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THE UNIVERSITY OF DANANG UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDIES NGUYỄN HUỲNH DIỄM MY AN ATTITUDINAL ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE LOVE SONGS FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF APPRAISAL THEORY Major: ENGLISH LINGUISTICS Code: 822.02.01 MASTER THESIS IN LINGUISTICS AND CULTURAL STUDIES OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES Da Nang, 2020 THE UNIVERSITY OF DANANG UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDIES NGUYỄN HUỲNH DIỄM MY AN ATTITUDINAL ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE LOVE SONGS FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF APPRAISAL THEORY Major: ENGLISH LINGUISTICS Code: 822.02.01 MASTER THESIS IN LINGUISTICS AND CULTURAL STUDIES OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES SUPERVISOR: NGŨ THIỆN HÙNG, Ph D Da Nang, 2020 STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP I hereby certify this thesis “An Attitudinal Analysis of English and Vietnamese Love Songs from the Perspective of Appraisal Theory” is my own work No other person's work has been used without the acknowledgement in the thesis This paper has not been submitted for the award of any degree or diploma in any other tertiary institution Da Nang, 2020 Nguyễn Huỳnh Diễm My ABSTRACT The present study examined two sub-categories of Attitude, Affect and Judgement, in lyrics of English and Vietnamese love songs in the light of Appraisal Theory The study aimed to investigate the semantic values and syntactic realizations of Attitude sub-categories from 50 English love songs and 50 Vietnamese ones This descriptive study employed the qualitative method to describe and interpret the data of the sub-categories of Affect and Judgement in terms of semantics and syntax In addition, quantitative method was also applied to show the distributions and occurrences of instances of Affect and Judgement in English and Vietnamese love songs' lyrics by some statistical tables The findings of the research revealed that the two sub-categories of Attitude could be recognized in various groups and phrase Moreover, the study worked out typical functions of Affect and Judgement as components in Mental and Behavioural processes Semantically, the findings showed that all Appraisal evaluating values were reflected in English and Vietnamese love songs The study also put forward some implications to comprehending of the subcategories of Attitude in the love songs and provided the teachers and university students majoring in English with practical implications to evaluate a discourse fragment and interpret a discourse fragment in the light of Appraisal Theory and in line with Systemic Functional Linguistics TABLE OF CONTENTS Statement Of Authorship i Abstract ii Table Of Contents iii List Of Abbreviations vi List Of Tables viii List Of Figures ix List Of Charts xi Chapter One INTRODUCTION 1.1 RATIONALE .1 1.2 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 1.2.1 Aims 1.2.2 Objectives 1.3 RESEARCH QUESTIONS 1.4 SCOPE OF STUDY 1.5 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY 1.6 ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDY Chapter Two LITERATURE REVIEW AND THEORETICAL BACKGROUND .7 2.1 REVIEW OF PREVIOUS STUDIES 2.2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 11 2.2.1 Appraisal Theory 11 2.2.2 Affect and Judgement as Two Sub-categories of Attitude 13 The Sub-Category Affect .14 The Sub-Category Judgement 17 2.2.3 Syntactic Realizations of Affect and Judgement in View of Systemic Functional Linguistics 20 2.2.4 Love Songs 25 2.3 SUMMARY .26 Chapter Three RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .27 3.1 RESEARCH DESIGN 27 3.2 RESEARCH METHOD 27 3.3 DATA COLLECTION .28 3.3.1 Sampling of Study .28 3.3.2 Description of Data 29 3.3.3 Instruments of Data Collection 30 3.3.4 Procedure of Data Collection .30 3.4 DATA ANALYSIS 30 3.5 RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY .31 3.6 SUMMARY .31 Chapter Four FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 32 4.1 SEMANTIC VALUES OF AFFECT IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE LOVE SONGS 32 4.1.1 Semantic Values of Affect in English and Vietnamese Love Songs 32 Un/Happiness Meaning of Affect 33 In/Security Meaning of Affect .37 Dis/Satisfaction