reading Habits - An Overview IOSR Journal of Humanities And Social Science, 14(6) Retrieved Febuary 26, 2022, from: www.Iosrjournals.Org Cho, K., & Krashen, S D (1994) Acquisition of vocabulary from the Sweet Valley Kids series: Adult ESL acquisition Journal of Reading, 37, 662–667 Cilliers, E.J (2017) 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(1992) Student perceptions in the classroom Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc 16 Schunk, D H., & Meece, J L (Eds.) (1992) Student perceptions in the classroom Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc 17 Singh, M K.M (2014) Undergraduates’ Perception of the English Language Proficiency Courses at Tertiary Level International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 4(12), 185-190 45 APPENDIX Survey Questionnaires This survey questionnaire is designed for the study of English – majored Students’ Perception of Using Reading Resources to Develop English Reading Habits at Hong Duc University It would be extremely helpful if you could support me in performing the following tasks All the material you have supplied is really useful and is strictly for the purpose of research I’m looking forward to your help Please fill in the correct answer and the answer that you think is appropriate in the table below: Age: A 18-19 B 20-21 C 22-23 D 24 Gender: A Male B Female Class: …………………………………………………………………………………… 46 (You can choose multiple answers) No Content English – majored Students of HDU reading habits I enjoy reading e-book or articles through the Internet English reading using the online reading resources develop my reading ability at the campus It’s easy and quick to use online reading resources for information I have particular time to use online reading resources on improving English reading habits I feel confident using searching machine (Browser & Google) to find necessary texts I use the online reading resources when I’m free and want to relax Online reading resources help me expand my knowledge and explore 47 many topics I have not seen before English – majored Students of HDU reading habits I enjoy reading e-book or articles through the Internet Using online reading resources is one of my favorite activities 10 I read English e-books or articles 11 I would rather read an ebook than a printed book 12 Reading English texts using online reading resources helps me understand English literature and culture 13 I feel joy and comfort in using online reading resources to develop English reading habits 14 I read through the online reading resources to find the information to my assignment 15 Online reading resources provide every information for my daily English reading habits 48 16 Frequency of using online reading resources for reading habits per week A 0-1 hour C hours B hours D more than hours 17 How you spend time reading online resources for your study and for entertainment? (You can choose multiple answers) A I just spend time reading online resources for my study B Time reading online resources for study is much more than for entertainment C Time reading online resources for study is quite the same as for entertainment D Time reading online resources for study is much less than for entertainment E I just spend time reading online resources for entertainment Thank you for corporation! 49

Ngày đăng: 18/07/2023, 00:21