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BQGIAODUCVADAOTAOTRI1I3NG D Q HQCC O N G N G H(ET P HCM NGUYENQUANGHONG NH GY E U TOANHH O N G T O QUYET DINHM UATHIETBIYTECUACONGTY ROCHEVIE TNAMTAICACBENHVIEN CONGTHUOC KHUVDCTP.HCM LUANVANTHACSY Chuyennganh:QuiintriKinhdoanhMaso ngénh: HUTECHL|BRARY HUNGDCKHOAHOC:TS.TRIIONGQUANGDQG TP.HOCHIMINH,Thiing06nam2015 CONGTPHDUOCHOANTHANHTAI TRUI3NGD A I H O C C O N G NGHE TP.HCM ) Canbohu‹ngdankhoahoc:TS.TRU’O NGQUANGDOING LuanvanThacstdiipcbaov(taiTruéngDai hpcCfingngh(TP.HCMng:iy thang .nam2015 TT Hovatén ChfrcdanhHoidong Chittich Phn bién1 Ph iinbién2 Uyvién Uy vién, Thu X:icnhanc i i a ChutichHoid o n g danhgiiiLuanvans a u khiLuanvandll dupcsuachua(néuco) ChittjchHoidongd:inhgi:iLu§nviin TP.HCM,ugly thang nam2015 Hptenhpcvién:NGUYENQUANGHUNG Giéitinh: Nam Ng:iy,th:ing,namsinh:1 / / Noisinh: TP.HCM Ch iiyénngénh:Qu:intrikinhdoanhI - MSHV: 1341820124 TéndeHi: NHIINGYEUT O A N H H L D G T O Q U Y E T D [ N H M U A T H I E T B [ Y T E CUACONGTYROCHEVIET NAMTAICACB(ENHVIE)NCONGTHUOCKHUVC TP.MCM II-Nhi(mv i y vii notdung: Th nht , xacdi)nhcac yéutoiinhhuéngtéiiquyétd]nhmuathiétbiytécfiabenhvi(ncong Th hai,6oluéingmfrcdotacdongcfiatimgyéutode‘nquyétd’! nhmuathietbiytécfiacfingtyRocheVi(tNamociicb(nhvi(n Th ba,dnaramotsohamychinhsachnhamt:icdongdenquyé t dinhmuacuatfichircdoiv oisanphamtaic:icDoanhnghiephi(nnay III-Ngiiygiaonhi(mvu:31/12/2014 IV- Ngliyholinthiinhn hi(invu:0 / / V- Ciinbfjhwéngdin:TS.TRUONGQUANGDRUG CNBOHUNGDAN (Hptenv:Ichu ) KHOAQUOLYCHENNG (Hptenvachu ) H LOICAMDOAN Toixincamdoandaylacongtrinhnghie“ncfnicuarie“ngtfii.Cacsoli(u, kétquanéutrongLuanvanl a trungthqcvachuatimgdwcicaicfingbotrongbatkyc ongtrinhnaokhac HocviénthuchiénLufinvan GUYENQ U A N G H l f N G LVCAM€JN Quaqu:itrinhhpctapviinghiénctiri,dwcicswtii.ntinhgiiipd“acuaquythayco gi:to,tfii‹Hih o é n thiinhchuongtrinhhpctapviin g h i é n ctni1ua(n void e Tfiixinchén thénhcainonTS.TruongQuangDungdiItaompidiéuki(nva ta)ntinhhuémg téiitrongqu:itrinhnghiéncmv:ihoanthi(ndetai 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gtochircnhungciingconhfmgkh:icbi(tnhatd‘!Rh.Chungtoidlitimkiémtai1i(u, congtrinhn g h i é n c f r u truocdove“cécyéutoénhhuéngde“nquyétdinhmuacfi a khiichhangtochucdebosungchonhiingvandenottrén.Chungtfiimoitimdu pcm o t sogiaotrinhvié tvequyétdinhmuacuakhachh:ingtochuc,con nhiingcongtrinhnghiénctiuden quyétd]nhmuaciiakhiichhangtochucthich6ngtoichuatimthay Truécthirctédfidet:ii:“Nii:kg uterU h h gdénqtiyétd[nhmiia thiétfiJDCnac c i n g t y ftoC 'ffe V i IN a m t¿iciteb nh v i nc c i n g t h u o c I ‹l i iivt :re TP.HCM.”diioctacgial uachonnghiéncum Himpcdichnghienc6unhamlamc‹i sodenhandi(ncacnhan totacdongdenquyétdinhmuaciiatochuc,t:icgiadiIlénluptgioithi(uc:ickhaini( mve khiichhéngtochuc,hanhvimuacfiatochuc,qu:itrinhthongquaquyétdinhlu a chpncfiatochucviimohinhciicyentoiinhhuéngdénquyétd|nhmuacfiatochtic.Quadéi,tiicgi:i daxaydwngciicgiathuyétvadenghimohinhnghiéncthichodetaicualuanvan Theodéi,tiicgiaxay dijngmohinhvac:icthangdodénghiéncttuc:ieyéutoanhhuéngd e n q u y é t d| nhm u a t h i é t b i y téc u a c o n g tyRocheV i ( t N a m t a i c i i c b(nhvi(ncongthuoc khuvpcTP.HCM Titmuctiéunghiénc6ubandau,tiicgia‹Hithiétkéquytrinhthuchi(nInphiittriénthangdonhap,n ghiéncirudinhlupngnhamxac dinhcac nhantoticdongdénquyétdinhl;rachpnmua,cacgiaidogthiétkébringcauhoi,phuongphapthunh (apduli(uv:iphantichduli(u Thongquaphongvans‹ibotacgiadahiu chinhthangdonhapthénhthangdochi nhthuc.Kétqu:i cfiaqu:itrinhnaydiixacdnhviixaydqngthangdocho10yéutotacdong chinhl a : tuvan muaha ng, c f i n g ngh(t h i é t bi,giahoachat, chfit lupngthiétb)v:ihoachat,giiithiét b|viivattutiéuhao,d| chvpsaubanhang,tiép th)s:inpham,uytincongty,til(chiétkhau,thuonghi(u T:icgiadlitonghppciickétqu:ikhiiosiitthongquab:ing