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A study on the methods of learning english vocabulary of first year english majors at vnua

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VIET NAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND FOREIGN LANGUAGES BA THESIS A STUDY ON THE METHODS OF LEARNING ENGLISH VOCABULARY OF FIRST-YEAR ENGLISH MAJORS AT VNUA KHẢO SÁT VỀ VIỆC HỌC TỪ VỰNG CỦA SINH VIÊN NĂM NHẤT NGÀNH NGÔN NGỮ ANH TẠI HỌC VIỆN NÔNG NGHIỆP VIỆT NAM Student : DAO THI NGOC DUNG Student code : 621282 Major : ENGLISH Supervisor : HA THI LAN, M.A Hanoi – 2021 VIET NAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND FOREIGN LANGUAGES BA THESIS A STUDY ON THE METHODS OF LEARNING ENGLISH VOCABULARY OF FIRST-YEAR ENGLISH MAJORS AT VNUA KHẢO SÁT VỀ VIỆC HỌC TỪ VỰNG CỦA SINH VIÊN NĂM NHẤT NGÀNH NGÔN NGỮ ANH TẠI HỌC VIỆN NÔNG NGHIỆP VIỆT NAM Student : DAO THI NGOC DUNG Student code : 621282 Major : ENGLISH Supervisor : HA THI LAN, M.A Hanoi – 2021 CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY I, Dao Thi Ngoc Dung, thus certify that the survey thesis on first-year English language students studying English vocabulary at VNUA is my own work, written under the tight supervision of the supervisor Ha Thi Lan Except where the reference is indicated, no other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the text of the thesis Hanoi, 2021 Dao Thi Ngoc Dung Approved by SUPERVISOR Ha Thi Lan Date: June 30th, 2021 i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS During the period of conducting of the study, I received a plenty of enthusiastic help and support me to fulfill duty the best way Therefore, I am grateful to the School Board of Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Faculty of Education and Foreign Languages, my supervisor and my parents Firstly, I would like to express thanks to the School Board of Vietnam National University of Agriculture and the Faculty of Foreign Languages creating conditions to me during the study process Secondly, I sincerely thanks to Ha Thi Lan, M.A My supervisor who spent more times to give me useful guidance and advices from the beginning to the end of the thesis She always explained devotedly what I was not clearly about the study Thirdly, I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to the firstyear English-majored students of the Faculty of Education and Foreign Languages at VNUA They corroborate enthusiastically to answer the questionnaires which helped me colleting the data to accomplish the thesis Last but not least, I would like to thank my parents who always accompany with me and encourage me to overcome all difficulties and hard but meaningful time In short, I really thank to people helping me to finalize this study Ha Noi, June 30th, 2021 Dao Thi Ngoc Dung ii ABSTRACT As we all know, from the past around the sixteenth and twenty-first centuries, how England dominated the colonies in the world They rule about a fifth of the global population over a quarter of the total surface of the earth (100 times the area of Vietnam) The Queen of England once said, "The sun never sets on England" That is why many parts of the world are assimilated to use English as a mother tongue To this day, English has been chosen as the official international language for exchange and communication with other countries and territories In Vietnam, English is chosen as a compulsory subject of the education system At universities, including the Vietnam Academy of Agriculture, English is trained to be applied in professions such as technology, tourism, import and export, etc English focuses on cultivating skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, in which focusing on improving vocabulary is the first basic step that any learner English needs to be built Understanding the importance of English is that, but how to orient the learning method not everyone knows and applies it successfully This thesis will survey and analyze the methods of learning English vocabulary of students, especially first-year English language students at VNUA Thereby contributing to improving and enhancing the learning of English vocabulary iii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS VNUA: Vietnam National University of Agriculture iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Certificate of originality i Acknowledgements ii Abstract iii List of abbreviations iv Table of contents v List of table and chart vii PART 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rational for the study 1.2 Aims and objectives of the study 1.3 Research question 1.4 Scope of the study k65enga 1.5 Significance of the study 1.6 Design of the study PART 2: DEVELOPMENT Chapter 1: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 preview of previous studies (at home/abroad) 1.2 Review of theoretical background 1.2.1 The definition of Vocabulary 1.2.2 The importance of vocabulary learning 10 1.2.3 Classification of vocabulary learning methods 10 1.2.4 Some typical vocabulary learning methods today according to Norbert Schmitt (1997, p 207-208) Chapter 2: METHODOLOGY 13 20 2.1 Research questions 20 2.2 research method 20 2.3 Principles/criteria for data collection and data ANALYSIS 21 2.4 data collecting procedures 22 2.5 summary 23 Chapter 3: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 findings 3.1.1 The general information of participants 24 24 24 v 3.1.2 The opinion of the first-year English-majored students toward of the importance of learning language 25 3.1.3 Methods of learning English Vocabulary 26 3.2 disscusion