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HONG ĐUC UNIVERSITY FACUATY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES AN INVESTIGATION ON COMPARING ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE GREETING LANGUAGES Supervisor : M.A Trinh Thi Thu Ha Student : Phan Thuy Trang Class : K20B - FFL - HDU Academic course: 2017 - 2021 THANH HÓA , 2021 i ACKNOWLEDGE At the first time I came to Hong Duc University, I just a normal student with limited knowledge But throughout years , with the beloved teachers and friends, I can improve my learning skills First and foremost, I would like to express my deep gratitude to my supervisor, Mrs Trinh Thị Thu Hà, who gave me many advices, support and willingness to motivate and help me to complete this thesis Besides, I also want to express my sincere thanks to Hong Duc University for giving us the best environment, facilities and especially the professional teachers in Foreign Languages Departments Finally, I am grateful to my friend who help me to find the document and gives many beneficial advices And the last thanks is for my family, whose a part of my heart They always stood behind and encourage me to make me stronger ii ABSTRACT Mastering a new language does not only consist of the ability to master its system of form but also the ability to use its linguistic units appropriately This is because languages differ from one another not only in their systems of phonology, syntax and lexicon but also in their speakers‟ manners of pattering their discourse and relating speech act Therefore, people from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds come into contact; there always exists the possibility for misunderstanding This thesis is an attempt to provide a cross-cultural comparison of greeting categories in English and Vietnamese The greeting categories are analyzed with data taken from the questionnaires for the Vietnamese and English informants Utilizing contrastive analysis, the author analyzed the greeting categories in English and Vietnamese Results of the study showed that greeting is a socially significant even in universal terms Especially in Vietnamese, greeting is an important part in cultural life Some issues considered as “a taboo” in English are used popularly in Vietnamese These are the specific cultural features in two languages Then, some suggestions for the Vietnamese learners of English are presented based on the theory and the conductor‟s personal experience after studying iii TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I : INTRODUCTION 1 Rationale: 2.Aims of the study and the scope of the study: 2.1 Aims of the study: 2.2 The scope of the study: 3.Methods of the study: Design of the study: PART II: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW Theoretical language: 1.1 Culture and language: 1.1.1 Culture: 1.1.2 Language: 1.1.3 The link between language and culture: 1.2 Communication: 1.2.1 The definition of communication: 1.2.2 The classification of communication: 1.3 Speech acts: 1.3.1 The definitions of speech acts: 1.3.2 The classification of speech acts: 1.4 General introduction of greeting: 1.4.1 The definition of greeting: 1.4.2 The function of greeting: 10 1.4.3.Types of greeting: 10 Direct greetings: 11 Indirect greetings: 11 1.4.4 The classification of greeting: 15 1.4.5.Greeting In English: 17 1.4.6.Greeting in Vietnamese: 18 1.4.7 The factors affect greeting speech acts 19 1.5 Politeness theory: 20 CHAPTER 2: METHODOLOGY& PROCEDURE 22 2.1 Research questions : 22 iv 2.2 Research participants : 22 2.3 Research procedure: 23 2.4 Data collection instrument: 23 2.4.1 The survey questionnaires 23 2.4.2 Secondary research: 24 2.5 Data analysis method 24 CHAPTER 3: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 25 3.1 Result of data analysis : 25 3.1.1 Results of the survey questionnaires: 25 3.2 The categories of greeting in English and Vietnamese : 30 3.2.1 Based on the structural and functional dimensions: 30 Direct greeting : 30 Indirect greeting 32 3.2.2 Based on the strategic dimensions 35 Greeting on the run : 35 Speedy greetings: 36 The chat: 36 The long greetings : 37 The intimate greeting 38 The business greeting: 38 3.3 Similarities and differences between English and Vietnamese greeting categories39 3.3.1 Similarities: 39 3.3.2 Differences: 40 The differences about the structural and functional dimensions of greeting categories 40 The