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Difficulties in learning english reading skills of english majored students at thu dau mot university

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Báo cáo tốt nghiệp ngành ngôn ngữ anh tại trường đại học thủ dầu một, tên đề tài Difficulties in learning english reading skills of english majored students at thu dau mot university STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIPI hereby confirm that I am the sole author of the paper presented. Where the work of others has been consulted, this is duly acknowledged in the paper’s bibliography. I have also not consulted any other unnamed online sources. All verbatim or referential use of the sources named in the bibliography has been specifically indicated in the text.

TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC THỦ DẦU MỘT KHOA NGOẠI NGỮ *********** GRADUATE PAPER TITLE: DIFFICULTIES IN LEARNING ENGLISH READING SKILLS OF ENGLISH-MAJORED STUDENTS AT THU DAU MOT UNIVERSITY Sinh viên thực : ĐỖ THỊ THỦY TIÊN Lớp : D19AV04 Khoá :2019-2023 Ngành : NGÔN NGỮ ANH Giảng viên hướng dẫn : TRẦN NGỌC MINH Binh Duong, DECEMBER/2022 TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC THỦ DẦU MỘT KHOA NGOẠI NGỮ *********** GRADUATE PAPER TITLE: DIFFICULTIES IN LEARNING ENGLISH READING SKILLS OF ENGLISH-MAJORED STUDENTS AT THU DAU MOT UNIVERSITY Sinh viên thực : ĐỖ THỊ THỦY TIÊN Lớp : D19AV04 Khoá :2019-2023 Ngành : NGÔN NGỮ ANH Giảng viên hướng dẫn : TRẦN NGỌC MINH Binh Duong, DECEMBER/2022 i STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP Student full name: Do Thi Thuy Tien Student ID: 1922202010906 Title of paper: Difficulties in learning English reading skills of English-majored students at Thu Dau Mot university I hereby confirm that I am the sole author of the paper presented Where the work of others has been consulted, this is duly acknowledged in the paper’s bibliography I have also not consulted any other unnamed online sources All verbatim or referential use of the sources named in the bibliography has been specifically indicated in the text Place, Date Signature ii ACKNOWLEDGMENT First of all, the researcher would like to thank Thu Dau Mot University for introducing Research Methods into the curriculum In particular, the researcher would like to thank the subject teacher - Ms Tran Ngoc Minh who devotedly taught in detail so that the researcher could have enough knowledge and apply it to this report This will be valuable knowledge, laying the foundation for us to be firm in the future Research methodology is an interesting, extremely useful and practical subject Ensure to provide enough knowledge associated with the practical needs of today's students However, due to limited knowledge and practical learning ability, there are still many surprises Although I have tried my best, the essay is bound to have shortcomings and inaccuracies in many places We would like to ask for your consideration and suggestions to make the researcher's essay better Sincerely, thank! iii ABSTRACT After a period of studying English at Thu Dau Mot University, the English reading comprehension skills of English majors are still very limited As a result, after studying, students cannot apply their knowledge and experiences to study or work because they cannot read and understand English in the best and standard way To practice reading skills in the best way, learners must go through a long and difficult time There are many factors of difficulty that you will encounter, whether you are a final year student or a beginner The topic is related to the problem “Difficulties in learning English reading skills of English-majored students at Thu Dau Mot university” The tool used by the researcher for the study was a questionnaire distributed via Google Forms Based on the survey results, researchers have pointed out factors that can make it difficult for English reading comprehension skills Basic knowledge problems, reading method problems, language problems, may be a big barrier that prevents them from focusing on learning this skill well Some effects on students' reading skills and some suggestions are also given to improve English reading ability better We will conduct a survey to find out the answers to the questions posed in this study iv Contents STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP ii ACKNOWLEDGMENT iii ABSTRACT iv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS viii LIST OF TABLE ix LIST OF FIGURES x CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY 1.2 AIMS OF THE STUDY 1.3 RESEARCH QUESTIONS 1.4 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY 1.5 STRUCTURE OF THE PAPER CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 DEFINITION OF READING 2.2 THE IMPORTANCE OF READING SKILLS 2.3 DIFFICULTIES IN LEARNING ENGLISH READING SKILLS 2.3.1 BASIC KNOWLEDGE PROBLEM 2.3.2 READING METHOD PROBLEMS 2.3.3 LANGUAGE PROBLEM a LIMITED VOCABULARY b POOR GRAMMAR v 2.4 FACTORS AFFECTING STUDENTS' DIFFICULTY IN READING SKILLS 2.4.1 LACK OF MOTIVATION 2.4.2 LACK OF CONCENTRATION 10 2.5 PREVIOUS STUDIES 10 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY .12 3.1 RESEARCH DESIGN .12 3.2 POPULATION AND SAMPLING 12 3.3 RESEARCH INSTRUMENTS 13 3.4 DATA COLLECTION PROCESS 14 3.5 DATA ANALYSIS PROCESS 14 3.6 CHAPTER SUMMARY 14 CHAPTER 4: RESULTS 15 4.1 PART 1: DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION .15 4.1.1 STAGES OF STUDY 15 4.1.2 HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN LEARNING ENGLISH? 