PART 3: CONCLUSION 30 31 Recapitulation 31 Limitation of the study 32 Suggestions for futher study 33 REFERENCES 36 APPENDIX 38 vi LIST OF TABLE AND CHART Table 3.1: Methods of learning English vocabulary 26 Table 3.2: Evaluating the use of word guessing method 26 Table 3.3: Evaluating the level of use of communication methods 27 Table 3.4: Evaluating the use of mnemonic methods 28 Chart 3.1: The general information of participants 24 Chart 3.2: The opinion of English-majored freshmen toward of the importance of learning English 25 vii PART 1: INTRODUCTION Thousands of years have passed, researchers have discovered that the people who are good at English are the ones with a very high salary and career advancement ability Especially today when the 4.0 revolutions are taking place, English in particular and a number of other foreign languages such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean, which play an even more important role English is the official language of more than 53 countries and territories, the official language of the EU and is the 3rd most spoken language in the world after China and Spain (due to differences in population) It can be seen that English has become a global language and is considered a travel ticket, a bridge to help you easily communicate and work By opening the door to globalization, you see the importance of learning English? For the students, future generations of the country, learning English has become more and more necessary than ever The Vietnamese education system has made English a compulsory subject on school seats since the elementary years, a compulsory exam between levels Nowadays, universities have majors for this English subject For work, according to a survey by the Organization of the Ministers of Education of Southeast Asian countries (SEAMEO), the need to use English in daily work in Vietnamese companies, administrative and non-business organizations is quite high, from medium to many, accounting for 69% English, a foreign language that is being used mainly, is also seen as a basis for promotion or salary increase English has a very important role in today's life 1.1 Rational for the study Learning is a non-stop process that involves learning English That requires us not only to have a good attitude to study, hard work and hard work, but also to have a reasonable learning method, especially when English is increasingly playing a very important role in learning and communication and at work It has 3.1.2 The opinion of the first-year English-majored students toward of the importance of learning language Chart 3.2: The opinion of English-majored freshmen toward of the importance of learning English The pie chart generally shows the figure in percentages of student’s opinions about the importance of learning language in five categories including extremely important, quite important, neutral, important and unimportant evaluation Unquestionably, nobody thought that learning language was unimportant In comparison, more a half people though that learning language was extremely important This number was10 times as the percentages of people though that learning language was important The option about quite important accounted for 24% of students Most of them know that vocabulary knowledge is a critical tool for second language learners because a limited vocabulary in a second language impedes successful communication In order to understand the language, vocabulary is crucial to be mastered by the learner In conclusion, all of students who appreciate the importance of learning language 25 3.1.3 Methods of learning English Vocabulary After the survey, the following results were obtained: Table 3.1: Methods of learning English vocabulary Always Often Sometimes Methods Looking up dictionary 26% 44% 32% Learning by topics 36% 28% 18% Using flashcard 16% 30% 28% Asking teacher directly 14% 34% 28% Asking friends 18% 36% 28% Communicating with the 16% 44% 32% native people Using pictures 14% 32% 34% Reading aloud to practice 22% 24% 24% pronunciation Writing words many times 30% 34% 20% As mentioned above, there are many methods of learning Rarely 8% 16% 22% 22% 8% 6% 20% 12% 14% English vocabulary However, after researching and surveying the first-year Englishmajored students at VNUA, I mentioned the most basic and common methods as follows: The word guessing methods Table 3.2: Evaluating the use of word guessing method Methods Always Often Sometimes Rarely Looking up dictionary 26% 44% 32% 8% Learning by topics 36% 28% 18% 16% Using flashcard 16% 30% 28% 22% After investigation, it is easy to see that learning vocabulary by topic is highly appreciated in the method of word guessing because students can choose their favorite topic, increase their interest and ability to continue get knowledge 36% of students always choose this way to learn, while the percentage of 26 students who rarely learn this method accounts for 16% This way of learning is relatively good, so learners can use some more forms of tree diagrams, silhouettes or word tables to make the word list more vivid Looking at the above table, we find that students also like to use dictionary while learning English and this is also a trick applied frequently in the process of learning vocabulary with 44% often, 32% sometimes, 26% always and only 8% rarely Most students think that when they not know the meaning of a word, looking up the dictionary is the fastest, most convenient way and does not take too much time However, when applying this method in learning vocabulary, it will reduce learners' thinking