cauhoivciisc›lupngmaun= 250v:ixulybtingp h a n m e m S P S S detinhc a c h(s o Cron bachA l p h a , phantichnhéntokh:innphaEFA,phantichANOVAvaphantichhoiquyvéiimucyng hia5%.Kétquachirarangcositu nhantotacdongchuyéudenquyétd|nhmua cfiakhachhangtochuc1:ichatluprigthie“tbJvahoa chat,giahéiachat, giathietbiv:ivattutiéuhao,congngh(thiétbi,d| chvusaub:inhéng,uytincéingtyTrong dé›,yéutochatlupngthiétb| vahoachatcoI:icdonglénnhat.Tonghppkétqué,tiicgi:i tie'nhanhdnaramotsohamychinhsach véchatlupngthiétbjvahoacnat,gi:i hoachfit,gi:ithietbjvavattittiéuhao,cong nghéthiétbi,dJchviisauban hang,u y tincongtynhamn a n g c a o mircdo( anhhuéngd e n quyétd i n h muacfia kh:ichhang latochuc.Dongthcriciingdnaram(tsoh:ynchécuanghién cfruva huémgnhiingnghiéncihitiéptheo ABSTRACT Goodincomesf r o m sellingproductso r servicesisthekeytomaintaina compan y.T h e r e f o r e , m a r k e t r e s e a r c h a n d c u s t o m e r b e h a v i o r h a v e b e e n d o n e b y a loto f c o m p a n i e s i n m a n y s c a l e s , a n d m o s t o f t h e m h a v e f o c u s e d o n i n d i v i d u a l customers Ourc o m p a n y c o n c e n t r a t e s o n s u p p l y i n g m e d i c a l i n s t r u m e n t s f o r l a b o r a t o r i e s ofh o s p i t a l s whichmeanst h a t ourc u s t o m e r s a r e g r o u p s and organizations.Althoughi n d i v i d u a l s a n d groupshaves o m e samematters,g ro u p behaviors,speciallygrouppurchasingd e c i s i o n , havetheirparticulari de nt it ie s andthesehavebeenresearchedby nobodyinnothesisandnowork.Somebooksongeneralgrouppurchasingd e c i s i o n hav e beenreleasedb u t noresearchh as beenpublic Inc o n s i d e r a t l o n o f t h e o r y a n d r eali ty, t h e a u t h o r d e c i d e s t o c h o o s e t h ethesis topic:“ f u c k e r s w h i c h e f f e c t o r d e c i s i o n ofp u r c h a s i n g Roche Vi(tNam’s º²“ºº² “ º º º*º º ººIRººiChO ºR*‘alsinHeChiMinhCity” Withthepurposetobethebasicfoundationtorevealtheproblem,author has seriallyintroducednotionsofgroupororganization,g r o u p purchasede ci s i on ; proce sso f passingt h e decisionand modelo f factorsaf fect ing grouppurchasedecision.B asedo n thedefinitions, t h e author hasbuiltups u p p o s i t i o n a n d suggestedstudyd esignfor thethesis Aftert h a t , a u t h o r d es i gn s s t u d y modela n d s c a l e s tomeasurea l l listedf a c t o r s Studym o d e l areclearlyw r i t t e n fromb a s i c scale,quantitativeresearch,st epstomakethequestionnaire,methodst o collect a n d analyzedata Byinterviewsamples, authorhaseditedscalesfromb a s i c toofficial.Theoffici alo n e i n c l u d e s 10factorsw h i c h a r e : b u y i n g c o n s u l t a n t , t e c h n o l o g y , p r i c e o f reagent,q u a l i t y o f medlcali n s t r u m e n t s a n d reagent,p r i c e o f instrum entsa n d consumables,aftersale service,productmarketing,charismaofcompany,discount ratio,br and n a m e T h e author su m m ar i zes a n d analysesc o l l e c t e d resultsf r o m questionnaireb y S P S S withs a m p l e n=250 t o caculate C r o n b a c h A p l h a , E F A , ANOVAa n d regressi ona n a l y s i s underm e a n v a l u e % Eventually,t h e r e a r e s ix factorsmainlyaffectingongrouppurchasede c is i on Theyaretechnology,priceofr eagent,qua lity ofmedicalinstrumentsa nd reagent,priceofinstrumenta n d consu mable,aftersaleservice,charismaofcompany Fromallabove,authorhavemades o m e suggestions on technology,price o f i‘eagcnt,qualityofm e d i c a l instrumentsandreagent,priceofinstrumentandc onsumable,a f t e r saleservice,charismaofcompanytohlghertheeffectstogrouppur chased e c i s i o n Thes ugges tions a l s o followedbysomeconsiderationo f thes islimitationandideasforpost-research

Ngày đăng: 10/07/2023, 11:34


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