Meaning of Affect .41 Dis/Inclination Meaning of Affect 45 4.1.2 Semantic Values of Judgement in English and Vietnamese Love Songs 49 Social Esteem 49 Social Sanction 56 4.2 SYNTACTIC REALIZATIONS OF AFFECT AND JUDGEMENT IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE LOVE SONGS 60 4.2.1 Affect and Judgement Realized as Nominal Group 60 4.2.2 Affect and Judgement Realized as Verbal Group 70 412.1 Affect Realized as Verbal Group in Mental Process 70 Affect and Judgement Realized as Verbal Group in Behavioural Process .72 4.2.3 Affect and Judgement Realized as Adverbial Group 73 4.2.4 Affect and Judgement Realized as Prepositional Group .75 4.3 DISCUSSION 76 4.3.1 Distribution of Affect and Judgement in English and Vietnamese Love Songs .76 Distribution of Affect in English and Vietnamese Love Songs 76 Distribution of Judgement in English and Vietnamese Love Songs 78 Distribution of Affect and Judgement in English and Vietnamese Love Songs 80 4.3.2 Contrastive Analysis of Affect and Judgement in English and Vietnamese Love Songs: Similarities and Differences 81 4.4 SUMMARY 82 Chapter Five CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS 85 5.1 CONCLUSIONS .84 5.2 IMPLICATIONS .85 5.2.1 To the Teachers 85 5.2.2 To the Language Learners 86 5.3 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY 86 5.4 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH 87 REFERENCES .88 APPENDIX 93 QUYẾT ĐỊNH GIAO ĐỀ TÀI (bản sao) LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS (+) Positive attitude (-) Negative attitude Cap Capacity Judgement Hap Happiness Affect Incl Inclination Affect Norm Normality Judgement PP Preposition Phrases Prop Propriety Judgement Sat Satisfaction Affect Sec SFG SFL Ten Ver Security Affect Systemic Functional Grammar Systemic Functional Linguistic Tenacity Judgement Veracity Judgement LIST OF TABLES In English and Vietnamese Love Songs Frequency of Semantic Values of Affect in English and 77 Vietnamese Love Songs 4.16 Frequency of Semantic Values of Judgement in English and 78 Vietnamese Love Songs 4.17 Frequency of Semantic Values of Affect and Judgement in both 81 English and 4.18 Vietnamese Love Songs Affect and Judgement can be realized via behaviour process in both English and Vietnamese However, only Affect as verbal group can be realized via mental process in both English and Vietnamese 4.4 SUMMARY This chapter has presented semantic values and syntactic realizations of Attitude sub-categories, Affect and Judgement, based on the framework suggested by Martin and White (2005) The samples were clarified into semantic values: Affect (Un/Happiness, In/Security, Dis/Satisfaction and Dis/Inclination) and Judgement (Social Esteem Normality/ Capacity/ Tenacity, and Social Sanction - Veracity/ Propriety) Also, Affect and Judgement will be syntactically realized with functions as Process via verbal group, nominal group, adverbial group and prepositional phrase in both English and Vietnamese love songs' lyrics The language of Affect and Judgement is used more to make the distance of the authors and the listeners/ readers closer It establishes a interpersonal relationship between the author and the reader Besides, the study found out some similarities of semantic values and syntactic realizations of Affect and Judgement realized in both English and Vietnamese love songs in some cases In addition, the differences of syntactic realizations were found out in the thesis However, it is claimed that the differences of semantic values in language of Affect and Judgement in English and Vietnamese might not be pointed out Chapter Five CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS 5.1 CONCLUSIONS The thesis “An Attitudinal Analysis of English and Vietnamese Love Songs from the Perspective of Appraisal Theory” examined semantic values and syntactic realizations of the two sub-categories of Attitude, Affect and Judgement in English and Vietnamese love songs' lyrics Semantically, the investigation of Affect and Judgement were conducted based on semantic types suggested by Martin and White (2005) The results show that Affect and Judgement values cover all of the sub-types with positive and negative values This shows the optimistic views of the appraisers - the songwriters and their great effort to create the interpersonal meaning to transfer messages about mixed and colourful