Researchers not support this way of learning 100% Using flashcards is a trick with average usage when 30% often, 28% sometimes, 22% rarely, and 16% always The difference between these frequencies is not high This learning method is judged to be time-consuming to create a word card, but can only write one or two words on it Moreover, the magnetic card is quite small, so it is easy to lose and misplace, so it is very effective not tall However, it is undeniable that the effectiveness of this way of learning, when students look at the cards, can remember and quickly reflect on what the word is The communicative methods Table 3.3: Evaluating the level of use of communication methods Methods Always Often Sometimes Rarely Asking teacher directly 14% 34% 28% 22% Asking friends 18% 36% 28% 8% 16% 44% 32% 6% Communicating native people with the 27 Based on the above results, we can see that all three learning methods are frequently used The reason for this is that studying at school, students will often have a lot of contact with teachers and friends, so when they receive requests from teachers, if they find it difficult to understand, they can communicate directly with the teacher about the meaning of words and related issues In addition, teachers often give requirements and tasks to students, students can work in pairs, in groups to increase efficiency and thinking ability Group exchanges are also easy, because they are friends, so it will be easier to ask and more comfortable Therefore, the percentage of always asking you (18%) is higher than the rate of asking the teacher directly (14%) As we all know, Hanoi is a place where many tourists visit and settle down, creating a dynamic environment for students to communicate and practice skills based on their vocabulary knowledge have been This helps to increase the ability to reflect, and understand the correct use of words in spoken language In general, all three ways of learning are appreciated for their effectiveness and easy learning opportunities for students The mnemonic methods Table 3.4: Evaluating the use of mnemonic methods Methods Using pictures Always Often Sometimes Rarely 14% 32% 34% 20% Illustrations are a common technique of learning, although many students dislike them (34 percent normally, 32 percent often, 20 percent rarely use and 14 percent always use) There are some words that cannot be illustrated with visuals Learners must use a different method of learning when dealing with 28 abstract words However, from a practical standpoint, the utilization of visuals ensures that the vocabulary learning process does not grow monotonous Obviously, remembering the meaning of words through pictures is simpler than through definitions The cognitive method Table 3.5: Evaluate the use of cognitive methods Methods Always Often Sometimes Rarely Reading aloud to practice pronunciation 22% 24% 24% 12% Writing words many times 30% 34% 20% 14% Looking at the survey findings, it appears that the manner of writing words has a very consistent level of consistency (34 percent often, 30 percent always, 20 percent sometimes and 14 percent rarely) This method of learning has been used since we first learned English, and it is also how we learn Vietnamese Not only does it help us remember words for longer, but it also ensures that the learner's word memorizing process is accurate Reading words aloud multiple times is a related learning strategy that goes along with learning vocabulary (24 percent often and sometimes, 22 percent always and 12 percent rarely) Many of you believe this is a good method to help them expand their vocabulary, enhance their speaking skills, and improve their pronunciation A few children, however, are hesitant to read aloud for fear of making mistakes and being ridiculed 29 3.2 disscusion There are many different ways to learn vocabulary However, that way of learning is effective or not is up to each person's judgment To choose the most appropriate way to learn vocabulary, learners need to base some of their learning goals on knowing the word or remembering the word, remembering the meaning of the word or the pronunciation of the word, learning the word to build a good vocabulary solve exercises… In addition, learners need to regularly come into contact with words through vocabulary exercises to strengthen their vocabulary If you know how to combine methods together, learning will become easier and more effective 30 PART 3: CONCLUSION Recapitulation Our survey questions are made based on the classification criteria of the author Norbert Schmitt's method of lexical learning He classified vocabulary learning methods based on two criteria: those that learners use to approach the meaning of words at first contact and those used to reinforce the meaning of words in the first encounter subsequent contacts Accordingly, the word guessing method and the communication method are classified by the author according to the first criterion The remaining methods are classified according to the second criterion Most of the first-year English majors have studied English vocabulary for 1012 years, which is quite a long time to absorb and gain experience However, each student will have a different learning method In general, the main learning methods used by students are the word guessing method, the communication method, and the cognitive method Among those methods, the forms of vocabulary learning include: Looking up dictionary, learning by topics, using flashcard, asking teacher directly, asking friends, communicating with the native people, using