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Thesis for the Degree of Master A Study of Factors Affecting Human Resource Management in Tay A Construction Company June 2017 Department of Business Administration Graduate School of Soongsil University Do Nam Thanh Thesis for the Degree of Master A Study of Factors Affecting Human Resource ManagementinTay A Construction Company June 2017 Department of Business Administration Graduate School of Soongsil University Do Nam Thanh Thesis for the Degree of Master A Study of Factors Affecting Human Resource ManagementinTay A Construction Company A thesis supervisor : Professor Jeongil Choi Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master June 2017 Department of Business Administration Graduate School of Soongsil University Do Nam Thanh To approve the submitted thesis for the Degree of Master by Do Nam Thanh Thesis Committee Chair Kim Kun Bae (signature) Member Kwak Won Jun (signature) Member Le Hoang Ba Hung (signature) June 2017 Graduate School of Soongsil University ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, I am deeply grateful to the Graduate School of Soongsil University with all the members, lecturers and assistants for the knowledge and experience that has been shared through many lectures, discussions and exams during MBA program.‖ ―Next, I would like to express my deep and sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Jeongil Choi His wide knowledge and logical way of` thinking has been of great value to me He gave me much encouragement and many personal instructions which helped me a lot in doing this thesis and provided me a good basis for the presence of the thesis.‖ ―During this work, I collaborated with employees at Tay A Construction Company, who gave me kind support in data collection and contact making I would like to send my special thanks to employees who helped me a lot in collecting data and information from company’s information system.‖ ―I owe my loving thanks to my beloved family, without their encouragement, support and understanding, it would be impossible for me to finish this work TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT viii CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research background 1.2 Problem statement 1.3 Research objectives 1.4 Significance of research 1.5 Scope and limitation of research 1.6 Structure of research CHAPTER LITRETURE REVIEW 2.1 Overview of Tay A Construction Company (TAC) 2.1.1 General information 2.1.2 Establishment and development 2.1.3 Organizational structure of TAC 2.1.4 Economic and technical characteristics 11 2.1.5 Situation and results of production and business activities of TAC 18 2.2 Human resource and human resource management 22 2.2.1 Human resource 22 2.2.2 Human resource management 25 -i- 2.3 Factors affecting human resource management 27 2.3.1 Economic Conditions/Changes 27 2.3.2 Technological Change/Advancements 28 2.3.3 Workforce Demographics 29 2.3.4 Union Action 30 2.3.5 Organisation Size 30 2.3.6 Organisational Structure 31 2.3.7 Business Strategy 31 2.3.8 Organisation Culture 32 2.3.9 Top Management and Line Mangers 32 2.4 Theoretical framework 33 CHAPTER RESEARCH METHODOLOG Y 35 3.1 Research process 36 3.2 Qualitative research 36 3.3 Quantitative research 38 3.3.1 Measurement scale 38 3.3.2 Sampling 42 3.3.3 Sample size 42 3.3.4 Data collection 43 3.3.5 Data analysis 43 -ii- CHAPTER RESEARCH RESULTS 44 4.1 Factors and attributes to analyze human resource management at Tay A Construction Company 44 4.2 Respondent’s profile 47 4.2.1 Age 47 4.2.2 Gender 48 4.2.3 Qualification 49 4.2.4 Seniority 50 4.3 Data testing 51 4.3.1 Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) for factors 51 4.3.2 Reliability