differences about the strategic dimensions of greeting categories 43 PART III: CONCLUSION: 49 1.Recapitulation… ………………………………………………………………… 49 Limitation of the research: 49 Suggestion for further studies: 49 Implications for teaching and learning English in Vietnam: 50 REFFERENCES 51 APPENDIXES 53 v LIST OF TABLES Table English and Vietnamese‟s opinion about greeting teacher Table English and Vietnamese‟s opinion about using interrogative in greetings Table English and Vietnamese‟s opinion about using the time of the years or occasion in greetings Table Number of English and Vietnamese people using greeting categories ( direct and indirect greetings ) Table Some examples indirect greeting in English and Vietnamese Table Some examples of strategic greetings in English and Vietnamese vi LIST OF CHARTS Chart Opinions‟ people about greeting relative in the daily life Chart English and Vietnamese‟s opinion about greeting friend Chart English and Vietnamese‟s opinion about greeting someone on business Chart English and Vietnamese‟s opinion about greeting someone you not know before Chart English and Vietnamese‟s opinion about greeting in a group comprising of various social statuses Chart English and Vietnamese‟s opinion about using exclamation in greetings vii PART I : INTRODUCTION Rationale In recent years, English has become an international language used widely all over the world It is not only the language of communication and media but also the language of knowledge and culture Mastering English is considered an obligated condition for everyone in Vietnam and it is implied to be a “passport” for a good job because English serves their job and their promotion Therefore, people pay more and more attention to learning English They no longer grammar and translation exercises only but listening skill and speaking skill have been invested more time and better attention as well As a result, English has been learnt more properly and used more effectively However, in reality, Vietnamese learners of English often make mistakes in communicating with English speakers This is mostly caused by the effect of Vietnamese culture and the limitation of understanding about English culture One of the most important parts is almost every conversation is greeting which generally plays an important role in communication and functions as a start of a conversation or identify the appearance of speakers or to express the respect to the listener In addition, greeting helps to establish and maintain a relationship and facilitates the conversation As in Vietnam, greeting play an important role as these sayings “Lời chào cao mâm cỗ” or “ Dao liếc sắc, người chào quen” It means that Vietnamese are extremely serious in greeting In fact, many Vietnamese people failed to continue their conversation in English due to not only language ability but also understanding about the culture of target language, English In many cases, when being greeted by a foreigner, many English learners feel confused to find out a good and relevant response, some people cannot respond their partner‟s greeting immediately With all the above necessity, the author has chosen the topic “ A study on English and Vietnamese greetings from a cross – cultural communication perspective” with the expectation of finding out the cultural similarities and differences between Vietnamese greetings which partly helps Vietnamese learners of and English English have more knowledge and skills in greetings, achieve more success in communicating in English Aims of the study and the scope of the study 2.1 Aims of the study The research objective of the investigation is to research systematically greetings when meeting in English Descriptions focus on linguistic and cultural features of greetings , and then compared with the equivalent greetings in Vietnamese, outlined the similarities and differences in terms of linguistic, pragmatic and intercultural communication area The research also sets the goal to help FFL students understanding the language of greetings, thus avoiding mistakes in the way of greeting in English To gain the objectives of the research, the author find the answer of the following questions: What is the different in English and Vietnamese in terms of linguistic, pragmatic and intercultural communication areas? 