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Snapshot elementary workbook

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ice to meet you a II ! Vocabu lar ~ ~ Move on/Go for it ) ~_~ta-= y_c_oo_I S_ _ _) >Complete the introductions with places and >Use the clues to complete the crossword Clues Down, Across and Down make up a message nationalities Hi! I'm Gabriel I'm from Salamanca Across in Sp'~!~: I'm Sp '!.'.'.~~~: Sonatas, symphonies and concertos are exa mples of music (9) Where you go school? (2) Singular of ch il dren (5) 11 Come here, everybody ! (4) 12 Stella is Kat ie's (6) ]3 Oh, ! hate photos! (2) 14 This type of music comes from Jamaica (6) 16 Her name is Katie and '" name is Sam (3 ) 17 Rock 'n' music wa s popular in the ! 9505 (4) Down You say this when somebody visits your home or town (7) And I'm Joe I'm from Manchester I'm B •.• • My name's Stefan I'm f rom Cracow in P I'm P I'm Louise an d I live in London Hello I'm Sandra I'm from Milan, in the north of I I'm I 10 15 He teach es my sthool (2) Gi rl, boy; daughter, (3) A la rge city in th north -west of England (9) I've got a brother an d two , (7) Sa m is Kat ie's (7) Do you live in a house a nat? (2) Come on! Let's home! (2) Grammar Stay cool Present simple 3) Complete the conversation using the prompts Tom: Tom: So, 10 (you / do) drama all day at school? Where ~~ 9.~~.~~~~fr.~!?! (you / come from), Amy? Amy: I Tom: 1•••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1•••••••••••• •••••••••••• ••••••• •••• • Amy: No, w 11 We 12 (study) ordinary subjects like Maths and EngJi h, too (come from) London (you / live) in central London? Amy: Yes, 3•••••••••• • ••••••••••••••• (live) in a flat with my parents and my brother, Alex Tom: Where Amy: (go) to the ltalia Conti Stage School It's a drama school Tom: (Alex / go) there too? Amy: No, he He I ••••••••••••••••••••••••• (you / go) to school? Tom: And 13 (you / want) to be an actress? Amy: No, I 14 15 (want) to be a dancer Tom: Oh really? What 16 (your parents / think) about that? 6••••.•••••.•••••••• Amy: They 17 (thin k) it's a good idea But my dad 18 (not like) some of the music dance to! (go] to the local comprehensive school Name: Jorge "",,orales Present simple 4> Use the information about Jorge to complete his penfriend advertisement Age: 16 Address: Calle de Agua 44, 14640 Villa delRio, Cordoba, spa,~ .,' ' h a little English languages Span!s , " , • ' K but not heavy metal Favounte musIc roc, D' ~Z and Brad Pitt Favourite stars: Cameron I ' mm Favourite sport: football te lootbalt team: Real Madncl favour! ~~.~~.: ~.arina Morales Age: 15 ." I I • sixteen years old ami I ! from Cordoba in Spain I Spanish and a little English I• rock mUSIC, but I " Add·;ess~ c~ii;· d~ Agu·a·44 · · ··, 14640 Villa del R' ' ······'· . .'.~~ ~~~dOba, Spain ,~~~·~·~~~~.~: ~.e~nish, li~ii~~ Favourite m ~s'c: reggae and rap " ''' · · Favour,'fe f,', ·t· • ·,··· · ·· • ·· ····· ··· Favourite sp· o·rt: V O ·,·,·e Y· b·.a I·, e.~~~,,~~.~ ~.~!!~ Ormond m s ars: Ewan MeG, heavy metaL My favourite film stars Cameron Dial and Brad Pitt I football very much, and I for our local team 5> Use Jorge's penfriend advertisement and the notes above to write about Marina in your notebook Her name is Marina She's Go for it 6>- Complete the text with verbs in the present simple Oliver , My favourite band at the moment is Kula Shaker really J!~~ them , to all lheir concerts My sister, Susannah, works in a ticket agency, which is cool because she gels the tickets for me She doesn't like pop music very much, so she •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• When my parents to pop concerts J • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• me pocket money, I a CD single or an album Susannah and I are fans of Manchester United We to their malches and we also them on satellite TV , >Write questions for the answers .~~!~~ ~.I!.'!.~.~?~.~E~~~.r.~.'!Hv !.i.~~! Kula Shaker Yes, he does He goes to an of lhen­ In a tickel agency No, she doesn't, because she d o e~ n 't like pop music A CD single or an album Yes, they - on satellite TV What's wrong? 