testing for attributes 55 4.4 Analyzing actual situation of human resource management at TAC 60 4.4.1 Economic conditions/changes 60 4.4.2 Technological change/advancements 62 4.4.3 Workforce demographics 66 4.4.4 Union action 69 4.4.5 Organization size 72 4.4.6 Organizational structure 74 4.4.7 Business strategy 75 4.4.8 Organization culture 79 4.4.9 Top management and line managers 81 4.4.10 General assessment on human resource management 82 -iii- 4.5 Regression analysis 84 CHAPTER CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION 90 5.1 Conclusion 90 5.2 Discussions and implications of the thesis 90 5.3 Limitations and recommendations of the thesis 92 REFERENCES 93 APPENDICES .100 -iv- Reliability Statistics Cronbach's N of Items Alpha ,644 Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Scale Variance Corrected Cronbach's Item Deleted if Item Deleted Item-Total Alpha if Item Correlation Deleted Organization size1 5,06 ,865 ,419 ,603 Organization size2 7,04 ,907 ,499 ,488 Organization size3 6,06 ,946 ,451 ,552 -111- Reliability Statistics Cronbach's N of Items Alpha ,746 Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Scale Corrected Cronbach's Item Deleted Variance if Item-Total Alpha if Item Item Deleted Correlation Deleted Organizational 3,13 ,377 ,596 4,01 ,434 ,596 structure1 Organizational structure2 -112- Reliability Statistics Cronbach's N of Items Alpha ,668 Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Scale Variance Corrected Cronbach's Item Deleted if Item Deleted Item-Total Alpha if Item Correlation Deleted Business strategy1 5,40 ,970 ,547 ,482 Business strategy2 5,36 1,227 ,425 ,646 Business strategy3 6,24 1,368 ,495 ,573 -113- Reliability Statistics Cronbach's N of Items Alpha ,684 Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Scale Variance Corrected Cronbach's Item Deleted if Item Deleted Item-Total Alpha if Item Correlation Deleted Organization 6,46 ,635 ,654 ,616 7,13 ,195 ,620 ,754 7,41 ,527 ,644 ,500 culture1 Organization culture2 Organization culture3 -114- Reliability Statistics Cronbach's N of Items Alpha ,602 Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Scale Item Deleted Variance if Corrected Cronbach's Item-Total Alpha if Item Item Deleted Correlation Deleted Top management and 11,44 3,231 ,665 ,299 11,62 3,284 ,618 ,335 11,53 2,999 ,605 ,325 12,30 6,333 -,190 ,851 line managers1 Top management and line managers2 Top management and line managers3 Top management and line managers4 -115- Reliability Statistics Cronbach's N of Items Alpha ,851 Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Scale Item Deleted Variance if Corrected Cronbach's Item-Total Alpha if Item Item Deleted Correlation Deleted Top management and 8,11 3,218 ,705 ,807 8,29 3,048 ,750 ,765 8,20 2,808 ,714 ,803 line managers1 Top management and line managers2 Top management and line managers3 -116- Reliability Statistics Cronbach's N of Items Alpha ,671 Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Scale Item Deleted Variance if Corrected Cronbach's Item-Total Alpha if Item Item Deleted Correlation Deleted General assessment on human resource 3,69 ,035 ,548 2,10 ,080 ,548 management1 General assessment on human resource management2 -117- Total Variance Explained Component Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings Loadings Total % of Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative % Variance 3,840 11,294 11,294 3,840 11,294 11,294 2,529 7,438 7,438 3,753 11,039 22,333 3,753 11,039 22,333 2,500 7,354 14,792 3,078 9,052 31,386 3,078 9,052 31,386 2,491 7,327 22,119 2,553 7,508 38,893 2,553 7,508 38,893 2,467 7,256 29,375 2,429 7,145 46,038 2,429 7,145 46,038 2,354 6,924 36,299 1,832 5,388 51,426 1,832 5,388 51,426 2,336 