16 4.1.3 HOW MUCH TIME DO YOU SPEND ON STUDYING DAILY? 16 4.1.4 DO YOU LIKE SUBJECTS RELATED TO ENGLISSH READING SKILL? 18 4.2 DIFFICULTIES IN LEARNING ENGLISH READING SKILLS 19 4.3 Part 3: FACTORS LEADING TO STUDENT DIFFICULTIES IN READING SKILLS 25 CHAPTER 5: DISCUSSION 28 vi 5.1 DIFFICULTIES IN LEARNING ENGLISH READING SKILLS 28 5.2 FACTORS AFFECTING STUDENTS' DIFFICULTY IN READING SKILLS 29 CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION 31 6.1 SUMMARY OF THE MAIN FINDINGS 31 6.2 LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE DIRECTION.S 32 6.3 RECOMMENDATIONS 33 6.3.1 FOR LECTURERS 33 6.3.2 FOR STUDENTS 33 6.3.3 FOR FUTURE RESEARCHERS .33 6.4 IMPLICATIONS .34 REFERENCES 35 APPENDIX 41 SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRES 41 vii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS [1] TDMU: Thu Dau Mot University viii LIST OF TABLE Table 3.3 Distribution of questionnaire items Table 4.2 : Difficulties in learning English reading skills Table 4.3 : Factors leading to student difficulties in reading skills ix Based on the survey that the researcher collected, the results were similar to the researchers (Ho, 2012) who found the same effect as lack of motivation and lack of concentration In addition, the researchers found that students who were affected by lack of motivation resulted in uninterested reading, leading to a fear of reading According to research collected from students, more than 50% of students feel a lack of concentration when reading an English lesson So students need to practice reading more every day In order not to be affected by your phone, finding a quiet place to read a book you love will help you focus more when reading 30 CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION This chapter includes conclusions and limitations based on the results of the study In addition, recommendations are made for faculty, students and prospective researchers 6.1 SUMMARY OF THE MAIN FINDINGS This study provides an analysis of some of the reading difficulties and the factors of these difficulties that TDMU English majors students face This research is conducted with the aim of helping students find problems and come up with solutions The results of the study showed that the students encountered four difficulties in English reading skills The most common difficulties are problems with reading skills, related to vocabulary, grammar, and a lack of motivation The background problem and the language problem are said to have roughly the same level of difficulty Research results also show that despite being aware of the importance of learning reading skills, some students still pay little attention to daily reading practice, which makes their reading more difficult In addition, students are not equipped with the reading skills necessary to become adequate readers and lack background knowledge Another cause of difficulty is because the knowledge of words is highly specialized and many meanings are limited that students are not able to remember In addition, poor fluency, poor concentration and poor comprehension can be the cause of difficulties in reading skills of students Based on the results of the study, the researcher made some suggestions for both students and teachers to develop English reading skills and train students to 31 become successful readers It is hoped that what has been discussed in the study can be beneficial to students by helping them to overcome difficulties in reading skills and thus, setting the stage for improving and developing their reading skills in the future 6.2 LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE DIRECTION.S Although this study provides useful information, there are still some unavoidable limitations in the process of completing the study First, it is a language restriction Although I have tried very hard to complete the research paper, as a Vietnamese, the writer inevitably encounters problems in style, structure and vocabulary when writing the research paper Second, the limitation of previous studies on this topic, due to time constraints and lack of experience, the researcher could not design more specific questionnaires as well as the study could not cover all the research aspects of reading difficulties The researcher only focused on main difficulties including basic knowledge problem, reading method problem and language problem Third, the study was designed on a small scale - 100 English majors at TDMU, so it's just a surface and not really objective for all students Many other students did not have the opportunity to express their opinions In the end, the study used only one “questionnaire” tool Therefore, the participants are more likely to be influenced by the researcher's research It means that the responses to the questionnaire may not accurately reflect what the respondents really think Therefore, future studies should use additional methods besides questionnaires such as observation and interview It is an appropriate choice for a study that uses multiple methods 32 6.3 RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the results of this study, the researchers wanted to make some suggestions in the report and, hopefully, it might be useful to readers, especially: 6.3.1 FOR LECTURERS Teachers need effective teaching methods to help students learn readingrelated subjects Teachers firmly