8> Circle the mistakes in these sentences using the key Then correct them Key p = punctuaLion sp = spelling w.O '" = word order there is a word missing = Do you like€~music? v He live in a flat near the town entre gr Where you are from? w.o p J sp I dont like techno Wel1come to Liverpool What sort music you like? gr = grammar v = vocabulary p ~.v.~~ ~~~.~.~~~~~!~'!.~.~~~.~? 9) Complete Liam's part of the conversation using the phrases • My name's Uam Liam: ~ Jenny: Really? Are you in a show? Liam: Jenny: Here in Liverpool? liam: • o I'm not I'm a dancer • I"m from Dublin • It' OK We get free tickets Here, Lake one • Yes, I'm in Riverdance • Yes, we're at the Empire Theatre for four weeks Jenny: Oh, that's great! • L+A-M Liam: Jenny: Hello Are you on holiday here? Liam: R Jenny: Yes, but Jenny: ThaL's very kind of you Thank you Liam: ~~.f~.!!.t?~' ~~~.~~~.~ Jenny: Yes, I am My name's Jenny What's your name? Liam: 1••••• •••••••••••••••••• •• •• ••••••••••••• ••• •••••••••••••••••• ••••• ••• •••• Jenny: Oh, LhaL's a nice name How you pell iL? Liam: Jenny: Is it Scottish? Liam: J Jenny: Where are you from in lreland? Liam: •••••.•• ••• •••.•••••• •• ••• ••••••••• •• ••• •.•••••••••••• ••••••••••••••.••• Jenny: Are you a student here in liverpool ? Go for it ) 10> Imagine you are a Teen Work volunteer, In your notebook, write a conversation between you and Mick Use the prompts to help you • First name • Surname • Nationality • Age • Telephone number • languages • Interests: sports / like? types of music / lisLen to? other things / do? Mick What's your first name? You: It's IU n mu~ l • play loud musIc - Vocabular « Stay cool ) The X Files is a famous American TV series starring FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully This is Agent Mulder's sitting room ~O >Write the names of the items in the room desk _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ more patterns and five colours and write them in your notebook ) >Write the names of these objects in a room You sleep on it 2> Circle four bed You put your clothes in it You put up notes an d messages here N Use the phrases to write rules for students and teachers (Some rules can go in both lists.) be fate for cCass be ~Hte s#ctear~ 4- hetp $tudent~ whe.n tfte.y ask shout' at' studel1.u eat- in class ;; make les50ns int'erestin8 plan Cessons miss lessons 10 homework on time if brin8 knives t:c school 12 cop~ other students~ work 13 smoke or chew Bum i.n class 14 write dearly on the blackboard 15 run or shout in the corridors ~ ) Move on there is/there are with some and any 8>Complete the conversation with th ere is or there are and circle some or any as appropriate Friend: Hi! It's me You: Hi! Where are you? Friend: I'm at a you th hostel in London You: Rea lly? What's your room like? Friend: It's a bit basic, but it's OK And the other peopl e are really nice !!!.~~~ ~~~ @ You: any Spanish students h reo , some/any other English people at the hostel? Friend: No, But that's OK can practise my Spanish You: What ab out sports? some/any sports facilities? Friend: No, some/any sports facil ities at the hostel, but Students' rules some/any tennis courts in th e pa rk, and next to them You mustn't be late for class You must be polite a big area where you can play footba 11 You: a swimming pool in the park? Friend: No, a water garden, but it isn't much good for swimmi ng in! Look, must go It's my t11m to cook dinner! Teachers' rules You mustn't be late for class You must speak clearly © 10 Go f or it ) there is/there are with prepositions of place and som e/an y > In your notebook, write a paragraph abo ut your sitting room at home There's a blue sofa under the window and there are two blue-and-white striped armchairs opposite the sofa There are some chairs next to a small table 10 Communicati on ~ 10/ What are the landlady's replies? Write the correct letters in this conversation Go for it ) > 11 Use the prompts to write a conversation in your notebook You: Landlady: Can I have a front door key? Yes, here you are Yes, if you want to Ten o'clock is fin e a) Y • but yo u mustn't use all the hot wate r b) Well, you can if you like, bu t you mu t pay for your room ton ight c) I'm afraid you can't You must com to breakfast ~ \lo, you can't You mustn't use the washbasin for washing clothes e) Yes, but you mustn't make long phone calls t) I'm afraid you can't You must be in by 11 o'clock Student: Can I wash clothes in my room? landlady: .