pictures, reading aloud to practice pronunciation, writing words many times is used frequently After the research results, it can be seen that the word guessing method and the cognitive method are the two most used methods by first-year English language students In the cognitive method, this method does not focus on applying skills but mainly on the repetition process (read a lot, write a lot) Basicaly this is merely a way for readers to find meaning and remember new words They absolutely not exploit and use them to practice language skills This way of learning has no depth and does not make progress for learners Most 31 students choose this method because it is quite familiar and simple In the word guessing method, most students will have to rely on guessing in the themes they have learnt and explored, as well as the cards they recall, if they not have documents in hand Because English is such a broad and rich language, we will have to guess a lot when conducting activities or employing terminology The majority of English learners are in the same scenario as the one described above It's worth noting that the form of communication that many people perceive to be effective is also utilized frequently This strategy not only aids learners in expanding their vocabulary, but it also aids them in expanding their social circles Furthermore, studying vocabulary in this manner helps students recall terms for longer periods of time However, some students are still timid about communicating, aren't secure in their speaking abilities, and are still nervous about asking professors questions and chatting to others foreign This demonstrates that not all successful methods are also the most popular Learners choose learning strategies based on their circumstances and surroundings, as evidenced by reality Reality proves that learners choose learning methods according to their conditions, environment and learning style, not based on the effectiveness of each method Most students consider learning English vocabulary quite difficult (as mentioned in section 3.4) but because of the importance of English is extremely important Therefore, each person will have different vocabulary learning methods and the results of the survey show that the level of use of learners with each method is different Limitation of the study Despite the researcher's best efforts to complete the study, there are some inevitable restrictions that cannot be avoided The study has some flaws due to time constraints, source limitations, and the researcher's lack of experience To begin, the researcher would frequently mix surveys with interviews or 32 observation in order to get a more diverse and persuasive set of data However, due to a shortage of time and a few mishaps when contacting and scheduling sessions with the desired classes, the survey is completed in a hurried manner, reducing its precision Second, because the time allotted to complete this research topic is limited, the study will be unable to cover all facets of the field and will instead concentrate on the most common ones Furthermore, the researcher was unable to cover all areas of The strategies presented in this study are drawn from a variety of credible but limited sources Despite the constraints outlined, I am hopeful that this study is useful for all of you I also hope that this exploratory study will contribute to a better understanding of how to learn English vocabulary and how to use it In short, the researcher expects that future study in the same field will take such restrictions into account in order to be more comprehensive and wellreceived All constructive feedback and additions to this study would be much appreciated Suggestions for futher study This topic has proved that learning methods play a very important role in vocabulary learning of English majors at VNUA in particular as well as English learners in general To choose the right learning method, learners need to base themselves on their learning goals, interests and ability However, in order for learners to choose the most effective learning methods, one factor to pay attention to is the advantages and disadvantages of each of the above methods of learning vocabulary One person may enjoy using word guessing and find it effective, but another may not That comes from the subjective judgments of each person Therefore, further studies in this field can focus on analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of each of the above-mentioned learning methods so that students can base their assessment and choose effective vocabulary learning methods for myself 33 Based on the vocabulary learning situation of the first-year English language students, I suggest the following ways to learn vocabulary: using English entertainment which is very popular with students, using it often and popular Currently, there are many entertainment media such as books, newspapers, movies Learners can use those media to serve their needs and learning such as: practice reading comprehension skills and their writing skills through reading newspapers, stories, magazines, books, literary works written in English Or practice your listening, speaking and pronunciation skills by listening to foreign music and learning to sing along to them or by watching foreign movies with English subtitles Besides, you can listen and watch English news on radio and on TV Thereby, learners will have a lot of information about different fields to expand their general knowledge and update the latest international information To promote the effectiveness of