grasp the objectives of each lesson, adhere to the standards of knowledge and skills Select readings that are appropriate for the student's level, while ensuring that students enjoy and remember them for a long time Apply good teaching methods to arouse positive thinking, creativity and interest in learning in students, encourage students to practice reading more at home, understand the importance of English 6.3.2 FOR STUDENTS Some students have not practiced reading, are afraid to read, are not interested in reading practice because they have not yet felt the beauty of the lesson, thereby planning to practice reading in a scientific way Think of it as a task, you can read books, newspapers, long stories Learn to think about what you are reading and remember key concepts and facts you have read Make it a habit to spend time reading every day 6.3.3 FOR FUTURE RESEARCHERS Future researchers need to focus their research further on the difficult aspects of English reading so they can figure out how to understand the needs and challenges of the answers Research in the future will bring about a positive effect in English reading that the study subjects are experiencing 33 6.4 IMPLICATIONS The study's findings will be extremely beneficial not only to students but also to English teachers at TDMU The researchers would like to suggest two implications based on the study results First and foremost, English majors at TDM University must be aware of the challenges they face In fact, they approached them during their first year of high school Although students recognize that reading is not the most difficult subject in English skills, the difficulties they face have an indirect impact on other skills, including reading and speaking private As a result, students should listen to their teachers and improve their language, strategy, and motivational skills Second, student questionnaire and interview responses Second, the students' responses to the questionnaire and interview papers show that many students have average reading ability, while others have poor reading ability They want to apply the solution in the best way for their reading ability after realizing their own difficulties As a result, it will be critical for students to be able to improve their reading competence in order to achieve fruitful results and become qualified readers 34 REFERENCES 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Instructions: You will be shown a set of multiple-choice questions, please tick ( ) the answers that are true for you (multiple answers can be selected) Part 1: Demographic information Which grade are you in? a Freshmen b Sophomore c Junior d Senior What is your gender? a Female b Male c Other How long have you been learning English? 41 a - years b - years c - 10 years d More than 10 years How much time you spend on studying and reading daily? A Less than hour B 1-2 hours C 2-3 hours D More than hours Do you like subjects related to English reading skill? A Really like B Like C Average D Do not like Part 2: Difficulties in learning English reading skills Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with each of the following statements Strongly agree Agree Slightly agree Slightly disagree Disagree Strongly disagree I have a limited vocabulary ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ I have a poor memory ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ I have trouble using idiomatic expressions ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ 42 I have trouble using phrasal verbs (go back, run this by, count next, etc.) I don't know which meaning is used in multi- ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ meaning text I have difficulty with text with complex ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ grammatical structures I can't get the meaning of long sentences ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ I can't remember all the grammatical ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ structures I don’t know how the sentences are linked ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ together 10 I don't have proper reading methods ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ 11 I cannot summarize the main ideas of reading ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ the text 12 I lack concentration when reading ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ 13 I can't guess the meaning of new words in the ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ text 14 I am not able to connect ideas in a paragraph ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ Part 3: Factors leading to student difficulties in reading skills Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with each the following statements 43 Strongly agree Agree Slightly agree Slightly disagree Disagree Strongly disagree I have no interest in reading ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ When I read a text, I couldn't find any ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ information I feel scared when I read ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ I cannot sit still to read ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ I get distracted easily ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ I have a hard time completing my schoolwork ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ -THE ENDThank you so much for your help! 44

Ngày đăng: 20/05/2023, 10:26