~ Student: Can I have a shower? Landlady: ' Oh , yes You can play it in the sitting ro om too, if yo u like Yes, of course You can ma ke me one, too, if you like! Certainly They muSl be out of yo ur roo m by 12 o'clock, but before that it is fine Identifying grammatical groups Most dictionaries show which gram matical group a word belo ngs pu t v verb noun chair n blue adj adjective slowl y adv adverb we a into pron art prep to pronoun article preposition Student: Can I use the telephone? Landlady: 12 > Which grammatical groups these words Student: don't want breakfast Can I just make a coffee in my room? belong to? landlady: J Student: I want to go to a dbco this evening Can I have a key? landlady: Student: Can I move to another hotel? bedroom give n striped come the an J in lamp they qui etly Landlady: s • 11 And the winners are •• • 'And now we come to the highlight of the evening: the under-ISs lodern Dance competition There are ten teams from the north-wesl of England in tonighL' competition - but there's only on prize! So sit back in your chairs and enjoy the dancing Please welcome Team umber One , the home learn [rom Blackpool, Total EclipseI' Total Eclipse start their routi ne on Lhe dance floor The music is last and they dance well Offstage, Beth Robertson talks to her friend Debbi McCarthy Their team, Body Worl Use the prompts to write questions Then answer them Which I be : rock star / film star? ~~~£~ ~~.~~~.p.~.~.~~~.~! ~~:.~ ~'?~~.~~~.~!': ~ .!!.~'!! ~~!':! I'd rather be a Which I be: artist / en gineer? >Use the prompts to write questions with would like to and answers with 'd prefer to you I go to an art exhib ition? ~'?~.~~.V'?~ ~~~~ ~~ !I.~ ~~ ~.~ ~.'!.~l!.~!.~~~~~.? Wh at / do: play golf / learn to paraglide? go shopping ~:~.p.~if.~~.!~ !)~!.~~p.p.!.'!:9.: they I see a musical? Who / meet: Brad Pi tt / Prince Charles? go to the circus you I meet at the disco? What / see : a ghost / a wh ale? meet at Alice's house she I go sail ing on Saturday? What I read : old love letters / a book about cars? go on Sunday How / travel: in a balloon / by plane? they I have a picnic in the park? have a barbecue on the beach Where / live : in a skyscra per in New York / in a little house in the country? you / go out for a meal? stay in toni ght 13 • Imperatives with never and always • would like, would prefer, would rather: questions and answers > Complete the conversation with the correct form of would like to, would prefer to or would rather 4> Complete the health club rules using never or a/ways and the verbs below • eat • leave • leave • lock • pu t • stop • wear • wear • take Complete the first part of the sentences with much many or a lot of Then match the sentence halves and write complete sentences There weren't very ~.~~,I! people How time you spend 0 0 D How times a week D I don't know very songs by D D How room is th ere in I always have ho mework How people were hurt Yo u made noise outside He didn't have very to say a) abo ut his holiday b) at the gym? Where did (they) find the diamond? c) in the car accident? ~~~r.~.~~~ ~~.~ ~~~.~!!.':!~ff!.L!:~.~? d) you play tennis? Did (somebody) see us? e) Georg e Michael f) at th e pa rty ) g) my room last night When did (they) build Stone henge? h) the fridge? i) to at wee kends Did (they) invite you to the party? !.~~~~.~~~~~.'.~.~~~ "!:!~.,:!.y p.~~p.~~.~.~.~~~.p.~r.w Where did (t hey) buy the car? How did (he) break the television Did (he) hurt anybody? Why did (th ey) tel l her? When did (somebody) steal your money? What did (they) leave in the suitcase? 142 ­ • • much, many, a lot of 5:" h WIt Complete the letter h many or a lot of mue, Beedzcrojt "[)over Ked 12 May TJeo r Ilfla, (llUl CJ)s the photos 't !~ !I(JU ) (1fILf there are! 't aot (M/ljf CD!! here SO kr v' I hcwen- ,., orxi mtJ$/C $'"'(' haM!J 1- get /;heIn t(fW1l I umf> reoJl;:I to k/lC1W' aJ.,md ~ : _/, # LI(JU f IIW'Iled bull uwu

Ngày đăng: 05/07/2023, 17:57