2.2 The scope of the study This study focus on the collection, systematization, and analysis of linguistic characteristics - culture and socio-cultural characteristics of greetings, thus comparing and generalizing similarities and differences of greetings in English and Vietnamese languages Methods of the study To finish this study, the researcher carry out some following methods: - Secondary research - Quantitative and qualitative research method through questionnaire Design of the study: A table of contents with pages numbers in which they are presented with help readers have a clear overview of the research proposal It also helps readers find the part they need more easily and quickly The study contains of three parts: Part I : The introduction Part II :The development - The first chapter is Literature Review which provides readers the overview of culture and language, the communication, speech acts and the greeting in English and Vietnamese - The second chapter : Methodology and Procedure - The third chapter : Results and Discussion - The fourth chapter: Suggestions Part III The conclusion which summarized all the presented information PART II: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW Theoretical language 1.1 Culture and language 1.1.1 Culture According to Moore (1985 : 4), Culture is “The whole of the knowledge, ideas and habits of society that are transmitted from one generation to the next” It is the complex of values, ideas, attitudes, and other meaningful symbols created by people to shape human behavior as they are passed on to succeeding generations In the same idea with Moore, Fay said that Culture “is a complex set of shared beliefs, values, and concepts which enables a group to make sense of its life and which provides it with directions for how to live” (Holliday, A et al (2004:60)) This set might be called a basic belief system, such a belief system can include items which are fully explicit and others which are not, and can include matters of feeling and deportment as well as discursive claims about the world In relation to language, Culture is emphasized as “the total set of beliefs, attitudes, customs, behaviors, social habits… of the member of a particular society” (in Richards et al (1985:94)) Culture encompasses religion, food, what we wear, how we wear it, our language, marriage, music, what we believe is right or wrong, how we sit at the table, how we greet visitors, how we behave with loved ones, and a million other things In Vietnam, there are some opinions about culture In Nguyen Quang‟s opinion (1998:3), culture is “a share background (for example, national, ethnic, religious) resulting from a common language and communication style, custom, beliefs, attitudes, and values Culture in this text does not refer to art, music, literature, food, clothing styles, and so on It refers to the informal and often hidden patterns of human interactions, expressions, and viewpoints that people in one culture share The hidden nature of culture has been compared to an iceberg, most of which is hidden underwater! Like the iceberg most of the influence of culture on an individual cannot be seen The part of culture that is exposed is not always that which creates crosscultural difficulties; the hidden aspects of culture have significant effects on behavior and on interactions with others.” They are interested in talking about the partner‟s home family, relatives, jobs, social status, etc However, it will cause misunderstandings and problems, they seem very impolite and private if we use them in English Whereas, in English, they often choose some neutral topic of weather, health, etc to greet E.g.: “How have you been?” “How is it going”? “How are you?” “How was thing?” “Nice day, isn‟t it?” It is not polite to ask the English about age, marriage and income They not like to be asked information too detail related to their personal life This can be explained by the cultural differences between two countries From Western cultures, English people belong to individualism which promotes self- efficiency, individual responsibility and personal autonomy and emphasizes on privacy and individual freedom So, by asking “Where are you going?” or “What are you doing?”, the speaker unintentionally invades their private territory In contrast, Vietnamese belong to collectivism which promotes relational interdependence, in group harmony and in group collaborative spirit Vietnamese believe that questions like “where are you going?” or “what are you doing?” show consideration