entertainment media in English, learners should combine more guessing and dictionary lookup Today's era is an era of explosive information technology and digital life, the Internet has become popular, expanded globally and is an essential and indispensable part of life A very good way to learn that you give is to learn English directly through the Internet Currently, there are many online English courses and English certificates online Many types of exercises as well as good and useful lessons and ways to learn are updated regularly and latest via the Internet and there are many English experts participating in the lectures of teach online Besides, learners can practice talking and interacting with foreigners through Chat with them to improve their communication ability and English level and many other benefits that the Internet brings Using crossword puzzles after school and doing word puzzles in your spare time is a great way to learn while playing This method is both effective and helps learners remember words quickly, while creating a happy atmosphere 34 and reducing stress for learners after class hours Learners first read the English part, trying to understand the plot, then read it again in Vietnamese to check the information they just read Learners find this way of learning effective because when they not know the meaning of a word, they can immediately find the meaning in the Vietnamese part Furthermore, in a story, there are words that are repeated many times; Thus, learners can consolidate the meaning of the word just looked up to remember the word longer Another way of learning mentioned by some of you is to organize group study sessions, participate in extracurricular sessions, and English contests, which are also a good way for learners to exchange, improve knowledge, show their talents ability as well as try yourself Thus, in addition to learners having to cultivate and supplement their vocabulary, they also gain more confidence, dynamism, and creativity that they have not discovered yet A smart way to learn is to call out the English names of objects around or the names of products advertised on TV This way of learning helps to remember for a long time because learners come into contact with those objects on a regular basis Above are some methods that the writer mentioned and suggested It is hoped that there will be more research studies done to suggest the students’ methods in learning English vocabulary 35 REFERENCES At home: Luong Thi Quynh Duy (2011), Nghien cuu Phuong phap hoc tu cung cua sinh vien chuyen nganh Cao dang Su Pham Tieng Anh K456 truong Cao dang Son La PhD Phung Van De (2012), Nghien cuu thuc trang va de xuat giai phap hoc tu vung tieng Anh cua sinh vien khong chuyen nganh Tieng Anh Truong Dai hoc Tra Vinh Abroad: A M Naci KAYAOĞLU, Raşide DAĞ AKBAŞ, Zeynep ÖZTÜRK (2011), A SmallScale Experimental Study: Using Animations to Learn Vocabulary in Turkey Cunningham, A E (2005) Vocabulary growth through independent reading and reading aloud to children In E H Hiebert and M L Kamil (Eds.), Teaching and learning vocabulary: Bringing research to practice Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum I S P Nation, 2001, Learning Vocabulary in Another Language, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press In E H Hiebert and M L Kamil (Eds.), Teaching and learning vocabulary: Bringing research to practice) Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Retrieved August 18, 2009, from PsycINFO database Kranze, G (1991) Learning Vocabulary in a Foreign Language: A Study of Reading Strategies The University of Goteborg Kamil, M., & Hiebert, E (2005) Teaching and learning vocabulary: Perspectives and persistent issues 36 M Lessard-Clouston (2013), Teaching Vocabulary Oxford, R (1990), Language Learning Strategies, Boston: Heinle and Heinle Publisher Pyles, T & Algeo, J (1979), English – An Introduction to Language, New York: Harcourt, Brace 10.Ridvan Kagan Agca, (2003), Foreign Language Vocabulary Learning with Mobile Technologies 11.Schmitt, N (1997), Vocabulary Learning Strategies, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 12.Stoffer, I (1995), University Foreign language student’s choice of vocabulary learning strategies as related to individual different variables, Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Alabama, Alabama 13 Saudi Arabia (2019), A Study on Vocabulary-Learning Problems Encountered by BA English Majors at the University Level of Education by Naeem Afzal - Department of English, College of Sciences & Humanities Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University Al-Kharj 37 APPENDIX A SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE ABOUT A STUDY ON THE METHODS OF LEARNING ENGLISH VOCABULARY OF FIRST-YEAR ENGLISH MAJORS AT VNUA 1.How long have you been studying English? A.1-3 years B.4-6 years C.7-9 years D.10-12 years E.More than 12 years 2.As the first-year English-majored students, you think that learning vocabulary is important in learning language? A Extremely important B.Quite important C.Neutral D.Important E.Unimportant 3.In your opinion, is it difficult to learn English vocabulary? A.Neutral B.Quite difficult C.Extremely difficult D.Easy 38 4.How often you use these methods to learn English vocabulary? Methods Always Often Sometimes Rarely Looking up dictionary Learning by topics Using flashcard Asking teacher directly Asking friends Communicating with the native people Using pictures Reading aloud to practice pronunciation Writing words many times 39

Ngày đăng: 06/07/2023, 21:23