emotions of love Syntactically, the two sub-categories of Attitude can be recognized in forms of nominal groups, verbal groups, adverbial groups and prepositional phrases regardless of their unequal distribution among the two sub-categories and their subtypes Most of syntactic group structures such as nominal groups, and verbal groups can be realized in all the two sub-categories However, some forms of structures such as adverbial groups and prepositional phrases are restricted to a certain category Furthermore, the employment of syntactic structures in the sub-categories is different between English and Vietnamese data Especially, in the nominal structure, there is a difference in word order between English and Vietnamese In details, Epithet comes before Thing in English while Epithet is after the Thing in Vietnamese Moreover, some forms of nominal group can be realized as Affect in both English and Vietnamese, as Judgement only in English, and these structures cannot be found as Judgement in Vietnamese With the function of verbal group in Clause as Representation, Affect and Judgement can be realized via behaviour and mental processes in both English and Vietnamese However, only Affect as verbal group can be realized in both English and Vietnamese 5.2 IMPLICATIONS In this thesis, the findings provide the language teacher and learners with both semantic and syntactic knowledge of attitudinal evaluation in the light of Appraisal Appraisal Theory as well as SFL is among specialised linguistic disciplines which provide language teachers and learners with profound understanding of the language nature in use Therefore, this thesis, which employed one of those facets, is expected to be helpful for teachers and learners themselves to a certain extent to increase their ability to communicate and fully employ the beauty of language with its diversity and variety 5.2.1 To the Teachers It is essential to keep up with new approaches in modern linguistics, especially with Appraisal Theory in the general frame of SFL This thesis may be a useful reference resource which to a certain extent provides teachers with knowledge of evaluating feelings and behaviours as well as attitudinal assessments With the results of the investigation, teachers will probably have an overview of Attitude sub-categories, Affect and Judgement, in the aspects of syntax and semantics to support their teaching Dealing with evaluating language, learners may get confused among Affect and Judgement Through the findings, teachers may help learners distinguish these types of Attitude and avoid using wrong sub-categories in particular context Besides, teachers may get knowledge of structures of groups and phrases, the representation of clauses and how to identify them They also have well preparation of sub-types of attitude meaning in particular context Moreover, teachers can design exercises about attitude to help learners understand and use it well Thus, they can help their learners to approach a text in light of Appraisal Theory to successfully interpret the interpersonal meaning which is embedded in the text to convey what the author wants to inspire his readers This is also helpful approach which should be encouraged to keep up with new trend of modern linguistics and to improve learners' ability of communication and interaction 5.2.2 To the Language Learners It is very necessary for university learners who major in English to enrich their ability in comprehending and using the language in order to enhance their communicative ability If learners have a chance to study Appraisal Theory, many of them may have difficulties in acquiring the comprehension of content and structures of Attitude subcategories They may get confused in understanding Attitude sub-categories that speakers/writers mentioned about This limitation may be due to the unawareness of different types of Attitude sub-categories and how to use it effectively Through the results of the study, learners may have knowledge of Attitude sub-categories that speakers/writers use to express their intention, their opinion, their feeling, their emotion and their attitude They should pay attention to structures of groups and processes Also, they should focus on meaning types of Attitude such as Un/happiness, Dis/Inclination, Capacity, Tenacity, and Veracity meaning As the result, learners