and greet care about listener; that is the way they show their interests, feelings to others and to increase the relationship, friendliness Thirdly, English native speaker rarely use invitation to greet someone, Vietnamese people often This kind of greeting is very common in Vietnamese daily life, especially when a family is having a meal, the guests come unintentionally The performative verb “mời” should be used The hosts invite them to show their hospitability, the addressees not intend to accept the invitation, they refuse and thank to the host E.g.: The hosts greet guests by saying: - Cháu vào ăn cơm! - Mời anh xơi cơm! - Chị vào nhà uống nước 42 The guest reply as greeting, too - Vâng, bác tự nhiên! - Vâng, cảm ơn chị! (Bùi Thị Nhinh, 2015:49) The differences about the strategic dimensions of greeting categories On the topic of conversation, Vietnamese and English have different choices The English often ask the health status of the person or family being offered The question “How are you?” appears in most greeting situations, even in the greeting on the run and speedy greeting In Vietnamese, however, this question can only be asked when they have time to chat and have a special relationship There is not a specific topic in all of Vietnamese greetings The greetings, such as, “Bác ạ?” or “Đi đâu mà đẹp thế?” appear quite often in Vietnamese These questions, in contrary, are used in English, will make the listener confused because they think those questions inappropriate and an invasion of privacy When acquainted with someone, Vietnamese can speak about the problems, such as, family, yourself, etc but English often talk about the problems of weather, sports, food, the problem is not related to individual Table : Some examples of strategic greetings in English and Vietnamese Strategic greetings Vietnamese English Greeting on the run Anh! Hi! Em! Hello! Ê! Hi! Bác đâu đấy? How ya doin? Hey you! Speedy greeting A: Anh đâu đấy? A : Hi, How‟ve you been? B: Đá bóng B: not bad And you? A: làm xong đề cương A: oh, can‟t complain chưa? Busy B: Tối làm B: I know, me too A: Nhớ Sáng mai A: Oh, well, gotta take sang ghép phần off See ya B:Ừ B: Bye, take care The chat A: Hi! 43 A: Đi đâu đấy? B: Hi! B: Đi đón em Bo A: Howa ya doin‟? A: Thế hôm đi? B: B: Sang tháng sau comfortable All – right – pretty good Oh! Got that letter, by the way, that I said I was waiting for I finally got it A: Wow! That‟s great That‟s pretty good B: Look, I‟ll see you later A: Okay Bye The long greeting A : Bà Bà khỏe không bà ? A: Hi, Steve ! B : Lâu thấy cô B : How are you doing, Tôi đau chân Adina? A : Chắc đau khớp ? B A : Okay : Vâng Già cô B : What‟s happening ? A : Tuần trước bà quê A : Uh… cacation was ? really good B : Vâng, có giỗ cụ B : oh, yeah ? Where‟d ông you go? A : Thảo cháu chẳng A : Uh… skiing thấy bà đâu.… B : lucky you ! A : Cháu chợ tí bà A : yeah, and you ? B : Just stayed in town, B : Vâng bored to tears A : That‟s too bad B : I know I gotta get out 55 teaching There‟s more money elsewhere Oh, are you taking a class 44 this semester? A : Oh, yeah, four… B : Four ? Are you out of your mind ? A : Yep B : It‟s crazy A : Yeah Tell me about it The intimate greeting A : Sao ? A : Well ? B : 75% B : Yes ! A : Great What did you today ? The introductory A : Chắc chị bạn cô dâu A : Great party ! greeting ? B : Yeah ! The food is B : Khơng Nhà chơi terrific! với nhà dâu từ C : Hi, how are you ? D : Good It‟s nice to see the sunshine at last C : yeah ! The business greeting A : Chị gọi em ? A : Ah, hello, (name of B : Hạnh Vào boss) You wanted to see me? B : Yes Come in How are you? 56 A : Fine, thanks How are you? B : Fine Have a seat The regreeting Chị ! Mary , feel better ? (Huyen Vu, 2009) From the data of greeting provide via the results of the survey questionnaire by English and Vietnamese respondents, the data analysis, and the discussion on the cultural similarities and differences between English and Vietnamese greeting categories, few conclusions can be now drawn in the table below 45 Dimension English investigated Vietnamese The structural -The English greeting dimension Examples -The structures of In English: is more closely than in greeting categories in -Hi John! Vietnamese Vietnamese are more -Hello! There are a few diversified and flexible In Vietnamese - formulaic greetings than in English In Con chào bố have been used Vietnamese, direct (ạ)! frequently in formal