6,870 43,169 1,697 4,992 56,418 1,697 4,992 56,418 1,985 5,839 49,007 1,598 4,700 61,117 1,598 4,700 61,117 1,946 5,723 54,730 1,408 4,140 65,257 1,408 4,140 65,257 1,901 5,591 60,321 10 1,280 3,764 69,021 1,280 3,764 69,021 1,895 5,573 65,894 11 1,073 3,156 72,177 1,073 3,156 72,177 1,604 4,718 70,612 12 1,047 3,079 75,256 1,047 3,079 75,256 1,579 4,644 75,256 13 ,833 2,450 77,706 14 ,738 2,171 79,877 15 ,671 1,974 81,851 16 ,633 1,861 83,712 17 ,554 1,630 85,342 18 ,532 1,566 86,908 19 ,478 1,407 88,315 20 ,444 1,306 89,621 21 ,407 1,198 90,819 -118- 22 ,382 1,124 91,943 23 ,341 1,003 92,946 24 ,326 ,959 93,905 25 ,306 ,900 94,805 26 ,286 ,841 95,646 Extraction M ethod: Principal Component Analysis -119- Rotated Component Matrixa Component Top management and line managers3 ,852 Top management and line managers2 ,869 ,301 Top management and line managers1 ,822 ,302 ,653 Economic conditions/changes2 ,912 Economic conditions/changes1 ,865 Economic conditions/changes3 ,841 ,451 Organization culture1 ,818 Organization culture3 ,810 Organization culture2 ,794 Technological ,864 change/advancements3 Technological ,347 ,805 ,452 ,738 ,369 change/advancements1 Technological change/advancements2 Union action2 ,851 Union action1 ,381 ,831 Union action3 ,352 ,629 Workforce demographics1 ,547 ,764 Workforce demographics3 ,931 ,716 Workforce demographics2 ,925 ,706 Business strategy1 Business strategy3 ,349 ,819 ,416 ,487 -120- ,729 Business strategy2 ,921 ,659 Organization size2 ,350 ,790 Organization size3 ,387 Organization size1 ,485 ,631 ,662 Organizational structure2 Organizational structure1 ,611 ,482 ,781 ,475 ,901 Extraction M ethod: Principal Component Analysis Rotation M ethod: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization a Rotation converged in iterations Communalities General assessment human Initial Extraction 1,000 ,774 1,000 ,774 on resource management1 General assessment human ,788 on resource management2 -121- Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis Total Variance Explained Component Total Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings % of Variance Cumulative % Total 1,548 77,394 77,394 ,452 22,606 100,000 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis -122- 1,548 % of Variance Cumulative % 77,394 77,394 Component Matrix a Component General assessment human on resource ,880 management2 General assessment human on resource ,880 management1 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis a components extracted Model Summaryb Model R ,899a R Square ,808 Adjusted R Std Error of the Square Estimate ,782 ,09969 a Predictors: (Constant), X8, X7, X1, X6, X5, X9, X4, X3, X2 b Dependent Variable: Y -123- ANOVAa Model Sum of df Mean Square F Sig 30,521 ,000b Squares Regression 3,640 12 ,303 Residual ,865 87 ,010 Total 4,505 99 a Dependent Variable: Y b Predictors: (Constant), X8, X7, X1, X6, X5, X9, X4, X3, X2 Coefficients a Model Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients B Std t Sig Collinearity Coefficients Statistics Beta Tolerance VIF Error (Constant) -,038 ,220 -,170 ,865 X1 ,073 ,018 ,200 4,093 ,000 ,921 1,086 X2 ,066 ,018 ,204 3,690 ,000 ,718 1,392 X3 ,070 ,013 ,289 5,571 ,000 ,821 1,218 X4 ,093 ,018 ,260 5,168 ,000 ,872 1,146 X5 ,091 ,024 ,187 3,794 ,000 ,912 1,097 X6 ,088 ,019 ,235 4,546 ,000 ,827 1,210 X7 ,108 ,022 ,257 4,875 ,000 ,796 1,256 -124- X8 ,084 ,037 ,123 2,270 ,026 ,754 1,326 X9 ,088 ,013 ,347 6,564 ,000 ,790 1,266 a Dependent Variable: Y Residuals Statisticsa Minimum Maximum Mean Std Deviation N Predicted Value 2,9438 3,8952 3,4055 ,19175 100 Residual -,72667 ,05880 ,00000 ,09346 100 Std Predicted Value -2,408 2,554 ,000 1,000 100 Std Residual -7,289 ,590 ,000 ,937 100 a Dependent Variable: Y -125-