may interpret a discourse effectively in view of Appraisal effectively 5.3 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY The thesis is limited in the scope of syntactic and semantic realizations of Affect and Judgement in group and phrase levels in 50 English love songs and 50 Vietnamese ones The results of the investigation, to a certain extent, have met the setting goals of the study However, weaknesses are inevitable in the thesis Due to the limited time, we have not been able to explore the problem as deeply as we had desired Additionally, on account of researcher's narrow knowledge about the significance of Appraisal Theory, and the reality about the emotional feeling when the authors wrote the songs, we have not been able to highlight the profound evaluative values of the love songs Therefore, the thesis has not achieved the satisfactory depth as expected 5.4 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH Here are some suggestions for further research: - An Investigation into Stylistic Devices of Attitude in English and Vietnamese love songs; - An Investigation into Linguistic Devices of Graduation in English and Vietnamese love songs; - An Investigation into the Language of Affect in Trịnh Công Sơn's Songs and Their English Translations in the Appraisal Perspective REFERENCES Abrahamsson, B (2011) Gender Roles in Pop Lyrics a discourse analysis of the lyrics of Lady Gaga Essay, Department of Languages and Literatures/ English, University of Gothenburg Adit, J., et al (2015) Emotion Analysis of Songs Based on Lyrical and Audio Features International 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McCartney 's List of Songs) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Elton_John_songs (Elton John's List of Songs) https://www.whereseric.com/the-vault/song-information/alphabetical-list-songseric-clapton (Eric Clapton's List of Songs) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Songs_written_by_Adele (Adele's List of Songs) https://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danh_sách_bài_hát_của_Trịnh_Công_Sơn (Trịnh Công Sơn's List of Songs) https://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nguyễn_Ánh_9#Danh_sách_tác_phẩm (Nguyễn Ánh 9's List of Songs) https://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dương_Thụ#Nhạc_phẩm (Dương Thụ's List of Songs) https://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bảo_Chấn#Danh_mục_nhạc_phẩm (Bảo Chấn's List of Songs) https://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Đức_Trí#Sản_xuất (Đức Trí's List of Songs) https://www.lyrics.com/ (Resource for English Song Lyrics) https://lyric.tkaraoke.com/ and http://www.lyrics.vn/ (Resource for Vietnamese Song Lyrics) APPENDIX Lists of 50 English Love Songs and 50 Vietnamese Love Songs List of 50 English Love Songs NO NAME OF ENGLISH LOVE SONGS NAME OF SONGWRITERS (Just Like) Starting Over John Lennon Aisumasen (I'm Sorry) John Lennon Bless You John Lennon Grow Old with Me John Lennon Jealous Guy Love John Lennon John Lennon Oh My Love Oh Yoko! John Lennon John Lennon 10 Out the Blue Woman John Lennon John Lennon 11 Beautiful Night Paul McCartney 12 I Saw Her Standing There Paul McCartney 13 Love in Song Paul McCartney 14 My Love Paul McCartney 15 One More Kiss Paul McCartney 16 Silly Love Songs Paul McCartney 17 The Loveliest Thing Paul McCartney 18 This Never Happened Before Paul McCartney 19 Turn out Warm and Beautiful Paul McCartney Paul McCartney 20 21 22 Anything for Your Love Bad Love Eric Clapton Eric Clapton 23 Easy Now Eric Clapton 24 Have You Ever Loved a Woman Eric Clapton 25 I Will Be There Eric Clapton 26 Layla Eric Clapton 27 28 Lovin' You Lovin' Me Old Love Eric Clapton Eric Clapton 29 Promises Eric Clapton 30 Tell Me That You Love Me Eric Clapton 31 Dear John Elton John 32 Love Song Elton John 33 No Valentines Elton John 34 Part Time Love Elton John 35 River Runs Deep Elton John 36 Sacrifice Elton John 37 Thunder in the Night Elton John 38 True Love Elton John 39 When a Woman Doesn't Want You Elton John 40 Your Song Elton John 41 Can't Let Go Adele 42 Don't You Remember Adele 43 He Won't Go Adele 44 Hello Adele 45 I'll Be Waiting Adele 46 One and Only Adele 47 Rolling in the Deep Adele 48 Set Fire to the Rain Adele 49 Someone Like You Adele 50 Why Do You Love Me Adele List of 50 Vietnamese Love Songs NO NAME OF