greeting was divided - Cháu chào bác situations such as into forms: (ạ) ! “Hi” + (first name) *Speaker+chào+listener - Chào em! and “Hello” + (first + (intensifier “ạ”)! - Xin chào ngài! name) * (Xin) chào + listener - Chào cô ạ! - English people often + (intensifier “ạ” )! - ChàoMai ! greet each other based * Chào + object! - ChàoNam! on the time of greeting - The Vietnamese such as “good + part express greetings that of the day!” (good depend on age, position morning, good in life We have to afternoon, good choose suitable words evening!) denoting family relationship, friends, colleagues, teachers even strangers to address in greeting, such as “cháu- ông/ bà/cô/ dì, etc”, “con /bố/ mẹ/”, “em- anh/ chị”, “tớ cậu/ bạn”, etc – when a younger person talk to an older person or a junior talk to a 46 senior, it is necessary to add an intensifier “ạ” to be more honored and polite Questions used - In English greeting, as greetings -Vietnamese people In English: the questions are used often use questions -How you in some situations instead of greeting do? -How are -They often choose - They are interested in you? some neutral topic of talking about the In Vietnamese weather, health, etc to partner‟s home family, -Cháu học greet They not like relatives, jobs, social sớm thế? to be asked status, etc Vietnamese - Bác chợ à? information too detail belong to collectivism related to their which promotes personal life From relational Western cultures, interdependence, in English people belong group harmony and in to individualism which group collaborative promotes spirit Vietnamese selfefficiency, believe that questions individual show consideration and responsibility and greet care about listener; personal autonomy that is the way they and emphasizes on show their interests, privacy and individual feelings to others and to freedom increase the relationship, Friendliness Invitation used English native speaker as greetings This kind of greeting is In Vietnamese rarely use invitation to very common in -Cháu vào ăn greet someone Vietnamese daily life cơm! - Mời anh xơi cơm! 47 - Chị vào nhà uống nước ạ! The strategic English often uses dimensions strategies are often strategies in greeting used in Vietnamese (Greeting on the run; greeting (Greeting on Speedy greeting; The the run; Speedy chat; the long greeting; greeting; The chat; the the intimate greeting; long greeting; the the introductory intimate greeting; the greeting; the introductory greeting; allbusiness greeting; the all-business greeting; the re-greeting) the regreeting) The choice of The English often ask The question “How are In English: topic the health status of the you?” can only be asked -How are you? person or family being when they have time to - Hello John! offered The question chat and have a special Did you watch “How appears greeting are you?” relationship There is not the film “Lost” in most a specific topic in all of last night? situations, Vietnamese greetings - Hi! How are even in the greeting on The greetings, such as, things going? the run and speedy “Bác ạ?” or In Vietnamese: greeting If the “Đi đâu mà đẹp thế?” -Cô chợ à? questions “Where are appear quite often in - Sao sáng you going?” or “ What Vietnamese mày không are you doing?” are học used in English, they -Kìa! Nga phải will make the listener không? confused because they think those questions inappropriate and an invasion of privacy 48 PART III: CONCLUSION This final chapter summarizes the results of the analysis, finding of the study, points out some limitations and gives some suggestions for further research Recapitulation: The focus of this study is on the similarities and differences between English and Vietnamese greeting language The theoretical background of the thesis is based on theories of language, communication, definition of speech acts, classifications of speech acts, general introduction about greeting and politeness theory including positive and negative politeness strategies, etc., A brief description of the method is presented and this also shows the way we reach the aim of the research the study gives out the similarities and differences in English and Vietnamese greeting language by the contrastive method I use survey questionnaires to collect data as well as analyze them By comparing the greeting language of Vietnamese and English to find out the similarities and differences, the study can suggest some implications in using