VIETNAMESE LOVE SONGS NAME OF SONGWRITERS Biển nhớ Trịnh Cơng Sơn Cịn với Trịnh Công Sơn Diễm xưa Trịnh Công Sơn Đợi bước anh Trịnh Công Sơn Giáng ngọc Trịnh Cơng Sơn Hãy khóc em Trịnh Công Sơn Nắng thủy tinh Trịnh Công Sơn Quỳnh hương Trịnh Công Sơn 11 Ru em ngón xn nồng Tình xa Ai đưa em Trịnh Công Sơn Trịnh Công Sơn Nguyễn Ánh 12 Biệt khúc Nguyễn Ánh 13 Buồn chào mi Nguyễn Ánh 14 Cô đơn Nguyễn Ánh 15 Đêm tình yêu Lặng lẽ tiếng dương cầm Nguyễn Ánh Nguyễn Ánh 18 Lối Một lời cuối cho em Nguyễn Ánh Nguyễn Ánh 19 Tình khúc chiều mưa Nguyễn Ánh 20 Nguyễn Ánh 21 Xin đừng nói u tơi Bài ca chưa viết hết lời 22 Bài ca đêm Bảo Chấn 23 Bên em biển rộng Bảo Chấn 24 Biết yêu hết mong chờ Bảo Chấn 25 26 Đêm anh mơ em Giấc mơ tuyệt vời Bảo Chấn Bảo Chấn 27 Hoa cỏ mùa xuân Bảo Chấn 10 16 17 Bảo Chấn 28 Một ngày mùa đông Bảo Chấn 29 Nỗi nhớ dịu êm Bảo Chấn 30 Và mưa tới Bảo Chấn 31 Ai khóc nỗi đau Đức Trí 32 Anh nhớ Đức Trí 33 Cho em lần yêu Đức Trí 34 Chuyện người gái Đức Trí 35 Có qn đâu Đức Trí 36 Lúc u Đức Trí 37 Tơi tìm thấy tơi Đức Trí 38 Ước mơ đời Đức Trí 39 Xanh bạc mái đầu Đức Trí 40 Yêu thương mong manh Đức Trí 41 Bây biển mùa đông Dương Thụ 42 Cho em ngày Dương Thụ 43 Hát cho anh Dương Thụ 44 Họa mi hót mưa Dương Thụ 45 Lắng nghe mùa xuân Dương Thụ 46 Nghe mưa Dương Thụ 47 Ô nắng Dương Thụ 48 Phố mùa đơng Dương Thụ 49 Tháng tư Dương Thụ 50 Vẫn hát lời tình yêu Dương Thụ DẠI HỌC DÀ NĂNG THƯỜNG i)Ạl HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA ViẸI NAM Độc lạp - Tự - Hạnh phúc Số: 3bS /QD-DIINN Dà Nang, ngày bl tháng nủm 2019 QUYÉT ĐỊNH việc giao đề lài trách nhiệm người hướng dẫn luận van thạc sĩ HIỆU TRUÔNG TRƯỜNG DẠI IIỌC NGOẠI NGỬ Căn cử Nghị định số 32/CP ngày 04 tháng năm 1994 cùa Chính phù việc thành lập Đại học Đà Năng; Căn Quyết dịnh số 709/ỌĐ - ìTg ngày 26 thảng X năm 2002 ('hình phủ việc thành lập Trường Dại học Ngoại Ngừ - Đại học Đà Năng; Cũn Thông tư số 08/2014/1T-BGDDT ngày 20 tháng năm 2014 cửa Bộ trưởng Bộ Giáo dục Dào tạo việc ban hành Quy chê tô chức hoạt động cùa Dại học vùng cư sở giáo dục dại học thành viên; Căn Quy định nhiệm vụ, quyền hạn cùa Dại học Đà Năng, sở giáo dục dụi học thành viên dem vị trực thuộc ban hành kèm theo Quyêt định sô 6950/ỌD-ĐIIDN ngày 01 tháng 12 năm 2014 Giám dốc Dại học Dà Năng; Căn Thông lư số 15/2014/TT-BGDDT ngày 15 tháng năm 2014 Bộ trường Bộ Giáo dục Đào tạo việc ban hành Quy chế đào lạo trình độ thạc sì; Căn Quyết định số 975/QD-DHNN ngày 04 tháng 11 năm 2016 Hiệu trường Trường Dại học Ngoại ngừ -Dại học Dà Nang việc ban hành Quy định Dào tạo trinh dộ thạc sĩ; Càn Biên bàn họp hội dong bào vệ de cương chi tiết luận vãn lốt nghiệp thạc sĩ chun ngành Ngơn ngừ Anh khóa 35; Theo dề nghị Trưởng phòng Phòng Dào lạo, QUYẾT ĐỊNH: Diều Giao cho học viên cao học Nguyền Huỳnh Diễm Mv, lớp K35.NNA.ĐN, chuyên ngành Ngôn ngữ Anh, thực dề tài luận vãn An Attitudinal Analysis of English and Vietnamese Love Songs from the Perspective of Appraisal Theory, hưởng dẫn TS Ngũ Thiện Hùng, Trường Dại học Ngoại ngừ - Dại 'học Đà Nang Diều Học viên cao học người hướng dẫn có tơn Diều hưởng quyền lợi thực nhiệm vụ theo Quy chế tạo trinh độ thạc sĩ Bộ Giáo dục Đào tạo ban hành Quy định tạo trinh độ thạc Tnrờng Dai học Ngoại ngữ - Đại học Đà Nằng Diều Các ông, bà Trường phòng Phòng Tổ chức -1 lành chinh Trưởng phòng Phòng Đào lạo, Trường phòng Phòng Ke hoạch -Tài chinh, Trường khoa Khoa tiếng Anil Thủ trưởng đơn vị có liên quan, người hướng dẫn luận văn học viên có lèn Điêu Quyết định ihi hành./ Nơi nhộn: - Hiệu trường (để b/c); - Như Điều 3; - Lưu: VT, P ĐT ĩ Nguyễn Văn Long ... characteristics of the distribution of attitude resources, the thesis ? ?An Attitudinal Analysis of English and Vietnamese Love Songs from the Perspective of Appraisal Theory” aims to find the evaluative... containing the meaning of Affect and Judgement 3.4 DATA ANALYSIS Within the framework of the study, 988 instances of Affect and Judgement in both English and Vietnamese were used as the data for the analysis. .. analysis of the study Then they were qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed in terms of the attitude meaning within Appraisal theory and the linguistic realizations of these semantic and syntactic
Ngày đăng: 25/08/2021, 09:02
cứ Quyết dịnh số 709/ỌĐ - ìTg ngày 26 thảng X năm 2002 của ('hình phủ về việc thành lập Trường Dại học Ngoại Ngừ - Đại học Đà Năng; (Trang 104)