greetings language for Vietnamese learners of English to help them communicate properly Different greeting in English should be taught to perform in different situations of social distance as well as social power To so, the curriculum and English language textbooks should be incorporated with both socio-cultural and sociolinguistic information Limitation of the research: This study is only partial investigation into greeting language in English and Vietnamese Many important factors are not mentioned, such as: - Formality – informality in greeting - Non-verbal cues in greeting - Paralinguistic factors in greeting Though great efforts have been made in this thesis to work out the best results, mistakes and limitations are un-avoidable Therefore, any comments for the author‟s better work would be highly appreciated Suggestion for further studies: The thesis has focused on English and Vietnamese greetings language Therefore, there will be some topics related to this problem left for further research: 49 (i).The study of semantic features of English greeting with reference to Vietnamese equivalents (ii) A study on English politeness strategies for greetings with reference to the Vietnamese equivalents Implications for teaching and learning English in Vietnam: The results of this study once again demonstrate the importance of teaching and learning of greeting language To achieve effectively communicate in the target language, it is necessary for the learners to know more about greeting language As a result, the following pedagogical recommendations for English language teaching in Vietnam can be made: - Teachers should pay attention to not only linguistic knowledge but also cultural one to provide our students with useful knowledge in their job in the future - Teachers should create contextualized and task-based appropriate activities for the students to practice greeting in order to greet in the right way and elicit appropriate answers from them, such as role-play - Teachers should also find relevant materials to support student have useful knowledge about greeting - Teachers should give more exercises relate to greeting culture to help student fluent about greeting - In order to develop the greeting ability of Vietnamese‟s student in English espically Hong Duc‟s student, learners should be taught different ways to greet in both English and Vietnamese These ways must be practiced in different situations as well 50 REFFERENCES ENGLISH Austin, J.L.(1962) How to things with words Harvard University Press Brown, P., & Levinson, S (1987) Politeness: Some language universals in language use Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Brown, P.,& Levinson, S (1990) Politeness: Some language universals in language use Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Bruce Tillitt (2006) Speaking naturally Communication Skills American English Cambridge University Press Ebsworth, T.J (1992) Appropriateness of Puerto Rican/ American cross-cultural communication Unpublished Ph.D dissertation New York University Eibl- Eibesfeldt‟s, I (1997) The biology of human behavior Weyarn : Seehamer Verlag Firth, J R (1972).Verbal and Bodily Rituals of Greeting and Parting La Fontaine J S The Interaction of Ritual Hill et al Hill, (1986) Universals of linguistic politeness: Quantitative evidence from Japanese and American English Journal of Pragmatics Lakoff, R (1975) Language and women‟s place New York, NY: Harper and Row 10.Leech, Geoffrey N., (1983) Principles of Pragmatics Longman, London 11.Levinson, Stephen C (1983) Pragmatics Cambridge, England: Cambridge University 12.Maysa‟a Kadhim Jibreen The speech act of greeting: A theoretical 13.Nodoushan, M (2007) Greeting forms in English and Persian: A sociopragmatic perspective Pakistan Journal of Social Science, 4, 355-362 14.Qian Housheng (1996) Greetings and Partings in English and Chinese: A Contrastive Study of Linguistic Routines and Politeness Beijing: The Commercial Press 15.Richards, Jack C, John Platt & Heidi Platt (1992) Longman dictionary of language teaching and applied linguistics Harlow: Longman 16.Schegloff, E (1973) An evaluation of greeting exchanges in textbook and real life setting New York Blackwell Publishers 51 17.Searle, J.R (1969) Speech acts: An essay in the philosophy of language London: Cambridge University Press 18.Thomas, J (1996) Meaning in interaction London: Longman 19.Wierzbicka, Anna (1987) English speech act verbs A Semantic Dictionary Sydney: Academic Press 20.Williams, K.E (1997) An Evaluation of Greeting exchanges in textbooks and real life settings 21.Yule G (1996) Pragmatics, Oxford University Press VIETNAMESE Huỳnh Thị Thanh Châu Greeting in English and Vietnamese: A contrastive analysis Graduation thesis Hoàng Thị Kim Dung (2001) A cross-cultural study of dressing forms in greeting Vietnamese and English Graduation thesis Nguyễn Thị Bích Hằng English and Vietnamese greeting Graduation thesis Trần Thị Bích Hạnh (2010) Vietnamese and English Greetings: A contrastive analysis Graduation thesis Bùi Thị Nhinh (2015) A study on English expressions of greeting with the reference to Vietnamese Equivalents Graduation thesis Nguyễn Quang (2002) Giao tiếp giao tiếp văn hóa, Nhà xuất Đại Học Quốc Gia Hà Nội Phạm Thị Thành (1995) Nghi thức lời nói tiếng Việt đại qua phát ngôn chào, cảm ơn, xin lỗi luận án PTS ngữ văn Huyền Vũ (2009) Cách chào hỏi người Việt người Mỹ Trần Anh Vương (2004) Ways of greeting and comparison between Vietnamese and English greeting Graduation thesis 52 APPENDIXES Appendixes 1: Survey Questionnaires on greeting among English People This questionnaires is designed for my study to research into “ An investigation on comparing English and Vietnamese greeting languages” Your assistance in completing the questionnaires is greatly appreciated It is certain this questionnaires is for research purpose only Please feel free to complete the questionnaires as all information is confident Would you kindly return these completed questionnaires ? Thank you very much for your assistance! Your nationality …………………………………………………………………………… Your age …………………………………………………………………………… Your occupation …………………………………………………………………………… Please tick ( ˅ ) where appropriate Your sex : Male Female Your marital status : Single Married 1.How you greet your relative in the daily life? Hi/Hello, Good + time! Ask about health , life How you greet your friend? Hey , what‟s up/How was it going ? Hi/Hello , Good + time! How you greet someone on business ? Good + time and offer a firm handshake It‟s a pleasure to meet you!/It‟s nice to meet you 53 How you greet someone you not know before and she/he is Hello/ Hi + introduce yourself Nice to meet you! If you are a student, how you greet your teacher ……………………………………………………………………… In a group comprising of various social statuses, in what order are people generally greeted? The older first The young The best known The most familiar There is no order Do you use interrogative forms in greeting ? (e.g., How are you doing?) Never Occasionally Often Always Do you often refer to the time of years or occasion in your greeting ? (e.g Happy New Year, Merry Christmas ) Never Occasionally Often Always How often you greet by using exclamation? (e.g Good day to you !, Pleased to meet you !) Never Occasionally Often Always The end! 54 Appendixes 2: PHIẾU KHẢO SÁT VỀ CÁCH CHÀO HỎI Ở VIỆT NAM Chúng soạn tiến hành điều tra nhằm phục vụ cho đề tài nghiên cứu “ Một điều tra việc so sánh ngôn ngữ chào hỏi người Anh người Việt Nam” Mục đích câu hỏi nghiên cứu cố gắng tìm hiểu cách chào phổ biến tình ngơn ngữ Anh Việt Xin quý vị vui lòng dành chút thời gian giúp chúng tơi hồn thành điều tra này, Chúng tơi khẳng định khơng nêu danh tính quý vị tình Xin chân thành cảm ơn quý vị! Quốc tịch Tuổi Nghề nghiệp Quý vị điền thông tin cách tích vào vng bên cạnh Giới tính Nam Nữ Tình trạng nhân Đã lập gia đình Chưa lập gia đình 1,Bạn chào hỏi người họ hàng bạn gặp hàng ngày ? Xin chào, Chào + mốc thời gian Hỏi sức khỏe, sống Bạn chào bạn bạn ? Này, dạo rồi? Xin chào, chào + mốc thời gian 3.Bạn chào người làm quan bạn ? Chào + mốc thời gian đề nghị bắt tay Thật vinh hạnh gặp bạn/ Rất vui gặp bạn! Một người bạn không quen, bạn chào nào? Xin chào/ Chào + giới thiệu thân Thật vinh dự gặp bạn/ Rất vui gặp bạn! 55 Nếu bạn học sinh, bạn chào thầy cô giáo ? Trong nhóm người có nhiều độ tuổi khác , thường người chào trước Người già Người trẻ tuổi Người tiếng Không theo thứ tự Bạn có thường chào câu hỏi không ? Không Thi thoảng Thường xun Ln ln Bạn có thường chào lời chúc đến dịp lễ hội năm không ? ( Chúc mừng năm , Chúc mừng giáng sinh) Không Thi thoảng Thường xun Ln ln Bạn có thường chào câu cảm thán không ? ( Chsuc bạn ngày tốt lành , vui gặp bạn) Không Thi thoảng Thường xuyên Luôn Chân thành cảm ơn quý vị dành thời gian cho điều tra ! 56

Ngày đăng: 17/07/2023, 23:20


